To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here

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Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Oh the horror of it. Algore will have a heart attack while flying around in his private jet.

Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless.”

That report quoted Yuri Nagovitsyn of the Pulkovo Observatory saying, “Evidently, solar activity is on the decrease. The 11-year cycle doesn’t bring about considerable climate change – only 1-2%. The impact of the 200-year cycle is greater – up to 50%. In this respect, we could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years.” In other words, another Little Ice Age.

Lots more @ Disney InstituteVoice: The One Thing You Must Do To Empower Your People

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To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here
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There will be no cooling. Warming from increased CO2, loss of albedo and other reinforcements will completely overwhelm the minute drop in the sun's output.
There will be no cooling. Warming from increased CO2, loss of albedo and other reinforcements will completely overwhelm the minute drop in the sun's output.


The Pause Officially resumed this month and now stands at 21 years 4 months. The El Niño spikes are now gone and a mild to moderate La Niña is now the pattern expected for the next 7-10 years.

Where are you going to get your magical heat from? The sun doesn't want to play...
There will be no cooling. Warming from increased CO2, loss of albedo and other reinforcements will completely overwhelm the minute drop in the sun's output.


The Pause Officially resumed this month and now stands at 21 years 4 months. The El Niño spikes are now gone and a mild to moderate La Niña is now the pattern expected for the next 7-10 years.

Where are you going to get your magical heat from? The sun doesn't want to play...

They keep ignoring the obvious here, which is that El-Nino's have been the DOMINANT cause of warming in the atmosphere since 1979.
There will be no cooling. Warming from increased CO2, loss of albedo and other reinforcements will completely overwhelm the minute drop in the sun's output.

Jeez, another warmist who doesn't realize there are very little warm forcing left at the 410 ppm level.

It is ALREADY cooling in the ocean waters of late, soon to be followed by cooling in the atmosphere, which no longer has the El-Nino event to keep it warm.
So, it got cold a couple of times in Winnemucca , that dosen't disprove overall averages over the planet, amigos. Like downtown Bejing about now...
So, it got cold a couple of times in Winnemucca , that dosen't disprove overall averages over the planet, amigos. Like downtown Bejing about now...

You another warmist who will ignore the FAILED per decade prediction/projection.
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Oh the horror of it. Algore will have a heart attack while flying around in his private jet.

Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless.”

That report quoted Yuri Nagovitsyn of the Pulkovo Observatory saying, “Evidently, solar activity is on the decrease. The 11-year cycle doesn’t bring about considerable climate change – only 1-2%. The impact of the 200-year cycle is greater – up to 50%. In this respect, we could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years.” In other words, another Little Ice Age.

Lots more @ Disney InstituteVoice: The One Thing You Must Do To Empower Your People

This is something that can happen. It's global cooling because of things happening with the sun.

It doesn't, however, stop the problems of too much CO2 in the atmosphere that could kill our oceans.
There is no horror!

There is no globlal warming.

Everybody knows that by now! :2up:

Oh the horror of it. Algore will have a heart attack while flying around in his private jet.

Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless.”

That report quoted Yuri Nagovitsyn of the Pulkovo Observatory saying, “Evidently, solar activity is on the decrease. The 11-year cycle doesn’t bring about considerable climate change – only 1-2%. The impact of the 200-year cycle is greater – up to 50%. In this respect, we could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years.” In other words, another Little Ice Age.

Lots more @ Disney InstituteVoice: The One Thing You Must Do To Empower Your People

This is something that can happen. It's global cooling because of things happening with the sun.

It doesn't, however, stop the problems of too much CO2 in the atmosphere that could kill our oceans.

Now that is a really dumb statement since the ocean waters already has over 99% of the free CO2 of the planet in it. The atmosphere has just a dribble of it. Not only that for most of Earths history it had been over 1,000 ppm yet life thrived in the much higher levels.

UAH Global Temperature Update for March, 2018: +0.24 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Hey Silly Billy, I though they were going to 'correct' this graph, or was that just another turd you pulled out of your ass?

Why don't you call the University of Huntsville and complain? I'm already using the corrected algorithm..
For what? Toilet paper? Post them for all to see. And explain why Dr. Spencer is not using them.

You fail to understand Dr. Spencer's chart..........

Oh the horror of it. Algore will have a heart attack while flying around in his private jet.

Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless.”

That report quoted Yuri Nagovitsyn of the Pulkovo Observatory saying, “Evidently, solar activity is on the decrease. The 11-year cycle doesn’t bring about considerable climate change – only 1-2%. The impact of the 200-year cycle is greater – up to 50%. In this respect, we could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years.” In other words, another Little Ice Age.

Lots more @ Disney InstituteVoice: The One Thing You Must Do To Empower Your People

This is something that can happen. It's global cooling because of things happening with the sun.

It doesn't, however, stop the problems of too much CO2 in the atmosphere that could kill our oceans.

Now that is a really dumb statement since the ocean waters already has over 99% of the free CO2 of the planet in it. The atmosphere has just a dribble of it. Not only that for most of Earths history it had been over 1,000 ppm yet life thrived in the much higher levels.

No, it's not really a dumb statement if you actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

CO2 levels in the oceans are changing the PH levels of the oceans rather quickly.

Rising Acidity in the Ocean: The Other CO 2 Problem

"the massive absorption of CO2 by the ocean—has received far less attention. "

"The planet’s seas quickly absorb 25 to 30 percent of humankind’s CO2 emissions and about 85 percent in the long run, as water and air mix at the ocean’s surface. We have “disposed” of 530 billion tons of the gas in this way, and the rate worldwide is now one million tons per hour, faster than experienced on earth for tens of millions of years. "

"We are acidifying the ocean and fundamentally changing its remarkably delicate geochemical balance."

This last one is the problem.

"Scientists are only beginning to investigate the consequences, but comparable natural changes in our geologic history have caused several mass extinctions throughout the earth’s waters."

So, here's the scenario. The PH levels rise in the oceans which cause a lot of mass extinctions in the oceans. If one thing dies out, then the thing that ate it will die out, and so on. If the oceans die, they might stop absorbing all the CO2.

In fact it might go the other way, it might start PUMPING this CO2 back into the atmosphere.

The result would be "we're seriously fucking fuckty fucked"
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