Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

I like Tina Fey as a comedian and an actress. But I do believe she has gone off the deep end along with the rest of the liberal left when it comes to Trump.

Here is one statement from the article concerning her remarks. Once again women, who are not really a minority, plays victim. the last sentence is a pure implied lie, when do you think Fey went to PP for a pap smear? Or any woman for that matter? It is NOT what they do.

"Right now it's not just about fighting for progress," Fey said. "Gains we've made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears."

Let's all be scared that Trump and Pence are not going to allow women to kill their unborn child, the monsters.

Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’
Tina Fey is mainly famous for playing Sarah Palin.
That's about it.
Way to Google.

You are trying to address an argument I never made.

First of all, I am addressing you and Sassywhat'sherface.

So tell me what argument of YOURS that I am misrepresenting.

Tell me what argument of mine you think you are responding to.

That's nice. You make the charge and refuse to back it up with evidence. And you want to spout off about "logic."

Maybe you should argue the way you have sex- all by yourself. That way you can play both sides.

Answer the question.

You're a demanding little child, aren't you? ....

Demanding? If you don't understand even the most basic structure of logic, no rational discourse is possible.
Way to Google.

You are trying to address an argument I never made.

First of all, I am addressing you and Sassywhat'sherface.

So tell me what argument of YOURS that I am misrepresenting.

Tell me what argument of mine you think you are responding to.

That's nice. You make the charge and refuse to back it up with evidence. And you want to spout off about "logic."

Maybe you should argue the way you have sex- all by yourself. That way you can play both sides.

Answer the question.

.... your lack of evidence at my so-called straw man argument.


Do you have any idea what you are saying? Do you grasp how illogical that is?
It is a good thing that these Libtard women have Moon Bat champions of women right's like Elisabeth Warren fighting for them, isn't it?

Elizabeth Warren Pays Female Staffers $20K Less Than Male Staffers

Elizabeth Warren Pays Female Staffers $20K Less Than Male Staffers

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren on average pays her female staffers $20,000 less than her male staffers.

Male staffers in Warren’s office took home a median annual salary of $73,750 in 2016, according to an analysis by the Washington Free Beacon, while female staffers brought home a median of $52,750 in 2016 — a discrepancy of more than $20,000.

That means female staffers in Warren’s office on average bring home just 71 cents for every dollar their male counterparts make.

The top five highest-paid staffers in Warren’s office were all men, earning between $113,750 and $156,000.

Just one female staffer in Warren’s office, her director of scheduling, earned more than $100,000 in 2016.
If you don't like getting pregnant you don't have to. You left that part out. How is the baby going to make any self determinations if she never gets a chance? For me it's a state issue and privately funded.

Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to pro abortion advocates.

That's not true. What proCHOICE advocates understand is that punishing a woman for conception with an unwanted pregnancy is good for no one.

I know it's fashionable to portray every woman who gets an abortion as an irresponsible, selfish bitch, but sometimes birth control fails. And I know enough about human nature to know the kind of prenatal care likely to be sought by a woman who is resentfully carrying a forced pregnancy to term. I also know what is likely to be their lives if she keeps that unwanted child.

I don't see celibacy or unwanted children as the only alternatives. I understand your views may differ. In that case, be celibate or have your kids. I don't give a fuck.

13 or so years ago my birth control failed....today we have beautiful twin daughter's because we chose to be responsible

You're not the only one that has experienced that. Some people make a loving, unselfish choice. But I wouldn't have ever told you that you had to make that choice if you didn't feel that you could carry a baby for 9 months. Sorry, that's forced servitude; and you are more than an incubator. So your wants on the subject mattered.

Forced servitude? Good gawd you're a fucking loon.

You didn't know the purpose of the government is to legislate the universe to "fairness" for those who find Nature to be incredibly burdensome and mean? Particularly women who despise their own biology? Shame on you, Sassy! Whatever were you thinking?
Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to pro abortion advocates.

That's not true. What proCHOICE advocates understand is that punishing a woman for conception with an unwanted pregnancy is good for no one.

I know it's fashionable to portray every woman who gets an abortion as an irresponsible, selfish bitch, but sometimes birth control fails. And I know enough about human nature to know the kind of prenatal care likely to be sought by a woman who is resentfully carrying a forced pregnancy to term. I also know what is likely to be their lives if she keeps that unwanted child.

