Time to Investigate Obama

I want to see the proof. Until then all you have is the same thing as the Birther conspiracy.
As I said and you just proved - you must have been sleeping through the last 8 years. Go back to sleep, Rip-Van-Snowflake.


As CNN reported, Obama illegally collected personal information of no Intel value, changed the law so he could distribute the information to the Intel agencies and so they could share amongst themselves, and then illegally distributed the PROTECTED personal information - that had 'no foreign Intel value' - to the Intel agencies. Those agencies then illegally committed the Felony acts of ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing the information they had illegally received from Obama (the 'accessory').

The DNC's fake news / fake crime has blown up in their faces. The House Intel Chairman made it clear - the 'incidental collection' of Team Trump data had no Intel value - as in nothing there - as in no crime committed - as in no collusion - as in NO CRIME - as in NO REASON to conduct 2 simultaneous FBA and NSA investigations (as there was no crime identified).

Trump's wire-tap claims began the digging into all of this and helped un-cover Obama's and his 'acolytes'' illegal actions / Felony Espionage.
I'm right. Drumpf said Obama did it. If you dont believe me go look at his tweet.
I didn't disagree with you. Trump said it. As CNN, The House Intel Committee Chairman, Comey, and the head of the NSA has now prove, Trump was right - Oama did do it / made it happen / facilitated it, to include the Felony acts of ESPIONAGE.[/QUOTE]
FBI said nothing was found in regards to wire tapping. You sound gullible if you think the POTUS wire tapped Drumpf.
Good question... By the way of answering let me ask you a question. Is comey able to answer in the affirmative to that if his investigation is ongoing, not collated, not concluded?
sure they did. you weren't listening. comey stated that the trump campaign has been under investigation since july. D'OH!! are you deaf?
Being under investigation doesnt mean you were wire tapped. Only an idiot would make that claim.
dude what else is there that it could actually be if not listening to what they say? So tell me what else they could use to show collusion? wouldn't someone need to have been watched and listened to? I mean how else do you have a motive?
A human? Is it your claim that a human couldnt have listened to what was being said?
WTF does that even mean? so you can't answer my post. so now you're 0 for one. put up or shut up.
You asked what else could have been listening. A human in the same room could have been listening and spying. Dont go into a rage because you were too stupid to realize there is more than one way to hear a conversation.
so hear say is what is being investigated and not actual tape? OMG dude, that's what you're going with? hahahahahahhaaha
Being under investigation doesnt mean you were wire tapped. Only an idiot would make that claim.
dude what else is there that it could actually be if not listening to what they say? So tell me what else they could use to show collusion? wouldn't someone need to have been watched and listened to? I mean how else do you have a motive?
A human? Is it your claim that a human couldnt have listened to what was being said?
WTF does that even mean? so you can't answer my post. so now you're 0 for one. put up or shut up.
You asked what else could have been listening. A human in the same room could have been listening and spying. Dont go into a rage because you were too stupid to realize there is more than one way to hear a conversation.
so hear say is what is being investigated and not actual tape? OMG dude, that's what you're going with? hahahahahahhaaha
You dont need a wire tap to tape someone. You can have a recorder in your pocket. How ignorant of technology are you to believe otherwise?
Good question... By the way of answering let me ask you a question. Is comey able to answer in the affirmative to that if his investigation is ongoing, not collated, not concluded?
right, he violated the law.
dude what else is there that it could actually be if not listening to what they say? So tell me what else they could use to show collusion? wouldn't someone need to have been watched and listened to? I mean how else do you have a motive?
A human? Is it your claim that a human couldnt have listened to what was being said?
WTF does that even mean? so you can't answer my post. so now you're 0 for one. put up or shut up.
You asked what else could have been listening. A human in the same room could have been listening and spying. Dont go into a rage because you were too stupid to realize there is more than one way to hear a conversation.
so hear say is what is being investigated and not actual tape? OMG dude, that's what you're going with? hahahahahahhaaha
You dont need a wire tap to tape someone. You can have a recorder in your pocket. How ignorant of technology are you to believe otherwise?
so that's spying and surveillance. thanks for your time rookie.
A human? Is it your claim that a human couldnt have listened to what was being said?
WTF does that even mean? so you can't answer my post. so now you're 0 for one. put up or shut up.
You asked what else could have been listening. A human in the same room could have been listening and spying. Dont go into a rage because you were too stupid to realize there is more than one way to hear a conversation.
so hear say is what is being investigated and not actual tape? OMG dude, that's what you're going with? hahahahahahhaaha
You dont need a wire tap to tape someone. You can have a recorder in your pocket. How ignorant of technology are you to believe otherwise?
so that's spying and surveillance. thanks for your time rookie.
Drumpf said wire tapping (which is very specific) not spying. Dont be a useful idiot moron.
FBI said nothing was found in regards to wire tapping. You sound gullible if you think the POTUS wire tapped Drumpf.
Except we know now that 'electronic communications' were collected on trump and his team. Those communications proved to have 'No Intel value'; however Obama still illegally distributed the info to the Intel Communities AND he . his administration began 2 simultaneous investigations (FBI and NSA) on Trump and his team DESPITE Obama being told that communications collected showed NO VALUE - NO CRIME - NO COLLUSION - and thus NO CRIME TO INVESTIGATE...but he did anyway.

