To hell with compromise.

How can I learn if the wise sages who know refuse to share their profound wisdom?

Don't get your hopes with this Concern Troll

They once said that Statism existed no where in the world

Here boy

Not sure why I keep trying to talk with some of the posters here.

Don't bother with this one

Besides this 'concern troll' has been caught before
in lies- see here- it is too funny

As such, their word means little

Here boy
No I'm sorry it would not be helpful if I did the work for you. A wise wise wise scholar once said:

JakeStarkey said:
You need to learn it for yourself, because you do not believe me. Your loss.
LL, bripat, jarlaxle, and the other weirdos cannot define and cannot tell the difference between "liberty" and "freedom". Until they do, they are nothing more than the clowns and the tiny car act.

There is no difference, stinky finger.
Start do some researching. Get NeoTroll to work with you because he does not get it either. He does not know the differences of communism, socialism, fascisim, and social democracy. Get to it.

The reality is there is very little difference between any of those things. They are all flavors of the same thing: statism.
Start do some researching. Get NeoTroll to work with you because he does not get it either. He does not know the differences of communism, socialism, fascisim, and social democracy. Get to it.

The reality is there is very little difference between any of those things. They are all flavors of the same thing: statism.

Dude this nerd has no idea what Statism is but he supports the fuck out of it anyway
bripat is being honest in that he honestly believes the "differences of communism, socialism, fascisim, and social democracy" are merely phases of statism in his mind. I give him props for admitting his prejudice on the issue.
bripat is being honest in that he honestly believes the "differences of communism, socialism, fascisim, and social democracy" are merely phases of statism. I give him props for admitting his prejudice on the issue.

Rather than trying to refute it? Good idea. That would be a hard battle to win.
bripat is being honest in that he honestly believes the "differences of communism, socialism, fascisim, and social democracy" are merely phases of statism. I give him props for admitting his prejudice on the issue.

Rather than trying to refute it? Good idea. That would be a hard battle to win.

What you expect from a faker

this Concern Troll has over 37,000 posts and has never started
a thread on their own....

Here boy

Heres the dealo.

just because you swagger and pretend to be smarter than everyone else doesnt make it true.

Your ideas are failures and wont do anyone any good
I want government to protect freedom and that is it.

Quit fucking acting like Democrats are different than Republicans. Obama has continued almost every single policy of GWB and has doubled down on many. They are Statists.
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Why did the tea party laden republican party try to kill the post office by forcing it to fund retirement into the future by 70 years all in a couple of years?

No entitiy in the WORLD has to do that

why do you refuse to answer this question?

Dude how the fuck do I know why the Republicans did anything? Probably because them and the Democrats are fucking stupid and keep indebting us even more. Quit acting like Republicans are the only party that institutes crippling pensions.

You dont know what your talking about then.

This was unprecidented.
why do you refuse to answer this question?

Dude how the fuck do I know why the Republicans did anything? Probably because them and the Democrats are fucking stupid and keep indebting us even more. Quit acting like Republicans are the only party that institutes crippling pensions.

You dont know what your talking about then.

This was unprecidented.

Are you fucking kidding me? It is "unprecidented" that government granted people pensions? You do realize all of congress and the president gets a lifetime pension right?
I want government to protect freedom and that is it.

Quit fucking acting like Democrats are different than Republicans. Obama has continued almost every single policy of GWB and has doubled down on many. They are Statists.

That little montra fools no one.

You think government is evil.

that makes you completely against all the founders
Dude how the fuck do I know why the Republicans did anything? Probably because them and the Democrats are fucking stupid and keep indebting us even more. Quit acting like Republicans are the only party that institutes crippling pensions.

You dont know what your talking about then.

This was unprecidented.

Are you fucking kidding me? It is "unprecidented" that government granted people pensions? You do realize all of congress and the president gets a lifetime pension right?

what entity has EVER been forced to fund a pension 70 years into the future in a couple of years?

name them you dumb fuck or shut the hell up
I want government to protect freedom and that is it.

Quit fucking acting like Democrats are different than Republicans. Obama has continued almost every single policy of GWB and has doubled down on many. They are Statists.

It is sad how far left and extreme the Democratic party has gone in the last
50 years


[ame=]Forward- The Obama Way - YouTube[/ame]
Aside from the fact that to the left, "compromise" means "do what we want", the last thing I want government to do is agree.

You're confused. Its the other way around. Republicans are the ones who signed pledges to not raise taxes no matter what. The Democrats have been willing to make spending cuts in exchange for tax increases on the wealthy, but the Republicans value the uber-rich more than they do the fiscal health of our nation.

Every time I hear someone say "let's get together on both sides of the isle to work on the problems facing this country" I just want to punch them in the face.

That's because you abhor compromise. If folks like you had been the main participants at the Constitutional Convention, the Constitution would have never been written. Our Founding Fathers compromised on the issue of owning other people as property - yet the right is unwilling to have the wealth taxed exactly as much as they were under Clinton.

Government is not the solution to any problem. Just get the government out of the fucking way! When politicians get together, government NEVER gets out of the way.

Maybe you should get out of the way.
you did not answer the question .

You diverted.

Your an idiot with no abiltity to speak the truth.

Yeap your a republican

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