To all conservatives

You have the WH, the majorities in congress, the edge in the SC, more state governors and houses but yet all you can do is complain how horrible your world is. You play the victim to the T. Why don’t you get away from your keyboard and go out and do something to make the world look like you want it to.

You answer the question.

They control almost everything and the world to them is a shithole.

Cons, put two and two together.
You have the WH, the majorities in congress, the edge in the SC, more state governors and houses but yet all you can do is complain how horrible your world is. You play the victim to the T. Why don’t you get away from your keyboard and go out and do something to make the world look like you want it to.
The GOP is essentially two parties right now. They can't get out of their own way.
If the Dems were in power they would have the same problem. We need to end the two party stranglehold on governing. If we would have had a ballot with Sanders and Kasich along with the two bad choices things would look very different today.

Dear End2party:
I'd rather that the people with the right ideas, that are centered on common Constitutional standards, be the models for going out and doing things to change and reform the system.

If people don't have the right ideas put together yet, SURE, we SHOULD be using our computers to reach out and get input and feedback FROM the various parties and platforms BEFORE going out into the real system expecting to changing it.

Otherwise, we make the same mistakes the Democrats did in pushing for change "in order to prove Obama did something" and ending up with an unenforceable, unsustainable policy that BOTH sides are unhappy with - the ACA may be argued as "getting something done" but it is neither the Singlepayer the left wants or the effective health care through free market that the right wants.

Wouldn't it have been better to RESOLVE the conflicts over ACA, even by "arguing back and forth by computer" to separate which groups want to fund which programs and approaches?

As for making a real change End2party what
do you think of THIS idea:
For all of us ready to "do it ourselves" including left and right,
Dems and Greens even if divided, and Libertarians and Republicans
including those divided in conflicts,
to approach our local precinct chairs PER senate district,
and organize team leaders WILLING to expand the Elector College
system to include "representation by party" (similar to Senate and House,
where there are 2 reps per party per district, plus "proportional" representation
with a panel or council where the seats are proportional to the population of that
district and divided proportionally based on the membership of each party
in that district. For people who do not want to be represented by party, they
can choose another affiliation that represents their numbers, such as a union for workers, teachers or police, representation by school district, or by civic or church organizations if that is how people best represent their interests).

Then to prevent these affiliated groups from competing to dominate or exclude each other, they all agree to a policy of consensus statements by mediation and conflict resolution, to the best of their abilities. (and where parties disagree on beliefs and policies, they agree on facilities they select to write out points of agreement or conflict to include in their policy statements). This Electoral Council can have their own process for submitting proposed policy reforms, statements, corrections or grievances to local, state or federal govt officials to use the existing govt process to implement where needed.

This mediation and facilitation between parties can also be used to host a grand jury or grievance process to accept intake from their districts, for grievances or complaints of abuses on whatever level that district agrees to address using that system. The teachers and police and workers unions or HR/Civil associations of each district can also implement training and assistance in conflict resolution and addressing complaints or compliance issues.

by cutting the costs of crime, abuse, conflicts, etc in each district, the govt and civic church and business leadership can work toward reinvesting taxes and resources into building the desired programs (health care, elderly care, daycare that families can afford, better school and military programs, better postal services and insurance services for health care, cars, guns, whatever they agree to on a local level).

Then whatever works for district and cities on a local level can be replicated statewise or nationwide, where people have free choice to participate, fund and implement programs they agree work better. And quit imposing unproven plans through govt while expecting taxpayers to fund them automatically. Why not empower local districts to prove which programs work cost-effectively? Organize people and resources by parties with a vested interest in making sure their proposed reforms WORK. Then share the ideas and models that work, so citizens and taxpayers in other districts solve their own problems using the best proven models. And rebuild public policy on a more stable, sustainable basis by voluntary investment and participation.

What do you think of that approach?
Can we team up and start lobbying to change tax laws
to REWARD citizens and districts with tax breaks and deductions
for investing their own resources into solving local problems
with law enforcement, health care, education, immigration reform,
job creation and govt reforms?

Are you in? Can we work on this together?
Thanks End2party!
I'm a prochoice Democat and progressive Green supporter
who believes in inclusion and democratically run cooperatives,
and a Constitutionalist who shares both conservative beliefs in
limited federal Govt and idealistic beliefs in isonomy where
everyone of any belief or party can share equal representation in govt
by expanding on and enforcing the given structures we have now.


Emily Nghiem

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