Absolutely ZERO evidence has been found against Trump, but snowflakes declare 'circumstantial evidence' has been found that warrants a continue fishing tri...er, investigation.

Well, the 'circumstantial evidence' against Obama is DAMNING. Already known to have illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, and Congress...already known to have illegally used the IRS to illegally target Americans, it has been shown that Obama's administration did listen in on Trump and his team, FOUND NOTHING, passed personally protected info illegally to Intel agencies, and that his people engaged in Felony Espionage by leaking that info...

... AND that Obama and his administration, based on ZERO evidence / ZERO crime proven - the communications 'incidental collected' of Trump, initiated 2 investigations of Trump and his team in the midst of an election.

That's a hell of a lot more than 'circumstantial evidence' 'warranting further investigation'!
FBI said nothing was found in regards to wire tapping. You sound gullible if you think the POTUS wire tapped Drumpf.
Except we know now that 'electronic communications' were collected on trump and his team. Those communications proved to have 'No Intel value'; however Obama still illegally distributed the info to the Intel Communities AND he . his administration began 2 simultaneous investigations (FBI and NSA) on Trump and his team DESPITE Obama being told that communications collected showed NO VALUE - NO CRIME - NO COLLUSION - and thus NO CRIME TO INVESTIGATE...but he did anyway.

Absolutely ZERO evidence has been found against Trump, but snowflakes declare 'circumstantial evidence' has been found that warrants a continue fishing tri...er, investigation.

Well, the 'circumstantial evidence' against Obama is DAMNING. Already known to have illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, and Congress...already known to have illegally used the IRS to illegally target Americans, it has been shown that Obama's administration did listen in on Trump and his team, FOUND NOTHING, passed personally protected info illegally to Intel agencies, and that his people engaged in Felony Espionage by leaking that info...

... AND that Obama and his administration, based on ZERO evidence / ZERO crime proven - the communications 'incidental collected' of Trump, initiated 2 investigations of Trump and his team in the midst of an election.

That's a hell of a lot more than 'circumstantial evidence' 'warranting further investigation'!
Electronic surveillance doenst mean he was wire tapped like Drumpf claimed. This is what happens when people are idiots like Drumpf. They say idiotic things then go back and try to spin it.
Drumpf said wire tapping not spying. Dont be a useful idiot moron.
Electronic surveillance was used - what is not known (and warrants further investigation) is if it was more than 'incidental collections'?

The NSA records, as revealed, mentions a lot of 'electronic surveillance'.

We also know that both the FBI and the NSA conducted / are conducting their own investigations of Trump and his team, investigations far beyond that of 'incidental collections'. This investigation has been going on for 9 months, and if you seriously are trying to say during theses 9 months of investigations by the FBI and NSA not one bit of intentional electronic surveillance has been conducted than you are barking mad - it defies God-given common sense.
Drumpf said wire tapping not spying. Dont be a useful idiot moron.
Electronic surveillance was used - what is not known (and warrants further investigation) is if it was more than 'incidental collections'?

The NSA records, as revealed, mentions a lot of 'electronic surveillance'.

We also know that both the FBI and the NSA conducted / are conducting their own investigations of Trump and his team, investigations far beyond that of 'incidental collections'. This investigation has been going on for 9 months, and if you seriously are trying to say during theses 9 months of investigations by the FBI and NSA not one bit of intentional electronic surveillance has been conducted than you are barking mad - it defies God-given common sense.

