To save America is to save the right idea

You seem to want to discuss abstract concepts, such as the "primordial right-wing state", I'm trying to discuss what the thread title asserts, that to save America, we need the "right" idea.
The right needs an ideal as a reference point so that they know the direction of the path.
Democrat mayors are seeing that leftist ideas are failing, the streets are becoming lawless kill-zones. Businesses are being "flash-mobbed" out of existence. The Police are unable to protect the citizens from criminals.
This alone does not guarantee the victory of the right. Ultra-leftists may appear who will promise to "put things in order"
The right needs an ideal as a reference point so that they know the direction of the path.
Nope. We know what to do. You have that German need for structure. We have history and tradition, as documented in Republican "platforms", ideas that the Republican party supports.

2022 and 2024 should be big election years for Republicans, we'll see.
Its actually the opposite.
The left is promoting the gay and trans lifestyles in public schools which we object to.
I'm not aware of any churches forcing values on gay bars.
Yes, they don't force it now. Just because they don't have real power.

And I don't think that 'promoting' is the right word. Tolerating, maybe.
I do not know of a single country in the world that would have a real right force. In Europe, conservatives are also leftists, their conservatism is totalitarianism.
For example, in Germany the main parties are ultra-left communists versus Christian Democrats. But Christian Democrats are some kind of mixture of Prussian collectivism with Christian collectivism. So they also leftists. In Russia, the current government is moderately left, and in opposition, ultra-left. I think that's the case everywhere.

The last such country was Austro-Hungary.

Therefore, if America dies, the right idea itself will also die.

What's currently known as "constitutional conservative" in this country is also known as "classical liberal." It has no comparison to the terminology of the European political model, as the "classical liberal" political theory was founded in liberty and freedom from the crown and European monarchal system. The reason that theory is now referred to as "conservative" in this country is because of divergent political theories since the founding, hence the "classical liberal" theory that gave rise to the creation of the Constitution is "conservative" in terms of remaining true to the founding principles in the Constitution.
I do not know of a single country in the world that would have a real right force. In Europe, conservatives are also leftists, their conservatism is totalitarianism.
For example, in Germany the main parties are ultra-left communists versus Christian Democrats. But Christian Democrats are some kind of mixture of Prussian collectivism with Christian collectivism. So they also leftists. In Russia, the current government is moderately left, and in opposition, ultra-left. I think that's the case everywhere.

The last such country was Austro-Hungary.

Therefore, if America dies, the right idea itself will also die.

You people insalled the closest POTUS to a dictator ever in this country.
He orchestrated the first threat to democracy in history yet now your bleating about powerful countries having left leaning governments as if it is a weakness.

This right idea you have is not based in conservatism as you know it. You should be saying you want all democrats eliminated so you could install another idiot like trump to crush your opponents then call it democracy.
The idiot was a dictator who played on all your fears and you fell for it like ducks to water.

It's not as if America's type of government is of export quality. The place is rotten with racism, division, guns and stupid people who believe there's a god.
One does not have to conform to either party's platform. If one follows the laws one is free to simply live amongst the party lovers and the party lovers have to move aside.
Nothing you've said makes me think you know what you're talking about.
I know what I'm talking about because I know the history and the national characters of the north and south. Germany is a mixture of Austro-Hungary and Prussia, in Russia it is almost the same. It's like fire and ice in a terrible cauldron.
What's currently known as "constitutional conservative" in this country is also known as "classical liberal." It has no comparison to the terminology of the European political model, as the "classical liberal" political theory was founded in liberty and freedom from the crown and European monarchal system. The reason that theory is now referred to as "conservative" in this country is because of divergent political theories since the founding, hence the "classical liberal" theory that gave rise to the creation of the Constitution is "conservative" in terms of remaining true to the founding principles in the Constitution.
In fact, there is a common point here: the weakening of central power. It doesn't matter the monarchy or the leftist totalitarianism of the federal center.
I know what I'm talking about because I know the history and the national characters of the north and south. Germany is a mixture of Austro-Hungary and Prussia, in Russia it is almost the same. It's like fire and ice in a terrible cauldron.

Germany is a lot of things. It's also changed radically in the last 80 years.

You've learned something in a book and you think it applies 100 years after the events you were reading about.

Not only that, instead of looking at current German politics, you've decided to look at old German politics from a simplistic view, and you've tried to make that fit your weird ideas about what is left and right.

You say Germany has "ultra-left communists" v. Christian Democrats.

