Time's UP For Assad

In regards to Assad I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire...........Before all this he had ties with Islamic groups......

But if they want that stinking cursed desert.........let them have it.................We don't want it..........we don't need it.......and they can have it.........

Biggest problem there is the Kurds..............do we abandon them to the wolves...........

Who is "WE" Kemo Sabe?

I'd say the United States but let's just go with I.................What is our National Interest in that desert................Care to explain why I should give a damn who owns that cursed desert after we are gone...........we being the United States..............


Unfortunately , in 1948 Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 million Muslims and subsequently the US pledged to have a continued military presence in the ME to help Israhell.

OMFG here we go again.................

Ottoman Empire was beaten.............by the British and French and some horsemen from Australia..................These countries didn't exist until after WWI..........

And it wasn't stolen.......in many cases they bought land.....................most of Israel was a stinking desert before they got there.........with Nomads passing through..............

so spare me.

OMFG here we go again , reciting Zionist propaganda

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

I don't buy it that Assad did it.............It doesn't make sense...........

ISIS is on the ropes in Syria........

Trump is talking pulling out of Syria in the near future.

Why would Assad do this knowing we would kill him because of it..............It doesn't add up.

I know. He didn't.

That's correct! ^^

He did not.

He didn't do it the previous time and he didn't do this time either.

Enough of false flags by warmonger criminals! Enough!

Glad you are out there!

how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?


Yo shithead . Syria is an independent SOVEREIGN COUNTRY - they chose to ally with Russia

So what the fuck do you mean by "handing syria over to putin"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


They have been allied since the 40's I believe.


Glad someone is sane out there who also realizes real history and truths that are out there. *sigh* I am one of those stupid cheerleaders for remaining in Afghanistan, taking over Iraq all for human and womens rights.

Yuppers. A complete and utter idiot. Mea culpa. It's not that I'm a slow learner. :) Never rode the short bus. But trying to understand the wests love of war and the intricate influences we have in the region it's like peeling a freaking onion.

I've learned a lot over the past few years. And it hurts knowing what an asshole I was....how blind I was. The reality is frightening. I'm praying we can turn the page with Trump.

But I'm not betting on it.

1. you know nothing about history.
2. you know nothing about reality or sanity
3. anger management might help you.
4. you can go back to your hissy fit now

sorry you vindictive knowledge less loons don't understand what that moron Donald got off the phone with vlad and suddenly started ranting about syria.

I don't buy it that Assad did it.............It doesn't make sense...........

ISIS is on the ropes in Syria........

Trump is talking pulling out of Syria in the near future.

Why would Assad do this knowing we would kill him because of it..............It doesn't add up.

I know. He didn't.
I don't know for sure...........could be a commander that went rouge............I don't know but I sure don't buy it.

All of his commanders are Sunni, Shia, Christian. Not one would pull this stunt because they are loyal to Assad. This smells of Saudi Arabia again.

Interview with Flemish priest in Syria: "Putin and Assad saved my life"


If you are saying Assad wouldn't continue the Genocide of Christians in the area I would agree..............

But I maintain my bias on his stance before this went down...........with Hamas and Hez..............I ultimately don't care if he maintains control.........we could do far worse.....................

And NO.........I really don't think he did it.............the gas attack.
Unfortunately , in 1948 Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 million Muslims and subsequently the US pledged to have a continued military presence in the ME to help Israhell.


I'm always amazed that 6 million dead Jews weren't enough for you freaks. Israel is by any definition Jewish, always was, always will be...it was the palis who were squatting there because nobody else wanted them. And if you knew anything about our relationship with the Yids, you'd know they are our eyes and ears in the ME, the same way they monitored the Soviets for us in ways only they could do. I'm truly amazed how an American Jew could support the democrap party after the way Barry treated our second-best ally....that was despicable and showed what he is...a antisemite stinking muslim to the core.
how is handing syria over to putin and doing Vlad's bidding MAGA?


Yo shithead . Syria is an independent SOVEREIGN COUNTRY - they chose to ally with Russia

So what the fuck do you mean by "handing syria over to putin"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


They have been allied since the 40's I believe.


Glad someone is sane out there who also realizes real history and truths that are out there. *sigh* I am one of those stupid cheerleaders for remaining in Afghanistan, taking over Iraq all for human and womens rights.

Yuppers. A complete and utter idiot. Mea culpa. It's not that I'm a slow learner. :) Never rode the short bus. But trying to understand the wests love of war and the intricate influences we have in the region it's like peeling a freaking onion.

I've learned a lot over the past few years. And it hurts knowing what an asshole I was....how blind I was. The reality is frightening. I'm praying we can turn the page with Trump.

But I'm not betting on it.

