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Three Things Gun Grabbers run from:


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
DOJ Self Defense statistics

The Racist Roots of Gun Control.

Federalist 28 + Founding Father quotes.


Ever got really fed up with the endless spin and bullshit that the gun grabbers throw at you? Here are three things you can show them and they can't even refute them, they just ignore them and continue spinning other subjects and details about gun control.

Department of Justice Statistics:
You are far more likely to survive
a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun.

Resisting with a gun 6%
Did nothing at all 25%
Resisted with a knife 40%
Non-violent resistance 45%

U.S. Department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Rape Victimization in 26 American Cities, 1979 60
Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey 61
U.S. Department of Justice 62
U.S. Department of Justice 63
British Home Office – no a pro-gun organization by any mean

From these same studies.

Of the 2,500,000 annual self-defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% are by women
defending themselves against sexual abuse.
When a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of the attempted rapes are
successful, compared to 32% when unarmed.

The probability of serious injury from an attack is 2.5 times greater for women offering no
resistance than for women resisting with a gun. Men also benefit from using a gun, but the
benefits are smaller: offering no resistance is 1.4 times more likely to result in serious injury than
resisting with a gun.

27% of women keep a gun in the house.

37.6 million women either own or have rapid access to guns.

In 1966 the city of Orlando responded to a wave of sexual assaults by offering firearms
training classes to women. The number of rapes dropped by nearly 90%.


Racism and Democide and Gun Control:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA4mJW-kjSc]NO GUNS FOR NEGROES 1of2 THE RACIST ROOTS OF GUN CONTROL - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwueChZUgf8]NO GUNS FOR NEGROES 2of2 THE RACIST ROOTS OF GUN CONTROL - YouTube[/ame]
The Secret History of Guns - Adam Winkler - The Atlantic
Democide: Number 1 VIOLENT killer in the past couple of centuries
Democide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Federalist 28:
If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair. The usurpers, clothed with the forms of legal authority, can too often crush the opposition in embryo. The smaller the extent of the territory, the more difficult will it be for the people to form a regular or systematic plan of opposition, and the more easy will it be to defeat their early efforts. Intelligence can be more speedily obtained of their preparations and movements, and the military force in the possession of the usurpers can be more rapidly directed against the part where the opposition has begun. In this situation there must be a peculiar coincidence of circumstances to insure success to the popular resistance.

The obstacles to usurpation and the facilities of resistance increase with the increased extent of the state, provided the citizens understand their rights and are disposed to defend them. The natural strength of the people in a large community, in proportion to the artificial strength of the government, is greater than in a small, and of course more competent to a struggle with the attempts of the government to establish a tyranny. But in a confederacy the people, without exaggeration, may be said to be entirely the masters of their own fate. Power being almost always the rival of power, the general government will at all times stand ready to check the usurpations of the state governments, and these will have the same disposition towards the general government. The people, by throwing themselves into either scale, will infallibly make it preponderate. If their rights are invaded by either, they can make use of the other as the instrument of redress. How wise will it be in them by cherishing the union to preserve to themselves an advantage which can never be too highly prized!

It may safely be received as an axiom in our political system, that the State governments will, in all possible contingencies, afford complete security against invasions of the public liberty by the national authority. Projects of usurpation cannot be masked under pretenses so likely to escape the penetration of select bodies of men, as of the people at large. The legislatures will have better means of information. They can discover the danger at a distance; and possessing all the organs of civil power, and the confidence of the people, they can at once adopt a regular plan of opposition, in which they can combine all the resources of the community. They can readily communicate with each other in the different States, and unite their common forces for the protection of their common liberty.

Founding Father quotes
GunCite: Second Amendment-Quotes from the Framers and their contemporaries

Read my sig, it's part of a project we're working on here on Long Island (our own quote).

A Message to the Authoritarian Republic/Democrat One-Party System: If you want our weapons, come and get them.

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You've posted this same bullshit at least 5 different times by now, give it up troll.
I find it hard to take anybody seriously who uses the term gun grabbers. There are gun control advocates, but only a very small minority of liberals want to take your guns away.

