Time to Investigate Obama

You need to seek new sources of information because clearly you have been misinformed or more likely DUPED.
Says the guy that didnt know the FBI found absolutely no evidence of wire tapping by Obama.
This gets my vote for dumbest post of the day.

Well you arent that bright so thats actually a compliment. Thanks.
I bet you think Monica never blew Bubba in the WH.
She definitely blew Bubba in the WH. Dont bet money you cant afford to lose.

You sure that that wasn't you?
Apparently you haven't been paying attention or are you stupid?
Obviously you forgot to pay your cable bill and missed it. FBI cant find any evidence Drumpf was wire tapped. Like zero, zilch, nada, negative integer, etc , etc

The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing data breach)
Under O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

" Notwithstanding any other law, the President, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

The ignorance of you people is astonishing.
You cant be this stupid. You just agreed with what I said. :laugh:

Now I feel bad for you, you don't seem to read well.
The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing data breach)
Under O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

" Notwithstanding any other law, the President, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

The ignorance of you people is astonishing.
You cant be this stupid. You just agreed with what I said. :laugh:
You have a point. Anyone who would agree with you would have to be stupid.
You shouldnt call Doc1 stupid. I already did.
I didn't.
Apparently you haven't been paying attention or are you stupid?
Obviously you forgot to pay your cable bill and missed it. FBI cant find any evidence Drumpf was wire tapped. Like zero, zilch, nada, negative integer, etc , etc

The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing data breach)
Under O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

" Notwithstanding any other law, the President, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

The ignorance of you people is astonishing.

So obviously under section 702 the 20 individuals from the NSA are legally able to unmask the name of a US citizen and then disseminate it broadly amongst the other 16 intelligence agencies without legal protections of that data. Better question are those 16 other agencies able to take the masked or unmasked data (and in the case of the masked date, unmask it) and leak it to anyone including the media?

Actually one of the last EO's Obambi signed made it ok to share that info.
Says the guy that didnt know the FBI found absolutely no evidence of wire tapping by Obama.
This gets my vote for dumbest post of the day.

Well you arent that bright so thats actually a compliment. Thanks.
I bet you think Monica never blew Bubba in the WH.
She definitely blew Bubba in the WH. Dont bet money you cant afford to lose.

You sure that that wasn't you?
Obviously you forgot to pay your cable bill and missed it. FBI cant find any evidence Drumpf was wire tapped. Like zero, zilch, nada, negative integer, etc , etc

The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing data breach)
Under O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

" Notwithstanding any other law, the President, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

The ignorance of you people is astonishing.
You cant be this stupid. You just agreed with what I said. :laugh:

Now I feel bad for you, you don't seem to read well.
Says the guy that argued Obama issued a FiSA warrant when he cant and then posted something that said the AG has to do it.
Under O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

" Notwithstanding any other law, the President, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

The ignorance of you people is astonishing.
You cant be this stupid. You just agreed with what I said. :laugh:
You have a point. Anyone who would agree with you would have to be stupid.
You shouldnt call Doc1 stupid. I already did.
I didn't.
You did because he agreed with me. You called him stupid for that.
Drumpf said Obama did it. Not his administration. Drumpf is a retard for making the claim and looks like a fool once again after the FBI proved him wrong.


As CNN reported, Obama illegally collected personal information of no Intel value, changed the law so he could distribute the information to the Intel agencies and so they could share amongst themselves, and then illegally distributed the PROTECTED personal information - that had 'no foreign Intel value' - to the Intel agencies. Those agencies then illegally committed the Felony acts of ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing the information they had illegally received from Obama (the 'accessory').

The DNC's fake news / fake crime has blown up in their faces. The House Intel Chairman made it clear - the 'incidental collection' of Team Trump data had no Intel value - as in nothing there - as in no crime committed - as in no collusion - as in NO CRIME - as in NO REASON to conduct 2 simultaneous FBA and NSA investigations (as there was no crime identified).