1. you know nothing about history.
2. you know nothing about reality or sanity
3. anger management might help you.
4. you can go back to your hissy fit now

sorry you vindictive knowledge less loons don't understand what that moron Donald got off the phone with vlad and suddenly started ranting about syria.

Read the Constitution and the Federalist Papers and then come back and tell me about history..........for now get in the corner......you are useless here.
I don't buy it that Assad did it.............It doesn't make sense...........

ISIS is on the ropes in Syria........

Trump is talking pulling out of Syria in the near future.

Why would Assad do this knowing we would kill him because of it..............It doesn't add up.

I know. He didn't.
I don't know for sure...........could be a commander that went rouge............I don't know but I sure don't buy it.

All of his commanders are Sunni, Shia, Christian. Not one would pull this stunt because they are loyal to Assad. This smells of Saudi Arabia again.

Interview with Flemish priest in Syria: "Putin and Assad saved my life"


If you are saying Assad wouldn't continue the Genocide of Christians in the area I would agree..............

But I maintain my bias on his stance before this went down...........with Hamas and Hez..............I ultimately don't care if he maintains control.........we could do far worse.....................

And NO.........I really don't think he did it.............the gas attack.

The evidence shows that Assad was NEVER A threat

The reason the CIA tried to deposed Assad and destroy Syria is because the US promised Israhell that they would do so:
Who are the "women and children"? He's fighting a civil war with very bad people. Kill him, and who will take his place? Our meddling in the ME tells me in advance and it will be far worse. Woodchopper diplomacy works well in that region until they become civilized.

Who will take his place? Anybody can bring an end to this shit, probably a rouge general who can forge an alliance. The whole point is to replace him by killing his ass and any son or daughter who could carry on this vile bloodline. I don't know who launched the gas attack but once again, it was on Assad to stop it and he didn't. These "false flag" theories are internet fantasies. Chemical warfare isn't something fringe groups can acquire without leaving fingerprints...the fact the Russians are immediately denying it says loud and clear they're involved. Kill Assad and his family...they've fouled the air on this planet long enough.

What the fuck are you talking about Tom? I've been on Syria since day one. FUCK YOU FOR CALLING FOR THEIR DEATHS. Got that buddy?

Get up to speed and learn about Assad, the government, his military. Dude is cool and one of the few governments that is secular in the ME.

Kill him and the poor bastards in Syria will face Sharia. Do you really back that shit?
Yes he is secular..............and yes he didn't slaughter the other ethnic groups there before this.

But at the same time he is a supporter of Hamas and Hezballah.........

Whoa there. Only one. Hezbollah. Not that I am happy with it but cripes the ME is FUBARD and then you have to take bigger hates rather than lower hates. Its crazy
Who are the "women and children"? He's fighting a civil war with very bad people. Kill him, and who will take his place? Our meddling in the ME tells me in advance and it will be far worse. Woodchopper diplomacy works well in that region until they become civilized.

Who will take his place? Anybody can bring an end to this shit, probably a rouge general who can forge an alliance. The whole point is to replace him by killing his ass and any son or daughter who could carry on this vile bloodline. I don't know who launched the gas attack but once again, it was on Assad to stop it and he didn't. These "false flag" theories are internet fantasies. Chemical warfare isn't something fringe groups can acquire without leaving fingerprints...the fact the Russians are immediately denying it says loud and clear they're involved. Kill Assad and his family...they've fouled the air on this planet long enough.

What the fuck are you talking about Tom? I've been on Syria since day one. FUCK YOU FOR CALLING FOR THEIR DEATHS. Got that buddy?

Get up to speed and learn about Assad, the government, his military. Dude is cool and one of the few governments that is secular in the ME.

Kill him and the poor bastards in Syria will face Sharia. Do you really back that shit?
Yes he is secular..............and yes he didn't slaughter the other ethnic groups there before this.

But at the same time he is a supporter of Hamas and Hezballah.........

Whoa there. Only one. Hezbollah. Not that I am happy with it but cripes the ME is FUBARD and then you have to take bigger hates rather than lower hates. Its crazy
I've seen articles before all this on him giving support to both...........more so to Hez..............in regards to FUBARD ......yep..............we would be taking the lesser of evils................
Who are the "women and children"? He's fighting a civil war with very bad people. Kill him, and who will take his place? Our meddling in the ME tells me in advance and it will be far worse. Woodchopper diplomacy works well in that region until they become civilized.

Who will take his place? Anybody can bring an end to this shit, probably a rouge general who can forge an alliance. The whole point is to replace him by killing his ass and any son or daughter who could carry on this vile bloodline. I don't know who launched the gas attack but once again, it was on Assad to stop it and he didn't. These "false flag" theories are internet fantasies. Chemical warfare isn't something fringe groups can acquire without leaving fingerprints...the fact the Russians are immediately denying it says loud and clear they're involved. Kill Assad and his family...they've fouled the air on this planet long enough.

