Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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I quoted you. Maybe examine the words you use.
Says the one that preaches hate towards Christians-

Most black Christians are “left”.

But, they aren’t real Christians. Ask a nutbag.

This was your reply:

You seemed to have missed the OPs point, or at least perverted it. Instead of actually having a dialogue with the OP, perhaps asking to define what hate speech was you went ahead and told him to stop attacking others who are critical of hate speech because of course....both sides. Fucking idiot, it's not both sides calling for the death, murder or denouncing an entire race or religion as being inherently less than others. Because you can't get your own bothsiderism argument out of your head

And, of all days you do this today? .

RW USMB NUTBAG: Nuke Mecca! I agree with the shooter! We must exterminate all Muslims.

LW USMB NORMAL: That is hate speech. I condemn your calling for violence. You should not call for the death of
all Muslims for the horrendous acts of a few. That is basically Islamophobia.

Mac1958: This REGRESSIVE LEFTY is attacking someone who is simply pointing out flaws in Islam!! This is how
REGRESSIVES cause more violence!

Lone Laughter:

Christian's deserve it and caused all the chaos in the world... Praise Allah...

If you are going to troll at least be funny!

You would have nothing if not for dishonesty.

I have never preached hate toward Christians. You ought to retract that comment.
Another straw man. I didn't say I "have a problem with someone wanting to curb the hate speech".

You don't even realize how well you're illustrating my point, do you?

This was your reply:

Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

You seemed to have missed the OPs point, or at least perverted it. Instead of actually having a dialogue with the OP, perhaps asking to define what hate speech was you went ahead and told him to stop attacking others who are critical of hate speech because of course....both sides. Fucking idiot, it's not both sides calling for the death, murder or denouncing an entire race or religion as being inherently less than others. Because you can't get your own bothsiderism argument out of your head

And, of all days you do this today? .

RW USMB NUTBAG: Nuke Mecca! I agree with the shooter! We must exterminate all Muslims.

LW USMB NORMAL: That is hate speech. I condemn your calling for violence. You should not call for the death of
all Muslims for the horrendous acts of a few. That is basically Islamophobia.

Mac1958: This REGRESSIVE LEFTY is attacking someone who is simply pointing out flaws in Islam!! This is how
REGRESSIVES cause more violence!

Lone Laughter:

Christian's deserve it and caused all the chaos in the world... Praise Allah...

If you are going to troll at least be funny!

You would have nothing if not for dishonesty.

We have a lot in common then.

Fact is you stay silent or try to excuse Muslim attacks while preaching about Christians being evil.

What happened in Kiwi land was an act of terror on the Muslim community.

The reality is the Aussie that did the attack is an enemy of the State and should face the death penalty for his act of terror.

Now how will you spin that Lone?

Will you say that I am being pressured to say that?

If so you know better than that.

I disagree with all religions and believe the House of Abraham has caused more problems than it is worth but they are the majority in this world because of the Three Branches.

So lone why do you hate the right so much?

Truthfully you have a lot in common just with hate, so maybe you should reflect and ask yourself why you have so much hate?

You have falsely described what I do. That is where you went wrong. I am not silent and I do not excuse Muslim extremism. I do not preach
about Christians being evil.

Fix that. It makes you seem really stupid.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

LOL, see...here is the king of "BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME!" chiming in as he always does.
And another liar.

I've never said that.

Thanks for the lie.
But do you? Do you hear what Lesh said or is it just another opportunity to do your fence sitting, Mac?
Here we go again. You just "liked" a post of mine that clearly pointed out what BOTH ends do, and then you try that.

I don't need to belong to a tribe. If you do, that's not my problem.
To me, Lesh started a thread that has a pretty clear message. Your post on tactics to deflect and minimize problems, used by both sides, is accurate, but not on point. So I asked you to say where you stand on the issue and all I get back is more criticism of partisan games but not an answer to the question.
If you don't want to answer it, fine.

Actually Old Lady Mac is not sitting on the fence but what it is you want Mac to either agree or disagree with you.

Here is the simple fact Lesh message came out when a radical attacked a Mosque while staying silent when radicals blew up New York, Boston and shot up Orlando.

If you want it to be fair and honest both sides should think long and hard why they hate each other and why those like Mac sit on the fence.

Personally Lesh along with you cause more hate with your finger pointing to one side while excusing the other while pretending you are pointing your finger at all sides.

