Three quick examples of Trump's hypocrisy

Let me first say that I truly "like" Trump.....He will be able to maim/severely injure the GOP much more effectively than ANY democrat could ever do...That said, reconcile these 3 Trump stances:

1. "I want Obama' birth certificate, his college transcripts, Hillary's speeches to WS.......BUT, I will not release my tax returns"............

2. "I'm all for the policy of having guns in schools.................BUT, I will not allow guns at my rallies or at my resorts."

3. "I happen to be the greatest businessman that ever walked the planet and attended the best business school in this me on this.......BUT, yes, I have had to declare bankruptcy 4 times to avoid my creditors."
Just three – Trump is an incessant liar:

Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact
Ask yourself if you really feel, deep down that I, Correll, am going to be any nicer to a potential President Hillary, than I have to Obama because of her white skin.

True, a lot of racists are also misogynists. :ahole-1:

You're just full of excuses aren't you.

You know nothing about me, but feel comfortable insulting me with extreme insults.

And not just me, but approximately half the country.

Because that is what Trump will get in this election, and what all the other REpublicans you portrayed as Racist got.

The flip side of the damage is that the minorities you convince of this bullshit, when they see candidates they have been convinced are "racist" getting half the vote, they drawn the logical conclusion that half the country is racist.

And thus they are divided from that half, to see them as the enemy and to constantly be on the look out, seeing thanks to confirmation bias, racism everywhere.

Turmp's tax returns would probably show that he has exaggerated his wealth.

Big Fucking Deal.

For you, asshole

not anything wrong with an American having an America First attitude or wanting to make a fallen America GREAT again Nat .

In other words, CURRENTLY America is not great........Was it great under Reagan? Was it great under Clinton? Was it great under GWB? ....or did it stop being great when a mulatto president stepped into the oval office?


And you can ADD delusion to the racism and misogyny.......LOL

So why are you still dancing instead of addressing the specific points I made?

here Kaz.......these are the "points" you made earlier:

You don't know the difference between a qualification to be President and a witch hunt, you don't know the difference between public and private property and you don't know how to use quote marks.

Now what exactly do you want me to address in these erudite "specific points" you made that have you all worked up????

Let's see, the first one about not knowing the difference between the Trump "wisdom" and a "witch hunt"????? Did I lie about what Trump asserted and flip-flopped on?

I know you're here for some abuse, but I don;t like to cater to masochists.....I know I don't enjoy it, but I know that you seem to crave abuse.

Calm down, calm down, it's just a message board. Don't get so upset. It's OK. Go play in the yard for a while and when you can breathe again come back and we can discuss some more
U sad, Correll? He won 75% of the vote yesterday in a state where he was the only candidate campaigning.
Because that is what Trump will get in this election, and what all the other REpublicans you portrayed as Racist got.

NEVER portrayed ALL republicans as racists.......don't place yourself as representative of all republicans.

My contention was and is that when some within your ilk label Obama the "worst president ever"....the lack of objectivity can only be attributed to tacit racism.
Because that is what Trump will get in this election, and what all the other REpublicans you portrayed as Racist got.

NEVER portrayed ALL republicans as racists.......don't place yourself as representative of all republicans.

My contention was and is that when some within your ilk label Obama the "worst president ever"....the lack of objectivity can only be attributed to tacit racism.

Because of course they were so nice to white liberals like Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Reid and Pelosi. Given your limp mental acuity, you look at skin color because your racism isn't tacit. It's because he's the black guy. Thinking blacks are your pets is just as racist and it still goes with the presumption of inferiority because they need your protection. Maybe you should worry about your overt racism before worrying about anyone else's "tacit" racism

Do you Think there might be any Hypocrisy oozing out of Hellary.? You're throwing rocks from a glass house.


Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career
Source: NBC

May 24 2016, 6:17 pm ET
Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

by Alexandra Jaffe

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton spent Tuesday exchanging barbs over Trump's business career, perhaps their most direct clash yet and a certain sign of things to come as the two turn towards an already fierce general election fight.

The Clinton campaign launched a broadside against Trump focused on his comments throughout the early 2000s talking about his plans to profit from the housing market crash, seeking to frame them as evidence of a "pattern of Trump seeking to cash in at the expense of families," as one Clinton aide put it.


Democrats hope to raise questions about Trump's business practices and intentions in order to undercut any advantage he may have among Americans on that issue.

On Monday night Clinton declared at a convention of union-members that Trump "could bankrupt America like he's bankrupted his companies." .......................

Read more: Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career
Three quick examples of Trump's hypocrisy

Ahahaha that's all you got? :laugh:

Trump 2008

“Look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense,” Trump said back in 2008. “And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.”

Donald Trump and Bill Clinton: Behind the ‘Bromance’

Do you Think there might be any Hypocrisy oozing out of Hellary.? You're throwing rocks from a glass house.


Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career
Source: NBC

May 24 2016, 6:17 pm ET
Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

by Alexandra Jaffe

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton spent Tuesday exchanging barbs over Trump's business career, perhaps their most direct clash yet and a certain sign of things to come as the two turn towards an already fierce general election fight.

The Clinton campaign launched a broadside against Trump focused on his comments throughout the early 2000s talking about his plans to profit from the housing market crash, seeking to frame them as evidence of a "pattern of Trump seeking to cash in at the expense of families," as one Clinton aide put it.


Democrats hope to raise questions about Trump's business practices and intentions in order to undercut any advantage he may have among Americans on that issue.

On Monday night Clinton declared at a convention of union-members that Trump "could bankrupt America like he's bankrupted his companies." .......................

