Today...Smashing The Lie That Nazis Were Rightwing.

This one again. The OP is going to convince us that JFK and RFK were Nazis.

You have the same first response every time: you never address the substance of the OP and insult the writer.

The author of this thread says that Liberalism, Communism, Nazism, and Fascism are one and the same.

Therefore, the Liberal Kennedy's must have been Nazis.

I want to hear her prove that.

By today's practical application of titles, Kennedy is about as "Liberal" as Rush.
Dementia troubling you?

JFK, RFK, Ted Kennedy were all liberals. Of course they had conservative stands on 'some' issues, but that is how intellectually honest men present themselves

JFK would be to the right of almost every Reublican Congressman including Rand Paul
Monarchy is as far right as you can get

So . . . . rightwinger, are you saying you are all for a monarchy? A king? You think being hard right is all about total government control? Dude, I think you are corn-fused. Have you never heard that conservatives are for small government, limited government?

Here, you might want to watch this closely. Be sure that it starts at the very beginning:

Monarchy is small government
As small as you can get

Just do what the King says. A government for the King, not the people
Liberals founded this country on the rights of the common man. Conservatives supported the king

Jake, remember how the American colonists fought for a government run single payer health care system

What an idiotic statement

We were freerer as British Colonists than we are today. We have a government that listens to every phone call and reads all our mail
Socialists and nazis are incestuous soulmates... really two sides of the same coin.

Can you identify the equivalent views held by Nazis and Liberals on the social issues?
gun control...
I am a liberal with a dozens firearms, try again..

Chicago outlawed guns remember for years before it made it to the supreme court.

The 9th circuit Court challenged the 2nd amendment once again

Ninth Circuit Overturns ruling on Second Amendment Waiting Periods

Are You A Nazi?: A Ten Question Quiz For Conservatives

1. Do you oppose immigration and believe that America is for “Americans only?”

2. Do you oppose feminism, and do you believe that motherhood should be the prime role of women, in order to “strengthen the family unit?”

3. Do you support the establishment of a new system of education, which would oversee the “moral development” of children?

4. Do you believe that the economy and the government should be debt-free?

5. Do you believe that America should be “energy sufficient,” and that we should exploit natural resources, such as land and water, in order to achieve that goal? (Bonus question: Is it a good idea to put ‘fossil fuel-producing corporations,’ like fracking wells, oil rigs and garbage incinerators in economically depressed regions of the country, to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for minorities?)

6. Do you support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms? (No, Nazi’s do not support taking guns away, contrary to right wing bullshit.)

7. Do you want to do away with the separation of church and state?

8. Do you want to see the US government get involved in the “spiritual upbringing” of children?

9. Are you a true supporter of “traditional American values?” (The Nazi’s call it ‘traditional Aryan values,’ but we know what you mean.)

10. Do you believe that minorities and immigrants are a threat to the traditional United States?

One could easily make a list for Leftists too.

Like..... Do you think Volkswagen Beetles are cool... Did you know they were Hitler's people car.

Or.... Do you support Government anti- tobacco campaigns.... Did you know the Nazis were the first to have a Government anti-tobacco campaign.

Or .... Do you support Government Space Agencies... Did you know the Nazis were the first to have a government space agency?

Or.... Do you believe in Apocalyptic Global warming.... Did you know Nazi Gunther Schwab founded the theory of Apocalyptic Global Warming?

Or... Do you believe in taxing the rich, and Corporations more.... Did you know Nazis did that?

Or... Do you believe in government managing Corporations... Did you know Nazis controlled Corporations through the Council of Trust, and by economic Cartels?
We were freerer as British Colonists than we are today. We have a government that listens to every phone call and reads all our mail

You do know that is impossible?

They can access much, but recently we discovered they cannot even tap into every iphone. You truly need to pay attention what the main stream media is reporting
Of course it would.... How many people would be homeless without government programs?.... How many people would die of no healthcare without social programs? .... How many people would die from lack of food?
How few would need it if it wasn't for government? The bigger government gets the more people need it.