So do you agree both sides are wrong or will you do a but when you answer?
Personally Lesh along with you cause more hate with your finger pointing to one side while excusing the other
How else do we condemn the hate which is generalized to an entire group of people based on their religion? Should we ignore it so that no one on the right gets upset? What do we do, Bruce? You tell me.
Well, I don't think that's really the correct criticism of Bruce's post (or Mac's entire angle). NOTHING in the op excused calls from radical islam to attack "new York, boston and Orlando."

However, there are no calls from Muslims inside the US (or NZ that I know of) to attack anywhere in the US or NZ. But there are calls from within the US (and apparently NZ and Aust) to attack muslims. I think that was the point, and it's a valid one.

The posters act like the OP set out some double standard. But it didn't. There's no double standard to start with. We would all probably agree al queda shouldn't target places. And US muslims are joining the army.

Sure dawg there is no double standards on the OP part or your part or Old Lady part.

Also how do you know there are no calls within the U.S. by Muslims to attack U.S. citizens because of the attack in New Zealand?

Also if there were some what would you say?

My bet is you will excuse it...
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.


Speech is not violence. Please name one mostly Moslem country that is not a humanitarian, economic or military disaster. You cannot. Maybe the real problem is staring people in the face and they cannot face it? Possible?

Hate speech facilitates violence, such as the hate and bigotry you and others on the right express towards Muslims.

If I say, I am pro 2nd amendment, that is neither hate speech nor violence. If I say, I want to kill people who are 6'0 tall then it is violence. You're dumb.
What is my tribe? I denounce extremism from Islamic nutbags, but stand in strong defense of peaceful Muslims. name my tribe.

Name one "peaceful" mostly Islamic country please.

Why? That has nothing to do with what I have said.

Do you know any Muslims personally?

Yes. Several. All in arranged marriages, all treat women as 2nd class citizens. Cool with me as I am man but if I were a woman they would not converse with me. And it has to do with everything. Every place where your "peaceful" Moslems are the majority is a major disaster area in terms of humanitarian values. How do you explain that?

You know several Muslims in America who are violent extremists?

F*CK NO! At least I hope they aren't! That was not your initial question and you didn't answer my question. Rude.

So...all of the Muslims that you know are peaceful. Right?
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Fuck you. This is looong over due. May many more be yet to come. Drive these sand devil pieces of shit back to the desert where they belong.

Hey Mac1958, comment?
Happily! From post 5:

"It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel."

See? Both of you keep illustrating my point.

It appears to give you fuel.

But that's an interesting response. The wingnut says this is long over due, I ask you your opinion and your response is "it gives the crazies fuel on both sides" (paraphrasing).

How intellectually dishonest do you have to be to still call both sides the same? You literally treated both 'equally' there. Nice job, way to disprove your own reason for being on this board.
And there ya go again.

The same. Equal.

Clearly you're not going to understand this.

That's okay. Plenty from other tribe don't either.

You're a fucking joke. Look at this thread and to still say that "Both sides are equal" is hilarious. But you're a fucking hack who pretends to be an independent thinker.
What the heck is kiwi land? I have run across it numerous times researching New Zealand this morning. Never heard before today.
Another straw man. I didn't say I "have a problem with someone wanting to curb the hate speech".

You don't even realize how well you're illustrating my point, do you?

This was your reply:

Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

You seemed to have missed the OPs point, or at least perverted it. Instead of actually having a dialogue with the OP, perhaps asking to define what hate speech was you went ahead and told him to stop attacking others who are critical of hate speech because of course....both sides. Fucking idiot, it's not both sides calling for the death, murder or denouncing an entire race or religion as being inherently less than others. Because you can't get your own bothsiderism argument out of your head

And, of all days you do this today? .

RW USMB NUTBAG: Nuke Mecca! I agree with the shooter! We must exterminate all Muslims.

LW USMB NORMAL: That is hate speech. I condemn your calling for violence. You should not call for the death of
all Muslims for the horrendous acts of a few. That is basically Islamophobia.

Mac1958: This REGRESSIVE LEFTY is attacking someone who is simply pointing out flaws in Islam!! This is how
REGRESSIVES cause more violence!

Lone Laughter:

Christian's deserve it and caused all the chaos in the world... Praise Allah...

If you are going to troll at least be funny!

You would have nothing if not for dishonesty.

We have a lot in common then.

Fact is you stay silent or try to excuse Muslim attacks while preaching about Christians being evil.

