Time's UP For Assad

Who is "WE" Kemo Sabe?

I'd say the United States but let's just go with I.................What is our National Interest in that desert................Care to explain why I should give a damn who owns that cursed desert after we are gone...........we being the United States..............


Unfortunately , in 1948 Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 million Muslims and subsequently the US pledged to have a continued military presence in the ME to help Israhell.

OMFG here we go again.................

Ottoman Empire was beaten.............by the British and French and some horsemen from Australia..................These countries didn't exist until after WWI..........

And it wasn't stolen.......in many cases they bought land.....................most of Israel was a stinking desert before they got there.........with Nomads passing through..............

so spare me.

OMFG here we go again , reciting Zionist propaganda

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

Who is "WE" Kemo Sabe?

I'd say the United States but let's just go with I.................What is our National Interest in that desert................Care to explain why I should give a damn who owns that cursed desert after we are gone...........we being the United States..............


Unfortunately , in 1948 Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 million Muslims and subsequently the US pledged to have a continued military presence in the ME to help Israhell.

OMFG here we go again.................

Ottoman Empire was beaten.............by the British and French and some horsemen from Australia..................These countries didn't exist until after WWI..........

And it wasn't stolen.......in many cases they bought land.....................most of Israel was a stinking desert before they got there.........with Nomads passing through..............

so spare me.

OMFG here we go again , reciting Zionist propaganda

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel




I'd say the United States but let's just go with I.................What is our National Interest in that desert................Care to explain why I should give a damn who owns that cursed desert after we are gone...........we being the United States..............


Unfortunately , in 1948 Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 million Muslims and subsequently the US pledged to have a continued military presence in the ME to help Israhell.

OMFG here we go again.................

Ottoman Empire was beaten.............by the British and French and some horsemen from Australia..................These countries didn't exist until after WWI..........

And it wasn't stolen.......in many cases they bought land.....................most of Israel was a stinking desert before they got there.........with Nomads passing through..............

so spare me.

OMFG here we go again , reciting Zionist propaganda

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

I'd say the United States but let's just go with I.................What is our National Interest in that desert................Care to explain why I should give a damn who owns that cursed desert after we are gone...........we being the United States..............


Unfortunately , in 1948 Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 million Muslims and subsequently the US pledged to have a continued military presence in the ME to help Israhell.

OMFG here we go again.................

Ottoman Empire was beaten.............by the British and French and some horsemen from Australia..................These countries didn't exist until after WWI..........

And it wasn't stolen.......in many cases they bought land.....................most of Israel was a stinking desert before they got there.........with Nomads passing through..............

so spare me.

OMFG here we go again , reciting Zionist propaganda

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel




Wrong thread................plenty out there for us to beat each other up on this subject.
You miserable piece of Zionist shit :

British White Paper of 1939

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that `Palestine is to become as Jewish as England is English.' His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated .... the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the (Balfour) Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded IN PALESTINE."


Says the psycho who lost his stolen Timex to a Jewish pawnbroker because he couldn't swipe another ten bucks to get it back. Israel ain't going anywhere Habib so go throw your rocks at the garbage pail you crawled out of...

We shall see you miserable piece of Zionist shit - even if Russia is only able to get one ICBM out , in whatever city it falls, millions will die. We shall see if once the truth is known whether they will agree with you that WW3 was worthy in order to protect you motherfuckers in Israhell.



Unfortunately , in 1948 Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 million Muslims and subsequently the US pledged to have a continued military presence in the ME to help Israhell.

OMFG here we go again.................

Ottoman Empire was beaten.............by the British and French and some horsemen from Australia..................These countries didn't exist until after WWI..........

And it wasn't stolen.......in many cases they bought land.....................most of Israel was a stinking desert before they got there.........with Nomads passing through..............

so spare me.

OMFG here we go again , reciting Zionist propaganda

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel


Unfortunately , in 1948 Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 million Muslims and subsequently the US pledged to have a continued military presence in the ME to help Israhell.

OMFG here we go again.................

Ottoman Empire was beaten.............by the British and French and some horsemen from Australia..................These countries didn't exist until after WWI..........