What the fuck are you talking about Tom? I've been on Syria since day one. FUCK YOU FOR CALLING FOR THEIR DEATHS. Got that buddy?

Get up to speed and learn about Assad, the government, his military. Dude is cool and one of the few governments that is secular in the ME.

Kill him and the poor bastards in Syria will face Sharia. Do you really back that shit?
Yes he is secular..............and yes he didn't slaughter the other ethnic groups there before this.

But at the same time he is a supporter of Hamas and Hezballah.........

Whoa there. Only one. Hezbollah. Not that I am happy with it but cripes the ME is FUBARD and then you have to take bigger hates rather than lower hates. Its crazy

Hezbollah is NOT a terrorist organization.

It was created when the Lebanese determined that the Zionists wanted to steal Southern Lebanon up to and including the Litani River.

I know. He didn't.
I don't know for sure...........could be a commander that went rouge............I don't know but I sure don't buy it.

All of his commanders are Sunni, Shia, Christian. Not one would pull this stunt because they are loyal to Assad. This smells of Saudi Arabia again.

Interview with Flemish priest in Syria: "Putin and Assad saved my life"


If you are saying Assad wouldn't continue the Genocide of Christians in the area I would agree..............

But I maintain my bias on his stance before this went down...........with Hamas and Hez..............I ultimately don't care if he maintains control.........we could do far worse.....................

And NO.........I really don't think he did it.............the gas attack.

The evidence shows that Assad was NEVER A threat

The reason the CIA tried to deposed Assad and destroy Syria is because the US promised Israhell that they would do so:
Baathist want him dead............Turkey...............Israel..................yeah........they want him in the ground...............

But we'd end up with something worse..............The Balance is out of wack there now..............giving Iran ......Shiites more influence over the region...........which is Shia versus Sunni.................
Who are the "women and children"? He's fighting a civil war with very bad people. Kill him, and who will take his place? Our meddling in the ME tells me in advance and it will be far worse. Woodchopper diplomacy works well in that region until they become civilized.

Who will take his place? Anybody can bring an end to this shit, probably a rouge general who can forge an alliance. The whole point is to replace him by killing his ass and any son or daughter who could carry on this vile bloodline. I don't know who launched the gas attack but once again, it was on Assad to stop it and he didn't. These "false flag" theories are internet fantasies. Chemical warfare isn't something fringe groups can acquire without leaving fingerprints...the fact the Russians are immediately denying it says loud and clear they're involved. Kill Assad and his family...they've fouled the air on this planet long enough.

What the fuck are you talking about Tom? I've been on Syria since day one. FUCK YOU FOR CALLING FOR THEIR DEATHS. Got that buddy?

Get up to speed and learn about Assad, the government, his military. Dude is cool and one of the few governments that is secular in the ME.

Kill him and the poor bastards in Syria will face Sharia. Do you really back that shit?
Yes he is secular..............and yes he didn't slaughter the other ethnic groups there before this.

But at the same time he is a supporter of Hamas and Hezballah.........

Whoa there. Only one. Hezbollah. Not that I am happy with it but cripes the ME is FUBARD and then you have to take bigger hates rather than lower hates. Its crazy

Hezbollah is NOT a terrorist organization.

It was created when the Lebanese determined that the Zionists wanted to steal Southern Lebanon up to and including the Litani River.

Unfortunately , in 1948 Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 million Muslims and subsequently the US pledged to have a continued military presence in the ME to help Israhell.


I'm always amazed that 6 million dead Jews weren't enough for you freaks. Israel is by any definition Jewish, always was, always will be...it was the palis who were squatting there because nobody else wanted them. And if you knew anything about our relationship with the Yids, you'd know they are our eyes and ears in the ME, the same way they monitored the Soviets for us in ways only they could do. I'm truly amazed how an American Jew could support the democrap party after the way Barry treated our second-best ally....that was despicable and showed what he is...a antisemite stinking muslim to the core.

You miserable piece of Zionist shit :

British White Paper of 1939

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that `Palestine is to become as Jewish as England is English.' His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated .... the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the (Balfour) Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded IN PALESTINE."

No, I don't remember that.
Actually, Republicans didn´t rally for Assad. It started with Trump saying "we don´t know who we are supporting" and ended with Trump firing missiles at the Syrian military, something not even Obama did.

actually-----lately---(ie in the 21 st Century ) Republicans have
tended toward isolation and do not "rally" behind or take sides
in "foreign" politics. Isolationism is a republican MALAISE----
The repubs do Vichy---traditionally----but seem to be coming
out of their coma
Particularly after 9/11.