What happened in Kiwi land was an act of terror on the Muslim community.

The reality is the Aussie that did the attack is an enemy of the State and should face the death penalty for his act of terror.

Now how will you spin that Lone?

Will you say that I am being pressured to say that?

If so you know better than that.

I disagree with all religions and believe the House of Abraham has caused more problems than it is worth but they are the majority in this world because of the Three Branches.

So lone why do you hate the right so much?

Truthfully you have a lot in common just with hate, so maybe you should reflect and ask yourself why you have so much hate?
How much longer in this thread until I find a post by someone who outright claims he wishes he could shoot muslims in cold blood? Page 3? Page 4?
This thread could go on forever, and the only ones who would even suggest such a thing would be dumbass snowflakes attempting to vilify Conservatives with this kind of BS accusation.

Right buddy, it's not like we haven't seen a few gleeful posts about the attacks today.

STFU...unless you can show me anyone - besides a snowflake - who says they wish they could shoot muslims in cold blood. That claim / post / lie is just BEYOND f*ing ignorant. It's actually an insult to ignorant people everywhere.
Name one "peaceful" mostly Islamic country please.

Why? That has nothing to do with what I have said.

Do you know any Muslims personally?

Yes. Several. All in arranged marriages, all treat women as 2nd class citizens. Cool with me as I am man but if I were a woman they would not converse with me. And it has to do with everything. Every place where your "peaceful" Moslems are the majority is a major disaster area in terms of humanitarian values. How do you explain that?

You know several Muslims in America who are violent extremists?

F*CK NO! At least I hope they aren't! That was not your initial question and you didn't answer my question. Rude.

So...all of the Muslims that you know are peaceful. Right?

I'll answer your question when you answer mine. Seems fair. And I have stated before that militant Muslims aren't the issue. I still disagree with my peaceful Moslem friends on how they treat women, how they abhor dogs and how they don't bash their extreme factions enough and I honestly don't know how they would react if push came to shove.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Fuck you. This is looong over due. May many more be yet to come. Drive these sand devil pieces of shit back to the desert where they belong.

Hey Mac1958, comment?
Happily! From post 5:

"It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel."

See? Both of you keep illustrating my point.

It appears to give you fuel.

But that's an interesting response. The wingnut says this is long over due, I ask you your opinion and your response is "it gives the crazies fuel on both sides" (paraphrasing).

How intellectually dishonest do you have to be to still call both sides the same? You literally treated both 'equally' there. Nice job, way to disprove your own reason for being on this board.
And there ya go again.

The same. Equal.

Clearly you're not going to understand this.

That's okay. Plenty from other tribe don't either.

Two different actions. The liberal on this board wanted to talk about hate speech the wingnut wanted to talk about how murdering Muslims was long over due and you treated them both equally.
This thread has a subject. It is NOT about other members of this forum. It is NOT posted in the Flame Zone, Rubber Room, or Badlands. Keep your replies on the subject.
Seems to me the discussion from the OP was about stopping hate speech, how do you not talk about what is and what is not considered hate speech and use the arguments and words of other posters to help define it and also call out the differences between liberal and wingnut posters on this board?

I'm sure it's an uncomfortable topic for other conservatives and possibly the powers that be on this board that the wingnuts feel talking about murdering a group based on their religion isn't considered hate speech but somehow necessary.

USMB, you're fucking awesome again.
Here we go again. You just "liked" a post of mine that clearly pointed out what BOTH ends do, and then you try that.

I don't need to belong to a tribe. If you do, that's not my problem.
To me, Lesh started a thread that has a pretty clear message. Your post on tactics to deflect and minimize problems, used by both sides, is accurate, but not on point. So I asked you to say where you stand on the issue and all I get back is more criticism of partisan games but not an answer to the question.
If you don't want to answer it, fine.

Actually Old Lady Mac is not sitting on the fence but what it is you want Mac to either agree or disagree with you.

Here is the simple fact Lesh message came out when a radical attacked a Mosque while staying silent when radicals blew up New York, Boston and shot up Orlando.

If you want it to be fair and honest both sides should think long and hard why they hate each other and why those like Mac sit on the fence.

Personally Lesh along with you cause more hate with your finger pointing to one side while excusing the other while pretending you are pointing your finger at all sides.

