To save America is to save the right idea

The golden mean is always better than the extremes.
There is no "gold" here. The center is a compromise between the invaders and the enslaved. Gold is an independent peoples in a voluntary union. Confederation.
the 'center'
The center offers a federated structure. This means that the army will belong to the federals and they de facto have the ability to use it against the people. In the United States, restrictions on such use are clearly spelled out, but in practice they can do it if the army will do it.

Fuck you need an army like that, that can go against the people themselves?
There is no "gold" here. The center is a compromise between the invaders and the enslaved. Gold is an independent peoples in a voluntary union. Confederation.
Several months ago I would have agreed with you about confederation with regards to the US. But now I don't think it is a good idea.
I see that he led America to a leftist crisis, his chatter does not interest me.
You have not answered where his doctrine is.
Something like this
What "leftist crisis" did Trump lead the US to? That's nonsense. Trump governed as a conservative.
That makes no sense, unless you realize that the democrats, the "deep state", and the leftist media caused the crisis with their attacks on Trump. From the Steele Dossier, to the FBI falsifying evidence, to phony impeachments, to constant fake news and propaganda.

Trump's record of accomplishment is his "doctrine":
Bush and McCain are unhappy with Trump's policies.
In addition, he discredited the right-wing with rabid chauvinism, which led to a crisis also on ethnic grounds. He achieved absolutely no positive results.
And I remind you that this is not a Republican, but a newly minted Republican. Money bag and democrat.
1. True, the Bush and McCain are "globalists" like Mitt Romney and the other "Never-Trumpers", McCain could have killed Obamacare but chose not to. That was McCain's mistake.
2. Trump's economy before Covid hit was spectacular, the best economy in history.
3. Trump governed as a Republican, no one cares if he was "newly minted"
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Isn't this the things that divide and weaken the US? The two-party model the US political system was built on ensured political stability for many years.

Now, it turns to be opposite. This model tends to extremes and enables polarization of the society and political establishment. In other words, causes the opposite effect it was previously meant for.
Independents outnumber both Republicans and democrats.
I know that the left tends to extremes, such as socialism and even communism, using racism to divide instead of downplaying race. IMHO democrats promote polarization more than Republicans.
Republicans tend to be conservative, law-abiding, hard working, church-going with traditional family values.

The fight is over school boards, "gender fluid rapists", fake history, teacher's unions socialist agenda, leftist college professors "inhdoctrinating" instead of teaching.
Other Republicans had real doctrine, why is Trump a special Republican?
Why don't real Republicans support his policies?
In 2020 Trump got 74,000,000 votes, most for a Republican in history, and lost.
In 2016 Trump got 63,000,000 votes and won.

Trump's "America First" policies attract independents and even democrats, such as construction workers and those working the oil fields.

Your "real Republicans" are what we call "RINOs", (Republicans in name only)
McCain ran for president and LOST.
Romney ran for president and LOST.
Jeb Bush ran for the GOP nomination and LOST.

See the difference. Trump's policies attract votes from all political parties.
The multiparty system and the separation of powers have never been an instrument of stability. This has always been only the fruit of a compromise, a dual power, a balance between the imperialists and the peoples subordinate to them.

Likewise, trade unions have always been only a means of destabilization and have never served the interests of workers.
Dividing up the country isn't an option. If your comments were less about purposeful spam and more about that concept, it may have been worth my time.
I have watched TV commentators/entertainment for many years. So they delve into their views. So I at times expand on views that I may think of at the time. Needless to say, we are not going to survive what we are doing.
What about those of us who will not subscribe or follow the doctrines of the left? Or the right? You HAVE to allow us to follow our own beliefs.
See the difference. Trump's policies attract votes from all political parties.
Strippers also attract guys from different parties, but they are not good for politics.
You have written a lot of "words" here, but in reality we see only the split of the right and the triumph of the left. This is what he really achieved.
What about those of us who will not subscribe or follow the doctrines of the left? Or the right? You HAVE to allow us to follow our own beliefs.
What beliefs?
Please put up a few specifics.
Here in the US, whoever wins elections writes the laws and governs.

As an example:
In the democrat cities the lax DAs let criminals walk the streets and now crime is up.
In Republican cities crime rates are lower.
Strippers also attract guys from different parties, but they are not good for politics.
You have written a lot of "words" here, but in reality we see only the split of the right and the triumph of the left. This is what he really achieved.
You need to look ahead to 2022 and 2024.
It will be the triumph of the right, this is what he really achieved.
2024 might be a rematch between Trump and Hillary.

Strippers are ALWAYS good for parties!!
What changed your point of view?
Maybe realization that a confederacy can work effectively only in theory. If you give too much power to the states in it, that will mean having a number of separate states that will have little in common; if you give too much power to the 'capital', that will mean federalization.
In the democrat cities the lax DAs let criminals walk the streets and now crime is up.
In Republican cities crime rates are lower.
The left relies on the loyalty of criminals and uses their services. In the 30s, a criminal caste of "thieves in law" was created in the USSR, which helped Bolshevism in the Gulags to control political prisoners. In the 1960s, they organized a series of police pogroms to undermine the Khrushchev-Eisenhower regime. After that, they introduced an amnesty for the scammers.
You need to look ahead to 2022 and 2024.
It will be the triumph of the right, this is what he really achieved.
2024 might be a rematch between Trump and Hillary.

Strippers are ALWAYS good for parties!!
US need a new Reagan and a clear right-wing policy. I don’t even believe that Trump wants right-wing reforms, and even more so I don’t believe that he can do it.
US need a new Reagan and a clear right-wing policy. I don’t even believe that Trump wants right-wing reforms, and even more so I don’t believe that he can do it.
You're missing the point.
The US electorate has changed from 1980, it shifted a bit left.
Reagan would not win an election in 2024 with "conservative" policies.
Trump found the winning formula with his "America First" policies, attracting both independents and democrats.
Republicans tend to be conservative, law-abiding, hard working, church-going with traditional family values
Actually, that is where the right's extremes begin. I don't want to say that going to church or having a 'traditional' family is a bad thing. On the contrary, for some people that works great. But if these people are trying to force their values on others, then that definitely is not good.

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