So, it's just some kind of coincidence that the 2 biggest economic growth Presidents in America in the 20th century, came from FDR, and LBJ.... Who both introduced social programs?

Wrong twit.....FDR lenghtened and deepened the GReat Depression......and LBJ was living off the Tax revenue Kennedy created with his tax cuts.....

And the biggest thing........World War 2 destroyed the industrial capacity and the economies of all of one could compete with us after the war....a war created by socialists...

FDR lengthened the Great Depression?
That's hilarious because he achieved faster economic growth than other U.S presidents of the 20th century.

Germans caused lots of damage in WW1 too.... In fact more White Christians were killed in WW1, than in WW2... A fact which is generally neglected.

So, is it a product of Fascism, or a product of being German to cause mega wars?

Because Germany in WW1 wasn't Fascist..... In fact it was a Capitalist Monarchy, no?
Over and over....the indoctrinated just can't overcome the propaganda...this: while Communists were Leftwing, the really, really doctrine, Nazism, was Rightwing.
No, it wasn't. It was brithed from the same sourece as communism...Karl Marx.
It authorized slaughter and Leftism does.
And dreamed of the very same end stage for society as all six Leftwing views do.

They weren't: both are is Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism and Fascism.

1. Where did they learn to fear truth? Liberals, indoctrinated in government schools, hearing nothing but propaganda, raised to worship Franklin Roosevelt, look at the truth as though it were toxic.

2. be a Liberal in good standing, this is the prescribed response when the facts run counter to their worldview: become irate, and attack, attack, attack

These were the retorts of the indoctrinated in a recent thread:

Fascists hate Liberals, and visa versa.

similarities between post 911 Evangelical/Tea Party Republicans and Fascists.

LW being communist (not capitalist), RW being fascist (allied with corporations, capitalist) like Naziism.

The Nazis may have had some quasi-socialist policies, but they were not socialists.

The Nazis simply didn't have a strong economic ideology, in some ways they weren't even true fascists

capitalism thrived under the Nazis.

Hitler and his gang took over a party with Socialist in its name. But when he took over Germany and turned it into a fascist dictatorship, it was anything but socialist.

Clearly Liberals all, and based on their comments, it is difficult to determine whether they are more incensed, or more ignorant.

3. Here's the bottom line...and then I'll prove it: Hitler and the Nazis were Leftwing.
Here's the reason for the propaganda assault by Liberals:
Pre-WWII, Progressives, Liberals, Democrats, were hot to embrace communism, fascism, and the Nazis. In fact, FDR was a pal of Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler. He used Mussolini as his model for the New Deal.

All six of these worldviews are based on the same, un-American view of individuals, individual rights and the final stage of social development.
All six are Leftwing...none are Rightwing.

4. "American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

When one 'sibling' attacked another, June 21, 1941, FDR had to choose one over the other.
"Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to the Soviet Union." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

As I promised.....I will prove the above in this thread.

Nazis were Right wing Socialists.

Unlike Conservatives, the Nazis correctly cracked down on Capitalism for promoting Liberalism.

Conservatives keep getting it wrong, over, and over again.
In other words the Nazis were social conservatives driven by populist hegemonic ideals. For some reason those characteristics seem eerily reminiscent of Trumpism....
Of course it would.... How many people would be homeless without government programs?.... How many people would die of no healthcare without social programs? .... How many people would die from lack of food?
How few would need it if it wasn't for government? The bigger government gets the more people need it.

So, it's just some kind of coincidence that the 2 biggest economic growth Presidents in America in the 20th century, came from FDR, and LBJ.... Who both introduced social programs?

Wrong twit.....FDR lenghtened and deepened the GReat Depression......and LBJ was living off the Tax revenue Kennedy created with his tax cuts.....

And the biggest thing........World War 2 destroyed the industrial capacity and the economies of all of one could compete with us after the war....a war created by socialists...

FDR lengthened the Great Depression?
That's hilarious because he achieved faster economic growth than other U.S presidents of the 20th century.

Germans caused lots of damage in WW1 too.... In fact more White Christians were killed in WW1, than in WW2... A fact which is generally neglected.

