Three quick examples of Trump's hypocrisy

Because of course they were so nice to white liberals like Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Reid and Pelosi. Given your limp mental acuity, you look at skin color because your racism isn't tacit. It's because he's the black guy. Thinking blacks are your pets is just as racist and it still goes with the presumption of inferiority because they need your protection. Maybe you should worry about your overt racism before worrying about anyone else's "tacit" racism

So, Kaz.......liberate your inner feelings......Would you agree with most of your ilk that Obama is "the worst president, EVER"???

FDR was the worst ever. You're a racist ho. Woodrow Wilson was number 2. Obama is in the top 10 because of Obamacare, it makes every citizen a dependent of government. But no, he's not #1. W's right there with him for getting us so deep in the Middle East quagmire the British and French were smart enough to start removing themselves from over half a Century ago.

You're obsessed with the black guy. That you think his pecker tastes like chocolate is still racism

Do you Think there might be any Hypocrisy oozing out of Hellary.? You're throwing rocks from a glass house.


Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career
Source: NBC

May 24 2016, 6:17 pm ET
Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

by Alexandra Jaffe

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton spent Tuesday exchanging barbs over Trump's business career, perhaps their most direct clash yet and a certain sign of things to come as the two turn towards an already fierce general election fight.

The Clinton campaign launched a broadside against Trump focused on his comments throughout the early 2000s talking about his plans to profit from the housing market crash, seeking to frame them as evidence of a "pattern of Trump seeking to cash in at the expense of families," as one Clinton aide put it.


Democrats hope to raise questions about Trump's business practices and intentions in order to undercut any advantage he may have among Americans on that issue.

On Monday night Clinton declared at a convention of union-members that Trump "could bankrupt America like he's bankrupted his companies." .......................

Read more: Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

In Albuquerque last night, as Trump staged a rally mired in clashes and jeers, the sate's own Republican and female governor refused to attend claiming that she was "too busy".........In the long run, Trump handlers should have known that you don't go to NEW Mexico and expect accolades after Trump has moronically accused most Mexicans of rape and murder.
---------------------- fluck those Mexicans Nat , this is America , not mexico . As comment , really nice seeing the 'fifth column' that dems and rinos have been importing these last 40 to 50 years ehh . This is good news for young American children ehh ?? rinos and dems have imported future young Americans enemies that will be in their school rooms Nat .
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Because that is what Trump will get in this election, and what all the other REpublicans you portrayed as Racist got.

NEVER portrayed ALL republicans as racists.......don't place yourself as representative of all republicans.

My contention was and is that when some within your ilk label Obama the "worst president ever"....the lack of objectivity can only be attributed to tacit racism.

You personally might not have, but you as a representative/member of the vile Race Card playing Left certainly has.

And the damage done is as I describe.

Even if you are correct, that labeling Obama as "the worst president ever" is a result of lack of objectivity, your assumption that the only possible reason is tacit racism is self serving bullshit.

Objectivity is virtually UNHEARD of on either side.

For you to assume that only possible reason for conservatives to be unobjective about Obama is race, is,

ironically extremely UN OBJECTIVE OF YOU.

And we mustn't forget,


Here. Bonus Meme for you .


Do you Think there might be any Hypocrisy oozing out of Hellary.? You're throwing rocks from a glass house.


Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career
Source: NBC

May 24 2016, 6:17 pm ET
Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

by Alexandra Jaffe

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton spent Tuesday exchanging barbs over Trump's business career, perhaps their most direct clash yet and a certain sign of things to come as the two turn towards an already fierce general election fight.

The Clinton campaign launched a broadside against Trump focused on his comments throughout the early 2000s talking about his plans to profit from the housing market crash, seeking to frame them as evidence of a "pattern of Trump seeking to cash in at the expense of families," as one Clinton aide put it.


Democrats hope to raise questions about Trump's business practices and intentions in order to undercut any advantage he may have among Americans on that issue.

On Monday night Clinton declared at a convention of union-members that Trump "could bankrupt America like he's bankrupted his companies." .......................

