Time to Investigate Obama

Oh so now the claim has gone from Obama to Comey? Cant you guys get your accusations straight?
It can and should include both. As pointed out before Congress by both Comey himself and the head of the NSA, there was NEVER a legally acceptable reason to investigate Trump and his team after the FBI / NSA reported that there was NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and NO INTEL VALUE in what was 'incidentally collected'.
And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.

The facts are what they are.

Yet you will of course ignore the facts and rely upon your partisan and racial speculation.

What are the 'facts'?

We don't know much yet.

We have this new leak from Nunes- after he railed about the leak of confidential information at the Senate hearings.

We know that the FBI is investigating possible collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians
We know that the Russians tried to influence our election.

We have no 'facts' to support Trump's wiretapping claims.
We have absolutely nothing to support speculation that President Obama broke any law.

But then again people like you who consider a person with mixed racial heritage to be an 'oreo' don't really care about facts- its just about pursuing your racial agenda.
Oh so now the claim has gone from Obama to Comey? Cant you guys get your accusations straight?
It can and should include both. As pointed out before Congress by both Comey himself and the head of the NSA, there was NEVER a legally acceptable reason to investigate Trump and his team after the FBI / NSA reported that there was NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and NO INTEL VALUE in what was 'incidentally collected'.
If there was no legal reason then Comey wouldnt be brazenly admitting he was investigating Drumpf and his homies the Russians.
Oh so now the claim has gone from Obama to Comey? Cant you guys get your accusations straight?
It can and should include both. As pointed out before Congress by both Comey himself and the head of the NSA, there was NEVER a legally acceptable reason to investigate Trump and his team after the FBI / NSA reported that there was NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and NO INTEL VALUE in what was 'incidentally collected'.

As Comey pointed out- the President of the United States has no authority to order any FISA surveillance.

What neither of them ever said (i.e. you are just lying) is that neither ever said that there was no legally acceptable reason to investigate Trump and his team- if there was- the FBI wouldn't be investigating them right now.

But then again you have your head so far up Trump's as, that if you found out Trump was selling nuclear attack subs to Putin, you would praise Trump for his visionary cost cutting moves.
They already investigated Drumpfs claims and found them to be false as well as irrational. Obviously you didnt get the memo.
Apparently you haven't been paying attention or are you stupid?
Obviously you forgot to pay your cable bill and missed it. FBI cant find any evidence Drumpf was wire tapped. Like zero, zilch, nada, negative integer, etc , etc

The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing FELONY data breach)

Not splitting hairs- Trump claimed that President Obama ordered his phones tapped.

What is clear from the testimony is that a President has no such authority to order any surveillance.
What is also clear is that the surveillance of Trump's campaign was incidental to spying on other people covered by FISA warrents.

Trump just parroted what he heard on Breitbart- and now the Trumpsters are trying to explain away Trump's baseless lies and slander of President Obama.
And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.The facts are what they are.
Yet you will of course ignore the facts and rely upon your partisan and racial speculation. What are the 'facts'? We don't know much yet..
Yes we do:


We know that Obama had the NSA and FBI investigate Trump and his team anyway, despite no crime having been proven committed.

We know they 'monitored' Trump AFTER it was proven by the 'incidental collections' showed no collusion . crime.

We know Obama changed the law in his last few days to allow the Intel agencies to share info right before he illegally gave loyalists in those agencies personal protected information about Trump and his team.

We know that those loyalists then illegally leaked that information.

We know that both the FBI director and head of the NSA declared before Congress that the only crimes that have been proven to have been committed so far is the FELONY acts of ESPIONAGE by those Obama loyalists, leaks made possible by Obama's illegal acts.

We know FBI Director Comey declared, when asked before Congress if he would assure the American people he will investigate those crimes of Espionage and bring the perpetrators to justice, "I will NOT!"

We also know that during his time in office President Obama illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, illegally spied on CONGRESS, and illegally used the IRS to target and punish Americans who did not agree with his ideology and did not support his party or re-election. So we know, with a track record like that, he is not above breaking the law again.

