Time to Investigate Obama

Throw Obama in San Quentin for a federal crime... that's some funny shit right there. If you are going to make such a moronic statement at least pick a federal prison to throw him into like Terre Haute, Indiana.
I was being kind by putting him close to Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer.

No you were being an idiot because you don't know the difference between state and federal prisons. Hell you'd been closer to the truth if you said Alcatraz, and it's closed, but at least it was a federal prison.
Throw Obama in San Quentin for a federal crime... that's some funny shit right there. If you are going to make such a moronic statement at least pick a federal prison to throw him into like Terre Haute, Indiana.
I was being kind by putting him close to Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer.

No you were being an idiot because you don't know the difference between state and federal prisons. Hell you'd been closer to the truth if you said Alcatraz, and it's closed, but at least it was a federal prison.
I was going to say Gitmo, but I know how much Democrats enjoy Cuba.
So we back to the "spiracy" claim then?
No, we are back to you being a defiantly partisan snowflake who knows he is full of shit.

Obama refused to meet with the GOP for more than a year and a half after being elected. He regularly by-passed Congress to get / do what he wanted. Examples of by-passing Congress are big and bight enough for even a blind liberal douche to see:
- Took the country to war in Libya without ever going to Congress for authority to do so.
- Took the country to war in Syria without ever going before Congress for the authority to do so.
- Forged his own Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran then by-passed Congress again to take it straight to the UN for ratification before allowing the US Congress to see it.

..and much more.

Speaking of the Illegal Iran Treaty....

Snowflakes, like yourself I am guessing, argued that the Iran deal was NOT a 'treaty' but was instead an agreement between Obama and Iran.

I actually like that bullshit explanation....mainly because now that Obama is out of the WH and no longer President and since there is no binding treaty in existence, the 'deal' is null and void. Trump is President now and is not bound by some poisonous 'deal' made between an EX-President and the leading exporter of terrorism in the middle east. :p
That was an impressive albeit long winded deflection. Bravo.
It could have been a lot longer if I had listed ALL of Obama's violations of Constitution and law...
And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.

The facts are what they are.

Yet you will of course ignore the facts and rely upon your partisan and racial speculation.

What are the 'facts'?

We don't know much yet.

We have this new leak from Nunes- after he railed about the leak of confidential information at the Senate hearings.

We know that the FBI is investigating possible collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians
We know that the Russians tried to influence our election.

We have no 'facts' to support Trump's wiretapping claims.
We have absolutely nothing to support speculation that President Obama broke any law.

But then again people like you who consider a person with mixed racial heritage to be an 'oreo' don't really care about facts- its just about pursuing your racial agenda.
An investigation will uncover all of the facts.

LOL- as if you care about 'the facts'.

You just want a reason to lynch the oreo.
And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.

The facts are what they are.

Yet you will of course ignore the facts and rely upon your partisan and racial speculation.

What are the 'facts'?

We don't know much yet.

We have this new leak from Nunes- after he railed about the leak of confidential information at the Senate hearings.

We know that the FBI is investigating possible collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians
We know that the Russians tried to influence our election.

We have no 'facts' to support Trump's wiretapping claims.
We have absolutely nothing to support speculation that President Obama broke any law.

But then again people like you who consider a person with mixed racial heritage to be an 'oreo' don't really care about facts- its just about pursuing your racial agenda.
An investigation will uncover all of the facts.

LOL- as if you care about 'the facts'.

You just want a reason to lynch the oreo.

Is that another racist snowflake term, like 'mediocre negro'?
I like the premise of the OP's post here, but lets realistically look at what should be looked at by our AG. Why is it that Dana Boente hasn't been out there?
I saw O'Reilly last night going off and calling for an investigation of Obama...

Trump and or his people are showing up all over the place on Intel reports because
they were in contact with people that the Intel community had interest in ...

And FOX wants Obama hauled in for questioning....

The fucking world has gone insane.
The fact you even know the content of intel reports validates Federal crimes have been violated, dufus.

I listened to the Senate Committee hearing.

Are you saying that the GOP Senate violated the law?

Was Nunes violating the law on Monday?
And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.

The facts are what they are.

Yet you will of course ignore the facts and rely upon your partisan and racial speculation.

What are the 'facts'?

We don't know much yet.

We have this new leak from Nunes- after he railed about the leak of confidential information at the Senate hearings.

We know that the FBI is investigating possible collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians
We know that the Russians tried to influence our election.

We have no 'facts' to support Trump's wiretapping claims.
We have absolutely nothing to support speculation that President Obama broke any law.