Ever got really fed up with the endless spin and bullshit that the gun grabbers throw at you? Here are three things you can show them and they can't even refute them, they just ignore them and continue spinning other subjects and details about gun control.

Aaron, so you admit that you cannot refute what has been posted?

Black_Label, so you admit that you cannot refute what has been posted?
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Aaron, so you admit that you cannot refute what has been posted?

Black_Label, so you admit that you cannot refute what has been posted?

I am not a gun control advocate, let alone what you call a "gun grabber". And maybe everyone else is tired of arguing against the false premise that people in black helicopters are coming to take your in the middle of the night.
Aaron, so you admit that you cannot refute what has been posted?

Black_Label, so you admit that you cannot refute what has been posted?

I am not a gun control advocate, let alone what you call a "gun grabber". And maybe everyone else is tired of arguing against the false premise that people in black helicopters are coming to take your in the middle of the night.

So then, you admit you can't argue what's been written here?

Why would I argue against something I have already said I don't disagree with? What I disagree with is the premise that the government is coming to take your guns in the first place. You are arguing against an imaginary boogeyman, and claiming victory.
Why would I argue against something I have already said I don't disagree with? What I disagree with is the premise that the government is coming to take your guns in the first place. You are arguing against an imaginary boogeyman, and claiming victory.

No where is it stated in the OP that the government is coming for your guns; even if I personally believe that, that is not the discussion.

Stop trying to divert attention and face the facts presented in the OP. The very fact that you haven't refuted a single one of these facts means you must have conceded defeat.

You're doing EXACTLY what this thread is intended to do, force you to spin and twist ANYTHING EXCEPT the actual information presented in the OP.

You mad you walked right into my trap?


The only thing presented in the OP are clear, well documented, historical facts. No spin. I can't prove the government is coming for all of our guns, so its not in the OP, that's for another thread. This thread is rooted in documented reality.
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Why would I argue against something I have already said I don't disagree with? What I disagree with is the premise that the government is coming to take your guns in the first place. You are arguing against an imaginary boogeyman, and claiming victory.

No where is it stated in the OP that the government is coming for your guns; even if I personally believe that, that is not the discussion.

Stop trying to divert attention and face the facts presented in the OP. The very fact that you haven't refuted a single one of these facts means you must have conceded defeat.

You're doing EXACTLY what this thread is intended to do, force you to spin and twist ANYTHING EXCEPT the actual information presented in the OP.

You mad you walked right into my trap?


The only thing presented in the OP are clear, well documented, historical facts. No spin.

You never claimed anyone is coming for your guns? Your thread title "Three Things GUN GRABBERS run from". What did you mean by gun grabber? And again you are asking me to refute an article I don't disagree with in the first place. It reminds me of those guys who will try to race you at a red light, and claim victory because they "won" a race they were the only person participating in.
You never claimed anyone is coming for your guns? Your thread title "Three Things GUN GRABBERS run from". What did you mean by gun grabber? And again you are asking me to refute an article I don't disagree with in the first place. It reminds me of those guys who will try to race you at a red light, and claim victory because they "won" a race they were the only person participating in.

I'll play you're game for a moment. Are you claiming that there are no high ranking Democrats that haven't expressed a desire to disarm Americans of MILITARY GRADE weapons?

Let me tell you something, handguns are too INFERIOR for use against a despotic/tryannical government. Even with modern small arms, you still are confronted by

1) Missiles
2) Helicopters
3) Tanks
4) Modern naval bombardment
5) Stealth Bombers
6) All other types of military aircraft
7) Spy satellites
8) Superior cyber tech
List goes on forever.

The most you could do (but not with handguns), is cause massive economical damage through insurgency and force the government to collapse with the economy. And it will take a LONG TIME (5+ years) and Patriots will be killed in a 100:1 ratio. The sympathy of the general (uninvolved) public will ultimately determine if the Patriots have the morale and courage to take those devastating losses. But case and point, you wont' get anywhere with ONLY handguns and weak ammunition.

