Thrown in jail for unpaid medical debt

Medicare for all. They will be paid. Every patient a hospital see's on Medicare gets paid.

I don't disagree ... but Bernie hasn't said where the extra tax dollars will come from ... everyone today is supposed to be paying hundreds of dollars per month for health insurance, taxes would have to go up that amount just to maintain the current level of service ... and these taxes will fall on the Middle Class, the Rich have too many ways around taxes ... I haven't paid Medicare taxes in over thirty years, I'd love to get free health care right now, most of the Rich would agree ... because right now I have to bring my checkbook whenever I see a doctor, and that's one week less in Las Vegas this year, that sucks ...

Never an excuse to skip court ...

I and my employer already pay a lot for my insurance. That will simply be redirected into a big pool. Nobody is arguing for "free" health care. The argument is health care for all.

There is no reason one should have to go to court over and over and over and over.
That is a travesty. I agree 100%. If politicians worried more about that vs. allowing men to pee in women's bathrooms we could get somewhere.

What happened to that? No one is discussing that any longer. It was Hillary's lame attempt at showing how "liberal" she was because she had nothing else to use.

Are you kidding me? They devoted an entire town hall to this BS earlier in the campaign cycle. How about devoting a town hall to healthcare and its issues?

No, I'm not kidding you. Its a major part of Bernie's platform. Has been for decades.

You said "no one is discussing that any longer"

I do not believe UH is the answer. I do not understand why that Kansas family didn't qualify for Medicaid!?!?!?

That might be a fair question to still doesn't mean the courts should be able to be used like this.

I agree. Someone dropped the ball somewhere.
Obamacare? How is this possible?
Kansas and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion
Kansas may be the next state to expand Medicaid, with bipartisan expansion legislation under consideration in 2020.
Source: Kansas and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: eligibility, enrollment and benefits
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apparently republicans are just beginning to see the light. Nasty republicans, so very nasty.

Oh so you think the tax payers should pay the medical bills?

That's what Medicaid is. The tax payers footing the bills or every swinging dick and vagina that can't pay their own bills.

That's just bullshit.
Obamacare? How is this possible?
Kansas and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion
Kansas may be the next state to expand Medicaid, with bipartisan expansion legislation under consideration in 2020.
Source: Kansas and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: eligibility, enrollment and benefits
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apparently republicans are just beginning to see the light. Nasty republicans, so very nasty.

Oh so you think the tax payers should pay the medical bills?

That's what Medicaid is. The tax payers footing the bills or every swinging dick and vagina that can't pay their own bills.

That's just bullshit.

That's how every other 1st world country is and many third world countries. It's sad that they do a better job of taking care of their people than the U.S.

Should I note that there have been many to note that Rush may have to access cancer treatment developed in Cuba?
The article you posted doesn't substantiate your claim ... they were jailed for "failure to appear" in court ... that is a very serious offense in our judicial system ...

Everybody understands not being able to pay huge medical bills ... and they were called into court to demonstrate they couldn't pay ... there are alternatives but this court session is an important step in that process ... what these folks pulled is some Sovereign Citizen bullshit is all ... I have no mercy if the fools can't even plead their case, fools I say ...

They are called in over and over and over and over. That's harrassment. That's forcing taxpayers to pay for the collection of your bad debts. They have plead their case. They shouldn't have to over and over and over.

Go ahead and make a years worth of payments for them.
That will give them time to formulate a new strategy and not have to appear for awhile.

As soon as you step up and start paying your share of the wars.

Another all just "hot air" nobody.
They are called in over and over and over and over. That's harrassment. That's forcing taxpayers to pay for the collection of your bad debts. They have plead their case. They shouldn't have to over and over and over.

I agree 100% ... in all cases, there should be an income and resource test before any medical treatment is administered ... kid has cancer and parents can't pay, let the kid die ... the parents don't care, they're bitching about having to appear in court once every three months ... what a hassle, no child's life is worth that ... especially in Kansas ...

Not surprisingly, you have just described Obamacare.
Obamacare? How is this possible?
Kansas and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion
Kansas may be the next state to expand Medicaid, with bipartisan expansion legislation under consideration in 2020.
Source: Kansas and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: eligibility, enrollment and benefits
Follow us: @hio_org on Twitter | on Facebook

apparently republicans are just beginning to see the light. Nasty republicans, so very nasty.

Oh so you think the tax payers should pay the medical bills?

That's what Medicaid is. The tax payers footing the bills or every swinging dick and vagina that can't pay their own bills.

That's just bullshit.

That's how every other 1st world country is and many third world countries. It's sad that they do a better job of taking care of their people than the U.S.