Trump's wire-tap claims began the digging into all of this and helped un-cover Obama's and his 'acolytes'' illegal actions / Felony Espionage.
Obviously you forgot to pay your cable bill and missed it. FBI cant find any evidence Drumpf was wire tapped. Like zero, zilch, nada, negative integer, etc , etc

The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing data breach)
On O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

O's administration (as in the executive branch his AG) thanks for that.... No Obama didn't stroll down in person and ask the NSA to go to the FISA court to submit an application, then after denial go back and submit another in Oct.
He's just here to muddy the waters and fuck up the thread. The truth is that Obama spied on the Trump campaign, then leaked the information to the press (albeit through surrogates). Sycophants will split hairs on the wording or definitions of words but the bottom line is that the Obama administration broke the law in their efforts to stop Trump and the entire Democratic Party is covering for him. Whether they'll pay a price for it next year or not remains to be seen.
Drumpf said Obama did it. Not his administration. Drumpf is a retard for making the claim and looks like a fool once again after the FBI proved him wrong. You fools are going to ride with him until he throws you under the bus like he did with his birther conspiracy. :laugh:

"A president cant issue a FISA warrant"

"the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance"

Now if you need to split hairs to protect your Messiah I get it, but it makes you look stupid.
Obviously you forgot to pay your cable bill and missed it. FBI cant find any evidence Drumpf was wire tapped. Like zero, zilch, nada, negative integer, etc , etc

The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing data breach)
Under O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

" Notwithstanding any other law, the President, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

The ignorance of you people is astonishing.

So obviously under section 702 the 20 individuals from the NSA are legally able to unmask the name of a US citizen and then disseminate it broadly amongst the other 16 intelligence agencies without legal protections of that data. Better question are those 16 other agencies able to take the masked or unmasked data (and in the case of the masked date, unmask it) and leak it to anyone including the media?

Actually one of the last EO's Obambi signed made it ok to share that info.

Kind of makes it harder for classified, unmasked data that has been leaked to track down.... ???
Drumpf said Obama did it. Not his administration. Drumpf is a retard for making the claim and looks like a fool once again after the FBI proved him wrong.


As CNN reported, Obama illegally collected personal information of no Intel value, changed the law so he could distribute the information to the Intel agencies and so they could share amongst themselves, and then illegally distributed the PROTECTED personal information - that had 'no foreign Intel value' - to the Intel agencies. Those agencies then illegally committed the Felony acts of ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing the information they had illegally received from Obama (the 'accessory').

The DNC's fake news / fake crime has blown up in their faces. The House Intel Chairman made it clear - the 'incidental collection' of Team Trump data had no Intel value - as in nothing there - as in no crime committed - as in no collusion - as in NO CRIME - as in NO REASON to conduct 2 simultaneous FBA and NSA investigations (as there was no crime identified).

Trump's wire-tap claims began the digging into all of this and helped un-cover Obama's and his 'acolytes'' illegal actions / Felony Espionage.
I'm right. Drumpf said Obama did it. If you dont believe me go look at his tweet.
The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing data breach)
On O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

O's administration (as in the executive branch his AG) thanks for that.... No Obama didn't stroll down in person and ask the NSA to go to the FISA court to submit an application, then after denial go back and submit another in Oct.
He's just here to muddy the waters and fuck up the thread. The truth is that Obama spied on the Trump campaign, then leaked the information to the press (albeit through surrogates). Sycophants will split hairs on the wording or definitions of words but the bottom line is that the Obama administration broke the law in their efforts to stop Trump and the entire Democratic Party is covering for him. Whether they'll pay a price for it next year or not remains to be seen.
Drumpf said Obama did it. Not his administration. Drumpf is a retard for making the claim and looks like a fool once again after the FBI proved him wrong. You fools are going to ride with him until he throws you under the bus like he did with his birther conspiracy. :laugh:

"A president cant issue a FISA warrant"

"the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance"

Now if you need to split hairs to protect your Messiah I get it, but it makes you look stupid.

What part of AG did you misunderstand?