I don't see celibacy or unwanted children as the only alternatives. I understand your views may differ. In that case, be celibate or have your kids. I don't give a fuck.

13 or so years ago my birth control failed....today we have beautiful twin daughter's because we chose to be responsible

You're not the only one that has experienced that. Some people make a loving, unselfish choice. But I wouldn't have ever told you that you had to make that choice if you didn't feel that you could carry a baby for 9 months. Sorry, that's forced servitude; and you are more than an incubator. So your wants on the subject mattered.

Forced servitude? Good gawd you're a fucking loon.

Carrying a baby is work? Are you going to deny that?

Forcing one to carry a baby is forced servitude.

You realize that no one is "forcing" you to carry a baby except Mother Nature, unless said person held a weapon on you and forced you to engage in sexual activity, right?
13 or so years ago my birth control failed....today we have beautiful twin daughter's because we chose to be responsible

You're not the only one that has experienced that. Some people make a loving, unselfish choice. But I wouldn't have ever told you that you had to make that choice if you didn't feel that you could carry a baby for 9 months. Sorry, that's forced servitude; and you are more than an incubator. So your wants on the subject mattered.

Forced servitude? Good gawd you're a fucking loon.

Carrying a baby is work? Are you going to deny that?

Forcing one to carry a baby is forced servitude.
You mean after rape? I agree with that, let her abort the rapist's spawn.

I mean at all. An unwanted, unintended pregnancy shouldn't be forced on a woman.

And unless she was raped, it isn't.
First of all, I am addressing you and Sassywhat'sherface.

So tell me what argument of YOURS that I am misrepresenting.

Tell me what argument of mine you think you are responding to.

That's nice. You make the charge and refuse to back it up with evidence. And you want to spout off about "logic."

Maybe you should argue the way you have sex- all by yourself. That way you can play both sides.

Answer the question.

.... your lack of evidence at my so-called straw man argument.


Do you have any idea what you are saying? Do you grasp how illogical that is?

If you've been reading the same posts I have, that HAS to be a rhetorical question.
Have you ever been in an auto accident? There are risks to driving, and accidents are one of them. Does that mean that you shouldn't be treated if you're injured in an accident?

I understand there are plenty of choices. Birth control is one. Celibacy is another. And abortion is yet another. Raising a child, or giving it up for adoption is a lovely choice.

My point is that I wouldn't dictate to someone what their choice should be. Whether I agree with it or not.

Has anyone explained to you what sex is?
She can't figure out why she keeps getting pregnant.

I'm sorry Mommy didn't love you and Daddy loved you in the bad way.
I'm sorry your kids died so young.

They didn't. They are alive and beautiful. And I am a lucky mom.

Seems to me like THEY'RE the lucky ones that you decided you wanted them to be people at that particular time.
She can't figure out why she keeps getting pregnant.

I'm sorry Mommy didn't love you and Daddy loved you in the bad way.
I'm sorry your kids died so young.

They didn't. They are alive and beautiful. And I am a lucky mom.
So what are you yammering on about?

I'm not yammering. I don't live in a bubble of "what's good for me is good for everyone." Just because I was lucky enough to have a stable home life, and great kids doesn't mean that everyone is. And I will not dictate to them what to do in their personal lives.

You mean like killing their husbands for the insurance money because they just don't want to be married any more? That's basically the kind of "personal choice" you're talking about, however much you try to hide it behind euphemisms and leftist "feelz".
Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to pro abortion advocates.

That's not true. What proCHOICE advocates understand is that punishing a woman for conception with an unwanted pregnancy is good for no one.

I know it's fashionable to portray every woman who gets an abortion as an irresponsible, selfish bitch, but sometimes birth control fails. And I know enough about human nature to know the kind of prenatal care likely to be sought by a woman who is resentfully carrying a forced pregnancy to term. I also know what is likely to be their lives if she keeps that unwanted child.

I don't see celibacy or unwanted children as the only alternatives. I understand your views may differ. In that case, be celibate or have your kids. I don't give a fuck.

Leave it to the pro-death ghouls to equate human life with punishment, and to gas on about "good for everyone" while forgetting who it most certainly is NOT good for.

