Today...Smashing The Lie That Nazis Were Rightwing.


And that's how we know when we attack homosexuals...


...and send reporters outside our building to interview well-dressed negroes with identity papers to prove there are no negroes who don't have identity papers...


...and defend torture and worship the Department of Homeland Security...


...we can't have Nazi tendencies. Because Nazis are liberals!
Frau Braun

Any propaganda posted by a known Nazi Sympathizer such as yourself has no credibility
Why don't you tell us again how FDR never should have freed Europe from the Nazis

"Frau Braun" refers to your side.....I'm on the Right.

When the truths that I provide......and, truth is my stock in trade.....irritate, annoy, anger and aggravate one of your low level IQ, you behave in exactly the same way you would have lo those many decades ago, when you were a wee lying lad.

What is the instantaneous reaction of an undisciplined, immature, puerile, self-absorbed creature?

Why....simply this knee-jerk response: "you've hurt me....injured me....I'll find some awful thing to say about you....whether it be true or not!!!!"
So....when I reveal truth about Nazis, about Liberals, or any of your most cherished and deeply held beliefs.....all of which I document, source and support with facts.....what is your response????

Diaphanous lies, such "It is the nature of Frau Braun to bemoan the Allied treatment of her beloved Adolf "
'The Morgenthau Plan' As Death Sentence....


"Frau Braun"
'The Morgenthau Plan' As Death Sentence....

What you fail to understand is how I thrive on your hurt.
So happy to have you reveal it.

Frau Braun

Your Nazi sympathies are well documented. Your repeated threads condemning FDR for saving Europe from the Nazi invaders tips you off.

"...FDR for saving Europe from the Nazi invaders..."

NO....FDR for saving Europe for the Nazi invaders

From the start he planned to support Communism and Stalin.

Soviet Spy Hopkins and 'Yes,sir, yes sir' George Marshall were fully behind handing all of Eastern Europe over to Stalin's tender mercies.

Remember...they knew full well of the Terror Famine, the Katyn Forest Massacre, and other blood purges. by Stalin...all met with 'Leftist shrug.'

Evidence of their intentions can be seen in a document which Hopkins took with him to the Quebec conference in August, 1943, entitled "Russia's Position," quoted as follows in Sherwood's book ["Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History,"byRobert E. Sherwood]: "Russia's post-war position in Europe will be a dominant one. With Germany crushed, there is no power in Europe to oppose her tremendous military forces."

Poor Frau Braun....never did get over that FDR saved Western Europe

Why else would she repeatedly blame FDR for fighting her beloved Nazis?

"...FDR saved Western Europe..."

Actually, he handed half of Europe over to his BFF, Joseph Stalin.

Watta pal, huh?

Wrong. I believe if you check FDR's job description you'll find that he had no Europe, in whole or in part, to "hand over" at all. Now if he had "handed over" Iowa you'd begin to have a point, but when that happens we've already got flying pigs.

Unlike the Bubble-dweller OP, FDR recognized that the USSR had far more invested in and lost far more blood and treasure in that war and had far more to do with the defeat of Nazi Germany than everybody else put together, and accordingly agreed that the USSR has security concerns like everybody else and would not be the next threat to it or undermine it from within as Wilson had ---- all of which was lost on the uncurious, inexperienced, narrowminded Truman who effectively reversed that respect and opted for the belligerence posture.

So to repair your hopelessly fractured fantasy above while preserving the verbage --- Truman gave away the peace and through his own ignorance started the Cold War. That's the result of taking the emotional bogeyman philosophy course rather than devoting any study to big picture and context. Much as would happen with a later POTUS fifteen years ago who shares the same ignorant traits of bogeyman over big picture.
"Frau Braun" refers to your side.....I'm on the Right.

When the truths that I provide......and, truth is my stock in trade.....irritate, annoy, anger and aggravate one of your low level IQ, you behave in exactly the same way you would have lo those many decades ago, when you were a wee lying lad.