So, is it a product of Fascism, or a product of being German to cause mega wars?

Because Germany in WW1 wasn't Fascist..... In fact it was a Capitalist Monarchy, no?
Capitalist or monarchy, which was it? You can't have both. I don't know if they were fascist or not, that predates the term. They wanted to take over much of Europe and Russia though.

FDR Was a Great Leader, But His Economic Plan Isn't One to Follow

But Roosevelt the economist is unworthy of emulation. His first goal was to reduce unemployment. Of his own great stimulus package, the National Industrial Recovery Act, he said: "The law I have just signed was passed to put people back to work." Here, FDR failed abysmally. In the 1920s, unemployment had averaged below 5 percent. Blundering when they knew better, Herbert Hoover, his Treasury, the Federal Reserve and Congress drove that rate up to 25 percent. Roosevelt pulled unemployment down, but nowhere near enough to claim sustained recovery. From 1933 to 1940, FDR's first two terms, it averaged in the high teens. Even if you add in all the work relief jobs, as some economists do, Roosevelt-era unemployment averages well above 10 percent. That's a level Obama has referred to once or twice -- as a nightmare.

The second goal of the New Deal was to stimulate the private sector. Instead, it supplanted it. To justify their own work, New Dealers attacked not merely those guilty of white-collar crimes but the entire business community -- the "princes of property," FDR called them. Washington's policy evolved into a lethal combo of spending and retribution. Never did either U.S. investors or foreigners get a sense that the United States was now open for business. As a result, the Depression lasted half a decade longer than it had to, from 1929 to 1940 rather than, say, 1929 to 1936. The Dow Jones industrial average didn't return to its summer 1929 high until 1954. The monetary shock of the first years of the Depression was immense, but it was this duration that made the Depression Great.
Nazis supported the environment, and fair pay.
Sure, there's nothing like a world war littered with bodies to fertilize mother Earth. Yes, they got their bread rations until they got shipped out into Hitler's meat grinder. You are living in an alternative universe.

I didn't say Nazis were particularly rational environmentalists.... But.. They did support the environment.

Nazi Germany and Environment

NAZI GREENS - An Inconvenient History |

Articles: Green Lebensraum: The Nazi Roots of Sustainable Development
Nazis supported the environment, and fair pay.
Sure, there's nothing like a world war littered with bodies to fertilize mother Earth. Yes, they got their bread rations until they got shipped out into Hitler's meat grinder. You are living in an alternative universe.

I didn't say Nazis were particularly rational environmentalists.... But.. They did support the environment.

Nazi Germany and Environment

NAZI GREENS - An Inconvenient History |

Articles: Green Lebensraum: The Nazi Roots of Sustainable Development
Yeah and Hitler was a vegetarian. The point is your left/right narrative makes no sense without context.
Of course it would.... How many people would be homeless without government programs?.... How many people would die of no healthcare without social programs? .... How many people would die from lack of food?
How few would need it if it wasn't for government? The bigger government gets the more people need it.

So, it's just some kind of coincidence that the 2 biggest economic growth Presidents in America in the 20th century, came from FDR, and LBJ.... Who both introduced social programs?

Wrong twit.....FDR lenghtened and deepened the GReat Depression......and LBJ was living off the Tax revenue Kennedy created with his tax cuts.....

And the biggest thing........World War 2 destroyed the industrial capacity and the economies of all of one could compete with us after the war....a war created by socialists...

FDR lengthened the Great Depression?
That's hilarious because he achieved faster economic growth than other U.S presidents of the 20th century.

Germans caused lots of damage in WW1 too.... In fact more White Christians were killed in WW1, than in WW2... A fact which is generally neglected.

So, is it a product of Fascism, or a product of being German to cause mega wars?

Because Germany in WW1 wasn't Fascist..... In fact it was a Capitalist Monarchy, no?
Capitalist or monarchy, which was it? You can't have both. I don't know if they were fascist or not, that predates the term. They wanted to take over much of Europe and Russia though.