This is why we call the Gun Grabbers. Because they are after the GUNS THAT MATTER: MILITARY/NEAR-MILITARY Grade small arms.
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The few high ranking Democrats trying to take your "military grade" weapons are fighting a losing battle. There hasn't been any significant push for gun control supported by a majority of either side. Most gun control advocates have argued on the capacity of magazines you can purchase, which is a far cry from taking your guns away.
There WAS a significant push. But the backlash by people like myself forced most of them back into the shadows.

However, be rest assured, when the next mass shooting happens in another Gun Free Zone they'll all be back again, with five times more media coverage.

Cuomo: ?Confiscation Could Be An Option? - By Eliana Johnson - The Corner - National Review Online


However, I'm not playing the diversion game anymore.

I'm glad you agree with the facts in the OP.


Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that this thread will end up in the Rubber Room.
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You never claimed anyone is coming for your guns? Your thread title "Three Things GUN GRABBERS run from". What did you mean by gun grabber? And again you are asking me to refute an article I don't disagree with in the first place. It reminds me of those guys who will try to race you at a red light, and claim victory because they "won" a race they were the only person participating in.

I'll play you're game for a moment. Are you claiming that there are no high ranking Democrats that haven't expressed a desire to disarm Americans of MILITARY GRADE weapons?

Let me tell you something, handguns are too INFERIOR for use against a despotic/tryannical government. Even with modern small arms, you still are confronted by

1) Missiles
2) Helicopters
3) Tanks
4) Modern naval bombardment
5) Stealth Bombers
6) All other types of military aircraft
7) Spy satellites
8) Superior cyber tech
List goes on forever.

The most you could do (but not with handguns), is cause massive economical damage through insurgency and force the government to collapse with the economy. And it will take a LONG TIME (5+ years) and Patriots will be killed in a 100:1 ratio. The sympathy of the general (uninvolved) public will ultimately determine if the Patriots have the morale and courage to take those devastating losses. But case and point, you wont' get anywhere with ONLY handguns and weak ammunition.

This is why we call the Gun Grabbers. Because they are after the GUNS THAT MATTER: MILITARY/NEAR-MILITARY Grade small arms.

Old Harry S. Truman had people like you nailed "men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination."

You have every right to your beliefs. but be aware of who and what groups you have aligned with. You sound like a Timothy McVeigh and Adam Lanza's mother...conspiracy nuts and doomsday preppers
You have every right to your beliefs. but be aware of who and what groups you have aligned with. You sound like a Timothy McVeigh and Adam Lanza's mother...conspiracy nuts and doomsday preppers

That's great, now can you refute the documented history presented in the OP?

See how quick people try to paint dissenters as terrorists? What do you think the true purpose of NDAA is, and the modern forms of General Search Warrants? If anything, you give the conspiracy nuts more credence by simply associating me with them, you prove their point.


Here's a full list of all my crazy and terrorist ideas:

These people even admit to me that I'm right, but also admit they don't give a shit since the government is changing their diaper.

Why don't we invest in infrastructure? Modernize to high speed rail?

Why don't we remove the Middleman in the Healthcare practice (Insurance, Malpractice Insurance, Defensive Medicine), and amend National Health Care (in a way that prevents the slippery slope towards communism) right into the Constitution as a right protected by the Ninth Amendment.

Why don't we develop true energy independence using new technologies and innovations?

Why does our National Budget pay less than 6% combined towards Education, Science and Infrastructure?

Why don't we amend College Education (again in a way that prevents communism/ government control) right into the Constitution?

Why do we import great minds, instead of teaching our own?


Why are blacks still so poor? Build them good schools, give them good teachers, create incentives for good teachers and methods that truly evaluate teacher performance.

Abolish the Federal Reserve and all paper currency in the form of dollars (HOLY SHIT). Restart with a National Bank backed by precious metals (gold/silver/platinum/indium/iridium/ruthenium/rhodium). Having currency backed by several standards will cause the value of the currency to fluctuate regularly, but ultimately remain very stable over the long run (think of a sine wave). This new National Bank would be 100% transparent and completely accountable to the people.