What is the instantaneous reaction of an undisciplined, immature, puerile, self-absorbed creature?

Why....simply this knee-jerk response: "you've hurt me....injured me....I'll find some awful thing to say about you....whether it be true or not!!!!"
So....when I reveal truth about Nazis, about Liberals, or any of your most cherished and deeply held beliefs.....all of which I document, source and support with facts.....what is your response????

Diaphanous lies, such "It is the nature of Frau Braun to bemoan the Allied treatment of her beloved Adolf "
'The Morgenthau Plan' As Death Sentence....


"Frau Braun"
'The Morgenthau Plan' As Death Sentence....

What you fail to understand is how I thrive on your hurt.
So happy to have you reveal it.

Frau Braun

Your Nazi sympathies are well documented. Your repeated threads condemning FDR for saving Europe from the Nazi invaders tips you off.

"...FDR for saving Europe from the Nazi invaders..."

NO....FDR for saving Europe for the Nazi invaders

From the start he planned to support Communism and Stalin.

Soviet Spy Hopkins and 'Yes,sir, yes sir' George Marshall were fully behind handing all of Eastern Europe over to Stalin's tender mercies.

Remember...they knew full well of the Terror Famine, the Katyn Forest Massacre, and other blood purges. by Stalin...all met with 'Leftist shrug.'

Evidence of their intentions can be seen in a document which Hopkins took with him to the Quebec conference in August, 1943, entitled "Russia's Position," quoted as follows in Sherwood's book ["Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History,"byRobert E. Sherwood]: "Russia's post-war position in Europe will be a dominant one. With Germany crushed, there is no power in Europe to oppose her tremendous military forces."

Poor Frau Braun....never did get over that FDR saved Western Europe

Why else would she repeatedly blame FDR for fighting her beloved Nazis?

"...FDR saved Western Europe..."

Actually, he handed half of Europe over to his BFF, Joseph Stalin.

Watta pal, huh?

Wrong. I believe if you check FDR's job description you'll find that he had no Europe, in whole or in part, to "hand over" at all. Now if he had "handed over" Iowa you'd begin to have a point, but when that happens we've already got flying pigs.

Unlike the Bubble-dweller OP, FDR recognized that the USSR had far more invested in and lost far more blood and treasure in that war and had far more to do with the defeat of Nazi Germany than everybody else put together, and accordingly agreed that the USSR has security concerns like everybody else and would not be the next threat to it or undermine it from within as Wilson had ---- all of which was lost on the uncurious, inexperienced, narrowminded Truman who effectively reversed that respect and opted for the belligerence posture.

So to repair your hopelessly fractured fantasy above while preserving the verbage --- Truman gave away the peace and through his own ignorance started the Cold War. That's the result of taking the emotional bogeyman philosophy course rather than devoting any study to big picture and context. Much as would happen with a later POTUS fifteen years ago who shares the same ignorant traits of bogeyman over big picture.

"I believe if you check FDR's job description you'll find that he had no Europe, in whole or in part, to "hand over" at all...."

Ready to have yet another custard pie smashed in your kisser?

Here goes:

Soviet Spy Hopkins and 'Yes,sir, yes sir' George Marshall were fully behind handing all of Eastern Europe over to Stalin's tender mercies.

Remember...they knew full well of the Terror Famine, the Katyn Forest Massacre, and other blood purges. by Stalin...all met with 'Leftist shrug.'

Evidence of their intentions can be seen in a document which Hopkins took with him to the Quebec conference in August, 1943, entitled "Russia's Position," quoted as follows in Sherwood's book ["Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History,"byRobert E. Sherwood]: "Russia's post-war position in Europe will be a dominant one. With Germany crushed, there is no power in Europe to oppose her tremendous military forces."

Hence....FDR allowed Stalin to dictate where the Allied invasion would be.....and Stalin vetoed an attack through the Red Army could occupy Eastern Europe.

Good ol' boy, Roosevelt, huh?