We know a LOT, Syr....snowflakes just happen to DENY a lot.
They already investigated Drumpfs claims and found them to be false as well as irrational. Obviously you didnt get the memo.
Apparently you haven't been paying attention or are you stupid?
Obviously you forgot to pay your cable bill and missed it. FBI cant find any evidence Drumpf was wire tapped. Like zero, zilch, nada, negative integer, etc , etc

The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing FELONY data breach)

Not splitting hairs- Trump claimed that President Obama ordered his phones tapped.

What is clear from the testimony is that a President has no such authority to order any surveillance.
What is also clear is that the surveillance of Trump's campaign was incidental to spying on other people covered by FISA warrents.

Trump just parroted what he heard on Breitbart- and now the Trumpsters are trying to explain away Trump's baseless lies and slander of President Obama.

"(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

No, none at all. Good lord.
As Comey pointed out- the President of the United States has no authority to order any FISA surveillance.
Snowflakes are trying to argue that Obama did so LEGALLY. We already know he illegally collected personal info on Trump and his team, illegally gave it to the Intel agencies, and had Trump's team 'monitored' after the election...
They already investigated Drumpfs claims and found them to be false as well as irrational. Obviously you didnt get the memo.
Apparently you haven't been paying attention or are you stupid?
Obviously you forgot to pay your cable bill and missed it. FBI cant find any evidence Drumpf was wire tapped. Like zero, zilch, nada, negative integer, etc , etc

The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing FELONY data breach)

Not splitting hairs- Trump claimed that President Obama ordered his phones tapped.

What is clear from the testimony is that a President has no such authority to order any surveillance.
What is also clear is that the surveillance of Trump's campaign was incidental to spying on other people covered by FISA warrents.

Trump just parroted what he heard on Breitbart- and now the Trumpsters are trying to explain away Trump's baseless lies and slander of President Obama.

"(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

No, none at all. Good lord.
Its becoming more amusing and less amazing that you dont understand your own post. Only the AG can authorize electronic surveillance.

From your link

"An electronic surveillance authorized by this subsection may be conducted only in accordance with the Attorney General’s certification and the minimization procedures adopted by him. The Attorney General shall assess compliance with such procedures and shall report such assessments to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence under the provisions of section 1808(a) of this title."
"(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

No, none at all. Good lord.

Except the House Intel Chairman and the NSA already pointed out the 'incidental collections' showed NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE. That means this would not LEGALLY apply because there was no crime proven, no reason to further investigate, due to no foreign Intel value.
Its becoming more amusing and less amazing that you dont understand your own post. Only the AG can authorize electronic surveillance.
Legally...Again, Obama proved over 8 years he was never one to let the law or the Constitution stand in his way....
So we back to the "spiracy" claim then?
No, we are back to you being a defiantly partisan snowflake who knows he is full of shit.

Obama refused to meet with the GOP for more than a year and a half after being elected. He regularly by-passed Congress to get / do what he wanted. Examples of by-passing Congress are big and bight enough for even a blind liberal douche to see:
- Took the country to war in Libya without ever going to Congress for authority to do so.
- Took the country to war in Syria without ever going before Congress for the authority to do so.
- Forged his own Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran then by-passed Congress again to take it straight to the UN for ratification before allowing the US Congress to see it.

..and much more.

Speaking of the Illegal Iran Treaty....

Snowflakes, like yourself I am guessing, argued that the Iran deal was NOT a 'treaty' but was instead an agreement between Obama and Iran.

I actually like that bullshit explanation....mainly because now that Obama is out of the WH and no longer President and since there is no binding treaty in existence, the 'deal' is null and void. Trump is President now and is not bound by some poisonous 'deal' made between an EX-President and the leading exporter of terrorism in the middle east. :p
So we back to the "spiracy" claim then?
No, we are back to you being a defiantly partisan snowflake who knows he is full of shit.

Obama refused to meet with the GOP for more than a year and a half after being elected. He regularly by-passed Congress to get / do what he wanted. Examples of by-passing Congress are big and bight enough for even a blind liberal douche to see:
- Took the country to war in Libya without ever going to Congress for authority to do so.
- Took the country to war in Syria without ever going before Congress for the authority to do so.
- Forged his own Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran then by-passed Congress again to take it straight to the UN for ratification before allowing the US Congress to see it.