Have you ever been pregnant?

Have you ever been logical?

That's a dodge. You can't speak to how punishing a pregnancy may or may not be. Here's a clue. It's not an afternoon nap.

You DO realize that you're talking to several people here who are women, know EXACTLY what's involved, and are STILL telling you that abortion is wrong, don't you?
Apparently the gains are something to do with getting free pap smears and the choice of ending the life of an unborn child.

Believe it or not, and whether you like it or not, the right to an abortion is an important right for women's health, for women's self-determinism, for women's economic stability.

You don't have to like it, and you don't have to partake in it.
If you don't like getting pregnant you don't have to. You left that part out. How is the baby going to make any self determinations if she never gets a chance? For me it's a state issue and privately funded.

Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to pro abortion advocates.
I guess her vagina belongs to the collective.
Only if she's a Repug. Then she's simply a brood mare with no choice in the matter except to give birth.

As opposed to being a leftist woman, where she gets to be a vagina on legs to be used by any cad who comes along, since she won't require any responsibility from him?
I'm sorry your kids died so young.

They didn't. They are alive and beautiful. And I am a lucky mom.
So what are you yammering on about?

I'm not yammering. I don't live in a bubble of "what's good for me is good for everyone." Just because I was lucky enough to have a stable home life, and great kids doesn't mean that everyone is. And I will not dictate to them what to do in their personal lives.

You don't dictate to them. They made their choice. They don't get to kill their children to get out of it

Having sex is not always a choice to have a baby. There are two separate choices at play.

Having sex is ALWAYS a choice to take that chance. There is only one choice, unless you're amoral enough to consider killing people because they're inconvenient a "choice".
So what are you yammering on about?

I'm not yammering. I don't live in a bubble of "what's good for me is good for everyone." Just because I was lucky enough to have a stable home life, and great kids doesn't mean that everyone is. And I will not dictate to them what to do in their personal lives.

You don't dictate to them. They made their choice. They don't get to kill their children to get out of it

Having sex is not always a choice to have a baby. There are two separate choices at play.
But you understand it's how it happens, correct? So very interrelated.

Yes, I am familiar with the mechanics of it all. I am also aware that people have sex, and take steps not to conceive. I also understand that even people who can't conceive have sex. Sex is a drive for more than just procreation. Otherwise, no one would bother unless a baby was conceived from the act.

I didn't think that I would have to spell it out, but there you go.

Do you recall your gynecologist, at any point in time, telling you that no birth control method is perfect, except for not having sex?
You're not the only one that has experienced that. Some people make a loving, unselfish choice. But I wouldn't have ever told you that you had to make that choice if you didn't feel that you could carry a baby for 9 months. Sorry, that's forced servitude; and you are more than an incubator. So your wants on the subject mattered.

Forced servitude? Good gawd you're a fucking loon.

Carrying a baby is work? Are you going to deny that?

Forcing one to carry a baby is forced servitude.

If that's the case, then a mother is a "slave" for many years after birth.

Not sure what is more offensive, your moral bankruptcy, abiding ignorance, or callous abuse of the English language.

A mother is not a slave, she is a nurturer, she's a mentor, she teaches, she guides, she listens, she protects and she loves with all her heart.

I thank God everyday for my mother and I thank Him for our children

You are a Hallmark card.

It's true for most, but not all. Romanticizing motherhood does us all a disservice.

See, now, whether or not it's true IS a choice.
Forced servitude? Good gawd you're a fucking loon.

Carrying a baby is work? Are you going to deny that?

Forcing one to carry a baby is forced servitude.

If that's the case, then a mother is a "slave" for many years after birth.

Not sure what is more offensive, your moral bankruptcy, abiding ignorance, or callous abuse of the English language.

A mother is not a slave, she is a nurturer, she's a mentor, she teaches, she guides, she listens, she protects and she loves with all her heart.

I thank God everyday for my mother and I thank Him for our children

You are a Hallmark card.

It's true for most, but not all. Romanticizing motherhood does us all a disservice.

I'm a mother....you're a selfish ghoul

I believe I see a "ghoul" consensus shaping up here. And we all know how much leftists LOVE to decide things based on consensus.
If that's the case, then a mother is a "slave" for many years after birth.

