To save America is to save the right idea

I think that the US system will be supported in Eastern Europe, at least in Austria, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Czech,
Austria and Hungary are generally the birthplace of the American Republic.

Probably Italy will support, it will definitely support Northern Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, and it is very likely that Latin America will support it with the right approach. Northern Europe and Moscow will resist.

In general, it is necessary to use whenever possible any opposition in all countries, as Reagan did.
That could be the beginning of a rational discussion, but I've had enough of going out of my way to start it.
natural law constitutes the sociopolitical philosophy on which America was founded.
Perhaps this comes from the Saxons, after which anglosaxons was captured by the Britts or Normans. The British Empire had nothing to do with American federalism.
My concern nationally is less than it was when I was younger. Progs already told us nationalism does not matter. So I have become regionalized and localized. And more people are doing that. Let us put up state border security checkpoints if need be. If Georgia goes the Stacy Abrams route, Florida needs to bring security up to enter the state from all roads and highways. Technology exists to make this less intrusive and time consuming. For example...And I 95 route without leaving the road into South Carolina from Florida could be negotiated with the Socialist State of Georgia. Perhaps a few exits for gas and food will be included. There would be explosive growth north of Jacksonville before the state line with motels, fuel, and food before entering the new socialist paradise of Georgia. Soviet Georgia!
Dividing up the country isn't an option. If your comments were less about purposeful spam and more about that concept, it may have been worth my time.
Firstly, part of this is a lie, part against America, and part of fantasy.
Second, I was asking about official doctrine and not about chatter.
1. List the lies and post links proving them lies, otherwise you are the liar
2. Trump's record is his official doctrine, again, post links proving me wrong or you are the liar.
Support for the leftist policy of Israel, the Leftist policy of Russia, the agreement with the Taliban, concessions to China and so on
In addition, he implicitly imposed a leftist ideology, praising Judeo-Christian principles.
1. What support of leftist policy of Israel?
2. What leftist policy of Russia?
3. The agreement with the Taliban was NOT leftist.
4. What concessions to China? Trump added tariffs on China.
5. What leftist ideology?
6. Judeo-Christian principles are conservative, not leftist, duh.
kyzr In addition, he did nothing to neutralize Obama's sabotage, and inaction is also an action.
That is simply stupid. Here are the policies that Trump implemented, his "Promises Kept" many of which reversed Obama policies:
That is simply stupid. Here are the policies that Trump implemented, his "Promises Kept" many of which reversed Obama policies:
I see that he led America to a leftist crisis, his chatter does not interest me.

You have not answered where his doctrine is.

Something like this

many of which reversed Obama policies:
Bush and McCain are unhappy with Trump's policies.

In addition, he discredited the right-wing with rabid chauvinism, which led to a crisis also on ethnic grounds. He achieved absolutely no positive results.

And I remind you that this is not a Republican, but a newly minted Republican. Money bag and democrat.
And this despite the fact that the South often fucking votes for the right.
How to understand his national policy. In the end, why are blacks worse than the Jews whom he extols? For what fu'ng proposes to do such a stupid things?
Iran gravitates to the right, and it is a potentially good ally of the United States, with a good geopolitical position. This idiot, instead of taking advantage of the enmity between Iran and the Taliban and Iran and China, quarreled with Iran. Nothing could have been done in foreign policy more stupid. This is the pinnacle of stupidity.
The opposition between the right and left in the US is very real, just look at the "news" outlets as an example. FXN (Fox News) is center-right and very popular. CNN, NBC, MSNBC are all left leaning "propaganda outlets" for city people.
3. The opposition between left and right is very visible in the House and Senate. The democrats even want to pack the US Supreme Court with liberal justices. That won't happen
Isn't this the things that divide and weaken the US? The two-party model the US political system was built on ensured political stability for many years.

Now, it turns to be opposite. This model tends to extremes and enables polarization of the society and political establishment. In other words, causes the opposite effect it was previously meant for.
Isn't this the things that divide and weaken the US? The two-party model the US political system was built on ensured political stability for many years.

Now, it turns to be opposite. This model tends to extremes and enables polarization of the society and political establishment. In other words, causes the opposite effect it was previously meant for.
Stability was ensured not by a two-party system, but by weak centralization and the politics of the right. The left has always destabilized the situation. For example in the Hippie Crisis of the 60s and 70s.
political stability for many years
The problem of the left in the United States is that, having seized federal power, they still do not have full power in the states, otherwise America would have been fucked by the left a long time ago. This is the foundation of stability: the republic.
I do not know of a single country in the world that would have a real right force. In Europe, conservatives are also leftists, their conservatism is totalitarianism.
For example, in Germany the main parties are ultra-left communists versus Christian Democrats. But Christian Democrats are some kind of mixture of Prussian collectivism with Christian collectivism. So they also leftists. In Russia, the current government is moderately left, and in opposition, ultra-left. I think that's the case everywhere.

The last such country was Austro-Hungary.

Therefore, if America dies, the right idea itself will also die.

It's like a post that starts out badly, and then moves on to the ridiculous.

Your summing up of German politics tells me you don't even know what Germany is, let alone anything about its politics.
It's like a post that starts out badly, and then moves on to the ridiculous.

Your summing up of German politics tells me you don't even know what Germany is, let alone anything about its politics.
Judging by the way it arose in the second half of the 19th century, it is the Prussian Socialist Empire.
Judging by the way it arose in the second half of the 19th century, it is the Prussian Socialist Empire.

That's so in depth, for a comparison of depth, it's like a child's paddling pool with a thin layer of slime on the surface masquerading as a full swimming pool. Congrats.
That's so in depth, for a comparison of depth, it's like a child's paddling pool with a thin layer of slime on the surface masquerading as a full swimming pool. Congrats.

There is no depth there. Von Bismarck and his followers expanded Prussian influence in Europe and imposed their own system. This is the whole essence of "Germany"




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The problem of the left in the United States is that, having seized federal power, they still do not have full power in the states, otherwise America would have been fucked by the left a long time ago. This is the foundation of stability: the republic.
I can only guess what you consider as 'the left'. I'll bet I would fall in this category using your definitions.

The point of my post was that the power in a country should belong not to the left or to the right, but to the 'center'. The golden mean is always better than the extremes.

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