Time to Investigate Obama

The fact of the matter is that the FBI esp. Comey in front of a house investigatory committee could have evidence of Trump's claims and sit on it because it is part of an ongoing investigation.

Appropriately it has been pointed out that this is in disparity to Comey commenting on the existence of a 'similarly ongoing' investigation of Trump and the Russians in which he said there was NO evidence.

How do we have this contradiction in FBI policy regarding commenting on ongoing investigations? good question.... But we do.
A cow could be a bull if it had testicles too. In light of his comment there is not much to go on.

That's kind of my point... FBI has a contradictory history, or more aptly, an evolving policy on what it will comment on.
We can only go with the facts. Todays facts specify he is still investigating Drumpf and there is no information that proves Drumpf was wiretapped at all let alone by Obama. Until that is proven untrue then the OP has proven to be a useful idiot.
wrong and wrong. dude you got bubkiss. Comey has a bag of poop!!! And, he doesn't have a warrant to be investigating.

Huckabee Calls for 'Independent Investigation' of Surveillance on Trump Team

Huckabee joins the suddenly growing number of calls to investigate Obama and the post-'incidental collection' 'monitoring' and investigation of Trump and his team!

"Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) said this morning an independent investigation is needed to look into surveillance of members of President Donald Trump's campaign team.

In remarks yesterday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA)
said that some of the communications of the Trump transition team were "monitored" after the election as part of "incidental collection."

Intentional 'monitoring' is NOT 'incidental collection'!
The fact of the matter is that the FBI esp. Comey in front of a house investigatory committee could have evidence of Trump's claims and sit on it because it is part of an ongoing investigation.

Appropriately it has been pointed out that this is in disparity to Comey commenting on the existence of a 'similarly ongoing' investigation of Trump and the Russians in which he said there was NO evidence.

How do we have this contradiction in FBI policy regarding commenting on ongoing investigations? good question.... But we do.
A cow could be a bull if it had testicles too. In light of his comment there is not much to go on.

That's kind of my point... FBI has a contradictory history, or more aptly, an evolving policy on what it will comment on.
We can only go with the facts. Todays facts specify he is still investigating Drumpf and there is no information that proves Drumpf was wiretapped at all let alone by Obama. Until that is proven untrue then the OP has proven to be a useful idiot.
wrong and wrong. dude you got bubkiss. Comey has a bag of poop!!! And, he doesn't have a warrant to be investigating.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians - CNNPolitics.com
Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, and Congress. Obama illegally used the IRS to target Americans. Ex-CIA Chief James Clapper testified under oath that Americans were not being illegally spied on...before it was revealed that they were, and Clapper was given the opportunity to 'amend' his testimony rather than be sent to jail for Perjury, which is what should have happened. (Clapper is now saying Trump was not spied on / wire-tapped by Obama.)

The CIA's 'spy secrets', the untold ways the CIA illegally spies on anyone / everyone was hacked and released...

And in today's news:

WikiLeaks Vault 7 Leak Claims CIA Bugs ‘Factory Fresh’ iPhones

Yeah, if you think there is no way Obama could have / didn't illegally spy on Trump you're a 'NAIVE RUBE', and I have a bridge to sell you...

View attachment 118149

1-800-386-2277 (1-800-DUMBASS) :p
but Putin hacked the DNC. These fkoffs are too funny.

Obviously he did something.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians - CNNPolitics.com
Ace, you can post that until the stars fall out of the sky. it's illegal. ILLEGAL. a fking bag of poopy

Huckabee Calls for 'Independent Investigation' of Surveillance on Trump Team

Huckabee joins the suddenly growing number of calls to investigate Obama and the post-'incidental collection' 'monitoring' and investigation of Trump and his team!

"Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) said this morning an independent investigation is needed to look into surveillance of members of President Donald Trump's campaign team.

In remarks yesterday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA)
said that some of the communications of the Trump transition team were "monitored" after the election as part of "incidental collection."

Intentional 'monitoring' is NOT 'incidental collection'!
dude, this is all illegal shit ready to get "blowed up sir"!!!!

I sent an email to my rep today asking for him to see the warrant that authorized the investigation. you all should email your reps!!!!
And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.

The facts are what they are.

What appears at this writing is that Trump transition team members and possibly Trump himself had their identities revealed, were “unmasked” in the parlance, while foreign diplomats were being surveilled. The identities of American citizens were not sufficiently “minimized,” as they are required to be by law. This is a crime one would assume would put the perpetrators in prison. So far it hasn’t. More than that, such behavior is a grave threat to a free society, to all of us.