Look at my African-German over here! Look at him. Are you the greatest?
Many of Germany's right wing movements were ridiculed by the Left. Hitler felt the reason for this was a weakness he perceived in the existing right wing parties. He felt they were not hardcore enough. He felt that even the racialists didn't have any spine. And so to avoid ridicule from the Left for his own party, Hitler felt it would be dangerous to allow the weak sisters of the Right to be too heavy an influence in his own party. Out of this came the reasoning for the name of his party, and the brutality he advocated.

Piss drinking retards like PoliticalChic have never even read Mein Kampf. Instead, they parrot their propaganda outlets claim that Nazis are left wing, without having the slightest bit of knowledge about Hitler or the Nazis. This claim comes from willful and profound ignorance.

Here is Hitler in his own words on the other German right wing parties compared to his own:

The value of these people is clearly illustrated in the way they are treated by the Left-Wing parties. They find them ridiculous so they let these people rant and rave and just laugh at them. Anyone in this world who is not hated by his enemies is worthless as a friend to me. Therefore the friendship of these people for our young movement was not only worthless but downright dangerous. In fact, that was the main reason we chose the name “Party” in the first place. We hoped that this would scare off a whole swarm of racialist sleepwalkers. This is why we also described ourselves as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The word Party scared off the fanatics who live in the past, as well as the big talkers who spout meaningless phrases about the “racial idea”. The other part, National Socialist German Workers, freed us from a whole parade of knights of the “intellectual” sword and all the ragged misfits that carry “intellectual weapons” as a shield to cover their cowardice. Naturally the most violent “attacks” on our new movement came from these racialists. Of course the attacks were not physical, but only with their favorite weapon of pen and ink, just as you would expect from such racialist pen heads. To them, there was something revolting about our principle which stated, “If a man offers us violence, we will defend ourselves by violence”. They criticized us profusely claiming we possessed a rude type of worship for the rubber club and that our ranks lack any form of intellect. These quacks fail to realize that in a meeting of racialists, a Demosthenes can be silenced by just fifty idiots who rely on nothing but their lungs and their fists if those idiots do not want to let him speak.The inborn cowardice of the racialist always keeps him out of any such danger. He does not make noise when he works and he never steps out of the crowd--he is always careful to stay silent.

Only a complete, total, willfully stupid retard would ever think Hitler was left wing.
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Socialists and nazis are incestuous soulmates... really two sides of the same coin.

Can you identify the equivalent views held by Nazis and Liberals on the social issues?
gun control...
I am a liberal with a dozens firearms, try again..

Me too

And yes, I believe responsible gun owners are in favor of safe gun laws, especially where there are children. I'm against the RWNJs and Repubs giving guns to criminals, mentally ill, known and suspected terrorists, foreign and domestic.

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Socialists and nazis are incestuous soulmates... really two sides of the same coin.

Can you identify the equivalent views held by Nazis and Liberals on the social issues?
gun control...
I am a liberal with a dozens firearms, try again..

Me too

And yes, I believe responsible gun owners are in favor of safe gun laws, especially where there are children. I'm against the RWNJs and Repubs giving guns to criminals, mentally ill, known and suspected terrorists, foreign and domestic.

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Felons legally cannot own firearms. Dip shit
Many of Germany's right wing movements were ridiculed by the Left. Hitler felt the reason for this was a weakness he perceived in the existing right wing parties. He felt they were not hardcore enough. He felt that even the racialists didn't have any spine. And so to avoid ridicule from the Left for his own party, Hitler felt it would be dangerous to allow the weak sisters of the Right to be too heavy an influence in his own party. Out of this came the reasoning for the name of his party, and the brutality he advocated.

Piss drinking retards like PoliticalChic have never even read Mein Kampf. Instead, they parrot their propaganda outlets claim that Nazis are left wing, without having the slightest bit of knowledge about Hitler or the Nazis. This claim comes from willful and profound ignorance.