Read more: Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

In Albuquerque last night, as Trump staged a rally mired in clashes and jeers, the sate's own Republican and female governor refused to attend claiming that she was "too busy".........In the long run, Trump handlers should have known that you don't go to NEW Mexico and expect accolades after Trump has moronically accused most Mexicans of rape and murder.
Because of course they were so nice to white liberals like Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Reid and Pelosi. Given your limp mental acuity, you look at skin color because your racism isn't tacit. It's because he's the black guy. Thinking blacks are your pets is just as racist and it still goes with the presumption of inferiority because they need your protection. Maybe you should worry about your overt racism before worrying about anyone else's "tacit" racism

So, Kaz.......liberate your inner feelings......Would you agree with most of your ilk that Obama is "the worst president, EVER"???
Warren: Trump was ‘drooling’ over housing crash
Source: The Hill
Warren: Trump was 'drooling' over housing crash


May 24, 2016, 08:44 pm
Warren: Trump was ‘drooling’ over housing crash

By Mark Hensch

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Tuesday said Donald Trump eagerly sought profits from the 2008 housing market crash.

“Donald Trump was drooling over the idea of a housing meltdown – because it meant he could buy up a bunch more property on the cheap,” she said, according to The Washington Post.

“What kind of a man does that?” Warren asked at the Center for Popular Democracy's annual gala in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday night. "Root for people to get thrown out on the street? Root for people to lose their jobs? Root for people to lose their pensions?”

Warren also criticized Trump’s position on Dodd-Frank financial regulations, adding that the billionaire does not understand their importance.

“Donald Trump is worried about helping poor little Wall Street?” she asked. "Let me find the world’s smallest violin to play a sad, sad song.

“Can Donald Trump even name three things that Dodd-Frank does?” Warren asked of the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee. "Seriously, someone should ask him.”
Do you Think there might be any Hypocrisy oozing out of Hellary.? You're throwing rocks from a glass house.

Well, you may find it surprising that I do NOT like Hillary and I think she panders and lies quite a bit......The DIFFERENCE between you and I is that I understand Hillary's weaknesses....Trump supporters are too dumb to realize the con job that IS Trump i.....are you one of those???

Nope, it is quite clear to me that both the pant suit dyke and the orange clown are lying POSs. The difference is Trump is a bit more conservative, or so he claims, and Hellary has never accomplished anything worthwhile that didn't involve her association with her husband. She is beyond a doubt, the most despicable creature on earth.
, the most despicable creature on earth.

“Donald Trump was drooling over the idea of a housing meltdown – because it meant he could buy up a bunch more property on the cheap,” she said, according to The Washington Post.
Warren: Trump was 'drooling' over housing crash

“What kind of a man does that?” Warren asked at the Center for Popular Democracy's annual gala in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday night. "Root for people to get thrown out on the street? Root for people to lose their jobs? Root for people to lose their pensions?”
Last edited:

Do you Think there might be any Hypocrisy oozing out of Hellary.? You're throwing rocks from a glass house.


Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career
Source: NBC

May 24 2016, 6:17 pm ET
Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

by Alexandra Jaffe

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton spent Tuesday exchanging barbs over Trump's business career, perhaps their most direct clash yet and a certain sign of things to come as the two turn towards an already fierce general election fight.

The Clinton campaign launched a broadside against Trump focused on his comments throughout the early 2000s talking about his plans to profit from the housing market crash, seeking to frame them as evidence of a "pattern of Trump seeking to cash in at the expense of families," as one Clinton aide put it.


Democrats hope to raise questions about Trump's business practices and intentions in order to undercut any advantage he may have among Americans on that issue.

On Monday night Clinton declared at a convention of union-members that Trump "could bankrupt America like he's bankrupted his companies." .......................

Read more: Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

In Albuquerque last night, as Trump staged a rally mired in clashes and jeers, the sate's own Republican and female governor refused to attend claiming that she was "too busy".........In the long run, Trump handlers should have known that you don't go to NEW Mexico and expect accolades after Trump has moronically accused most Mexicans of rape and murder.

BTW....Did I forget to mention that NM's republican, female governor is ALSO chair of the GOP governors????

Trump is exceptional in pissing off all sorts of categories.

Do you Think there might be any Hypocrisy oozing out of Hellary.? You're throwing rocks from a glass house.


Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career
Source: NBC

May 24 2016, 6:17 pm ET
Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

by Alexandra Jaffe

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton spent Tuesday exchanging barbs over Trump's business career, perhaps their most direct clash yet and a certain sign of things to come as the two turn towards an already fierce general election fight.

The Clinton campaign launched a broadside against Trump focused on his comments throughout the early 2000s talking about his plans to profit from the housing market crash, seeking to frame them as evidence of a "pattern of Trump seeking to cash in at the expense of families," as one Clinton aide put it.


Democrats hope to raise questions about Trump's business practices and intentions in order to undercut any advantage he may have among Americans on that issue.

On Monday night Clinton declared at a convention of union-members that Trump "could bankrupt America like he's bankrupted his companies." .......................

Read more: Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump's Business Career

In Albuquerque last night, as Trump staged a rally mired in clashes and jeers, the sate's own Republican and female governor refused to attend claiming that she was "too busy".........In the long run, Trump handlers should have known that you don't go to NEW Mexico and expect accolades after Trump has moronically accused most Mexicans of rape and murder.

Wow Nat, you're so in touch. You should be a political consultant, very impressive.
BTW....Did I forget to mention that NM's republican, female governor is ALSO chair of the GOP governors????

Trump is exceptional in pissing off all sorts of categories.

She might have been one of his best VP, female, Hispanic with Government experience ...He is a Bull in a China shop

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