To hell with your religions, mine's fine with sex


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
In the religious discussions about homosexuality, same-sex marriage, etc. what seems to get overlooked is not everyone's your religion, where these things are objectionable. Some people's religions could give a crap about who likes whom or how. And still others don't have a religion to speak of. So unless homophobic religions are to become the standard in the land

If your religion hates freedom and tolerance you should love gay activists.

Here's Camille Paglia discussing gay activists: “To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,”

“This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”

“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,”

Here's Andrew Sullivan: “The guy who had the gall to express his First Amendment rights and favor Prop 8 in California by donating $1,000 has just been scalped by some gay activists,”

“Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame?” “Why not the stocks? The whole episode disgusts me — as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society.”

“If this is the gay rights movement today — hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else — then count me out,”

“If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.”
Gay fanatics are intolerant of any criticism of their lifestyle.

Could this be because the facts lead fair-minded people to conclude the homosexual lifestyle is less desirable than advertised?

CDC: 94 to 95 percent of HIV cases among young men linked to gay sex

And here's noted gay activist Larry Kramer being honest about the lifestyle:

Does it occur to you that we brought this plague of aids upon ourselves? I know I am getting into dangerous waters here but it is time. With the cabal breathing even more murderously down our backs it is time. And you are still doing it. You are still murdering each other. Please stop with all the generalizations and avoidance excuses gays have used since the beginning to ditch this responsibility for this fact. From the very first moment we were told in 1981 that the suspected cause was a virus, gay men have refused to accept our responsibility for choosing not to listen, and, starting in 1984, when we were told it definitely was a virus, this behavior turned murderous. Make whatever excuses you can to carry on living in your state of denial but this is the fact of the matter. I wish we could understand and take some responsibility for the fact that for some 30 years we have been murdering each other with great facility and that down deep inside of us, we knew what we were doing. Don’t tell me you have never had sex without thinking down deep that there was more involved in what you were doing than just maintaining a hard-on.

I have recently gone through my diaries of the worst of the plague years. I saw day after day a notation of another friend’s death. I listed all the ones I’d slept with. There were a couple hundred. Was it my sperm that killed them, that did the trick? It is no longer possible for me to avoid this question of myself. Have you ever wondered how many men you killed? I know I murdered some of them. I just know. You know how you sometimes know things? I know. Several hundred over a bunch of years, I have to have murdered some of them, planting in him the original seed. I have put this to several doctors. Mostly they refuse to discuss it, even if they are gay. Most doctors do not like to discuss sex or what we do or did. (I still have not heard a consensus on the true dangers of oral sex, for instance.) They play blind. God knows what they must be thinking when they examine us. Particularly if they aren’t gay. One doctor answered me, it takes two to tango so you cannot take the responsibility alone. But in some cases it isn’t so easy to answer so flippantly. The sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who (*)(*)(*)(*)ed him. I think I murdered him. The old boyfriend who did not want to go to bed with me and I made him. The man I let (*)(*)(*)(*) me because I was trying to make my then boyfriend, now lover, jealous. I know, by the way, that that other one is the one who infected me. You know how you sometime know things? I know he infected me. I tried to murder myself on that one.
In the religious discussions about homosexuality, same-sex marriage, etc. what seems to get overlooked is not everyone's your religion, where these things are objectionable. Some people's religions could give a crap about who likes whom or how. And still others don't have a religion to speak of. So unless homophobic religions are to become the standard in the land


Mine too.

Mine is also in favor of individual rights, live and let live and NOT being Peeping Tom's into the private lives of consenting adults.
Don't you need a religion before it can permit something?

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