Time for a new system

Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

You'll need a constitutional amendment.

Best of luck.

Yes, I know. But first it needs support of the people. Get enough people behind it, and the amendment isn't so hard.

Problem is, the voters seems to be more interested in the entertainment side of the election process. They couldn't give a rat's ass about whether they have democracy or not, as long as they can complain about it when it doesn't suit them.

We are a Republic, not a democracy.


Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

It's very simple. The Presidency needs to be changed to a popular plurality election. However, you're only crying about this right now because your candidate lost.

True (and true.)

I don't think the president should be elected by NY, Calif and the NE region.


It should be elected by the people. Everyone should have ONE VOTE, not now where one vote doesn't mean much in one place, and means a lot somewhere else.
Personally I do NOT support the Idea that only the Liberal big cities and the States of California and New York should be the only ones electing the President.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

You'll need a constitutional amendment.

Best of luck.

Yes, I know. But first it needs support of the people. Get enough people behind it, and the amendment isn't so hard.

Problem is, the voters seems to be more interested in the entertainment side of the election process. They couldn't give a rat's ass about whether they have democracy or not, as long as they can complain about it when it doesn't suit them.

We are a Republic, not a democracy.



A Republic

Definition from www.whatthefuck.copout

"Allowing the rich to decide everything we do in our lives".

PR simply enshrines the power in parties rather than candidates. That is the opposite of what we need.

I prefer going to a IRV for the presidential race (and that also addresses Contumacious statements as well). It removes the stigmas associated with third party voting allowing people to vote their conscious without splitting the vote AND the winning candidate receives a plurality of the vote every time.

I'm sorry, but the power is enshrined MASSIVELY in parties in the US. The parties in the US, the two of them, are far stronger than any party in Germany.

The German system has a duel system, I like it a lot. You vote twice. You vote for your constituency member, who gets elected. Once they are all elected then party lists take over. So you get both.

Also, in the presidential election, you'd have the popular vote, rather than the farce of the electoral college, but in Congress you'd have a similar system to Germany.

Personally I think the presidential election should be like France. A run off system. People can vote for whoever they like in the first round. Then in the 2nd round they vote for those who came in the top two (or potentially top three if the 3rd placed person got enough votes).
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

It's very simple. The Presidency needs to be changed to a popular plurality election. However, you're only crying about this right now because your candidate lost.

True (and true.)

You're saying it's true based on what?

If you had seen my posts from before, you'd know I've pushed this a lot, recently and beyond.


Proportional Representation in US elections?

March 31st 2014

Proportional Representation in US elections?"

Imagine the US had Proportional Representation.....

May 5th 2014

Imagine the US had Proportional Representation....."

If a third party could win, what would your party of choice be?

Last Thursday

"Any, who cares? As long as it isn't the main two. But any party which proposed changing the way Congress is elected, and to make it Proportional Representation would get my interest."

I'm concerned that our votes don't really matter.

October 24th 2016

It doesn't need to be rigged for your vote not to count. The way the voting is set up means that the votes of millions of people don't count.

DEMAND Proportional Representation and then every vote actually counts. That's democracy, what the US has isn't."

The Faithless Elector , tomorrows election nightmare

October 17th 2016

"You want REAL DEMOCRACY, then you need to fight for Proportional Representation."

The US to do a UK?

Last Saturday

If you want REAL CHANGE, then fight for it.

You need proportional representation on Congress first."

Sorry, you're basing your assumption on nothing.
Last edited:
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

It's very simple. The Presidency needs to be changed to a popular plurality election. However, you're only crying about this right now because your candidate lost.

True (and true.)

I don't think the president should be elected by NY, Calif and the NE region.


It should be elected by the people. Everyone should have ONE VOTE, not now where one vote doesn't mean much in one place, and means a lot somewhere else.

You are not supposed to acquire rights by voting.

We are, supposed to be, a constitutional republic.

Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

It's very simple. The Presidency needs to be changed to a popular plurality election. However, you're only crying about this right now because your candidate lost.

True (and true.)

You're saying it's true based on what?

If you had seen my posts from before, you'd know I've pushed this a lot, recently and beyond.

True that we need to change to a popular vote only. True that we're only pushing for this because our candidate lost.

You may have been pushing this, and that's cool, I agree with it, but realistically we wouldn't be saying much about it if Hillary had won.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

It's very simple. The Presidency needs to be changed to a popular plurality election. However, you're only crying about this right now because your candidate lost.

True (and true.)

You're saying it's true based on what?

If you had seen my posts from before, you'd know I've pushed this a lot, recently and beyond.

True that we need to change to a popular vote only. True that we're only pushing for this because our candidate lost.

