Today Marks 68 Years Since The Murder Of Emmet Till

You're the only one playing games. A mistype does not dispute the substance of my argument. It's you folks who hate American heroes who fought inequality.

You voted for this guy, white boy:


I didn't. But thank you for trotting out your old gotcha picture because when you try to use your words and make a point it becomes apparent how stupid you are. 😄

I like your little practice run at trying to spell Jesse Jackson's name correctly above your message.

You'll get it eventually. But, stop voting for KKK members, it's racist and ignorant.

I do, I mean I realized you were an idiot yesterday when you didn’t know what the executive branch did, but now I know you are really stupid

No matter how much you wish Trump doesn't have the authority to run his own election fraud unit and Kemp doesn't have the authority to put a stop to Fani's investigation.

No matter how much you wish Trump doesn't have the authority to run his own election fraud unit and Kemp doesn't have the authority to put a stop to Fani's investigation.
Huh? You are right trump’s not in office…what the f are you talking about?

And I never said anything about Kemp either, Fani can however be removed from office as the GA legislature provided in rbe law signed by kemp.
I like your little practice run at trying to spell Jesse Jackson's name correctly above your message.

You'll get it eventually. But, stop voting for KKK members, it's racist and ignorant.

Which KKK members? 😄 That photo is a perfect example for this thread actually. You desperately want Black people to be irreconcilably upset that a former Governor once dressed up in black face for a college Halloween party yet the only one perpetually scared by it is you. Apparently it's affected you so much that you he was an actual KKK member. 😄
Huh? You are right trump’s not in office…what the f are you talking about?

And I never said anything about Kemp either, Fani can however be removed from office as the GA legislature provided in rbe law signed by kemp.
Let them try. I'd be happy to watch more Republicans catch charges. 😄
I get that you are a demafasict we know

No. That would be the Simps threatening to remove Fani from the case while making it very clear that it's all because she's prosecuting Donald Trump and their Republican buddies.

No. That would be the Simps threatening to remove Fani from the case while making it very clear that it's all because she's prosecuting Donald Trump and their Republican buddies.
The law allows them to conduct oversight of her.

The fact you want to prosecute legislators that dare to question your brownshirts actions is what fascism looks like
Which KKK members? 😄 That photo is a perfect example for this thread actually. You desperately want Black people to be irreconcilably upset that a former Governor once dressed up in black face for a college Halloween party yet the only one perpetually scared by it is you. Apparently it's affected you so much that you he was an actual KKK member. 😄

Are you claiming the guy you voted for wearing the KKK uniform wasn't in the KKK? I think that's actually worse. Was he too racist even for them?
The law allows them to conduct oversight of her.
Legitimate oversight, not obstruction of justice because they don't like who she's prosecuting. 😄
The fact you want to prosecute legislators that dare to question your brownshirts actions is what fascism looks like
Yeah. Prosecute. That means to go through the criminal justice system rather than the political maneuvers of these assclowns who've made their intentions quite clear. 😄
Are you claiming the guy you voted for wearing the KKK uniform wasn't in the KKK? I think that's actually worse. Was he too racist even for them?
It's your photo you moron. You walk around with it in your back pocket. How lost to the sauce are you that you don't know if the photo that you walk around with is of a real KKK member or a college kid doing dress up? 😄
Legitimate oversight, not obstruction of justice because they don't like who she's prosecuting. 😄

Yeah. Prosecute. That means to go through the criminal justice system rather than the political maneuvers of these assclowns who've made their intentions quite clear. 😄
Haha not surprised you call oversight you don’t like illegitimate…typical of a demafasict

Nobody claimed she should be prosecuted. the GA law allows for prosecutors tone removed for violation of certain conduct. the commission will conduct that investigation and make their decision as the law demands

Ironically the big issue is she made her intentions clear while she was running for her office without seeing any evidence…so the very thing yoj claim the Commission did is what she’s in trouble for
It's your photo you moron. You walk around with it in your back pocket. How lost to the sauce are you that you don't know if the photo that you walk around with is of a real KKK member or a college kid doing dress up? 😄

Who the fuck dresses up as a KKK member? These are the type of people you support and vote for. It's disgusting. You're a racist pig.
Which KKK members? 😄 That photo is a perfect example for this thread actually. You desperately want Black people to be irreconcilably upset that a former Governor once dressed up in black face for a college Halloween party yet the only one perpetually scared by it is you. Apparently it's affected you so much that you he was an actual KKK member. 😄
Sad…it clearly doesn’t offend you that people are in the klan and wear white robes…very sad

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