Thugs celebrate thugs

I wonder what the NFL would have done if the fans that did not agree with these 5 men had stood up and walked out of the stadium throwing there ticket stubs at the gate as they left. Would anyone doubt these five would have been fined and be on TV apologizing for there ignorance of the truth? The NFL will not punish these individuals because nobody that buys tickets to watch them would stop. What if companies would pull there ads from televising any games that the St Louis team played in? You know something would be done.

The NFL and The Rams already got the money. Besides, I don't think a bunch of people that just shelled out several hundred dollars to attend the game would walk out over this incident. I not sure anyone did as a matter of fact but I could be wrong.
The NFL’s statement comes after a lengthy denunciation of the players’ action by the St. Louis Police Officers Association. SLPOA business manager Jeff Roorda called for discipline from the league and suggested that his organization would continue to pressure the league and its sponsors until it felt its grievances had been addressed.

“The SLPOA is calling for the players involved to be disciplined and for the Rams and the NFL to deliver a very public apology. Roorda said he planned to speak to the NFL and the Rams to voice his organization’s displeasure tomorrow. He also plans to reach out to other police organizations in St. Louis and around the country to enlist their input on what the appropriate response from law enforcement should be. Roorda warned, “I know that there are those that will say that these players are simply exercising their First Amendment rights. Well I’ve got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours. I’d remind the NFL and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser’s products. It’s cops and the good people of St. Louis and other NFL towns that do. Somebody needs to throw a flag on this play. If it’s not the NFL and the Rams, then it’ll be cops and their supporters.”

SLPOA got told to go sit their asses down somewhere....
Well, again, how sad to be offended by people holding their hands up and saying "don't shoot". How offensive!
In case you missed it Sunday, five idiots who play for the St. Louis Rams showed their solidarity with Mike Brown by mimicking protesters before their game with the Oakland Raiders. One of them, wide receiver Kenny Britt, is all to familiar with putting his hands up after numerous run-ins with the law during his days with the Tennessee Titans.
Another of these geniuses, Stedman Bailey, was cited for shoplifting while he attended the University of West Virginia. Irony St. Louis Rams Player With 8220 Hands Up Don 8217 t Shoot 8221 Gesture Has Lengthy Arrest Record Jammie Wearing Fools
No matter what, that is a great thread title, The main thing to remember is that if the announcers did not mention it, the act would have gone mostly unnoticed.

Just remember you can take a thug out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the thug.
These guys deserve a medal. Hands up! Thuglife.
For likely violating terms of a contract?

Sorry. They need the Black guys or no one would watch.

NFL Won t Discipline Rams Players for Hands Up Don t Shoot Gesture - TIME

Bench them without pay.
Why? For holding their hands up? How sad to be afraid or offended by that.
For telling children it's ok to be a thug.
These guys deserve a medal. Hands up! Thuglife.
For likely violating terms of a contract?

Sorry. They need the Black guys or no one would watch.

NFL Won t Discipline Rams Players for Hands Up Don t Shoot Gesture - TIME

Bench them without pay.
Why? For holding their hands up? How sad to be afraid or offended by that.
For telling children it's ok to be a thug.
Holding your hands up and saying "don't shoot" = thug. Since when?
They love one another so much that the NFL last year had to institute a $1000 fine per incident when they scream "niggah" at one another. Ahhhh, solidarity, brotherhood. It warms my heart.
Black people must really frighten you. :laugh:

Let's ask the store owners in Ferguson who had their stores looted and burned to the ground how they feel?
For likely violating terms of a contract?

Sorry. They need the Black guys or no one would watch.

NFL Won t Discipline Rams Players for Hands Up Don t Shoot Gesture - TIME

Bench them without pay.
Why? For holding their hands up? How sad to be afraid or offended by that.
For telling children it's ok to be a thug.
Holding your hands up and saying "don't shoot" = thug. Since when?
Brown never held his arms up Brown never said don't shoot. What brown did was hold his stolen cigars out and told his accomplice to hold this, But what these asshats are doing is portraying what idiots like you seeming to think what happen in Ferguson
They love one another so much that the NFL last year had to institute a $1000 fine per incident when they scream "niggah" at one another. Ahhhh, solidarity, brotherhood. It warms my heart.
Black people must really frighten you. :laugh:
Or disgust him. And many others.
Evidently not many. White women love black men. Alot of white men love Black women. Sorry.
Not one black woman raped by a white man in 2012. Rapists arent even attracted to black women, so what does that tell you? :laugh:
Why would a Black woman be raped by a white man in any year? They would get their ass beat. White men are attracted to Black women. White men are the bulk of hte customers for Black hookers.
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