And it wasn't stolen.......in many cases they bought land.....................most of Israel was a stinking desert before they got there.........with Nomads passing through..............

so spare me.

OMFG here we go again , reciting Zionist propaganda

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel




Wrong thread................plenty out there for us to beat each other up on this subject.

Fine, stonewall and pretend Israhell is not the reason for our problems.

OMFG here we go again.................

Ottoman Empire was beaten.............by the British and French and some horsemen from Australia..................These countries didn't exist until after WWI..........

And it wasn't stolen.......in many cases they bought land.....................most of Israel was a stinking desert before they got there.........with Nomads passing through..............

so spare me.

OMFG here we go again , reciting Zionist propaganda

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

OMFG here we go again.................

Ottoman Empire was beaten.............by the British and French and some horsemen from Australia..................These countries didn't exist until after WWI..........

And it wasn't stolen.......in many cases they bought land.....................most of Israel was a stinking desert before they got there.........with Nomads passing through..............

so spare me.

OMFG here we go again , reciting Zionist propaganda

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel




Wrong thread................plenty out there for us to beat each other up on this subject.

Fine, stonewall and pretend Israhell is not the reason for our problems.

As I said.........this is not the thread for it.......................



Wrong thread................plenty out there for us to beat each other up on this subject.

Fine, stonewall and pretend Israhell is not the reason for our problems.

As I said.........this is not the thread for it.......................

Any thread discussing this issue will immediately disappear and the op will be banned


how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?
We don't want Vlad to have Syria. We just want Assad whipped and pickled. Or killed.

And hand the country and its people over to the Muslim Brotherhood? Are you fucking kidding me?

Hand all those souls over to Sharia? Seriously? That's our goal?
No, there's a group of Syrians in the US who are waiting to take over the government as soon as Assad is worm bait.

Really? Like the MB that took over Egypt from the US and killed so many Coptic Christians? And others? I'm surprised at you.

I have the counter government in Qatar. Prove me wrong.

Half a million Syrians killed in this conflict. Barrel bombs in civilian areas as well as poison gas, among other atrocities. Who is responsible? Who's in charge? Who is committing war crimes? No one here is advocating sharia law.
how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?
We don't want Vlad to have Syria. We just want Assad whipped and pickled. Or killed.

And hand the country and its people over to the Muslim Brotherhood? Are you fucking kidding me?

Hand all those souls over to Sharia? Seriously? That's our goal?
No, there's a group of Syrians in the US who are waiting to take over the government as soon as Assad is worm bait.

Really? Like the MB that took over Egypt from the US and killed so many Coptic Christians? And others? I'm surprised at you.

I have the counter government in Qatar. Prove me wrong.

Half a million Syrians killed in this conflict. Barrel bombs in civilian areas as well as poison gas, among other atrocities. Who is responsible? Who's in charge? Who is committing war crimes? No one here is advocating sharia law.

Whose sarin?
Seymour M. Hersh

But in recent interviews with intelligence and military officers and consultants past and present, I found intense concern, and on occasion anger, over what was repeatedly seen as the deliberate manipulation of intelligence. One high-level intelligence officer, in an email to a colleague, called the administration’s assurances of Assad’s responsibility a ‘ruse’. The attack ‘was not the result of the current regime’, he wrote. A former senior intelligence official told me that the Obama administration had altered the available information – in terms of its timing and sequence – to enable the president and his advisers to make intelligence retrieved days after the attack look as if it had been picked up and analysed in real time, as the attack was happening. The distortion, he said, reminded him of the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident, when the Johnson administration reversed the sequence of National Security Agency intercepts to justify one of the early bombings of North Vietnam. The same official said there was immense frustration inside the military and intelligence bureaucracy: ‘The guys are throwing their hands in the air and saying, “How can we help this guy” – Obama – “when he and his cronies in the White House make up the intelligence as they go along?”’

Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.


It's kind of funny. Assad is bad for using chemical weapons on people, what should the US do? Go and kill people.... er.... is the US any better?
Who are the "women and children"? He's fighting a civil war with very bad people. Kill him, and who will take his place? Our meddling in the ME tells me in advance and it will be far worse. Woodchopper diplomacy works well in that region until they become civilized.

