Time to Investigate Obama

[Electronic surveillance doenst mean he was wire tapped like Drumpf claimed.
YES, yes it DOES. Wire-tapping is one form of electronic surveillance. it is the way the NSA stumbled onto the initial 'incidental communications collections' of the Trump team.

The on-going Trump investigations (NSA and FBI) began after these wire-taps/'Listening in' of other lines happened.

-- WHY would Obama, after the NSA / FBI tell him that these communications contained NO INTEL VALUE - as in no crime, no wrong doing, and no reason to investigate further, illegally share the personal information with the 16 Intel agencies AND have the FBI and NSA investigate Trump and his team?

Only an IDIOT would entertain the thought that the FBI and NSA would conduct investigations of American citizens suspected of (based on NO PROOF, as reported) collusion with the Russians - for 9+ months now - and NOT use wire-taps.

Only an idiot would suggest that Trump would illegally collect personal data on Americans that had no Intel value and would illegally distribute that information to his Intel Acolytes and conduct 2 investigations on Americans without there being a crime / reason to do so - would break those laws - but would not cross the line to have Trump wire-tapped.

These arguments and denial from the Left defy even the slightest bit of logic / common sense.

They're MIA.
As many as 12 Felonies were committed by Obama from this wire tapping incident alone.
Add in the history of scandal cover ups and perjury when investigating the scandals and this exceeds far and above and beyond any scandals and criminal activities committed by an administration in history.

Obama Admin Members who committed Perjury and were involved in Criminal Activities:


Not one person was even given so much as a slap on the hand.
There was no wire tapping incident.

FBI head has 'no information' backing Trump wiretap claims

Technically the term "Electronic Surveillance is more appropriate, and it encompasses much more than "wiretapping"> As to your claim, bullshit. You just don't want to admit that your Magic Negro might have broken the Law. The fact is even if he did you'll still make excuses for him.
This gets my vote for dumbest post of the day.

Well you arent that bright so thats actually a compliment. Thanks.
I bet you think Monica never blew Bubba in the WH.
She definitely blew Bubba in the WH. Dont bet money you cant afford to lose.

You sure that that wasn't you?
The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing data breach)
Under O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

" Notwithstanding any other law, the President, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

The ignorance of you people is astonishing.
You cant be this stupid. You just agreed with what I said. :laugh:

Now I feel bad for you, you don't seem to read well.
Says the guy that argued Obama issued a FiSA warrant when he cant and then posted something that said the AG has to do it.

Says the guy who has backed everything up with sources. You? Not so much.
(Years ago the DOJ wire-tapped the Trump Tower as part of a criminal case. Who is to say they only 'bugged' that one floor and that they ever took those 'bugs' out'? :p)
[Electronic surveillance doenst mean he was wire tapped like Drumpf claimed.
YES, yes it DOES. Wire-tapping is one form of electronic surveillance. it is the way the NSA stumbled onto the initial 'incidental communications collections' of the Trump team.

The on-going Trump investigations (NSA and FBI) began after these wire-taps/'Listening in' of other lines happened.

-- WHY would Obama, after the NSA / FBI tell him that these communications contained NO INTEL VALUE - as in no crime, no wrong doing, and no reason to investigate further, illegally share the personal information with the 16 Intel agencies AND have the FBI and NSA investigate Trump and his team?

Only an IDIOT would entertain the thought that the FBI and NSA would conduct investigations of American citizens suspected of (based on NO PROOF, as reported) collusion with the Russians - for 9+ months now - and NOT use wire-taps.

Only an idiot would suggest that Trump would illegally collect personal data on Americans that had no Intel value and would illegally distribute that information to his Intel Acolytes and conduct 2 investigations on Americans without there being a crime / reason to do so - would break those laws - but would not cross the line to have Trump wire-tapped.

These arguments and denial from the Left defy even the slightest bit of logic / common sense.
It's over dude. You lost. There is no evidence at all that Obama wiretapped your serial sex offender. Move on to your next set of lies.
(Years ago the DOJ wire-tapped the Trump Tower as part of a criminal case. Who is to say they only 'bugged' that one floor and that they ever took those 'bugs' out'? :p)
Drumpf claimed the wire tapping started during the election cycle. Try another gambit to prove he was tapped and Obama personally did it. :laugh:

Lets say they do have evidence but the investigation of it is ongoing, not collated, not concluded... Can you conceive of the possibility that Comey would answer as he did, en-light of these circumstances?[/QUOTE]

Until Obama changed the law in his last days, allowing Intl agencies to share info, none of the agencies, to my knowledge, had to share info that on-going ops were being conducted and / or that wire-taps were being utilized.