FBI head has 'no information' backing Trump wiretap claims
Being under investigation doesnt mean you were wire tapped. Only an idiot would make that claim.
dude what else is there that it could actually be if not listening to what they say? So tell me what else they could use to show collusion? wouldn't someone need to have been watched and listened to? I mean how else do you have a motive?
A human? Is it your claim that a human couldnt have listened to what was being said?
WTF does that even mean? so you can't answer my post. so now you're 0 for one. put up or shut up.
You asked what else could have been listening. A human in the same room could have been listening and spying. Dont go into a rage because you were too stupid to realize there is more than one way to hear a conversation.
so hear say is what is being investigated and not actual tape? OMG dude, that's what you're going with? hahahahahahhaaha
That thread is all they got.. Nunes just cut it and the whining hasn't stopped since.
As many as 12 Felonies were committed by Obama from this wire tapping incident alone.
Add in the history of scandal cover ups and perjury when investigating the scandals and this exceeds far and above and beyond any scandals and criminal activities committed by an administration in history.

Obama Admin Members who committed Perjury and were involved in Criminal Activities:


Not one person was even given so much as a slap on the hand.

As many as 12 Felonies were committed by Obama from this wire tapping incident alone.
Add in the history of scandal cover ups and perjury when investigating the scandals and this exceeds far and above and beyond any scandals and criminal activities committed by an administration in history.

Obama Admin Members who committed Perjury and were involved in Criminal Activities:


Not one person was even given so much as a slap on the hand.
There was no wire tapping incident.

FBI head has 'no information' backing Trump wiretap claims
As many as 12 Felonies were committed by Obama from this wire tapping incident alone.
Add in the history of scandal cover ups and perjury when investigating the scandals and this exceeds far and above and beyond any scandals and criminal activities committed by an administration in history.

Obama Admin Members who committed Perjury and were involved in Criminal Activities:


Not one person was even given so much as a slap on the hand.
Your chronic lying about Obama isn't going to get your Russian traitor off ya know.
He's just here to muddy the waters and fuck up the thread. The truth is that Obama spied on the Trump campaign, then leaked the information to the press (albeit through surrogates). Sycophants will split hairs on the wording or definitions of words but the bottom line is that the Obama administration broke the law in their efforts to stop Trump and the entire Democratic Party is covering for him. Whether they'll pay a price for it next year or not remains to be seen.
Drumpf said Obama did it. Not his administration. Drumpf is a retard for making the claim and looks like a fool once again after the FBI proved him wrong. You fools are going to ride with him until he throws you under the bus like he did with his birther conspiracy. :laugh:

"A president cant issue a FISA warrant"

"the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance"

Now if you need to split hairs to protect your Messiah I get it, but it makes you look stupid.

What part of AG did you misunderstand?

What part of "President" eludes you?
The part where you and drumpf claim the POTUS issued a FISA warrant. Can you clear that up for us all?

The AG can do it (as the law posted says) as delegated (authorized) by the PRESIDENT.

"A review of the history of intelligence collection and its regulation by Congress suggests that the two political branches have never quite achieved a meeting of the minds regarding their respective powers. Presidents have long contended that the ability to conduct surveillance for intelligence purposes is a purely executive function, and have tended to make broad assertions of authority while resisting efforts on the part of Congress or the courts to impose restrictions. Congress has asserted itself with respect to domestic surveillance, but has largely left matters involving overseas surveillance to executive self-regulation, subject to congressional oversight and willingness to provide funds."

The Senate Judiciary Committee articulated its view with respect to congressional power to tailor the President's use of an inherent constitutional power:

The basis for this legislation [FISA] is the understanding – concurred in by the Attorney General – that even if the President has an "inherent" constitutional power to authorize warrantless surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes, Congress has the power to regulate the exercise of this authority by legislating a reasonable warrant procedure governing foreign intelligence surveillance

NSA warrantless surveillance (2001–07) - Wikipedia

He indeed has the authority, but should he I don't believe so. The 4th amendment has been dying a slow death since 1978.

" Notwithstanding any other law, the President, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

The ignorance of you people is astonishing.
You cant be this stupid. You just agreed with what I said. :laugh:
You have a point. Anyone who would agree with you would have to be stupid.
You shouldnt call Doc1 stupid. I already did.
I didn't.
You did because he agreed with me. You called him stupid for that.
No, he didn't.

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