Time to Face the Truth

It is "peaceful" to assault people and destroy property? Are you
confused or does the above represent an error in grammar?
What I said: Assaulting people is not. Destroying property is not. (Peaceful)

you define "holding people"? ----to what are you referring?
Based on your take on the situation on the campuses----can I
assume that the January 6 ""insurrection"' was entirely "peaceful"?
Why are there people still in jail
Holding people Is holding people. I don’t get how you claim J6 is peaceful given the property destruction and over 150 police officers injured.
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Is intimidation peaceful?
I think is not, but how do you define it? “He looked at me…I’m scared”!

That is a subjective term and ironic coming from the right who endlessly about leftist snowflakes.

IMO…blocking access (to a classroom or abortion clinic, to use two very different examples) would be intimidation…but what if it is on public property and no one actually prevents a person from entering?
'Failure to disperse', meaning they had to be physically removed. I saw all kinds of shit being thrown at the cops, just yet another example of you cherry picking what you call 'violence'. If those would have been conservatives, your 'media', would have been calling it a violent clash with the police and making them out to be the lowest criminals around, and you would be agreeing. Your bullshit is tired and old.
Wait…aren’t you one of the guys who called J6 peaceful?
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They have no right to take over private property and obstruct other paying customers from use of that property, nor do they have the right to vandalize it, barricade it, leave trash all over the place, and spray paint vile graffiti everywhere. End of story.
I agree with you about private property. Free speech rights don’t apply to private property or enterprises.
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Her anti-Jew bias is more pronounced, and more disgusting, on this thread than on any other I’ve seen - and it‘s been pretty blatant up to now. The extent to which she defends antisemites and goes on the attack against Jews who fight back is indicative of what the Left has become.
Given they are coming from an avowed racist, your comments are hilarious. Carry on.
I think is not, but how do you define it? “He looked at me…I’m scared”!

That is a subjective term and ironic coming from the right who endlessly about leftist snowflakes.

IMO…blocking access (to a classroom or abortion clinic, to use two very different examples) would be intimidation…but what if it is on public property and no one actually prevents a person from entering?
Here is j-mac. KAREN!
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What I said: Assaulting people is not. Destroying property is not. (Peaceful)

Holding people Is holding people. I don’t get how you claim J6 is peaceful given the property destruction and over 150 police officers injured.
RIGHT----holding people is not peaceful and injury is not peaceful----but the
campus crap is being called "PEACEFUL" ----don't talk to me about INJURY---
I did injury for decades----there has been more INJURY in the islamo nazi filth that you minimize than in the episode of "JAN 6" and COUNTING
Nobody is falling for your “racist” lie, you nasty POS. And YOU are a moderator?! You’re one of the worst in this forum.
No one needs to. Your record speaks for itself. You apply different standards when it comes to violence or discrimination between Blacks, Muslims and Jews when it should be the same. No one deserves it.
RIGHT----holding people is not peaceful and injury is not peaceful----but the
campus crap is being called "PEACEFUL" ----don't talk to me about INJURY---
I did injury for decades----there has been more INJURY in the islamo nazi filth that you minimize than in the episode of "JAN 6" and COUNTING
If it isn’t mostly peaceful, then it seems to me you should have some empirical evidence to support your claim that there is more injury inflicted by these protests than by tbe J6 rioters.

I’ll wait.
No one needs to. Your record speaks for itself. You apply different standards when it comes to violence or discrimination between Blacks, Muslims and Jews when it should be the same. No one deserves it.
Wow. Projection much?

YOU apply different standards, bitch. And all decent people see it.
If it isn’t mostly peaceful, then it seems to me you should have some empirical evidence to support your claim that there is more injury inflicted by these protests than by tbe J6 rioters.

I’ll wait.
a silly demand ----in what window of time? 30 years ago and counting since---the kids that went to jewish religious schools in Manhattan and Brooklyn were cautioned not to "appear jewish" anywhere near COLUMBIA PRES. Arab oil interests have been funding Columbia since the 1950s for the glory of allah. Princeton, New Jersey, too
Wow. Projection much?

YOU apply different standards, bitch. And all decent people see it.
Nope. I have one basic rule: no violence is ok, whether the target is Jewish, Muslim or Black, or gay, transgender or straight. I also support their rights to free speech short of violence or property destruction.
a silly demand ----in what window of time? 30 years ago and counting since---the kids that went to jewish religious schools in Manhattan and Brooklyn were cautioned not to "appear jewish" anywhere near COLUMBIA PRES. Arab oil interests have been funding Columbia since the 1950s for the glory of allah. Princeton, New Jersey, too
We are talking about events now, as in pro-Pali or pro-Israeli protests on college campuses Rosie.
Nope. I have one basic rule: no violence is ok, whether the target is Jewish, Muslim or Black, or gay, transgender or straight. I also support their rights to free speech short of violence or property destruction.
ok----you can plead ignorance

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