So do you agree both sides are wrong or will you do a but when you answer?
Personally Lesh along with you cause more hate with your finger pointing to one side while excusing the other
How else do we condemn the hate which is generalized to an entire group of people based on their religion? Should we ignore it so that no one on the right gets upset? What do we do, Bruce? You tell me.
Well, I don't think that's really the correct criticism of Bruce's post (or Mac's entire angle). NOTHING in the op excused calls from radical islam to attack "new York, boston and Orlando."

However, there are no calls from Muslims inside the US (or NZ that I know of) to attack anywhere in the US or NZ. But there are calls from within the US (and apparently NZ and Aust) to attack muslims. I think that was the point, and it's a valid one.

The posters act like the OP set out some double standard. But it didn't. There's no double standard to start with. We would all probably agree al queda shouldn't target places. And US muslims are joining the army.

Sure dawg there is no double standards on the OP part or your part or Old Lady part.

Also how do you know there are no calls within the U.S. by Muslims to attack U.S. citizens because of the attack in New Zealand?

Also if there were some what would you say?

My bet is you will excuse it...
There's a MSM leftist socialist conspiriacy to hide all the calls from within the US for muslims to rise up and kill Whitey
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

LOL, see...here is the king of "BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME!" chiming in as he always does.
And another liar.

I've never said that.

Thanks for the lie.

No. You didn't say both sides are the same. But you did say that they are VERY SIMILAR.

And everyone besides you is a moron who doesn't understand words.
Seems to me the discussion from the OP was about stopping hate speech, how do you not talk about what is and what is not considered hate speech and use the arguments and words of other posters to help define it and also call out the differences between liberal and wingnut posters on this board?

I'm sure it's an uncomfortable topic for other conservatives and possibly the powers that be on this board that the wingnuts feel talking about murdering a group based on their religion isn't considered hate speech but somehow necessary.

USMB, you're fucking awesome again.
More aptly based on their location. If these goat fucking, Muzzies were in the desert where their kind belong; they could be as Muslim as they want; and this guy would have let them be... But instead they were in a western nation spreading their filthy ideology, one whose prime directive is to supplant any host nation, and people’s. All the while breeding like cockroaches, parasiting of of socialist programs funded by the native peoples.
But those hostile to Islam will continue to rationalize there unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims.

There have been 354 Islamic terrorist attacks in 31 countries, resulting in 1,956 deaths and 2,019 injuries, since the beginning of 2019 ALONE. We're only halfway through March, dingus. Tell me more about unwarranted fear.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

LOL, see...here is the king of "BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME!" chiming in as he always does.
And another liar.

I've never said that.

Thanks for the lie.

No. You didn't say both sides are the same. But you did say that they are VERY SIMILAR.

And everyone besides you is a moron who doesn't understand words.
Actually, I said their BEHAVIORS are very similar. And I listed them.

You couldn't even get THAT right.

You people can't tell (your) fantasy from reality at this point.
Seems to me the discussion from the OP was about stopping hate speech, how do you not talk about what is and what is not considered hate speech and use the arguments and words of other posters to help define it and also call out the differences between liberal and wingnut posters on this board?

I'm sure it's an uncomfortable topic for other conservatives and possibly the powers that be on this board that the wingnuts feel talking about murdering a group based on their religion isn't considered hate speech but somehow necessary.

USMB, you're fucking awesome again.

When replies are nothing more than a pissing match between members to see who can flame the other the best, I'd wager a bet and say the reply has nothing to do with the topic. There are many of those replies in this thread. I've deleted some. If I go through and delete them all, I'll lock this thread and leave it that way. It is NOT the mods' responsibility to keep threads on topic; that is ALL on the members to do.
Mass Shooting At 2 New Zealand Mosques Leaves At Least 49 People Dead | HuffPost

It's allover this board and it's all over this country and people are getting KILLED because of it.

This has to stop.

How long before another white Nationalist kills a bunch of immigrants or Muslims or whatever the target is this month?

We've already had them target a Jewish Synagogue and a black church.

STOP people. Stop the hate speech.

Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.

LOL, see...here is the king of "BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME!" chiming in as he always does.
And another liar.

I've never said that.

Thanks for the lie.

No. You didn't say both sides are the same. But you did say that they are VERY SIMILAR.

And everyone besides you is a moron who doesn't understand words.
Actually, I said their BEHAVIORS are very similar. And I listed them.

You couldn't even get THAT right.

You people can't tell (your) fantasy from reality at this point.

Behaviors? LIke one side posts positively about the attacks on the mosque and the other says it's time to stop the hate speech. Those behaviors?
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