To burn a confederate flag liberals have to buy it first

What makes you think that it will be "pretty hard" to do it "soon enough"?
It's because all confederate flags will be out of stock very soon and liberals won't be able to get new flags to burn them. No one can buy a nazi flag in walmart and soon it will be impossible to buy a confederate one since liberals believe that confederacy=nazism.
It's interesting that the Right defends the confederate flag when it is a symbol of the old democrats.
In fact, it is a symbol of states rights. But you knew that and decided to pursue a false narrative, as do most of your ilk.

It's a symbol of "state's rights" to you.

It means different things to other people.
Who cares what it means to anyone?

History is history. People who know the history of the United States know the pressures, attitudes and politics of the time of the civil war. Slavery was an issue to the expansion of the country into the territories and the South needed to maintain the balance of power in the Senate (At that time, the Senate actually had members who represented their State). The southern states felt they had the right to determine their culture and economies, and morality. Regardless of who agreed with those things, the Constitution gave them that right.

That a minority of haters have usurped the flag for their own demented purpose, and that the left have decided to run with that and make it the majority opinion of an entire group of people really has nothing to do with anything.

The Confederate Flag was a symbol of States rights. Its a matter of historic record and analysis.

For Myself, I have no dog in this fight other than the truth. If the Southerns States wish to bow down to this purge, that is on them as I don't live there and have no say in the matter.
Are you under the impression that Walmart is the only place to buy things?
I just don't like the idea that one of the most important symbols of America is now on the same level as the symbol of the worst regime ever existed which caused millions of deaths. It's nothing but hypocrisy. You liberals are ready to do everything to justify your worldview.
It has always been on that level. There are just less scum supporting it these days.
You do realize that the confederate flag wasn't flown till the civil war started? The American flag flew at the start of slavery till now. So which do you think has more hate behind it's history? Hate groups adopted the confederate flag, the flags history has nothing in common with them. So, are you gonna hate the American flag now? If you don't, you are a hypocrite.
There are just less scum supporting it these days.
It's not very polite to call your compatriots 'scum'. The confederate flag means a lot for the Southerners and it has nothing to do with racism. Maybe some freaks use it as a symbol of hatred to black people but they are just a minor vocal group.
Man buys confederate flag with plans to burn it
You won't be able to burn the flag if you don't own it and it seems like it will be pretty hard to do it soon enough. All that fuss around this flag is so stupid. The confederate flag was the symbol of the South since forever, it is very important for self-identity of so many people and now you are chimping out trying to make everyone believe that confederates were no better than nazis. Confederates were the true patriots of America. Do you understand that you attack the freedoms dear to Southerners? You are no any better than nazis or communists hating things you don't understand.

Its a symbol of slavery in the South.

The Confederacy was in fact founded on the notion that whites were superior to blacks. THat's not patriotism, its racism.
Wait a minute!

You mean Regime Obama won't GIVE liberals free flags so they can burn them?

How friggin' unfair is THAT???
What I have found amusing about all these companines saying they will no longer sell Confederate flag merchandise is the reason they give it's a symbol of racism, slavery , bigotry, and oppression and that they don't to insult or offend their customers by seliing them. Ok fair enough but all these companies had been selling this stuff for years before the Charlston shooting the history of the flag and what it represents to some was not some classifed government secret so why weren't they worried about insulting or offending their customers before the shooting?
What I have found amusing about all these companines saying they will no longer sell Confederate flag merchandise is the reason they give it's a symbol of racism, slavery , bigotry, and oppression and that they don't to insult or offend their customers by seliing them. Ok fair enough but all these companies had been selling this stuff for years before the Charlston shooting the history of the flag and what it represents to some was not some classifed government secret so why weren't they worried about insulting or offending their customers before the shooting?

Because the tide of public opinion has quite obviously changed.
What I have found amusing about all these companines saying they will no longer sell Confederate flag merchandise is the reason they give it's a symbol of racism, slavery , bigotry, and oppression and that they don't to insult or offend their customers by seliing them. Ok fair enough but all these companies had been selling this stuff for years before the Charlston shooting the history of the flag and what it represents to some was not some classifed government secret so why weren't they worried about insulting or offending their customers before the shooting?

Because the tide of public opinion has quite obviously changed.
Then I for one wish these companies would simply say that instead of trying to take some phony morale high ground.
What I have found amusing about all these companines saying they will no longer sell Confederate flag merchandise is the reason they give it's a symbol of racism, slavery , bigotry, and oppression and that they don't to insult or offend their customers by seliing them. Ok fair enough but all these companies had been selling this stuff for years before the Charlston shooting the history of the flag and what it represents to some was not some classifed government secret so why weren't they worried about insulting or offending their customers before the shooting?

Because the tide of public opinion has quite obviously changed.
Then I for one wish these companies would simply say that instead of trying to take some phony morale high ground.

I don't disagree with you. But when was the last time a multinational corporation did something like that?
The flag does serve one purpose.
its a reason for the poor chip on their shoulder negros to bitch about something. Get rid of the flag and they are just going to find something else to cry about. its what they do. as long as they can keep crying, they can keep being the picked on race and get free stuff.
as far as the flag not belonging in the country? you shouldn't have a silver back in the white house, but there the man moochelle is.
What I have found amusing about all these companines saying they will no longer sell Confederate flag merchandise is the reason they give it's a symbol of racism, slavery , bigotry, and oppression and that they don't to insult or offend their customers by seliing them. Ok fair enough but all these companies had been selling this stuff for years before the Charlston shooting the history of the flag and what it represents to some was not some classifed government secret so why weren't they worried about insulting or offending their customers before the shooting?

Because the tide of public opinion has quite obviously changed.
Then I for one wish these companies would simply say that instead of trying to take some phony morale high ground.

I don't disagree with you. But when was the last time a multinational corporation did something like that?
Never that I can recall if they don't want to sell the stuff so be it that's there right just don't bullshit me about the reason.
What I have found amusing about all these companines saying they will no longer sell Confederate flag merchandise is the reason they give it's a symbol of racism, slavery , bigotry, and oppression and that they don't to insult or offend their customers by seliing them. Ok fair enough but all these companies had been selling this stuff for years before the Charlston shooting the history of the flag and what it represents to some was not some classifed government secret so why weren't they worried about insulting or offending their customers before the shooting?

Because the tide of public opinion has quite obviously changed.
Then I for one wish these companies would simply say that instead of trying to take some phony morale high ground.

I don't disagree with you. But when was the last time a multinational corporation did something like that?
Never that I can recall if they don't want to sell the stuff so be it that's there right just don't bullshit me about the reason.

Again, I don't disagree with you, but when it comes down to it, the world is full of bullshit. I trust my friends, I trust my family. I trust individuals until they give me a reason not to.

But I don't trust conglomerations of people. Ever.
I'm pretty shocked by such a rapid moving of events, they banned the flag in less than two weeks. When the discussion of the Confederate flag ban just started I thought that it would had ended with some restrictions, the flag would had been hauled down. But ban... No, it's too provocative.
Are you under the impression that Walmart is the only place to buy things?
I just don't like the idea that one of the most important symbols of America is now on the same level as the symbol of the worst regime ever existed which caused millions of deaths. It's nothing but hypocrisy. You liberals are ready to do everything to justify your worldview.
If the shoe fits,, wear it...

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