Today...Smashing The Lie That Nazis Were Rightwing.

people say, "Why doesn't the Government mind its own business?" What is the Government's business, is the question.

This bill serves the public interest. It involves the Government because it involves the public welfare. The Constitution of the United States did not make the President or the Congress powerless. It gave them definite responsibilities to advance the general welfare--and that is what we're attempting to do.

And then I read that this bill will sap the individual self-reliance of Americans. I can't imagine anything worse, or anything better, to sap someone's self-reliance, than to be sick, alone, broke--or to have saved for a lifetime and put it out in a week, two weeks, a month, two months.

This argument that the Government should stay out, that it saps our pioneer stock--I used to hear that argument when we were talking about raising the minimum wage to a dollar and a quarter. I remember one day being asked to step out into the hall, and up the corridor came four distinguished-looking men, with straw hats on and canes. They told me that they had just flown in from a State in their private plane, and they wanted me to know that if we passed a bill providing for time and a half for service station attendants, who were then working about 55 to 60 hours of straight time, it would sap their self-reliance.

John F. Kennedy
202 - Address at a New York Rally in Support of the President's Program of Medical Care for the Aged.
May 20, 1962
It's ridiculously cognitively dissonant for the right wingers to claim 'FDR's socialist policies failed' and then turn around and cite 'WW II' as ' what really turned it around', given how the wartime economy was outright draconian in comparison; it wasn't 'laissez faire' or remotely 'free enterprise'. It's claiming FDR's policies weren't nearly 'socialist enough'.
It's ridiculously cognitively dissonant for the right wingers to claim 'FDR's socialist policies failed' and then turn around and cite 'WW II' as ' what really turned it around', given how the wartime economy was outright draconian in comparison; it wasn't 'laissez faire' or remotely 'free enterprise'. It's claiming FDR's policies weren't nearly 'socialist enough'.

Indeed, the war effort increased not only massive stimulus for the military, but put controls over the economy to micromanage it for the war.
Dude you're an embarrassing yourself, JFK wouldn't even be in the republican party today, he would be considered on the Fringe of the right..
He argued for a Government funded Medical Care Program

John F. Kennedy: Address at a New York Rally in Support of the President's Program of Medical Care for the Aged.

This really upsets you doesn't it?

Name me one person in Congress left or right that's like conservative JFK..

I will wait...

You still want to deny that spike in unemployment in 1938 do you?

What about it? It had a lot to do with the uncertainty over the Supreme Court battle at the time, and some policies being declared unconstitutional.
Micromanaging an economy, with some government intervention within a Capitalist framework, clearly produces the best economy.

A list of such types of economies producing big economic growth like it did in Franco's Spanish Miracle, for the Nazis, Peron, FDR, or China today.
Dude you're an embarrassing yourself, JFK wouldn't even be in the republican party today, he would be considered on the Fringe of the right..
He argued for a Government funded Medical Care Program

John F. Kennedy: Address at a New York Rally in Support of the President's Program of Medical Care for the Aged.

This really upsets you doesn't it?

Name me one person in Congress left or right that's like conservative JFK..

I will wait...

"And I am grateful, finally, that I can rely in the coming months on so many others--on a distinguished running-mate who brings unity to our ticket and strength to our Platform, Lyndon Johnson--on one of the most articulate statesmen of our time, Adlai Stevenson--on a great spokesman for our needs as a Nation and a people, Stuart Symington--and on that fighting campaigner whose support I welcome, President Harry S. Truman-- on my traveling companion in Wisconsin and West Virginia, Senator Hubert Humphrey. On Paul Butler, our devoted and courageous Chairman.

I feel a lot safer now that they are on my side again. And I am proud of the contrast with our Republican competitors. For their ranks are apparently so thin that not one challenger has come forth with both the competence and the courage to make theirs an open convention."

Yeah, JFK relied upon Humphrey, a,and Stevenson, two great conservatives :rofl:

Actually he relied on LBJ and Sam Rayburn. LBJ mentored Humphrey from the beginning of his career, and many other liberals as well, even at state levels, from the 1930's on, including Washington state liberals.

JFK was a McCarthyite, like Nixon, and didn't really believe in most of what he said in speeches; he just wanted to get elected. He had little genuine interest in real politics, actually; it bored him.
You still want to deny that spike in unemployment in 1938 do you?

What about it? It had a lot to do with the uncertainty over the Supreme Court battle at the time, and some policies being declared unconstitutional.

Link liar...


Do your own homework. You've been spouting ignorant BS throughout the thread, so you don't get to demand anything. It's easily available and isn't some huge secret, except to FreeRepublic cultists.
Nazis actually did even better than FDR for economic growth, and FDR better than all other 20th century U.S Presidents.

JFK alive today would be kicked out of the Democratic party..

True story...

JFK favored big government funded medical programs

They also failed to properly oversee those 'big programs', fund auditor depts. sufficiently, and let the medical profession and later the HMO fraudsters have a field day looting it for decades. The medical profession makes lots of political 'donations'.
Nazis actually did even better than FDR for economic growth, and FDR better than all other 20th century U.S Presidents.


No, they didn't; his 'Autobahn' program was supposed to be his crowning achievement, but it failed to revive the economy and he was in serious trouble in 1938; his only recourse was to invade his neighbors and loot them from then on, or face political extinction within in his Party.

FDR's programs didn't crush businesses, it provided funds for them to hire employees and finance investments, saved family farms, put food on the tables of millions, etc.; Hitler's did the opposite. FDR had the advice of self-made men, men despised by the 'white shoe' establishment, who preferred hiding out on their walled estates and private armies and squealing for the govt. to send the Army around to shoot the nasty proles down,.i.e. the sort of nonsense most right wingers today think is a grand idea, and they now have the left wing supporting them on that as well.

there really no distinction between the 'left' and the 'Right' as far as most people are concerned; they're distinctions without a difference in existential realities for the working class and small business owners.
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Nazis actually did even better than FDR for economic growth, and FDR better than all other 20th century U.S Presidents.


No, they didn't; his 'Autobahn' program was supposed to be his crowning achievement, but it failed to revive the economy and he was in serious trouble in 1938; his only recourse was to invade his neighbors and loot them from then on, or face political extinction within in his Party.

FDR's programs didn't crush businesses, it provided funds for them to hire employees and finance investments, saved family farms, put food on the tables of millions, etc.; Hitler's did the opposite.

So, how come the graph says otherwise?
Wont be long until we learn that Stalin and Hitler being communists were allied against Japan and the US,

I was looking at our universities the other day, and I noticed something was missing.


"Herr Goring", I said. "We do not have enough Negroes in our universities! We must put into place an affirmative action plan to correct this terrible situation."


Heil multiculturalism!!


But I was just getting started!


"I want homosexuals in the Wehrmacht first thing in the morning!!!", I said.


Heil diversity!!!

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