To hell with compromise.

Jarlaxle continues to demonstrate his ignorance. All the colonies until 1774 and 1775 were slave colonies. None of the middle Atlantic and NE states would have supported the South. That was very clearly in 1814, which was about amendments not secession. And in 1832, Jackson would have hung the South Carolinian leadership summarily if they had tried to take the state out of the Union.

Jarlaxle, don't revise history you flatly do not comprehend.

Even if the founding fathers did not support slavery and most of them were abolitionists themselves, they would have supported secession and the rights of states to leave the union. That was the whole point of the Revolution.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

That was the way they felt. It is honorable to dissolve the political bonds and declare the reasons why.

What Jake knows about history could fit in a child's thimble with enough room left over for a thumb.

What American history that is taught in schools today would fit in a thimble. Truthful American History isn't taught at all. Instead we get wishful American History. The founders were atheists, they supported the right to abortion, they set up the welfare state and supported the rights of some people to the money of other people.

The founders did know what was going to happen to the country. They foresaw what we have today. Ben Franklin when arguing for passage of the Constitution said it wouldn't last forever, but only until the people become so corrupt they require a despot to rule over them. The insult is that we not only have become that corrupt, we not only need a despotic rule, but we're blaming THEM for it!
Why did the tea party laden republican party try to kill the post office by forcing it to fund retirement into the future by 70 years all in a couple of years?

No entitiy in the WORLD has to do that

why do you refuse to answer this question?
I love how right wing people always say they are not republicans yet they defend everything in the platform
Why did the tea party laden republican party try to kill the post office by forcing it to fund retirement into the future by 70 years all in a couple of years?

No entitiy in the WORLD has to do that

why do you refuse to answer this question?

Dude how the fuck do I know why the Republicans did anything? Probably because them and the Democrats are fucking stupid and keep indebting us even more. Quit acting like Republicans are the only party that institutes crippling pensions.
Bro we haven't been running the kind of operation the foudners designed in DECADES.

That is tea party bullshit.

Tell us how you feel about the post office?

How is it Tea Party bullshit? It fucking started during the Civil War at the latest. Pretty sure the Tea Party wasn't around then.

As for the Post Office, the Constitution gives the government the right to establish one, but I don't recall reading the part where it has the right to monopolize it. I'd like to see almost everything the government runs privatzed.

I love how right wing people always say they are not republicans yet they defend everything in the platform

I hear you

The Communist Party USA celebrated Barack Obama’s win on Tuesday.

LL, bripat, jarlaxle, and the other weirdos cannot define and cannot tell the difference between "liberty" and "freedom". Until they do, they are nothing more than the clowns and the tiny car act.
LL, bripat, jarlaxle, and the other weirdos cannot define and cannot tell the difference between "liberty" and "freedom". Until they do, they are nothing more than the clowns and the tiny car act.

Can you do it for me so I can be well informed in the future?
LL, you are a clown who does not know the difference. You need to learn it for yourself, because you do not believe me. Your loss.
Start do some researching. Get NeoTroll to work with you because he does not get it either. He does not know the differences of communism, socialism, fascisim, and social democracy. Get to it.
Accoridng to the dictionary:

Freedom: exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
Liberty: freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc

LL, you are a clown who does not know the difference. You need to learn it for yourself, because you do not believe me. Your loss.

How can I learn if the wise sages who know refuse to share their profound wisdom?

Don't get your hopes with this Concern Troll

They once said that Statism existed no where in the world

Here boy
Which dictionary. Link us, please.

Accoridng to the dictionary:

Freedom: exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
Liberty: freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc

LL, you are a clown who does not know the difference. You need to learn it for yourself, because you do not believe me. Your loss.

How can I learn if the wise sages who know refuse to share their profound wisdom?

Don't get your hopes with this Concern Troll

They once said that Statism existed no where in the world

Here boy

Not sure why I keep trying to talk with some of the posters here.

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