..and much more.

Speaking of the Illegal Iran Treaty....

Snowflakes, like yourself I am guessing, argued that the Iran deal was NOT a 'treaty' but was instead an agreement between Obama and Iran.

I actually like that bullshit explanation....mainly because now that Obama is out of the WH and no longer President and since there is no binding treaty in existence, the 'deal' is null and void. Trump is President now and is not bound by some poisonous 'deal' made between an EX-President and the leading exporter of terrorism in the middle east. :p
That was an impressive albeit long winded deflection. Bravo.
And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.

The facts are what they are.

What appears at this writing is that Trump transition team members and possibly Trump himself had their identities revealed, were “unmasked” in the parlance, while foreign diplomats were being surveilled. The identities of American citizens were not sufficiently “minimized,” as they are required to be by law. This is a crime one would assume would put the perpetrators in prison. So far it hasn’t. More than that, such behavior is a grave threat to a free society, to all of us.

In effect, Trump was wiretapped — if not in the corny, old sense of the word, something very close. Technologically, he was wiretapped, as were several (actually many) others.

A fair amount of this happened not long before Barack Obama suddenly changed the rules regarding raw intelligence, for the first time ever allowing the NSA to share its data with 16 other intelligence agencies, thus making the dissemination of said data (i. e. leaking) many times more likely. That was done on January 12, 2017, just three scant days before Trump’s inauguration. Why did the then president finally decide to make that particular change at that extremely late date, rather than on one of the previous seven years and three hundred fifty-three days of his presidency? You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes or Watson to smell a rat.

Time to Investigate Obama, not Just Trump
Needing a deflection/distraction, are you? Yes, I would imagine so.
wow, looks like you're the one deflecting. what kind of mirror you got there?
Ace, you can post that until the stars fall out of the sky. it's illegal. ILLEGAL. a fking bag of poopy
I agree with you that Drumpf has done lots of illegal things like working with the enemy. Now Comey just has to prove it like he proved there was nothing to Drumpfs wire tapping claims.
if you agree with me on anything, it is that comey is going to jail for illegal investigation of american citizens. I don't need your games dumb fk.
Oh so now the claim has gone from Obama to Comey? Cant you guys get your accusations straight?
they can both go.
And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.

The facts are what they are.

Yet you will of course ignore the facts and rely upon your partisan and racial speculation.

What are the 'facts'?

We don't know much yet.

We have this new leak from Nunes- after he railed about the leak of confidential information at the Senate hearings.

We know that the FBI is investigating possible collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians
We know that the Russians tried to influence our election.

We have no 'facts' to support Trump's wiretapping claims.
We have absolutely nothing to support speculation that President Obama broke any law.

But then again people like you who consider a person with mixed racial heritage to be an 'oreo' don't really care about facts- its just about pursuing your racial agenda.

"We know that the FBI is investigating possible collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians
We know that the Russians tried to influence our election."

And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.

The facts are what they are.

Yet you will of course ignore the facts and rely upon your partisan and racial speculation.

What are the 'facts'?

We don't know much yet.

We have this new leak from Nunes- after he railed about the leak of confidential information at the Senate hearings.

We know that the FBI is investigating possible collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians
We know that the Russians tried to influence our election.

We have no 'facts' to support Trump's wiretapping claims.
We have absolutely nothing to support speculation that President Obama broke any law.

But then again people like you who consider a person with mixed racial heritage to be an 'oreo' don't really care about facts- its just about pursuing your racial agenda.
We have no 'facts' to support Trump's wiretapping claims.
We have absolutely nothing to support speculation that President Obama broke any law.

Sure we do. there is more of those facts by one than anything else being discussed.
Oh so now the claim has gone from Obama to Comey? Cant you guys get your accusations straight?
It can and should include both. As pointed out before Congress by both Comey himself and the head of the NSA, there was NEVER a legally acceptable reason to investigate Trump and his team after the FBI / NSA reported that there was NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and NO INTEL VALUE in what was 'incidentally collected'.
If there was no legal reason then Comey wouldnt be brazenly admitting he was investigating Drumpf and his homies the Russians.
well let the congress see the warrant that authorized the investigation. Ok?

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