Time for state Constitutional amendments from the Right instead of the Left


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We have seen red states embrace abortion and pot use after Democrats got the initiatives on the ballot to put in state Constitutions around the country. Democrats understood the polls and knew that the majority of Americans, even in red states, did not want a ban on abortion and are Ok with pot.

Democrats will tell Republicans that they need to give up the abortion fight because the country is sold in infanticide. Problem is, that is a total lie. In fact, polls show that if asked, most people will say they oppose a total ban on abortion. However, if you ask the same group if there should be restrictions, the same group will say there should be.

So, what democrats have cleverly done is do away with all restrictions without people voting their mind on restrictions. What needs to happen now is for limits to be set on abortion all across the country, such as partial birth abortion. Instead of the Left promising doctors will never do a partial birth abortion for the sake of the heath of the mother, which is absurd, we need time limits to be set as a hard stop.

Also, we need to vote for parental notification for abortion. A state parental bill of rights needs to be proposed regarding, not just abortion, but also kids wanting to change their sex. Instead of teachers and students hiding such life altering decision from the kids parents, parents have a right to know.

And the list goes on. Put in their gun rights for each state as well.

Now I say this assuming that their is an skosh of conservative leadership within government, which there does not seem to be. All there is seems to be a Rhino party that aid and abeds and capitulates to the Left 24/7.

How then can ordinary citizens get this must voted on items to the ballot to add to state constitutions around the country?
We have seen red states embrace abortion and pot use after Democrats got the initiatives on the ballot to put in state Constitutions around the country. Democrats understood the polls and knew that the majority of Americans, even in red states, did not want a ban on abortion and are Ok with pot.

Democrats will tell Republicans that they need to give up the abortion fight because the country is sold in infanticide. Problem is, that is a total lie. In fact, polls show that if asked, most people will say they oppose a total ban on abortion. However, if you ask the same group if there should be restrictions, the same group will say there should be.

So, what democrats have cleverly done is do away with all restrictions without people voting their mind on restrictions. What needs to happen now is for limits to be set on abortion all across the country, such as partial birth abortion. Instead of the Left promising doctors will never do a partial birth abortion for the sake of the heath of the mother, which is absurd, we need time limits to be set as a hard stop.

Also, we need to vote for parental notification for abortion. A state parental bill of rights needs to be proposed regarding, not just abortion, but also kids wanting to change their sex. Instead of teachers and students hiding such life altering decision from the kids parents, parents have a right to know.

And the list goes on. Put in their gun rights for each state as well.

Now I say this assuming that their is an skosh of conservative leadership within government, which there does not seem to be. All there is seems to be a Rhino party that aid and abeds and capitulates to the Left 24/7.

How then can ordinary citizens get this must voted on items to the ballot to add to state constitutions around the country?
Just one problem:

There is no GOP platform. And a majority of peole support each line item of the Dem platform.

Righties always forget to account for democracy. They don't much like it.
Amendments are not going to do what it is we need done. We need to reorder the whole three-level system, bro!

Few_Good_Men - American_Experiment.png
Just one problem:

There is no GOP platform. And a majority of peole support each line item of the Dem platform.

Righties always forget to account for democracy. They don't much like it.
The GOP put in restrictions across the board in any circumstance.

Of course that would fail eventually.

The Left then moves in and goes the other extreme, no restrictions.

This is absurd and shall not stand.
The GOP put in restrictions across the board in any circumstance.

Of course that would fail eventually.

The Left then moves in and goes the other extreme, no restrictions.

This is absurd and shall not stand.

Legal abortion is extreme? Wuuuut
Unfortunately, that will fail. Democrats will run to the courts to overturn the will of the people and the vote. Just as they have done every time the people vote to approve something they don't like.
Amendments are not going to do what it is we need done. We need to reorder the whole three-level system, bro!
I disagree. The proposed Convention of States could straighten out the mess we're in, and the president, congress, nor the USSC can do a fucking thing about it.

Proposed Amendments:

  • Election Reform: only US citizens on verified voter rolls can vote in any election, ID required, signature matching required, mail-in by excuse only, only votes received by the official poll closing times can be counted.
  • Balanced Budget required, w/o using SS funds, unless in time of declared war
  • To ensure that apportionment of Representatives be set by counting only US citizens
  • To make the (60 vote) filibuster in the Senate a part of the Constitution
  • To allow the President a "line-item veto"
  • Social Security and Medicare must be made whole, i.e. "fixed" and only those who contributed can get benefits
  • Set term limits in the House and Senate, 8-years for House members, and 12-years for the Senate.
  • Clarify the 14th Amendment that only US citizens can make a US citizen. (otherwise we get "anchor babies from Russia, China, and Mexico.)
  • The US Supreme court shall have not more than 9 justices.
  • Immigration reform, no longer admit for fleeing oppression, only merit-based immigration as approved.
We have seen red states embrace abortion and pot use after Democrats got the initiatives on the ballot to put in state Constitutions around the country. Democrats understood the polls and knew that the majority of Americans, even in red states, did not want a ban on abortion and are Ok with pot.

Democrats will tell Republicans that they need to give up the abortion fight because the country is sold in infanticide. Problem is, that is a total lie. In fact, polls show that if asked, most people will say they oppose a total ban on abortion. However, if you ask the same group if there should be restrictions, the same group will say there should be.