You may have been pushing this, and that's cool, I agree with it, but realistically we wouldn't be saying much about it if Hillary had won.
Popular vote only equals mob rule… Dip shit LOL
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

It's very simple. The Presidency needs to be changed to a popular plurality election. However, you're only crying about this right now because your candidate lost.

True (and true.)

I don't think the president should be elected by NY, Calif and the NE region.


It should be elected by the people. Everyone should have ONE VOTE, not now where one vote doesn't mean much in one place, and means a lot somewhere else.

You are not supposed to acquire rights by voting.

We are, supposed to be, a constitutional republic.


What? I didn't say anything about acquiring rights by voting.

The US is "supposed to be, a constitutional republic", can't the US be what the people want it to be? Does it have to be what the rich want it to be? People wanted real change with Trump, and yet people are now calling for the status quo again.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

It's very simple. The Presidency needs to be changed to a popular plurality election. However, you're only crying about this right now because your candidate lost.

True (and true.)

You're saying it's true based on what?

If you had seen my posts from before, you'd know I've pushed this a lot, recently and beyond.

True that we need to change to a popular vote only. True that we're only pushing for this because our candidate lost.

You may have been pushing this, and that's cool, I agree with it, but realistically we wouldn't be saying much about it if Hillary had won.

No, many people wouldn't be saying it. However I'm taking the opportunity that has presented itself to try and push this.

A) Trump supporters wanted change.
B) Hillary supporters now want change.
C) I want change.

So....... It's time.

PR simply enshrines the power in parties rather than candidates. That is the opposite of what we need.

I prefer going to a IRV for the presidential race (and that also addresses Contumacious statements as well). It removes the stigmas associated with third party voting allowing people to vote their conscious without splitting the vote AND the winning candidate receives a plurality of the vote every time.

I'm sorry, but the power is enshrined MASSIVELY in parties in the US. The parties in the US, the two of them, are far stronger than any party in Germany.

The German system has a duel system, I like it a lot. You vote twice. You vote for your constituency member, who gets elected. Once they are all elected then party lists take over. So you get both.

Also, in the presidential election, you'd have the popular vote, rather than the farce of the electoral college, but in Congress you'd have a similar system to Germany.

Personally I think the presidential election should be like France. A run off system. People can vote for whoever they like in the first round. Then in the 2nd round they vote for those who came in the top two (or potentially top three if the 3rd placed person got enough votes).

So. Why do you not live in one of those places?

We don't want that here.

PR simply enshrines the power in parties rather than candidates. That is the opposite of what we need.

I prefer going to a IRV for the presidential race (and that also addresses Contumacious statements as well). It removes the stigmas associated with third party voting allowing people to vote their conscious without splitting the vote AND the winning candidate receives a plurality of the vote every time.

I'm sorry, but the power is enshrined MASSIVELY in parties in the US. The parties in the US, the two of them, are far stronger than any party in Germany.

The German system has a duel system, I like it a lot. You vote twice. You vote for your constituency member, who gets elected. Once they are all elected then party lists take over. So you get both.

Also, in the presidential election, you'd have the popular vote, rather than the farce of the electoral college, but in Congress you'd have a similar system to Germany.

Personally I think the presidential election should be like France. A run off system. People can vote for whoever they like in the first round. Then in the 2nd round they vote for those who came in the top two (or potentially top three if the 3rd placed person got enough votes).

So. Why do you not live in one of those places?

We don't want that here.


Who do you speak for?
It's very simple. The Presidency needs to be changed to a popular plurality election. However, you're only crying about this right now because your candidate lost.

True (and true.)

I don't think the president should be elected by NY, Calif and the NE region.


It should be elected by the people. Everyone should have ONE VOTE, not now where one vote doesn't mean much in one place, and means a lot somewhere else.

You are not supposed to acquire rights by voting.

We are, supposed to be, a constitutional republic.


What? I didn't say anything about acquiring rights by voting.

The US is "supposed to be, a constitutional republic", can't the US be what the people want it to be?

It has to be what the Constitution says it is.

If you disagree, change the Constitution.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

It's very simple. The Presidency needs to be changed to a popular plurality election. However, you're only crying about this right now because your candidate lost.

True (and true.)

You're saying it's true based on what?

If you had seen my posts from before, you'd know I've pushed this a lot, recently and beyond.

True that we need to change to a popular vote only. True that we're only pushing for this because our candidate lost.

You may have been pushing this, and that's cool, I agree with it, but realistically we wouldn't be saying much about it if Hillary had won.
Popular vote only equals mob rule… Dip shit LOL

You would be calling for it if Hillary won by EV, and lost the popular vote... Dip shit LOL

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