Time for Republicans to get treated to a few conspiracies

It might be worth noting that most conspiracy cranks I am aware of are liberals.

It would be interesting to know just what "conspiracies" he is referring to.

Yea, it's the liberals that come up with:

Death Panels
the legislation contains provisions to ration health care based on various criteria administered by panels of experts at the local level. The things exist. You can call it a rationing board, but you can't deny it is there
He's a socialist/nazi/facist/communist
I don't do labels, and it really is hard to pinpoint the guy directly, but given his public pronouncements and his acts so far, I think he fits in the muddle somewhere between Mussolini and Evita Peron. He seems to have a contempt for the democratic process and the ideas of personal freedom. Again, you can call it what you want, but he is a strange departure from normal American political discourse
He wasn't born in this country
this is based on testimony of a couple of his weirder relatives. He could shoot this down in a heartbeat if he so chose.
Liberals are on the side of the terrorists
If this were the case the terrorists would be very very worried. Liberals don't think things through well, and terrorists find them to be useful idiots. Assistance is assistance even if it is given through wooly headedness or deliberate malice.
government wants to control you
this is the nature of the beast. This hasn't changed since the days of the Medes and the Persians.
Obama wants to kill your grandma
Your grandma no longer will have the right to make her own choices on healthcare. What is paid to the doctor will depend on the rationing boards. Sayanara grandma. It was nice knowing you.
and on
and on
and on
and on

Not so goofy after all.
Ooh, I've got one.

The reason the Republcians are on the side of the health care companies is because they want you to die quickly so they can "harvest your organs".
It might be worth noting that most conspiracy cranks I am aware of are liberals.

It would be interesting to know just what "conspiracies" he is referring to.

Yea, it's the liberals that come up with:

Death Panels
the legislation contains provisions to ration health care based on various criteria administered by panels of experts at the local level. The things exist. You can call it a rationing board, but you can't deny it is there I don't do labels, and it really is hard to pinpoint the guy directly, but given his public pronouncements and his acts so far, I think he fits in the muddle somewhere between Mussolini and Evita Peron. He seems to have a contempt for the democratic process and the ideas of personal freedom. Again, you can call it what you want, but he is a strange departure from normal American political discourse this is based on testimony of a couple of his weirder relatives. He could shoot this down in a heartbeat if he so chose. If this were the case the terrorists would be very very worried. Liberals don't think things through well, and terrorists find them to be useful idiots. Assistance is assistance even if it is given through wooly headedness or deliberate malice. this is the nature of the beast. This hasn't changed since the days of the Medes and the Persians.
Obama wants to kill your grandma
Your grandma no longer will have the right to make her own choices on healthcare. What is paid to the doctor will depend on the rationing boards. Sayanara grandma. It was nice knowing you.
and on
and on
and on
and on

Not so goofy after all.

You might want to stop now before you make yourself look even more stupid. The insurance companies ARE the death panels. They stand between you and your doctor. How can you not know that?

If the father a family of four got cancer and his son has allergies, the insurance company could cut the entire family because the son had a "pre existing condition". I know you didn't know that because conservatives don't know how to "listen". They know word byte pablum they are force fed. What a bunch of lemmings.

Democrats get so tired of having to take care of Republicans. Without the Democrats, there would be no Social Security, no Medicare, no Medicaid, no dependency protections for children. Republicans voted against all of that. What morons.
Rdean seems confused about my post. I was explaining the stupid on the fall of the WTC, not justifying it. I just want to make that clear in case anyone else missed it. Rdean is entirely correct about the physics of failure.

As to this one .....
rdean said:
The reason the Republcians are on the side of the health care companies is because they want you to die quickly so they can "harvest your organs".
.... well a market based solution always works... so that might have some bite. I have seen a couple Korean dramas where there was a bit of a market in used organs.... but in both instances it was people paying substantial bribes to government officials get at the head of the line for these parts.
Republicans are already planning on what they're going to do if they get a majority. They are going to introduce legislation for an "emergency room" identification card. When illegal aliens show up at emergency rooms they are going to have "hazmat" teams ready to round up those that are "sick" and take them back to Mexico.

Republicans, if they get a majority, are going to round up women who are on public assistance. If the woman is pregnant, they will let infertile Christian couples adopt the children that are healthy. Children that are brown or black will be sent to "camps" and "trained" to be soldiers in "God's" Army, in preparation for future wars.