So, what democrats have cleverly done is do away with all restrictions without people voting their mind on restrictions. What needs to happen now is for limits to be set on abortion all across the country, such as partial birth abortion. Instead of the Left promising doctors will never do a partial birth abortion for the sake of the heath of the mother, which is absurd, we need time limits to be set as a hard stop.

Also, we need to vote for parental notification for abortion. A state parental bill of rights needs to be proposed regarding, not just abortion, but also kids wanting to change their sex. Instead of teachers and students hiding such life altering decision from the kids parents, parents have a right to know.

And the list goes on. Put in their gun rights for each state as well.

Now I say this assuming that their is an skosh of conservative leadership within government, which there does not seem to be. All there is seems to be a Rhino party that aid and abeds and capitulates to the Left 24/7.

How then can ordinary citizens get this must voted on items to the ballot to add to state constitutions around the country?
Join COS for one thing. Join the group against the 16th amendment for another. You can't change the minds of the socialist Democrats. Not even if their lives depended on it.
Unfortunately, that will fail. Democrats will run to the courts to overturn the will of the people and the vote. Just as they have done every time the people vote to approve something they don't like.
Fine, make them work.

It beats just getting beaten to death.
We have seen red states embrace abortion and pot use after Democrats got the initiatives on the ballot to put in state Constitutions around the country. Democrats understood the polls and knew that the majority of Americans, even in red states, did not want a ban on abortion and are Ok with pot.

Democrats will tell Republicans that they need to give up the abortion fight because the country is sold in infanticide. Problem is, that is a total lie. In fact, polls show that if asked, most people will say they oppose a total ban on abortion. However, if you ask the same group if there should be restrictions, the same group will say there should be.

So, what democrats have cleverly done is do away with all restrictions without people voting their mind on restrictions. What needs to happen now is for limits to be set on abortion all across the country, such as partial birth abortion. Instead of the Left promising doctors will never do a partial birth abortion for the sake of the heath of the mother, which is absurd, we need time limits to be set as a hard stop.

Also, we need to vote for parental notification for abortion. A state parental bill of rights needs to be proposed regarding, not just abortion, but also kids wanting to change their sex. Instead of teachers and students hiding such life altering decision from the kids parents, parents have a right to know.

And the list goes on. Put in their gun rights for each state as well.

Now I say this assuming that their is an skosh of conservative leadership within government, which there does not seem to be. All there is seems to be a Rhino party that aid and abeds and capitulates to the Left 24/7.

How then can ordinary citizens get this must voted on items to the ballot to add to state constitutions around the country?
First, you have to come up with something the majority of people want. You MAGAs have made it clear that denying people's right to make decisions about their own body is just fine with you. The majority don't agree with you.
First, you have to come up with something the majority of people want. You MAGAs have made it clear that denying people's right to make decisions about their own body is just fine with you. The majority don't agree with you.
Democrats promote death of the infant. That is what we do not accept.
States need to ban sex changes and hormone blockers for children.

Put it in your states constitution.
Yep, that's what needs to be done to take the issue away from the dems.....They will have shit-all to run on then.
Just one problem:

There is no GOP platform. And a majority of peole support each line item of the Dem platform.

Righties always forget to account for democracy. They don't much like it.

That's a load of BS. Other then abortion, the left doesn't have a rational argument to support anything. They even lie about abortion, as they act as though every pregnant woman has been raped and/or is medical danger.
We have seen red states embrace abortion and pot use after Democrats got the initiatives on the ballot to put in state Constitutions around the country. Democrats understood the polls and knew that the majority of Americans, even in red states, did not want a ban on abortion and are Ok with pot.

Democrats will tell Republicans that they need to give up the abortion fight because the country is sold in infanticide. Problem is, that is a total lie. In fact, polls show that if asked, most people will say they oppose a total ban on abortion. However, if you ask the same group if there should be restrictions, the same group will say there should be.

So, what democrats have cleverly done is do away with all restrictions without people voting their mind on restrictions. What needs to happen now is for limits to be set on abortion all across the country, such as partial birth abortion. Instead of the Left promising doctors will never do a partial birth abortion for the sake of the heath of the mother, which is absurd, we need time limits to be set as a hard stop.

Also, we need to vote for parental notification for abortion. A state parental bill of rights needs to be proposed regarding, not just abortion, but also kids wanting to change their sex. Instead of teachers and students hiding such life altering decision from the kids parents, parents have a right to know.

And the list goes on. Put in their gun rights for each state as well.

Now I say this assuming that their is an skosh of conservative leadership within government, which there does not seem to be. All there is seems to be a Rhino party that aid and abeds and capitulates to the Left 24/7.

How then can ordinary citizens get this must voted on items to the ballot to add to state constitutions around the country?

Yes, I’ve been saying this. Because we had roe in place, we had no advancement on state abortion laws. People apparently never thought that roe would ever be overturned. Well, here we are.

If roe had been handled correctly, we would have had 50 years of people changing their minds, and refining laws. As you said, most people are not in favor of a total abortion ban, and so, now that it’s a state issue, we will likely see those states who have a ban on abortion at conception, with no exception for rape and incest, will eventually loosen those restrictions, because that’s what the people want.

If that had happened 50 years ago, we would probably, by now, have abortion laws across the country that most people could live with.

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