FDR Was a Great Leader, But His Economic Plan Isn't One to Follow

But Roosevelt the economist is unworthy of emulation. His first goal was to reduce unemployment. Of his own great stimulus package, the National Industrial Recovery Act, he said: "The law I have just signed was passed to put people back to work." Here, FDR failed abysmally. In the 1920s, unemployment had averaged below 5 percent. Blundering when they knew better, Herbert Hoover, his Treasury, the Federal Reserve and Congress drove that rate up to 25 percent. Roosevelt pulled unemployment down, but nowhere near enough to claim sustained recovery. From 1933 to 1940, FDR's first two terms, it averaged in the high teens. Even if you add in all the work relief jobs, as some economists do, Roosevelt-era unemployment averages well above 10 percent. That's a level Obama has referred to once or twice -- as a nightmare.

The second goal of the New Deal was to stimulate the private sector. Instead, it supplanted it. To justify their own work, New Dealers attacked not merely those guilty of white-collar crimes but the entire business community -- the "princes of property," FDR called them. Washington's policy evolved into a lethal combo of spending and retribution. Never did either U.S. investors or foreigners get a sense that the United States was now open for business. As a result, the Depression lasted half a decade longer than it had to, from 1929 to 1940 rather than, say, 1929 to 1936. The Dow Jones industrial average didn't return to its summer 1929 high until 1954. The monetary shock of the first years of the Depression was immense, but it was this duration that made the Depression Great.

Capitalism doesn't have to include a good Democracy, Pinochet for example can be seen as a Totalitarian Capitalist dictator.

FDR achieved the best economic growth in 20th century America, but somehow worsened the Great Depression? really?
How few would need it if it wasn't for government? The bigger government gets the more people need it.

So, it's just some kind of coincidence that the 2 biggest economic growth Presidents in America in the 20th century, came from FDR, and LBJ.... Who both introduced social programs?

Wrong twit.....FDR lenghtened and deepened the GReat Depression......and LBJ was living off the Tax revenue Kennedy created with his tax cuts.....

And the biggest thing........World War 2 destroyed the industrial capacity and the economies of all of one could compete with us after the war....a war created by socialists...

FDR lengthened the Great Depression?
That's hilarious because he achieved faster economic growth than other U.S presidents of the 20th century.

Germans caused lots of damage in WW1 too.... In fact more White Christians were killed in WW1, than in WW2... A fact which is generally neglected.

So, is it a product of Fascism, or a product of being German to cause mega wars?

Because Germany in WW1 wasn't Fascist..... In fact it was a Capitalist Monarchy, no?
Capitalist or monarchy, which was it? You can't have both. I don't know if they were fascist or not, that predates the term. They wanted to take over much of Europe and Russia though.

FDR Was a Great Leader, But His Economic Plan Isn't One to Follow

But Roosevelt the economist is unworthy of emulation. His first goal was to reduce unemployment. Of his own great stimulus package, the National Industrial Recovery Act, he said: "The law I have just signed was passed to put people back to work." Here, FDR failed abysmally. In the 1920s, unemployment had averaged below 5 percent. Blundering when they knew better, Herbert Hoover, his Treasury, the Federal Reserve and Congress drove that rate up to 25 percent. Roosevelt pulled unemployment down, but nowhere near enough to claim sustained recovery. From 1933 to 1940, FDR's first two terms, it averaged in the high teens. Even if you add in all the work relief jobs, as some economists do, Roosevelt-era unemployment averages well above 10 percent. That's a level Obama has referred to once or twice -- as a nightmare.

The second goal of the New Deal was to stimulate the private sector. Instead, it supplanted it. To justify their own work, New Dealers attacked not merely those guilty of white-collar crimes but the entire business community -- the "princes of property," FDR called them. Washington's policy evolved into a lethal combo of spending and retribution. Never did either U.S. investors or foreigners get a sense that the United States was now open for business. As a result, the Depression lasted half a decade longer than it had to, from 1929 to 1940 rather than, say, 1929 to 1936. The Dow Jones industrial average didn't return to its summer 1929 high until 1954. The monetary shock of the first years of the Depression was immense, but it was this duration that made the Depression Great.