No, you're wrong.

Germany has three left wing parties, die Linke, who are further left, maybe they even have Communists, they have left-Green who aren't Communists for the most part and you have the SPD which is a traditional left wing party, not Communist.

They do have a Marxist-Leninist Party. 18,000 - 22,500 votes this year and the German Communist Party, 5,000-15,000 votes this year.

So, Communists have their choices, they can vote viable parties, or they can vote Communist Parties.

Hell, you can even vote for the B* or BergPartei. They hold a vegetable battle in Berlin, they got 222 votes this year.
Germany is a lot of things. It's also changed radically in the last 80 years.

You've learned something in a book and you think it applies 100 years after the events you were reading about.

Not only that, instead of looking at current German politics, you've decided to look at old German politics from a simplistic view, and you've tried to make that fit your weird ideas about what is left and right.

You say Germany has "ultra-left communists" v. Christian Democrats.

No, you're wrong.

Germany has three left wing parties, die Linke, who are further left, maybe they even have Communists, they have left-Green who aren't Communists for the most part and you have the SPD which is a traditional left wing party, not Communist.

They do have a Marxist-Leninist Party. 18,000 - 22,500 votes this year and the German Communist Party, 5,000-15,000 votes this year.

So, Communists have their choices, they can vote viable parties, or they can vote Communist Parties.

Hell, you can even vote for the B* or BergPartei. They hold a vegetable battle in Berlin, they got 222 votes this year.
Is there a right-wing party in Germany like the Republicans in the United States? A party that advocates state independence and categorically rejects collective responsibility in favor of individual responsibility?
Is there a right-wing party in Germany like the Republicans in the United States? A party that advocates state independence and categorically rejects collective responsibility in favor of individual responsibility?

No. But then again that's because Germany has PR and their politics is more sensible.

They have right wing parties. But not ones that are going to get 50% of the vote. Not ones who are looking at getting 50% of the vote and what that entails. ie, by not having any position on anything real, just having hardline policies on things like abortion and guns which are secondary concerns to most countries.

But the Republicans don't do what you say. SOME who support Republicans do. But there's not much that binds Republicans together other than a party that is more to the right than the Democrats.
See how the Germans like the Russian romance Helen Fischer. The paradox is that there is even less of this romance in Russia than in Germany. And this is not about Russia, but about Austro-Hungary, the hussars and the Cossacks, all this was common before the prussianism, both in Russia and in Germany.

See how the Germans like the Russian romance Helen Fischer. The paradox is that there is even less of this romance in Russia than in Germany. And this is not about Russia, but about Austro-Hungary, the hussars and the Cossacks, all this was common before the prussianism, both in Russia and in Germany.

How the fart did you go from German politics to some Russian singer?

I get the feeling you aren't taking this conversation seriously, so, I'm out. Bye
How the fart did you go from German politics to some Russian singer?

I get the feeling you aren't taking this conversation seriously, so, I'm out. Bye
It's connected. Prussian leftist politics crushes the Austro-Hungarian spirit. This is the essence of politics, and the difference between left and right. To make people slaves or free. I'm serious about this but I'm looking further. You probably did not understand me.

This songs about freedom from free past of Germany-Austria
It's connected. Prussian leftist politics crushes the Austro-Hungarian spirit. This is the essence of politics, and the difference between left and right. To make people slaves or free. I'm serious about this but I'm looking further. You probably did not understand me.

This songs about freedom from free past of Germany-Austria
I liked that Helen Fisher video. Thanks.
I'm having a hard time following the conversation.
You seem to switch between US and EU politics and switch time periods.
My ancestors came from Austria.
If Austria and Hungary are now separate countries, I'm not seeing any political connection?!

Switching back to US politics.
Its not about slavery or free, its about prosperity and lifestyles.
Democrats say they are for the working poor, but get funded by the hi-tech oligarchs.
Republicans like tax cuts for the wealthy and say that is good for everyone, "a rising tide lifts all boats".
The best form of government is a Constitutional Republic like we have.

A Democracy where the government is elected by the people and there are Constitutional guarantees against government abuse and oppression. Where the majority cannot use government to steal from the minority to create a welfare state.

The US had the right idea but our Bill of Rights is not strong enough to stop oppression. Besides, the Liberals ignore the Bill of Rights when it conflicts with their agenda to make the country a Socialist shithole.

The real bottom line is that humans will corrupt anything for their own greed.

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