The president cant issue a FISA warrant.
The raw "unmasked" NSA data found under O's FISA warrant opened up on candidate trump is surveillance..... NO? Are we splitting hairs here over the antiquated literal 'tapping of a telephone line' or are we in the 21st cent. where conversations are through a variety of media.... (concrete evidence of the latter & by the way, a large part of the hearing involved this existing data breach)
Under O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

" Notwithstanding any other law, the President, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

The ignorance of you people is astonishing.

So obviously under section 702 the 20 individuals from the NSA are legally able to unmask the name of a US citizen and then disseminate it broadly amongst the other 16 intelligence agencies without legal protections of that data. Better question are those 16 other agencies able to take the masked or unmasked data (and in the case of the masked date, unmask it) and leak it to anyone including the media?

Actually one of the last EO's Obambi signed made it ok to share that info.

Kind of makes it harder for classified, unmasked data that has been leaked to track down.... ???

In my opinion that was the purpose, Obama rivals tricky Dick when it comes to deception and dishonesty.
So obviously under section 702 the 20 individuals from the NSA are legally able to unmask the name of a US citizen and then disseminate it broadly amongst the other 16 intelligence agencies without legal protections of that data. Better question are those 16 other agencies able to take the masked or unmasked data (and in the case of the masked date, unmask it) and leak it to anyone including the media?
The problem with this is that, as the Chairman of the Intel Committee pointed out, there was NO Intel value discovered in the 'incidental collection' of data - no reason to then disseminate personal collected info to Intel agencies. NO Intel Value - No crime proven - No reason to share the info - the personal data IS protected.

'Better question are those 16 other agencies able to take the masked or unmasked data (and in the case of the masked date, unmask it) and leak it to anyone including the media?'

They did.
On O's FISA warrant? A president cant issue a FISA warrant. Only an AG can do that. Wire tapping is pretty specific. I dont think anyone is splitting hairs. I think retarded people are trying to excuse Drumpfs ignorance and propensity to shoot off his mouth without any proof just like he did with the birther movement.

O's administration (as in the executive branch his AG) thanks for that.... No Obama didn't stroll down in person and ask the NSA to go to the FISA court to submit an application, then after denial go back and submit another in Oct.
He's just here to muddy the waters and fuck up the thread. The truth is that Obama spied on the Trump campaign, then leaked the information to the press (albeit through surrogates). Sycophants will split hairs on the wording or definitions of words but the bottom line is that the Obama administration broke the law in their efforts to stop Trump and the entire Democratic Party is covering for him. Whether they'll pay a price for it next year or not remains to be seen.
Drumpf said Obama did it. Not his administration. Drumpf is a retard for making the claim and looks like a fool once again after the FBI proved him wrong. You fools are going to ride with him until he throws you under the bus like he did with his birther conspiracy. :laugh:

"A president cant issue a FISA warrant"

"the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance"

Now if you need to split hairs to protect your Messiah I get it, but it makes you look stupid.

What part of AG did you misunderstand?

What part of "President" eludes you?
And if he is guilty, toss his Oreo ass into San Quentin.

The facts are what they are.

What appears at this writing is that Trump transition team members and possibly Trump himself had their identities revealed, were “unmasked” in the parlance, while foreign diplomats were being surveilled. The identities of American citizens were not sufficiently “minimized,” as they are required to be by law. This is a crime one would assume would put the perpetrators in prison. So far it hasn’t. More than that, such behavior is a grave threat to a free society, to all of us.

In effect, Trump was wiretapped — if not in the corny, old sense of the word, something very close. Technologically, he was wiretapped, as were several (actually many) others.

A fair amount of this happened not long before Barack Obama suddenly changed the rules regarding raw intelligence, for the first time ever allowing the NSA to share its data with 16 other intelligence agencies, thus making the dissemination of said data (i. e. leaking) many times more likely. That was done on January 12, 2017, just three scant days before Trump’s inauguration. Why did the then president finally decide to make that particular change at that extremely late date, rather than on one of the previous seven years and three hundred fifty-three days of his presidency? You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes or Watson to smell a rat.