Capitalism doesn't have to include a good Democracy, Pinochet for example can be seen as a Totalitarian Capitalist dictator.

FDR achieved the best economic growth in 20th century America, but somehow worsened the Great Depression? really?

Look at the Unemployment stats, FDR lengthen the depression.

frivolous gun laws have never been the answer to stopping violent behavior... The Nazis tried that how did that work out for them?
What is it you believe the Nazis tried?
Forcing people to believe in their socialism, you know control freak behavior like progressives do to this day.

The Nazis weren't socialists, and in fact Hitler hated socialism and and was the sworn enemy of communism. He co-opted the Nationalist Socialist Party, rather than founding his own, and never changed the name.

The Allies appeased Hitler because of his virulent hatred of communism. They thought him a good buffer against Stalin and Communism.
the Nazi 'Left Wing' were the main intellectuals early in the Party's history; both Goebbels and Himmler were 'Strasserites'. Hitler built his own 'Party within a Party' and expanded his own private army and eventually dwarfed the Party's left wing, eventually murdering them. Like all meglomaniacs, from Hitler to Stalin to Mao, they don't have ideologies, just their own narcissism and egos is what they follow. Hitler got a great deal from Papen and got the okay from the head of the Prussian Police, the former Kruppe manager, I don't recall his name at the moment, so he followed the money. He could have cared less about 'left' or 'right', or even Germany itself when he lost the war and blamed it on Germans themselves for 'letting him down'.
In other words the Nazis were social conservatives driven by populist hegemonic ideals. For some reason those characteristics seem eerily reminiscent of Trumpism....

Drivel. There was nothing 'populist' about Hitler in power.
So, it's just some kind of coincidence that the 2 biggest economic growth Presidents in America in the 20th century, came from FDR, and LBJ.... Who both introduced social programs?

Wrong twit.....FDR lenghtened and deepened the GReat Depression......and LBJ was living off the Tax revenue Kennedy created with his tax cuts.....

And the biggest thing........World War 2 destroyed the industrial capacity and the economies of all of one could compete with us after the war....a war created by socialists...

FDR lengthened the Great Depression?
That's hilarious because he achieved faster economic growth than other U.S presidents of the 20th century.

Germans caused lots of damage in WW1 too.... In fact more White Christians were killed in WW1, than in WW2... A fact which is generally neglected.

So, is it a product of Fascism, or a product of being German to cause mega wars?

Because Germany in WW1 wasn't Fascist..... In fact it was a Capitalist Monarchy, no?
Capitalist or monarchy, which was it? You can't have both. I don't know if they were fascist or not, that predates the term. They wanted to take over much of Europe and Russia though.

FDR Was a Great Leader, But His Economic Plan Isn't One to Follow

But Roosevelt the economist is unworthy of emulation. His first goal was to reduce unemployment. Of his own great stimulus package, the National Industrial Recovery Act, he said: "The law I have just signed was passed to put people back to work." Here, FDR failed abysmally. In the 1920s, unemployment had averaged below 5 percent. Blundering when they knew better, Herbert Hoover, his Treasury, the Federal Reserve and Congress drove that rate up to 25 percent. Roosevelt pulled unemployment down, but nowhere near enough to claim sustained recovery. From 1933 to 1940, FDR's first two terms, it averaged in the high teens. Even if you add in all the work relief jobs, as some economists do, Roosevelt-era unemployment averages well above 10 percent. That's a level Obama has referred to once or twice -- as a nightmare.

The second goal of the New Deal was to stimulate the private sector. Instead, it supplanted it. To justify their own work, New Dealers attacked not merely those guilty of white-collar crimes but the entire business community -- the "princes of property," FDR called them. Washington's policy evolved into a lethal combo of spending and retribution. Never did either U.S. investors or foreigners get a sense that the United States was now open for business. As a result, the Depression lasted half a decade longer than it had to, from 1929 to 1940 rather than, say, 1929 to 1936. The Dow Jones industrial average didn't return to its summer 1929 high until 1954. The monetary shock of the first years of the Depression was immense, but it was this duration that made the Depression Great.