Republicans will introduce legislation banning drugs that help AIDS patients. They feel that those with AIDS deserve a long, lingering and painful death for living against God. Next, they want to ban the treatment of any STD's. They feel that if the promiscuous die, it will lead to a better and more "Godly" culture.
Ooh, I've got one.

The reason the Republcians are on the side of the health care companies is because they want you to die quickly so they can "harvest your organs".

And sell them to Aliens from Rigel 3 to be used in the Rigellian version of "Iron Chef"
By calling the president Nazi/Communist/Fascist/Socialist, accusing Obama of wanting to teach "adult sex" to preschoolers, Republicans are trying to incite their base to kill the president.

Oh wait, maybe that's not a conspiracy.

Republicans are trying to raise money off terrorists. They actually give those guys money so they can do something "terror like" and then Republicans ask Americans to send them money to fight the very terrorists they created.
The Reality

Was that an attempt at humor? I thought for the right, humor was merely an "interesting concept". Usually they are the ones getting laughed at.

Republicans paid the terrorist to fly the planes into the WTC. They thought they could get rid of two birds with one stone. First, they thought they could blame it on the gays, and start a program like the one they started in Uganda. Second, they thought they scare the American public into making the Republicans a "permanent majority".

At first they were sad, but then came those "unintended consequences". The war made them a lot of money. Things didn't look nearly so bad.
How about the conspiracy theory that dems are really the Neocons?

Its no conspiracy theory its a fact.The democrats and the republicans are both corrupt.There is no difference between the two parties.I refer to them as the dems being demopublicans and the republicans republicrats.They are like pro wrestlers.Inside the ring-the podium for them,they pretend to hate each other but they really are pals that hang out together and have dinner with each other.

Clinton and the Bushs for instance have been long time pals dating back to the 1980's and have been spotted going out to golf together many times over the years. Neither Bush or Clinton ever had any interest in going after Bin Laden.Thats not a conspiracy theory thats a fact.It was all over the news back in the 90's braodcast everywhere that a high ranking general came on and told the mainstream mews that they had Bin Laden located and 3 different countrys offered to extradict him and tun them over but right there on the newscasts he said point blank that Clinton told them to back off him.sorry thats fact, not conspiracy theory.:cuckoo:
I would love for the republican party to become so smart and honest that I wanted to change parties.

I would gladly do it.

What makes you think they want you?

Oh and if you want a 'smart' and 'honest' party, why are you a democrat?

what Truthmatters doesnt get is that BOTH parties are corrupt and neither represent the people.:cuckoo:
the last TRUE president we had who wasnt a puppet for the military industrial complex and the bankers was JFK and thats why the CIA killed him.He was going to pull out of vietnam and war means big business for big corporations.Kennedy was on the verge of being a peoples president and returning us to the constitution of the uinited states where the people had control over government instead of all these corporations that do now.When you get a president in there that doesnt play their game like they want you to,you end up like kennedy.
If Truth wants a smart and HONEST party,he wont find it with the democrats.LOL. He needs to vote third party if he wants that.
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What makes you think they want you?

Oh and if you want a 'smart' and 'honest' party, why are you a democrat?

Because they are smarter and more honest than the republicans.

Why wont you respond to the history threads with anything but insults?

Because they trash your whole perspective with facts.

I see no facts. I see opinions masquerading as facts. It's not my fault your dumb enough to believe that claiming the democrats are smarter and more honest. They aren't. They are no better than the republicans.... in my opinion, the current democratic party is considerably worse than the republicans.... and that is saying something!

well said.the democrat party is defenitely no better than the republicans.Thats the riot of the century saying that they are honest especially when Clinton was probably a worse liar than even Dick Nixon was.:lol:those two guys,if they were pinochio,their noses would have grown miles and miles long during their time in office.:lol::lol::lol:
I would love for the republican party to become so smart and honest that I wanted to change parties.

I would gladly do it.

What makes you think they want you?

Oh and if you want a 'smart' and 'honest' party, why are you a democrat?

what Truthmatters doesnt get is that BOTH parties are corrupt and neither represent the people.:cuckoo:
the last TRUE president we had who wasnt a puppet for the military industrial complex and the bankers was JFK and thats why the CIA killed him.He was going to pull out of vietnam and war means big business for big corporations.Kennedy was on the verge of being a peoples president and returning us to the constitution of the uinited states where the people had control over government instead of all these corporations that do now.When you get a president in there that doesnt play their game like they want you to,you end up like kennedy.
If Truth wants a smart and HONEST party,he wont find it with the democrats.LOL. He needs to vote third party if he wants that.