But then again people like you who consider a person with mixed racial heritage to be an 'oreo' don't really care about facts- its just about pursuing your racial agenda.
An investigation will uncover all of the facts.

LOL- as if you care about 'the facts'.

You just want a reason to lynch the oreo.

Is that another racist snowflake term, like 'mediocre negro'?

I think it is- it is the term your fellow Conservative racist snowflake Weatherman2020 used in the OP.

Quoting: Weatherboy: "And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin"

Funny you only found it offensive when I quoted his term.
And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.

The facts are what they are.

Yet you will of course ignore the facts and rely upon your partisan and racial speculation.

What are the 'facts'?

We don't know much yet.

We have this new leak from Nunes- after he railed about the leak of confidential information at the Senate hearings.

We know that the FBI is investigating possible collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians
We know that the Russians tried to influence our election.

We have no 'facts' to support Trump's wiretapping claims.
We have absolutely nothing to support speculation that President Obama broke any law.

But then again people like you who consider a person with mixed racial heritage to be an 'oreo' don't really care about facts- its just about pursuing your racial agenda.
An investigation will uncover all of the facts.

LOL- as if you care about 'the facts'.

You just want a reason to lynch the oreo.

Is that another racist snowflake term, like 'mediocre negro'?

I think it is- it is the term your fellow Conservative racist snowflake Weatherman2020 used in the OP.

Quoting: Weatherboy: "And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin"

Funny you only found it offensive when I quoted his term.
So we back to the "spiracy" claim then?
No, we are back to you being a defiantly partisan snowflake who knows he is full of shit.

Obama refused to meet with the GOP for more than a year and a half after being elected. He regularly by-passed Congress to get / do what he wanted. Examples of by-passing Congress are big and bight enough for even a blind liberal douche to see:
- Took the country to war in Libya without ever going to Congress for authority to do so.
- Took the country to war in Syria without ever going before Congress for the authority to do so.
- Forged his own Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran then by-passed Congress again to take it straight to the UN for ratification before allowing the US Congress to see it.

..and much more.

Speaking of the Illegal Iran Treaty....

Snowflakes, like yourself I am guessing, argued that the Iran deal was NOT a 'treaty' but was instead an agreement between Obama and Iran.

I actually like that bullshit explanation....mainly because now that Obama is out of the WH and no longer President and since there is no binding treaty in existence, the 'deal' is null and void. Trump is President now and is not bound by some poisonous 'deal' made between an EX-President and the leading exporter of terrorism in the middle east. :p
That was an impressive albeit long winded deflection. Bravo.
It could have been a lot longer if I had listed ALL of Obama's violations of Constitution and law...
I'm pretty sure a Drumpfbot like yourself could make up an extensive list of alleged violations. Look how the birther claim turned out.
If they had evidence then Comey wouldnt have said they have none.
Yes he would, he's a liar.
So you think the guy that did his best to sink the Dems is now protecting a Dem by lying?
He didn't try to sink the Dems.
How quickly you seem to forget.

James Comey, FBI director, reopens Clinton email investigation

"The FBI has renewed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, Director James Comey told Congressin a new letter Friday, heightening the stakes for the Democratic presidential nominee with less than two weeks before Election Day."
I didn't forget anything, you're just too stupid to see what Comey was doing. Yeah, he reopened the investigation, then a few days later said "nope, nothing there". He had to reopen it because it was becoming obvious that Clinton was being protected after he testified that she lied about the classified information, then said he wouldn't recommend indicting her. It was a charade, designed to make him look credible (which he is not).
If they had evidence then Comey wouldnt have said they have none.
Yes he would, he's a liar.
So you think the guy that did his best to sink the Dems is now protecting a Dem by lying?
He didn't try to sink the Dems.
How quickly you seem to forget.

James Comey, FBI director, reopens Clinton email investigation

"The FBI has renewed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, Director James Comey told Congressin a new letter Friday, heightening the stakes for the Democratic presidential nominee with less than two weeks before Election Day."
I didn't forget anything, you're just too stupid to see what Comey was doing. Yeah, he reopened the investigation, then a few days later said "nope, nothing there". He had to reopen it because it was becoming obvious that Clinton was being protected after he testified that she lied about the classified information, then said he wouldn't recommend indicting her. It was a charade, designed to make him look credible (which he is not).
Is that what the voices in your head are telling you now?
If they had evidence then Comey wouldnt have said they have none.
Yes he would, he's a liar.
So you think the guy that did his best to sink the Dems is now protecting a Dem by lying?
He didn't try to sink the Dems.
How quickly you seem to forget.