Capitalism doesn't have to include a good Democracy, Pinochet for example can be seen as a Totalitarian Capitalist dictator.

FDR achieved the best economic growth in 20th century America, but somehow worsened the Great Depression? really?

Look at the Unemployment stats, FDR lengthen the depression.


The bottom graph admits the top 2 Presidential term job creation rates were from FDR.

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia
Wrong twit.....FDR lenghtened and deepened the GReat Depression......and LBJ was living off the Tax revenue Kennedy created with his tax cuts.....

And the biggest thing........World War 2 destroyed the industrial capacity and the economies of all of one could compete with us after the war....a war created by socialists...

FDR lengthened the Great Depression?
That's hilarious because he achieved faster economic growth than other U.S presidents of the 20th century.

Germans caused lots of damage in WW1 too.... In fact more White Christians were killed in WW1, than in WW2... A fact which is generally neglected.

So, is it a product of Fascism, or a product of being German to cause mega wars?

Because Germany in WW1 wasn't Fascist..... In fact it was a Capitalist Monarchy, no?
Capitalist or monarchy, which was it? You can't have both. I don't know if they were fascist or not, that predates the term. They wanted to take over much of Europe and Russia though.

FDR Was a Great Leader, But His Economic Plan Isn't One to Follow

But Roosevelt the economist is unworthy of emulation. His first goal was to reduce unemployment. Of his own great stimulus package, the National Industrial Recovery Act, he said: "The law I have just signed was passed to put people back to work." Here, FDR failed abysmally. In the 1920s, unemployment had averaged below 5 percent. Blundering when they knew better, Herbert Hoover, his Treasury, the Federal Reserve and Congress drove that rate up to 25 percent. Roosevelt pulled unemployment down, but nowhere near enough to claim sustained recovery. From 1933 to 1940, FDR's first two terms, it averaged in the high teens. Even if you add in all the work relief jobs, as some economists do, Roosevelt-era unemployment averages well above 10 percent. That's a level Obama has referred to once or twice -- as a nightmare.

The second goal of the New Deal was to stimulate the private sector. Instead, it supplanted it. To justify their own work, New Dealers attacked not merely those guilty of white-collar crimes but the entire business community -- the "princes of property," FDR called them. Washington's policy evolved into a lethal combo of spending and retribution. Never did either U.S. investors or foreigners get a sense that the United States was now open for business. As a result, the Depression lasted half a decade longer than it had to, from 1929 to 1940 rather than, say, 1929 to 1936. The Dow Jones industrial average didn't return to its summer 1929 high until 1954. The monetary shock of the first years of the Depression was immense, but it was this duration that made the Depression Great.

Capitalism doesn't have to include a good Democracy, Pinochet for example can be seen as a Totalitarian Capitalist dictator.

FDR achieved the best economic growth in 20th century America, but somehow worsened the Great Depression? really?

Look at the Unemployment stats, FDR lengthen the depression.


The bottom graph admits the top 2 Presidential term job creation rates were from FDR.

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia

The UE shot up in 1938, I don't even have to look at your stupid wiki bullshit that you could ammend at any time..the UE shot down to like zero..

Because we were at fucking war.
frivolous gun laws have never been the answer to stopping violent behavior... The Nazis tried that how did that work out for them?
What is it you believe the Nazis tried?
Forcing people to believe in their socialism, you know control freak behavior like progressives do to this day.

The Nazis weren't socialists, and in fact Hitler hated socialism and and was the sworn enemy of communism. He co-opted the Nationalist Socialist Party, rather than founding his own, and never changed the name.

The Allies appeased Hitler because of his virulent hatred of communism. They thought him a good buffer against Stalin and Communism.

The German Labour Front proves National Socialist Germany was Socialist.