It could very well be that Obama acolytes in other Intel agencies were using wire-taps and Comey would never know about it, especially if Lynch failed to share that information with Comey. (After his Hillary investigation debacle he wasn't on Obama's / Lynch's 'Christmas Card List', after all.) And as Hillary and Obama proved, they had a preference at times for doing things and keeping it hidden, avoiding the public eye, the FOIA, and the Federal Records Act. (Plausibility...)

Lets say they do have evidence but the investigation of it is ongoing, not collated, not concluded... Can you conceive of the possibility that Comey would answer as he did, en-light of these circumstances?
If they had evidence then Comey wouldnt have said they have none.

Near as I can tell Comey is NOT someone any of us should hang our hats on[/QUOTE]
So we're back to the birther like conspiracy that he was wire tapped without any evidence of it?
Well you arent that bright so thats actually a compliment. Thanks.
I bet you think Monica never blew Bubba in the WH.
She definitely blew Bubba in the WH. Dont bet money you cant afford to lose.

You sure that that wasn't you?
Under O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

" Notwithstanding any other law, the President, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

The ignorance of you people is astonishing.
You cant be this stupid. You just agreed with what I said. :laugh:

Now I feel bad for you, you don't seem to read well.
Says the guy that argued Obama issued a FiSA warrant when he cant and then posted something that said the AG has to do it.

Says the guy who has backed everything up with sources. You? Not so much.
Your sources proved the POTUS cant issue a FISA warrant. Only the AG can. You failed in an epic manner.
when asked the direct question "does the FBI have evidence to Trump's claims of tapping"

- Comey, if he does have evidence, but the evidence is still being investigated, should respond directly to the question definitively saying ---- No the FBI does not have evidence supporting Trump's claim

He is not there to feed Congress a bunch of premature, investigatory, piecemeal evidence.
Drumpf claimed the wire tapping started during the election cycle. Try another gambit to prove he was tapped and Obama personally did it. :laugh:
I ma not saying the feds left bugs in his building after that earlier op, but if they did they could have started up collections again at any time. :p

I personally don't believe this. We already know:
- Obama illegally collected the personal information and illegally distributed it to the 16 Intel agencies during the election cycle.

- Obama and his administration started up the 2 investigations as a result of this revelation about Trump's team legally communicating with Russians, communications that had NO INTEL VALUE and showed NO CRIME / NO REASON TO INVESTIGATE.

Remember how the Obama administration made shit up to justify their illegal investigation of Rosen / search of Rosen's computer? The lies they used to justify the search / collection were so heinous they were mind-numbing. Obama and his 'Brown Shirts' declared Rosen was a 'traitor and a 'Flight Risk'. The ironic / funny thing is they claimed Rosen was guilty of Espionage...and just a few years later it is revealed exactly who the traitorous Felons guilty of Espionage truly are - Obama and his criminal 'acolytes'!

Lets say they do have evidence but the investigation of it is ongoing, not collated, not concluded... Can you conceive of the possibility that Comey would answer as he did, en-light of these circumstances?

Until Obama changed the law in his last days, allowing Intl agencies to share info, none of the agencies, to my knowledge, had to share info that on-going ops were being conducted and / or that wire-taps were being utilized.

It could very well be that Obama acolytes in other Intel agencies were using wire-taps and Comey would never know about it, especially if Lynch failed to share that information with Comey. (After his Hillary investigation debacle he wasn't on Obama's / Lynch's 'Christmas Card List', after all.) And as Hillary and Obama proved, they had a preference at times for doing things and keeping it hidden, avoiding the public eye, the FOIA, and the Federal Records Act. (Plausibility...)[/QUOTE]

The question was for Asclepsias but thanks for answering for her.... Yes, absolutely the answer is YES
Trump keeps breaking the law but all the Deplorables can do is cry to investigate a much more popular squeaky clean president, the previous one.
when asked the direct question "does the FBI have evidence to Trump's claims of tapping"

- Comey, if he does have evidence, but the evidence is still being investigated, should respond directly to the question definitively saying ---- No the FBI does not have evidence supporting Trump's claim

He is not there to feed Congress a bunch of premature, investigatory, piecemeal evidence.
Yes, by all means - withhold the whole story until you are FORCED to give as little as necessary. We saw that with Benghazi, Hillary's Server/Emails, Obama's Fast and Furious, Obama's illegal use of the IRS, Bill Clinton and his sexual harassment law suit, etc....


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