In effect, Trump was wiretapped — if not in the corny, old sense of the word, something very close. Technologically, he was wiretapped, as were several (actually many) others.

A fair amount of this happened not long before Barack Obama suddenly changed the rules regarding raw intelligence, for the first time ever allowing the NSA to share its data with 16 other intelligence agencies, thus making the dissemination of said data (i. e. leaking) many times more likely. That was done on January 12, 2017, just three scant days before Trump’s inauguration. Why did the then president finally decide to make that particular change at that extremely late date, rather than on one of the previous seven years and three hundred fifty-three days of his presidency? You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes or Watson to smell a rat.

Time to Investigate Obama, not Just Trump
Needing a deflection/distraction, are you? Yes, I would imagine so.
Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, and Congress. Obama illegally used the IRS to target Americans. Ex-CIA Chief James Clapper testified under oath that Americans were not being illegally spied on...before it was revealed that they were, and Clapper was given the opportunity to 'amend' his testimony rather than be sent to jail for Perjury, which is what should have happened. (Clapper is now saying Trump was not spied on / wire-tapped by Obama.)

The CIA's 'spy secrets', the untold ways the CIA illegally spies on anyone / everyone was hacked and released...

And in today's news:

WikiLeaks Vault 7 Leak Claims CIA Bugs ‘Factory Fresh’ iPhones

Yeah, if you think there is no way Obama could have / didn't illegally spy on Trump you're a 'NAIVE RUBE', and I have a bridge to sell you...

View attachment 118149

1-800-386-2277 (1-800-DUMBASS) :p
but Putin hacked the DNC. These fkoffs are too funny.

Obviously he did something.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians - CNNPolitics.com
Ace, you can post that until the stars fall out of the sky. it's illegal. ILLEGAL. a fking bag of poopy
I agree with you that Drumpf has done lots of illegal things like working with the enemy. Now Comey just has to prove it like he proved there was nothing to Drumpfs wire tapping claims.
Obviously he did something.
Yes, AFTER the FBI and NSA directors both declared their 'incidental collections' showed NO CRIMES, NO INTEL VALUE, and NO FURTHER REASON TO INVESTIGATE, and after 9 months of further investigations anyway have resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE of any criminal activity...

"Obviously he did something."


The fact of the matter is that the FBI esp. Comey in front of a house investigatory committee could have evidence of Trump's claims and sit on it because it is part of an ongoing investigation.

Appropriately it has been pointed out that this is in disparity to Comey commenting on the existence of a 'similarly ongoing' investigation of Trump and the Russians in which he said there was NO evidence.

How do we have this contradiction in FBI policy regarding commenting on ongoing investigations? good question.... But we do.
A cow could be a bull if it had testicles too. In light of his comment there is not much to go on.

That's kind of my point... FBI has a contradictory history, or more aptly, an evolving policy on what it will comment on.
We can only go with the facts. Todays facts specify he is still investigating Drumpf and there is no information that proves Drumpf was wiretapped at all let alone by Obama. Until that is proven untrue then the OP has proven to be a useful idiot.
wrong and wrong. dude you got bubkiss. Comey has a bag of poop!!! And, he doesn't have a warrant to be investigating.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians - CNNPolitics.com
Apparently, the Trumpettes haven't been paying attention. The FBI revealed that it has been investigating Trump and associates since July. And even Trump's BFF on the Senate Intelligence Committee stated the other day that as far as he can tell, any and all wire taps and other means of investigation regarding Trump/Russia were done legally.

without probable cause, it's called illegal. Comey is going to jail soon.
I'm sure your Orange Lord and Master would like that.
Obviously he did something.
Yes, AFTER the FBI and NSA directors both declared their 'incidental collections' showed NO CRIMES, NO INTEL VALUE, and NO FURTHER REASON TO INVESTIGATE, and after 9 months of further investigations anyway have resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE of any criminal activity...

"Obviously he did something."

View attachment 118151
only in a snowflake moment.
Apparently, the Trumpettes haven't been paying attention. The FBI revealed that it has been investigating Trump and associates since July. And even Trump's BFF on the Senate Intelligence Committee stated the other day that as far as he can tell, any and all wire taps and other means of investigation regarding Trump/Russia were done legally.

without probable cause, it's called illegal. Comey is going to jail soon.
I'm sure your Orange Lord and Master would like that.
well he can definitely put him there shortly. watch.
Obviously he did something.
Yes, AFTER the FBI and NSA directors both declared their 'incidental collections' showed NO CRIMES, NO INTEL VALUE, and NO FURTHER REASON TO INVESTIGATE, and after 9 months of further investigations anyway have resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE of any criminal activity...