Time to Investigate Obama, not Just Trump
Well if some unknown butt hurt Trump whore writer says so... then we should ... dismiss it as fast as Trump's next lie.
O's administration (as in the executive branch his AG) thanks for that.... No Obama didn't stroll down in person and ask the NSA to go to the FISA court to submit an application, then after denial go back and submit another in Oct.
He's just here to muddy the waters and fuck up the thread. The truth is that Obama spied on the Trump campaign, then leaked the information to the press (albeit through surrogates). Sycophants will split hairs on the wording or definitions of words but the bottom line is that the Obama administration broke the law in their efforts to stop Trump and the entire Democratic Party is covering for him. Whether they'll pay a price for it next year or not remains to be seen.
Drumpf said Obama did it. Not his administration. Drumpf is a retard for making the claim and looks like a fool once again after the FBI proved him wrong. You fools are going to ride with him until he throws you under the bus like he did with his birther conspiracy. :laugh:

"A president cant issue a FISA warrant"

"the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance"

Now if you need to split hairs to protect your Messiah I get it, but it makes you look stupid.

What part of AG did you misunderstand?

What part of "President" eludes you?
The part where you and drumpf claim the POTUS issued a FISA warrant. Can you clear that up for us all?
The president cant issue a FISA warrant.
That did not stop him from ILLEGALLY spying on Americans, ILLEGALLY spying on reporters, Illegally spying on the media, and even ILLEGALLY spying on CONGRESS!

You must have been sleeping through most of the last 8 years - Obama never let a little thing like 'the law' or the 'Constitution' stop him from doing what he wanted to do...
The president cant issue a FISA warrant.
That did not stop him from ILLEGALLY spying on Americans, ILLEGALLY spying on reporters, Illegally spying on the media, and even ILLEGALLY spying on CONGRESS!

You must have been sleeping through most of the last 8 years - Obama never let a little thing like 'the law' or the 'Constitution' stop him from doing what he wanted to do...
I want to see the proof. Until then all you have is the same thing as the Birther conspiracy.
He's just here to muddy the waters and fuck up the thread. The truth is that Obama spied on the Trump campaign, then leaked the information to the press (albeit through surrogates). Sycophants will split hairs on the wording or definitions of words but the bottom line is that the Obama administration broke the law in their efforts to stop Trump and the entire Democratic Party is covering for him. Whether they'll pay a price for it next year or not remains to be seen.
Drumpf said Obama did it. Not his administration. Drumpf is a retard for making the claim and looks like a fool once again after the FBI proved him wrong. You fools are going to ride with him until he throws you under the bus like he did with his birther conspiracy. :laugh:

"A president cant issue a FISA warrant"

"the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance"

Now if you need to split hairs to protect your Messiah I get it, but it makes you look stupid.

What part of AG did you misunderstand?

What part of "President" eludes you?
The part where you and drumpf claim the POTUS issued a FISA warrant. Can you clear that up for us all?

I applaud your scrupulous attention to detail in properly laying the foundation for an argument....
I'm right. Drumpf said Obama did it. If you dont believe me go look at his tweet.
I didn't disagree with you. Trump said it. As CNN, The House Intel Committee Chairman, Comey, and the head of the NSA has now prove, Trump was right - Oama did do it / made it happen / facilitated it, to include the Felony acts of ESPIONAGE.
Drumpf said Obama did it. Not his administration. Drumpf is a retard for making the claim and looks like a fool once again after the FBI proved him wrong. You fools are going to ride with him until he throws you under the bus like he did with his birther conspiracy. :laugh:

"A president cant issue a FISA warrant"

"the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance"

Now if you need to split hairs to protect your Messiah I get it, but it makes you look stupid.

What part of AG did you misunderstand?

What part of "President" eludes you?
The part where you and drumpf claim the POTUS issued a FISA warrant. Can you clear that up for us all?

I applaud your scrupulous attention to detail in properly laying the foundation for an argument....
So I assume by that you mean you cant reconcile Drumpfs claim of wire tapping with the facts that nothing was found?

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