Not sure what is more offensive, your moral bankruptcy, abiding ignorance, or callous abuse of the English language.

My moral bank is just fine.

Your use of the language is simply tainted by your value judgments on words. There is servitude entered into willingly, for pay or for love, and there is forced servitude.

You want pregnancy and motherhood to be a flower-filled walk in the park. It's work. It should be undertaken willingly.

Your brainless selfishness has robbed you of any humanity you may have once had. Now you are just an illogical, self-obsessed ghoul. Congratulations.

A mother is not a slave, she is a nurturer, she's a mentor, she teaches, she guides, she listens, she protects and she loves with all her heart.

I thank God everyday for my mother and I thank Him for our children

You are a Hallmark card.

It's true for most, but not all. Romanticizing motherhood does us all a disservice.

I'm a mother....you're a selfish ghoul

I'm a mother who undertook the job willingly, gladly, and with my eyes wide open.

You guys can't debate the reality, so you come up with this pablum about motherhood as the gateway to sainthood.

Ever hear of Casey Anthony? Diane Downs? Susan Smith? Andrea Yates?

Tell me some more about those nurturers, mentors, teachers, and protectors.

Giving birth does not endow a woman with those qualities; she either chooses to be those things or she doesn't.

You're confusing motherhood with psychotic killers.

Fuckwit, those psychotic killers were mothers.

Maybe they just needed to be lectured a little more by the likes of you about the joys of motherhood.

Maybe they needed to be lectured less by the likes of you about how only their own desires matter.
Your brainless selfishness has robbed you of any humanity you may have once had. Now you are just an illogical, self-obsessed ghoul. Congratulations.

I'm a mother....you're a selfish ghoul

I'm a mother who undertook the job willingly, gladly, and with my eyes wide open.

You guys can't debate the reality, so you come up with this pablum about motherhood as the gateway to sainthood.

Ever hear of Casey Anthony? Diane Downs? Susan Smith? Andrea Yates?

Tell me some more about those nurturers, mentors, teachers, and protectors.

Giving birth does not endow a woman with those qualities; she either chooses to be those things or she doesn't.

You're confusing motherhood with psychotic killers.

Fuckwit, those psychotic killers were mothers.

Maybe they just needed to be lectured a little more by the likes of you about the joys of motherhood.

You need to relax, you start that shit and I'll return it tenfold. You pick four insane women and try to sell it off as a reason for abortion. You're grasping

No, I am providing evidence that being pregnant or giving birth does not make a woman a good mother.

You want to force those who don't want to to nurture a life for 9 months. I know that you can't force someone to care about a person.

I don't think anyone was suggesting leaving children with people who don't want them. I believe we were just suggesting that being created by selfish fuckwads shouldn't be a capital offense.
You need to relax, you start that shit and I'll return it tenfold. You pick four insane women and try to sell it off as a reason for abortion. You're grasping

No, I am providing evidence that being pregnant or giving birth does not make a woman a good mother.

You want to force those who don't want to to nurture a life for 9 months. I know that you can't force someone to care about a person.

Nobody is implying that motherhood makes women great.
But rather that it is indeed a sacred state and should be honored.

If it's honored and women who are mothers are treated with dignity fewer of them would succumb to the leftist lie that babies are better off dead, and that single mothers are horrible people who torture their children, and therefore, just shouldn't have any kids.

If more took motherhood serious the world would be a better place
The baby killing bloc has to dehumanize and trivialize mothers, and motherhood, in order to promote baby killing while at the same time defending the depraved lifestyle that results in so many fatherless children.

I left a very well paying career position to become a stay at home mom....I've never regretted it

I cut my hours down from full-time to half-time so that I could homeschool my youngest, and made similar choices for the two older ones. Absolutely worth it.
Using your illogic, forcing one to take care of a new born is forced servitude.

Who is forced to take care of a newborn? They can be given over to the care of a nanny, a grandma, given up for adoption, etc.
So could the unborn child

No. That is a falsehood. An unborn child cannot be carried by anyone else. It is tied to the body of its natural mother, for good or ill. Only once it is born can a child be cared for by another.
So it is inconvenience that drives your abortion stand?

No, it is objectivity. If a woman is the only one who can carry the baby, then she gets final say over it.

Yup . . . and she gets it when she decides to create it.

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