Should I note that there have been many to note that Rush may have to access cancer treatment developed in Cuba?

It is an easy fix:

#1) Those with private pay maintain their insurance
#2) Those who need Gov't assistance apply for Medicaid.

Why complicate things?
Judge David Casement entered the courtroom, a black robe swaying over his cowboy boots and silversmithed belt buckle. He is a cattle rancher who was appointed a magistrate judge, though he’d never taken a course in law. Judges don’t need a law degree in Kansas, or many other states, to preside over cases like these. Casement asked the defendants to take an oath and confirmed that the newcomers confessed to their debt. A key purpose of the hearing, though, was for patients to face debt collectors. “They want to talk to you about trying to set up a payment plan, and after you talk with them, you are free to go,” he told the debtors. Then, he left the room.

The first collector of the day was also the most notorious: Michael Hassenplug, a private attorney representing doctors and ambulance services. Every three months, Hassenplug called the same nonpaying defendants to court to list what they earned and what they owned — to testify, quite often, to their poverty. It gave him a sense of his options: to set up a payment plan, to garnish wages or bank accounts, to put a lien on a property. It was called a “debtor’s exam.”
When medical debt collectors decide who gets arrested
That might be a fair question to still doesn't mean the courts should be able to be used like this.

The Hospital hired a debt collector.

The debt collector sued to collect the debt.

Of course that's what courts are for.
Judge Casement Biography
Honorable David A. Casement, a non-attorney judge, was first appointed to the position of District Magistrate Judge for Chautauqua County in 1987 and has served in that capacity for all but four years since then. Because Chautauqua and Montgomery counties are in the same judicial district, he is assigned by the Chief District Judge to hear cases in both counties, generally spending two days each week in Sedan, two days in Coffeyville and one day in Independence. Most of his caseload involves probate, bad debt and traffic cases, although he also handles criminal and juvenile cases in Chautauqua County.
Judge Casement Biography | Montgomery County District Clerk, KS
he is not even an attorney.

In some courthouses, like Coffeyville’s, collection attorneys are not only invited to decide when warrants are issued, but they can also shape how law is applied. Recently, Hassenplug came to believe that debtors were only attending every other hearing in a scheme to avoid jail, and he raised his concern with the judge. He suggested that the judge could fix this by charging extra legal fees; Casement wrote a new policy explaining that anyone who missed two debtor’s exam hearings without a good reason would be ordered to pay an extra $50 to cover the plaintiff’s attorney fees. If they didn’t pay, they would be given a two-day jail sentence; for each additional hearing that they missed, they would be charged a higher attorney fee and get a longer sentence.
this is how the scam attorney gets paid and who knows how Casement is paid or how much.
Obamacare? How is this possible?
Kansas and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion
Kansas may be the next state to expand Medicaid, with bipartisan expansion legislation under consideration in 2020.
Source: Kansas and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: eligibility, enrollment and benefits
Follow us: @hio_org on Twitter | on Facebook

apparently republicans are just beginning to see the light. Nasty republicans, so very nasty.

Oh so you think the tax payers should pay the medical bills?

That's what Medicaid is. The tax payers footing the bills or every swinging dick and vagina that can't pay their own bills.

That's just bullshit.

That's how every other 1st world country is and many third world countries. It's sad that they do a better job of taking care of their people than the U.S.

Should I note that there have been many to note that Rush may have to access cancer treatment developed in Cuba?

It is an easy fix:

#1) Those with private pay maintain their insurance
#2) Those who need Gov't assistance apply for Medicaid.

Why complicate things?

I'm don't particularly care how we do it. I just want everyone to be able to afford medical care. I've addressed your position before. If that's what you want, you need to get your politicians to do that, otherwise you are going to get something else.
"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

Ah! More of that greatness and shining beacon on the hill America supposedly is! Awesome! While the politicians shit on the people,the people get thrown in jail for debt they can't pay. Can only imagine the mental gymnastics people are going to use to justify this shit.

I wouldn't know...I pay my bills and never expect others to pay my way.
I learned the causation principle by third grade...some apparently struggle with it.
This is super simple your debts = stay out of jail. TA-DA!
They tried paying it, they are working MULTIPLE jobs. Maybe if we had a FAIR healthcare system this shit wouldn't happen

Why am I not surprised trump cultists are trying to justify this.
Nasty republicans, so very nasty.


"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

Ah! More of that greatness and shining beacon on the hill America supposedly is! Awesome! While the politicians shit on the people,the people get thrown in jail for debt they can't pay. Can only imagine the mental gymnastics people are going to use to justify this shit.
They are making sure that Big Pharma gets their money. Big Pharma has paid off many politicians to protect their interest.


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