Who will take his place? Anybody can bring an end to this shit, probably a rouge general who can forge an alliance. The whole point is to replace him by killing his ass and any son or daughter who could carry on this vile bloodline. I don't know who launched the gas attack but once again, it was on Assad to stop it and he didn't. These "false flag" theories are internet fantasies. Chemical weapons aren't something fringe groups can acquire without leaving fingerprints. They degrade quickly over time so I doubt this attack came from some forgotten stockpile...the fact the Russians are immediately denying it says loud and clear they're involved. Kill Assad and his family...they've fouled the air on this planet long enough.

What does it matter what color he is? :D
I don't buy it that Assad did it.............It doesn't make sense...........

ISIS is on the ropes in Syria........

Trump is talking pulling out of Syria in the near future.

Why would Assad do this knowing we would kill him because of it..............It doesn't add up.

I know. He didn't.
I don't know for sure...........could be a commander that went rouge............I don't know but I sure don't buy it.

Now a commander of a different color?
I think it’s a false flag too.

Why would Russia and Syria who were making advances feel the need to use Chemical weapons? They were doing fine without them.

This was either done by ISIS or anti Assad forces who want to Draw Maerica deeper in to this.

False Flag. Perfectly timed to force Trump to keep the troops in Syria. Earlier in the week he spoke of withdrawal. What a coincidence. Today he's reversing his position completely.

Every time withdrawal from these countries is seriously considered, something like 'ISIS' or a 'Chemical Attack' happens. So convenient. When are folks gonna wake up? They need to stop supporting the Perpetual War Agenda.
I know. He didn't.
I don't know for sure...........could be a commander that went rouge............I don't know but I sure don't buy it.

All of his commanders are Sunni, Shia, Christian. Not one would pull this stunt because they are loyal to Assad. This smells of Saudi Arabia again.

Interview with Flemish priest in Syria: "Putin and Assad saved my life"


If you are saying Assad wouldn't continue the Genocide of Christians in the area I would agree..............

But I maintain my bias on his stance before this went down...........with Hamas and Hez..............I ultimately don't care if he maintains control.........we could do far worse.....................

And NO.........I really don't think he did it.............the gas attack.

The evidence shows that Assad was NEVER A threat

The reason the CIA tried to deposed Assad and destroy Syria is because the US promised Israhell that they would do so:

Yuppers. And this really hurts my parts.
I don't know for sure...........could be a commander that went rouge............I don't know but I sure don't buy it.

All of his commanders are Sunni, Shia, Christian. Not one would pull this stunt because they are loyal to Assad. This smells of Saudi Arabia again.

Interview with Flemish priest in Syria: "Putin and Assad saved my life"


If you are saying Assad wouldn't continue the Genocide of Christians in the area I would agree..............

But I maintain my bias on his stance before this went down...........with Hamas and Hez..............I ultimately don't care if he maintains control.........we could do far worse.....................

And NO.........I really don't think he did it.............the gas attack.

The evidence shows that Assad was NEVER A threat

The reason the CIA tried to deposed Assad and destroy Syria is because the US promised Israhell that they would do so:

Yuppers. And this really hurts my parts.
Too late for Assad. Time is up. US attacking Syria as we speak.
how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?
We don't want Vlad to have Syria. We just want Assad whipped and pickled. Or killed.

And hand the country and its people over to the Muslim Brotherhood? Are you fucking kidding me?

Hand all those souls over to Sharia? Seriously? That's our goal?
No, there's a group of Syrians in the US who are waiting to take over the government as soon as Assad is worm bait.

Really? Like the MB that took over Egypt from the US and killed so many Coptic Christians? And others? I'm surprised at you.

I have the counter government in Qatar. Prove me wrong.

Half a million Syrians killed in this conflict. Barrel bombs in civilian areas as well as poison gas, among other atrocities. Who is responsible? Who's in charge? Who is committing war crimes? No one here is advocating sharia law.