Particularly WHAT? after the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01----
which was so universally celebrated in the UMMAH-----that for
a "brief Shinning moment" Shiite embraced sunni

What do their shins have to do with it?
Who will take his place? Anybody can bring an end to this shit, probably a rouge general who can forge an alliance. The whole point is to replace him by killing his ass and any son or daughter who could carry on this vile bloodline. I don't know who launched the gas attack but once again, it was on Assad to stop it and he didn't. These "false flag" theories are internet fantasies. Chemical warfare isn't something fringe groups can acquire without leaving fingerprints...the fact the Russians are immediately denying it says loud and clear they're involved. Kill Assad and his family...they've fouled the air on this planet long enough.

What the fuck are you talking about Tom? I've been on Syria since day one. FUCK YOU FOR CALLING FOR THEIR DEATHS. Got that buddy?

Get up to speed and learn about Assad, the government, his military. Dude is cool and one of the few governments that is secular in the ME.

Kill him and the poor bastards in Syria will face Sharia. Do you really back that shit?
Yes he is secular..............and yes he didn't slaughter the other ethnic groups there before this.

But at the same time he is a supporter of Hamas and Hezballah.........

Whoa there. Only one. Hezbollah. Not that I am happy with it but cripes the ME is FUBARD and then you have to take bigger hates rather than lower hates. Its crazy

Hezbollah is NOT a terrorist organization.

It was created when the Lebanese determined that the Zionists wanted to steal Southern Lebanon up to and including the Litani River.


Israel, U.S. Still Battle for Lebanon’s Litani River Water

At the 1919 Peace Conference in Paris, ending World War I, Chaim Weizemann and David Ben-Gurion, respectively first president and first prime minister of Israel, presented a proposed map of the Israel that-was-to-be that included the Litani River within Israeli borders. The Litani did not go to Israel, however, because under the terms of the secret Sikes-Picot Treaty it was assigned to what would be the French Mandate of Lebanon."

Ok retard , wake the fuck up

In regards to Assad I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire...........Before all this he had ties with Islamic groups......

But if they want that stinking cursed desert.........let them have it.................We don't want it..........we don't need it.......and they can have it.........

Biggest problem there is the Kurds..............do we abandon them to the wolves...........

Who is "WE" Kemo Sabe?

I'd say the United States but let's just go with I.................What is our National Interest in that desert................Care to explain why I should give a damn who owns that cursed desert after we are gone...........we being the United States..............


Unfortunately , in 1948 Truman stole Palestine from 1.5 million Muslims and subsequently the US pledged to have a continued military presence in the ME to help Israhell.

OMFG here we go again.................

Ottoman Empire was beaten.............by the British and French and some horsemen from Australia..................These countries didn't exist until after WWI..........

And it wasn't stolen.......in many cases they bought land.....................most of Israel was a stinking desert before they got there.........with Nomads passing through..............

so spare me.

OMFG here we go again , reciting Zionist propaganda

Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel

What the fuck are you talking about Tom? I've been on Syria since day one. FUCK YOU FOR CALLING FOR THEIR DEATHS. Got that buddy?

Get up to speed and learn about Assad, the government, his military. Dude is cool and one of the few governments that is secular in the ME.

Kill him and the poor bastards in Syria will face Sharia. Do you really back that shit?
Yes he is secular..............and yes he didn't slaughter the other ethnic groups there before this.

But at the same time he is a supporter of Hamas and Hezballah.........

Whoa there. Only one. Hezbollah. Not that I am happy with it but cripes the ME is FUBARD and then you have to take bigger hates rather than lower hates. Its crazy

Hezbollah is NOT a terrorist organization.

It was created when the Lebanese determined that the Zionists wanted to steal Southern Lebanon up to and including the Litani River.


Israel, U.S. Still Battle for Lebanon’s Litani River Water

At the 1919 Peace Conference in Paris, ending World War I, Chaim Weizemann and David Ben-Gurion, respectively first president and first prime minister of Israel, presented a proposed map of the Israel that-was-to-be that included the Litani River within Israeli borders. The Litani did not go to Israel, however, because under the terms of the secret Sikes-Picot Treaty it was assigned to what would be the French Mandate of Lebanon."

Ok retard , wake the fuck up

Israel choose to a Nation............Palestine refused.............the Arabs all attacked Israel........and LOST.............too damned bad.
You miserable piece of Zionist shit :

British White Paper of 1939

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that `Palestine is to become as Jewish as England is English.' His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated .... the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the (Balfour) Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded IN PALESTINE."


Says the psycho who lost his stolen Timex to a Jewish pawnbroker because he couldn't swipe another ten bucks to get it back. Israel ain't going anywhere Habib so go throw your rocks at the garbage pail you crawled out of...
Back to the thread...........

If Assad gets that shit hole back I don't care...............

Stabilize so we can freaking leave...............Which is why I don't think he did the attack.............

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