Wow, you should do something about that. Let me guess, you ain't going to do shit are you lady?
Rdean sort of misses out on a lot of things as to why these things develop.
Mostly it is like the game of telephone from kindergarten. Important facts are missed or misunderstood by the press and further misunderstood by people who don't know what is going on, but do know that was is being reported is bogus or nonsense.

For instance, in the case of Oswald, the press reported he was a sharpshooter. The press people who reported that assumed that equaled sniper. Actually, it is the lowest classification of proficiency. The conspiracy cranks then assumed that since he only had the lowest classification, he was therefore incompetent with a rifle, and therefore unable to hit that target. Instead Oswald just missed Marksman by one point. He could hit that target, but he wasn't the super good shot initial reports made out. So the conspiracy cranks latched onto "They Lied."

Also the press goofed on Oswald's rifle. the conspiracy cranks also miss describe the thing. If it were as both initially described, getting off three shots in 8 seconds would be impossible. The actual rifle, getting off 5 shots would have been easy.

Also with the twin towers thing. I have seen many weird "experiments" trying to prove kerosene can't melt steel. Therefore the fall of the WTC was controlled demolition. I mean it is so obvious who can doubt it? Of course the folks who are making these experiments don't understand that steel fails at much lower temperatures than it melts at, and that there are large loads their "experiments" don't model.

As the poem goes:
"A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again."

There was never a shread of evidence that proved oswald fired the rifle or even had anything to do with it

Hey deluded one,its been proven there wasnt a shread of evidence that oswald fired that rifle or even could have and as far as the twin towers ,your a huge liar,its a known fact that keroscene cant melt steel like those steel colums were melted.the only way they could have melted like they show in the pics is from explosives.witness testimonys,physists,first responders,firemen,architects ,engineers and demolition experts not to mention the laws of physics prove only explosives could have brought down those towers liar.:lol:
I heard that Sarah Palin is Rush Limbaughs Dad..:D..

That's my Conspiracy!
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Rdean sort of misses out on a lot of things as to why these things develop.
Mostly it is like the game of telephone from kindergarten. Important facts are missed or misunderstood by the press and further misunderstood by people who don't know what is going on, but do know that was is being reported is bogus or nonsense.

For instance, in the case of Oswald, the press reported he was a sharpshooter. The press people who reported that assumed that equaled sniper. Actually, it is the lowest classification of proficiency. The conspiracy cranks then assumed that since he only had the lowest classification, he was therefore incompetent with a rifle, and therefore unable to hit that target. Instead Oswald just missed Marksman by one point. He could hit that target, but he wasn't the super good shot initial reports made out. So the conspiracy cranks latched onto "They Lied."

Also the press goofed on Oswald's rifle. the conspiracy cranks also miss describe the thing. If it were as both initially described, getting off three shots in 8 seconds would be impossible. The actual rifle, getting off 5 shots would have been easy.

Also with the twin towers thing. I have seen many weird "experiments" trying to prove kerosene can't melt steel. Therefore the fall of the WTC was controlled demolition. I mean it is so obvious who can doubt it? Of course the folks who are making these experiments don't understand that steel fails at much lower temperatures than it melts at, and that there are large loads their "experiments" don't model.

As the poem goes:
"A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again."

There was never a shread of evidence that proved oswald fired the rifle or even had anything to do with it

Hey deluded one,its been proven there wasnt a shread of evidence that oswald fired that rifle or even could have and as far as the twin towers ,your a huge liar,its a known fact that keroscene cant melt steel like those steel colums were melted.the only way they could have melted like they show in the pics is from explosives.witness testimonys,physists,first responders,firemen,architects ,engineers and demolition experts not to mention the laws of physics prove only explosives could have brought down those towers liar.:lol:

You are so far gone in Kool aid as to have drowned in it.... so I can't engage you as it will derail the threads. I will just say that the press bungled in its initial reports, and the Kennedy Troofers are dishonest when they say Oswald could not have hit the target because his proficiency was so low. His score for a target smaller than that at that distance was 48/50. Not good enough for marksman, but good enough to do the job.

Likewise, as I stated the "experiments" I have seen did not model the loads or the damage to the structure and were therefore bogus.

As for all the other stupid you believe, enjoy the flavor.

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