Use the new National Bank to lend at low interest to low income neighborhoods, allowing them to gain an advantage.

Make laws that protect and promote PRIVATE LABOR UNIONS, while dismantling PUBLIC labor unions. Public employees negotiate with the VOTERS only.


AMEND a fix to GERRYMANDERING (Democrats should control the House, not Republicans, when you consider they won more than 12 million votes for the House overall).

Repeal the 17th Amendment. The States need to have proper recourse against the Federal Government.

Amend the Constitution so that no government worker, federal, state or local can be paid more than twice the MEDIAN INCOME of their constituents. An exception to this would be Doctors (this assumes National Health Care) and school teachers and other academics. Put the incentive for Doctors at SIX times the median income all the way up to EIGHT times for years of good performance. Put teachers at a start of two times the median income, all the way to four times the median income based of years of good performance. Additional to this Amendment: No person shall work for more than one job int he government at ay time, federal, state or local. This means a doctor will have to stop practicing if he wants to run for Congress and will then have his pay cut to twice the median income.

Amend the Constitution for a FLAT income tax, they may never exceed 10%, UNLESS the United States is being invaded in its own territory by a professional army/recognized nation. All revenues NOT used can be saved for later use. Also make it so that the United States may not burrow money im any way, shape or form, unless being invaded by a professional army/recognized nation on its own soil. These income taxes would be collected by the STATE governments, which may withhold as much as 50% of the tax revenue for themselves, unless we are being invaded by a professional army/recognized nation on our own soil.

Also, anything that Amends national education, would have to allow parents to vote on the local curriculum for their kids. The federal government WOULD BE PROHIBITED from setting any curriculum period.

Make any type of unfunded mandate illegal. This would not include programs like the following: "For every X dollars the State spends on A, the Federal Government will supply the State with Y dollars for A, and only for A."

Amend the Constitution to FORCE Bureaucracy to abide ONLY by the rules VOTED on by Congress.


Amend the Constitution so that the Federal Government must maintain very simple and easy to read records about their spending, that is 100% transparent and can be privately audited by ANYONE.
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You never claimed anyone is coming for your guns? Your thread title "Three Things GUN GRABBERS run from". What did you mean by gun grabber? And again you are asking me to refute an article I don't disagree with in the first place. It reminds me of those guys who will try to race you at a red light, and claim victory because they "won" a race they were the only person participating in.

I'll play you're game for a moment. Are you claiming that there are no high ranking Democrats that haven't expressed a desire to disarm Americans of MILITARY GRADE weapons?

Let me tell you something, handguns are too INFERIOR for use against a despotic/tryannical government. Even with modern small arms, you still are confronted by

1) Missiles
2) Helicopters
3) Tanks
4) Modern naval bombardment
5) Stealth Bombers
6) All other types of military aircraft
7) Spy satellites
8) Superior cyber tech
List goes on forever.

The most you could do (but not with handguns), is cause massive economical damage through insurgency and force the government to collapse with the economy. And it will take a LONG TIME (5+ years) and Patriots will be killed in a 100:1 ratio. The sympathy of the general (uninvolved) public will ultimately determine if the Patriots have the morale and courage to take those devastating losses. But case and point, you wont' get anywhere with ONLY handguns and weak ammunition.

This is why we call the Gun Grabbers. Because they are after the GUNS THAT MATTER: MILITARY/NEAR-MILITARY Grade small arms.

You need a gun to defend yourself and your family? By all means have one

You need military grade weapons so that you and your nut job buddies can run around chasing phantom despotic governments?

By all means we will grab your guns from your cold dead fingers
DOJ Self Defense statistics

The Racist Roots of Gun Control.

Federalist 28 + Founding Father quotes.


Excuse me, but this report was printed in 1979.
That's, um....a mere 34 years ago.
"Copyright 1979 by Criminal Justice Research Center"

But thanks for the lame attempt at relevancy, anyway.

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