Here is Hitler in his own words on the other German right wing parties compared to his own:

The value of these people is clearly illustrated in the way they are treated by the Left-Wing parties. They find them ridiculous so they let these people rant and rave and just laugh at them. Anyone in this world who is not hated by his enemies is worthless as a friend to me. Therefore the friendship of these people for our young movement was not only worthless but downright dangerous. In fact, that was the main reason we chose the name “Party” in the first place. We hoped that this would scare off a whole swarm of racialist sleepwalkers. This is why we also described ourselves as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The word Party scared off the fanatics who live in the past, as well as the big talkers who spout meaningless phrases about the “racial idea”. The other part, National Socialist German Workers, freed us from a whole parade of knights of the “intellectual” sword and all the ragged misfits that carry “intellectual weapons” as a shield to cover their cowardice. Naturally the most violent “attacks” on our new movement came from these racialists. Of course the attacks were not physical, but only with their favorite weapon of pen and ink, just as you would expect from such racialist pen heads. To them, there was something revolting about our principle which stated, “If a man offers us violence, we will defend ourselves by violence”. They criticized us profusely claiming we possessed a rude type of worship for the rubber club and that our ranks lack any form of intellect. These quacks fail to realize that in a meeting of racialists, a Demosthenes can be silenced by just fifty idiots who rely on nothing but their lungs and their fists if those idiots do not want to let him speak.The inborn cowardice of the racialist always keeps him out of any such danger. He does not make noise when he works and he never steps out of the crowd--he is always careful to stay silent.

Only a complete, total, willfully stupid retard would ever think Hitler was left wing.

You don't want me to have to reveal.....again.....what a lying windbag you are...... you, 'expert'?????
Nazis were and still are rabid right wingers.

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As proven.....PROVEN...OVER AND this thread, Nazis were as Leftwing as the Bolsheviks and the modern Liberals. are a dunce, will still deny the obvious.


The Nazis were Nationalists, not Conservatives, nor Liberals.

Liberals care mostly about equality, and rights for all.

Conservatives care mostly about freedom, and keeping their money.

Nationalists care mostly about their nation, and heritage.
Chic will answer as soon as she polishes her boots and puts her iron cross on

"Iron Cross" refers to Nazis.....your side.
As proven in this thread, Nazis are Leftwing.
I'm on the Right, you dope.

Frau Braun proudly wears her Iron Cross
Given to her for years of selfless service promoting fascism on USMB

I guess this means you're admitting that Liberals and Nazis are self-same.


Nazis got it right, and most Republicans have got it wrong.

Capitalism causes social Liberalism, to import illegals for cheap labor, Feminism to increase the workforce for cheap labor, and Jews having the freedom to run Hollywood, and the media to promote Liberalism.

You are socially Conservative, but not smart enough to realize that Capitalism is part of the problem, not the solution.
Chic will answer as soon as she polishes her boots and puts her iron cross on

"Iron Cross" refers to Nazis.....your side.
As proven in this thread, Nazis are Leftwing.
I'm on the Right, you dope.

Frau Braun proudly wears her Iron Cross
Given to her for years of selfless service promoting fascism on USMB

I guess this means you're admitting that Liberals and Nazis are self-same.


Nazis got it right, and most Republicans have got it wrong.

...says the Polish Nazi.
Chic will answer as soon as she polishes her boots and puts her iron cross on

"Iron Cross" refers to Nazis.....your side.
As proven in this thread, Nazis are Leftwing.
I'm on the Right, you dope.

Frau Braun proudly wears her Iron Cross
Given to her for years of selfless service promoting fascism on USMB

I guess this means you're admitting that Liberals and Nazis are self-same.


Nazis got it right, and most Republicans have got it wrong.

...says the Polish Nazi.

I'm anti-Nazi, although I do consider myself loosely as a Polish Fascist.

Apparently some Polish Fascists don't like Germans much either.

Polish Fascists burning a picture of German Merkel.

Polish Fascists @ 2 minutes into the video say anti-German things.


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