"Obviously he did something."

View attachment 118151
Sounding a little shrill...a little panicky, are you?
ever notice when particularly damning evidence comes out certain mods go into overdrive trying to shut them down
The Washington Post's Bob Woodward warned on Wednesday that there are people from the Obama administration who could be facing criminal charges for unmasking the names of Trump transition team members from surveillance of foreign officials. Bob Woodward: Obama officials possibly facing criminal charges for unmasking scheme
Only if the GOP will grow some balls and actually carry out some justice instead of protecting fellow politicians and / or the ex-administration criminals...
Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, and Congress. Obama illegally used the IRS to target Americans. Ex-CIA Chief James Clapper testified under oath that Americans were not being illegally spied on...before it was revealed that they were, and Clapper was given the opportunity to 'amend' his testimony rather than be sent to jail for Perjury, which is what should have happened. (Clapper is now saying Trump was not spied on / wire-tapped by Obama.)

The CIA's 'spy secrets', the untold ways the CIA illegally spies on anyone / everyone was hacked and released...

And in today's news:

WikiLeaks Vault 7 Leak Claims CIA Bugs ‘Factory Fresh’ iPhones

Yeah, if you think there is no way Obama could have / didn't illegally spy on Trump you're a 'NAIVE RUBE', and I have a bridge to sell you...

View attachment 118149

1-800-386-2277 (1-800-DUMBASS) :p
but Putin hacked the DNC. These fkoffs are too funny.

Obviously he did something.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians - CNNPolitics.com
Ace, you can post that until the stars fall out of the sky. it's illegal. ILLEGAL. a fking bag of poopy
I agree with you that Drumpf has done lots of illegal things like working with the enemy. Now Comey just has to prove it like he proved there was nothing to Drumpfs wire tapping claims.
if you agree with me on anything, it is that comey is going to jail for illegal investigation of american citizens. I don't need your games dumb fk.
Obviously he did something.
Yes, AFTER the FBI and NSA directors both declared their 'incidental collections' showed NO CRIMES, NO INTEL VALUE, and NO FURTHER REASON TO INVESTIGATE, and after 9 months of further investigations anyway have resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE of any criminal activity...

"Obviously he did something."

View attachment 118151
Sounding a little shrill...a little panicky, are you?
No, that was me laughing my ass off at that incredibly ridiculous comment. Seems your 'perception' is in need of tuning...
Obviously he did something.
Yes, AFTER the FBI and NSA directors both declared their 'incidental collections' showed NO CRIMES, NO INTEL VALUE, and NO FURTHER REASON TO INVESTIGATE, and after 9 months of further investigations anyway have resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE of any criminal activity...

"Obviously he did something."

View attachment 118151
Sounding a little shrill...a little panicky, are you?
just stating facts, thanks for asking him.
Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, and Congress. Obama illegally used the IRS to target Americans. Ex-CIA Chief James Clapper testified under oath that Americans were not being illegally spied on...before it was revealed that they were, and Clapper was given the opportunity to 'amend' his testimony rather than be sent to jail for Perjury, which is what should have happened. (Clapper is now saying Trump was not spied on / wire-tapped by Obama.)

The CIA's 'spy secrets', the untold ways the CIA illegally spies on anyone / everyone was hacked and released...

And in today's news:

WikiLeaks Vault 7 Leak Claims CIA Bugs ‘Factory Fresh’ iPhones

Yeah, if you think there is no way Obama could have / didn't illegally spy on Trump you're a 'NAIVE RUBE', and I have a bridge to sell you...

View attachment 118149

1-800-386-2277 (1-800-DUMBASS) :p
but Putin hacked the DNC. These fkoffs are too funny.

Obviously he did something.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians - CNNPolitics.com
Ace, you can post that until the stars fall out of the sky. it's illegal. ILLEGAL. a fking bag of poopy
I agree with you that Drumpf has done lots of illegal things like working with the enemy. Now Comey just has to prove it like he proved there was nothing to Drumpfs wire tapping claims.
if you agree with me on anything, it is that comey is going to jail for illegal investigation of american citizens. I don't need your games dumb fk.
Oh so now the claim has gone from Obama to Comey? Cant you guys get your accusations straight?

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