James Comey, FBI director, reopens Clinton email investigation

"The FBI has renewed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, Director James Comey told Congressin a new letter Friday, heightening the stakes for the Democratic presidential nominee with less than two weeks before Election Day."
I didn't forget anything, you're just too stupid to see what Comey was doing. Yeah, he reopened the investigation, then a few days later said "nope, nothing there". He had to reopen it because it was becoming obvious that Clinton was being protected after he testified that she lied about the classified information, then said he wouldn't recommend indicting her. It was a charade, designed to make him look credible (which he is not).
You retard. A few days later an election was held. The damage was done.
Yes he would, he's a liar.
So you think the guy that did his best to sink the Dems is now protecting a Dem by lying?
He didn't try to sink the Dems.
How quickly you seem to forget.

James Comey, FBI director, reopens Clinton email investigation

"The FBI has renewed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, Director James Comey told Congressin a new letter Friday, heightening the stakes for the Democratic presidential nominee with less than two weeks before Election Day."
I didn't forget anything, you're just too stupid to see what Comey was doing. Yeah, he reopened the investigation, then a few days later said "nope, nothing there". He had to reopen it because it was becoming obvious that Clinton was being protected after he testified that she lied about the classified information, then said he wouldn't recommend indicting her. It was a charade, designed to make him look credible (which he is not).
You retard. A few days later an election was held. The damage was done.
No, sorry idiot, but the damage was done when Comey listed her crimes, then advised against an indictment.
You're desperate to find an excuse for Hillary's loss but even with all the fake polls and predictions from her friends in the media, they couldn't drag her fat, sorry ass over the finish line. You got behind a loser, and that makes YOU a loser as well.
So you think the guy that did his best to sink the Dems is now protecting a Dem by lying?
He didn't try to sink the Dems.
How quickly you seem to forget.

James Comey, FBI director, reopens Clinton email investigation

"The FBI has renewed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, Director James Comey told Congressin a new letter Friday, heightening the stakes for the Democratic presidential nominee with less than two weeks before Election Day."
I didn't forget anything, you're just too stupid to see what Comey was doing. Yeah, he reopened the investigation, then a few days later said "nope, nothing there". He had to reopen it because it was becoming obvious that Clinton was being protected after he testified that she lied about the classified information, then said he wouldn't recommend indicting her. It was a charade, designed to make him look credible (which he is not).
You retard. A few days later an election was held. The damage was done.
No, sorry idiot, but the damage was done when Comey listed her crimes, then advised against an indictment.
You're desperate to find an excuse for Hillary's loss but even with all the fake polls and predictions from her friends in the media, they couldn't drag her fat, sorry ass over the finish line. You got behind a loser, and that makes YOU a loser as well.
You sound like the retard you are. She was fine until Comey came out with the bombshell they were reinvestigating her. As it was she still won the popular vote. A clown like you wouldnt remember that. I was never behind Hillary. I wanted Bernie. Hillary was just a consolation prize.
She was fine until Comey came out with the bombshell they were reinvestigating her.
Desperation again, moron. She was never "fine" but if it gives you comfort, keep telling yourself that.

Of course she was fine you idiot. Thats why she was outraged when Comey made the announcement the same week of the election. It helped give people on the fence a reason to vote for your carnival barker Drumpf.
I think the FBI, Homeland Security, and whoever else has a stake in this should investigate the illegal leaks coming out of the Intel community and elsewhere since Trump took office. And if there were illegal wiretaps or other illegal surveillance and subsequent leaking then that should be investigated too.
She was fine until Comey came out with the bombshell they were reinvestigating her.
Desperation again, moron. She was never "fine" but if it gives you comfort, keep telling yourself that.

Of course she was fine you idiot. Thats why she was outraged when Comey made the announcement the same week of the election. It helped give people on the fence a reason to vote for your carnival barker Drumpf.
Well gee, I guess it wasn't the Russians then, huh? :lol:
She was fine until Comey came out with the bombshell they were reinvestigating her.
Desperation again, moron. She was never "fine" but if it gives you comfort, keep telling yourself that.

Of course she was fine you idiot. Thats why she was outraged when Comey made the announcement the same week of the election. It helped give people on the fence a reason to vote for your carnival barker Drumpf.
Well gee, I guess it wasn't the Russians then, huh? :lol:
What does the Russians have to do with the fact Comey did a number on her? What kind of retard are you? :laugh:

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