Read more: Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

In Albuquerque last night, as Trump staged a rally mired in clashes and jeers, the sate's own Republican and female governor refused to attend claiming that she was "too busy".........In the long run, Trump handlers should have known that you don't go to NEW Mexico and expect accolades after Trump has moronically accused most Mexicans of rape and murder.

Interesting. YOu feel you need to lie about what Trump said in order to make your point.

If you know that you are wrong, why don't you change your position?

Do you Think there might be any Hypocrisy oozing out of Hellary.? You're throwing rocks from a glass house.


Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career
Source: NBC

May 24 2016, 6:17 pm ET
Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

by Alexandra Jaffe

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton spent Tuesday exchanging barbs over Trump's business career, perhaps their most direct clash yet and a certain sign of things to come as the two turn towards an already fierce general election fight.

The Clinton campaign launched a broadside against Trump focused on his comments throughout the early 2000s talking about his plans to profit from the housing market crash, seeking to frame them as evidence of a "pattern of Trump seeking to cash in at the expense of families," as one Clinton aide put it.


Democrats hope to raise questions about Trump's business practices and intentions in order to undercut any advantage he may have among Americans on that issue.

On Monday night Clinton declared at a convention of union-members that Trump "could bankrupt America like he's bankrupted his companies." .......................

Read more: Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

In Albuquerque last night, as Trump staged a rally mired in clashes and jeers, the sate's own Republican and female governor refused to attend claiming that she was "too busy".........In the long run, Trump handlers should have known that you don't go to NEW Mexico and expect accolades after Trump has moronically accused most Mexicans of rape and murder.

BTW....Did I forget to mention that NM's republican, female governor is ALSO chair of the GOP governors????

Trump is exceptional in pissing off all sorts of categories.

It's not secret that Trump is an outsider, and that the current Party Leadership fought against him tooth and nail.

YOu guys run your insider, we'll run our outsider, and May the Best Man win.
Interesting. YOu feel you need to lie about what Trump said in order to make your point.

There is ZERO need to lie about what Trump states.....Videotapes are a bitch for that clown.
thing is that most all tapes , videos , words and comments by the Trump are all applauded by Trump supporters so it only helps Trump when his records are posted over and over Nat .
Trumps Taxes are no ones business but Trumps and the 'irs' .--------- guns at his rallies , the rules are probably made by the organization that owns , controls the property that the event is held at . Guns at Trump golf course and hotels . I think that you can carry concealed , maybe unconcealed at Trump properties . Course , its his Private property so he can do as he likes with gun policy I suppose . AND , Bankruptcy is a LEGAL part of the big business life and a way of doing LEGAL things Nat .

Yet 30 year old college records are?
Interesting. YOu feel you need to lie about what Trump said in order to make your point.

There is ZERO need to lie about what Trump states.....Videotapes are a bitch for that clown.

Ain't dat da truf

Hillary Clinton Under 'Sniper Fire' In Bosnia

The typical response from a right wing dingbat...."But, but, your guy/gal lies also...." .....Inane waste of time......

Interesting. YOu feel you need to lie about what Trump said in order to make your point.

There is ZERO need to lie about what Trump states.....Videotapes are a bitch for that clown.

Proven false by the fact you lied about what he said.

If you feel a need to lie, doesn't that mean that deep down, you know you are full of crap?
Interesting. YOu feel you need to lie about what Trump said in order to make your point.

There is ZERO need to lie about what Trump states.....Videotapes are a bitch for that clown.

Ain't dat da truf

Hillary Clinton Under 'Sniper Fire' In Bosnia

The typical response from a right wing dingbat...."But, but, your guy/gal lies also...." .....Inane waste of time......

I note that you have NOT posted a link supporting your lie.

Despite talking about how strong the video evidence supposedly was.
Interesting. YOu feel you need to lie about what Trump said in order to make your point.

There is ZERO need to lie about what Trump states.....Videotapes are a bitch for that clown.

Ain't dat da truf

Hillary Clinton Under 'Sniper Fire' In Bosnia

The typical response from a right wing dingbat...."But, but, your guy/gal lies also...." .....Inane waste of time......


What I find really stupid is someone like sassy disregarding all the AH GWB did to bring America down and our recovery under a dem black president

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