Death figures come from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The dude is a one man show in Britain. Its fucking bullshit. As to the use of chemicals. ALL FUCKING FALSE FLAGS.

No one here advocating sharia law? You get rid of Assad and give the country to the fucking Gulf States who the hell do you think you are going to get. FUCKING SHARIA.
All of his commanders are Sunni, Shia, Christian. Not one would pull this stunt because they are loyal to Assad. This smells of Saudi Arabia again.

Interview with Flemish priest in Syria: "Putin and Assad saved my life"


If you are saying Assad wouldn't continue the Genocide of Christians in the area I would agree..............

But I maintain my bias on his stance before this went down...........with Hamas and Hez..............I ultimately don't care if he maintains control.........we could do far worse.....................

And NO.........I really don't think he did it.............the gas attack.

The evidence shows that Assad was NEVER A threat

The reason the CIA tried to deposed Assad and destroy Syria is because the US promised Israhell that they would do so:

Yuppers. And this really hurts my parts.
Too late for Assad. Time is up. US attacking Syria as we speak.

If you do I am done with you.
Who knows who's behind this latest chemical gas attack? It could be most anybody from those who don't want the President to extricate us from that slaughterhouse to those who do, thinking we'll run like Barry the Fairy did in Iraq. One thing is certain, Syria is lost; the Russians got it and when they decide the Iranians are no longer useful, they'll throw them out too. So what should Trump do? Kill that son of a bitch Assad and boogie. We can locate him, isolate him, and drop a package on his ass that will leave pieces too small to bother burying. That leaves total chaos for Syria's neighbors to deal with....not our problem anymore thanks to Barry's dithering when he had the chance to stop it. Trump warned the world what would happen if another gas attack on women and children went down and now it should.


It's kind of funny. Assad is bad for using chemical weapons on people, what should the US do? Go and kill people.... er.... is the US any better?

Great question and a sad one.
Anyone got a reputable link on what's going on? Has Syria chem attacked its own people again? I didn't hear this on the news this a.m..

News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2016

A majority of U.S. adults – 62% – get news on social media, and 18% do so often, according to a new survey by Pew Research Center, conducted in association with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. In 2012, based on a slightly different question, 49% of U.S. adults reported seeing news on social media.1
If you are saying Assad wouldn't continue the Genocide of Christians in the area I would agree..............

But I maintain my bias on his stance before this went down...........with Hamas and Hez..............I ultimately don't care if he maintains control.........we could do far worse.....................

And NO.........I really don't think he did it.............the gas attack.

The evidence shows that Assad was NEVER A threat

The reason the CIA tried to deposed Assad and destroy Syria is because the US promised Israhell that they would do so:

Yuppers. And this really hurts my parts.
Too late for Assad. Time is up. US attacking Syria as we speak.

If you do I am done with you.
No joke. US is bombing near Homs. Russian jets headed for American ships.
Half a million Syrians killed in this conflict. Barrel bombs in civilian areas as well as poison gas, among other atrocities. Who is responsible? Who's in charge? Who is committing war crimes? No one here is advocating sharia law.
Since it is ok for you to use Al-Qaeda sources for your accusations, I think it is justified to use ISIS sources to expose the hypocrisy behind your accusations.

ISIS proves:

US bombed Tabqa Dam:



ISIS even began the evacuation of Raqqa city but the dam didn´t collapse in the end.

Syrian Army, SDF and Russians dance in Manbij, preparing a warm welcome for Erdogan

"The dam is 60 metres (200 ft) high and 4.5 kilometres (2.8 mi) long and is the largest dam in Syria.

"In March 2017, after heavy fighting damaged the main control panel at the dam and disabled the hydroelectric power station, ISIL warned of the imminent collapse of the Tabqa Dam, during a joint US/SDF operation to capture the dam."

Tabqa Dam - Wikipedia

ISIS proves:

US used white phosphorus in Raqqa. Hitting people, it will burn into the bodies.


Phrump is committing war crimes in Raqqa

Imagery proves how the US-led coalition destroyed the city in a matter of weeks:



Barrel News: The destruction of Raqqa by the US-led coalition

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