You can't read this, and say "Gee those free market Capitalists"

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

Third Reich not only nationalized all trade unions, but decreed union membership as a mandatory duty, forcing every worker to join the state-operated union.[1]

Its leader was Robert Ley, who stated its aim was 'to create a true social and productive community' (Smelster, 1988). Theoretically, DAF existed to act as a medium through which workers and owners could mutually represent their interests. Wages were set by the 12 DAF trustees. The employees were given relatively high set wages and security of employment, and dismissal was increasingly made difficult. Social security and leisure programmes were started, canteens, breaks, and regular working times were established, and German workers were generally satisfied by what the DAF gave them in repayment for their absolute loyalty.

Following the National Socialist’s Volksgemeinschaft approach towards developing a greater “people’s community”, the DAF expanded or established new social, educational, sports, health, and entertainment programs for German workers via the Strength through Joy, which included factory libraries and gardens, periodic breaks, swimming pools, low-priced hot meals, adult education programs, periodic work breaks, physical education, sports facilities, gymnastic training, orchestral music during lunch breaks, free tickets to concerts and opera, and subsidized vacations that saw over 10.3 million Germans signed up by 1938.[2] The DAF financed the building of ocean-going vessels that permitted German workers to pay minimal prices to sail to many foreign destinations. Up to six ocean liners were operating just before the start of World War II. According to the chief of the Associated Press in Berlin, Louis P. Lochner, ticket prices for ocean streamer vessels ranged from twelve to sixteen marks for “a full week on such a steamer.”[3] For those who desired vacations closer to home, the DAF constructed spa and summer resort complexes. One of the largest was located on the island of Reugen, where the DAF financed and erected a “summer resort with 20,000 beds.”.[4]

To help finance such ambitious social programs, the DAF also operated one of the largest financial institutions—the Bank of German Labor—along with additional community programs such as medical screening, occupational training, legal assistance and programs to improve the company’s working environment.[5] The DAF was one of the largest National Socialist organizations, boasting of over 35,000 full-time employees by 1939.[6] To help Hitler keep his promise to have every German capable of owning an affordable car (Volkswagen—the People’s Car) the DAF subsidized the construction of an automobile factory, which was partially paid from worker’s payroll deductions. None of the 340,000 workers who were paying for a car ever received one, since the factory had to be retooled for war production after Nazi Germany invaded Poland.

In the case of workplace abuses, the DAF set up worker councils to regulate and manage business practices, along with working hours and wages, and conflicts rising between employers and workers. In 1934, worker councils dismissed over 50 workers, while in the same year 13 employers were punished through the expropriation of their business.[7]

Employment contracts created under the Weimar Republic were abolished and renewed under new circumstances in the DAF. Employers could demand more of their workers, while at the same time workers were given increased security of work and increasingly enrolled into social security programmes for workers. The organisation, by its own definition, combated capitalism and liberalism, but also revolution against the factory owners and the National Socialist state. The DAF, however, did openly prefer to have large companies nationalised by the German state, instead of privately owned companies.

DAF membership was theoretically voluntary, but any workers in any area of German commerce or industry would have found it hard to get a job without being a member. Membership required a fee within the range of 15 pfennig to three Reichsmark, depending on the category a member fell into in a large scale of 20 membership groups. A substantially large amount of income was raised through fees. In 1934, the total intake was 300,000,000 Reichsmark.

There were two main components of the DAF and these were:

Several other sub-organisations were set up:

  • Kraft durch Freude (KdF; Strength through Joy) – Organisation giving the workers cheap/free holidays in addition to subsidised sporting and leisure facilities.
  • Schönheit der Arbeit (SdA; Beauty of Labour) – Aimed to make workplaces more enticing to workers (e.g., renovations of outdated factories, new canteens for workers, smoking-free rooms, cleaner working spaces etc.).
  • Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD; Reich Labour Service) – A solution to the unemployment crisis the Nazis inherited, it provided cheap labour for big state projects, such as the Reichsautobahn motorways. It provided work security to many unemployed people, and was made compulsory, in 1935, for unemployed men aged 16–25 years.
The Front also organised the Reichsberufswettkampf, a national vocational competition.

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