To hell with compromise.

Your an idiot with no abiltity to speak the truth.

Yeap your a republican

My absolute favorite thing on the internet is being called an idiot by someone with a 2nd grade grammar level.

Your an idiot with no abiltity to speak the truth.

Yeap your a republican

My absolute favorite thing on the internet is being called an idiot by someone with a 2nd grade grammar level.

Dude I know amoung your frat friends its freally cool to be a libertarian and talk all "ONLY WE KNOW THE TRUTH" but to make that mean something you have to honor the truths you dont like too.

libertarianism is bullshit and has historically failed ideas in common with the republican party.

They are jsut as failed except they cant win elections
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hear is this clear?

fuck you very much.

I dont give a raats ass about spelling or typing.

I care about content.

I care about facts.

Now why cant you people answer the questions given you?

Because they distroy your historically failed ideas
Why was the post office forced to fund 70 years of pension forward by the republican party?

Becuase they want to kill it.

Because they dont care about the consitution.

Beucause they USE the constiutution as a cudgel and are lying sacks of shit
What was the rights motivation to cripple the post office which was doing fine before they fucked with it?
this one issue shows the true intents of the right in this country.

They dont give a rats ass about the constitution or the founders.

They want to distroy government.

they want the corporations to have all the power.

they are idiots
Oh you dont know the facts yet you just spouted what they told you to think?

Ok Ill be right back with the facts you will then quickly ignore.
LL, bripat, jarlaxle, and the other weirdos cannot define and cannot tell the difference between "liberty" and "freedom". Until they do, they are nothing more than the clowns and the tiny car act.

Can you do it for me so I can be well informed in the future?

I could have bet One Million Dollars that Jake the fake would never tell you what he sees as the difference between the two definitions, and how he's applying that to your comments. And two posts later, exactly as I predicted before I even scrolled down the page, there it was. You gotta love it. :lmao: Jake doesn't post intelligent facts or even remotely back up anything he says with anything credible, nor does he answer any questions given to him about his own comments. He's merely here as a useful tool, and best ignored. ;)
Which dictionary. Link us, please.

Accoridng to the dictionary:

Freedom: exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
Liberty: freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc


You're the one who made the comment that they were different and that those of lesser intelligence didn't understand the difference. Then when asked to explain the differences, and someone posts dictionary definitions, you demand a link???? You gotta love it!! Thanks for an amusing morning, Jake! :lol:
Oh you dont know the facts yet you just spouted what they told you to think?

Ok Ill be right back with the facts you will then quickly ignore.

Lol you seem to think I care to defend anyone in the R or D party.

United States Postal Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why did you pretend this wasnt true?

Congressional role

Of related significance is the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA), which obligates the USPS to prefund 75 years' worth of future health care benefit payments to retirees within a ten-year time span – a requirement to which no other government organization is subject. Thus, in addition to the weak economy and the diversion of mail to electronic means, the mandates of PAEA have had a considerable impact on Postal Service finances. As a consequence, it has been charged that the US Postal Service budget crisis of 2011 is, in essence, an artificial one.

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