Today...Smashing The Lie That Nazis Were Rightwing.

Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
Who toppled the mighty Roman empire?
Was it a superior race or a consortium of barbaric tribes.
... In a world where White males are becoming increasingly fearful over what they see as an encroachment on their turf,... .

False premise.

The Whites who make sense support their right to exist, the Whites who don't make sense support the complete opposite.

You'd have to be very, very senseless, just plain emotionally detached, and illogical to support the demise of your own people.
Who is threarening White's right to exist? That is a dangerous fallacy.

Mostly Capitalists, Liberals, and Jews..... The three stooges.

Whether it's intentional destruction of Whites... or just reckless stupidity.... Whites are declining.

Whites make up less percentage of the World... and also less percentages in their own country.

Take the U.S.A.... Which went from nearly 90% White in the 1960's to just over 60% White by the 2010's.

That's nearly a third of the proportion of White America cut down.
Details please. i am desperate to know how White capitalists and Ashkenazi Jews are destroying people who look just like them.

A lot of Capitalists are putting money, before heritage.... They want third-riff-raff here for profits, even if it causes a demise in Whites.

As for Jews.... Some Jews see Whites as their biggest historic enemies... They see strength by numbers in having minorities to combat White power.
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
Who toppled the mighty Roman empire?
Was it a superior race or a consortium of barbaric tribes.

The Romans bought in Germanic tribes to do their dirty-work.... Those Germanic tribes resented Rome, and went onto sack Rome.... Sound familiar?

Sounds like what the U.S.A is doing with Hispanics.... Western Europe with Muslims.
I'll attempt to debate you.... If all races aren't equal... Why should superior races be overrun by inferior races?
Because there are no superior races. There are a few superior individuals in every race but lets face it...most people of any race are just followers living off the reputations of the gifted. American progressives realized that a long time ago and sought to tap into human genius around the world. Making America a place where bright people from everywhere
come to realize their dreams is the essence of our success. Not Whiteness alone.
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
Who toppled the mighty Roman empire?
Was it a superior race or a consortium of barbaric tribes.

The Romans bought in Germanic tribes to do their dirty-work.... Those Germanic tribes resented Rome, and went onto sack Rome.... Sound familiar?

Sounds like what the U.S.A is doing with Hispanics.... Western Europe with Muslims.
So which of you "superior" Whites are willing to do the dirty work?
I'll attempt to debate you.... If all races aren't equal... Why should superior races be overrun by inferior races?
Because there are no superior races. There are a few superior individuals in every race but lets face it...most people of any race are just followers living off the reputations of the gifted. American progressives realized that a long time ago and sought to tap into human genius around the world. Making America a place where bright people from everywhere
come to realize their dreams is the essence of our success. Not Whiteness alone.

If an Ethiopian collective, leads to an Ethiopia, then that's something that should be avoided.

You can't blame the sad state of Ethiopia on Colonization, because they weren't colonized.

Besides, while it's true that extremely gifted people who guide society the most are not even 0.1% of any society... However, about 90% are White, and Whitish, (Whitish includes Ashkenazi Jews, Armenians, Italians, and Greeks)
The other 10% are East Asian.
Virtually 0% comes from Africans, Hispanics, or Muslims.

Therefor there must be something about the White elite that's remarkable... To tamper with it by mixing, or replacing it... Could have catastrophic implications.

There's no logic behind your simpleton ideals, ........

AGAIN, you very obviously have NO idea what the word "logic" means.

So, it's logical to support your own to be overrun by inferior people?

You are what's illogical, you seem to be completely hollow, both emotionally, and mentally.

Most of today's immigrants and refugees are not inferior people. Those from Asia. Africa and the middle east own their own businesses and
Usually are well educated. They certainly aren't inferior.
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
Who toppled the mighty Roman empire?
Was it a superior race or a consortium of barbaric tribes.

The Romans bought in Germanic tribes to do their dirty-work.... Those Germanic tribes resented Rome, and went onto sack Rome.... Sound familiar?

Sounds like what the U.S.A is doing with Hispanics.... Western Europe with Muslims.
So which of you "superior" Whites are willing to do the dirty work?

Japan's IQ, and PISA scores are higher than Whites... They remain a highly homogeneous society...

Who does the dirty work in Japan?

Besides, there's plenty of poor Whites in America..... The government should support those on welfare to be funneled into farming, restaurants, construction, and so forth.... Keep them busy, keep the economy moving, and make them work for their wage.

There's no logic behind your simpleton ideals, ........

AGAIN, you very obviously have NO idea what the word "logic" means.

So, it's logical to support your own to be overrun by inferior people?

You are what's illogical, you seem to be completely hollow, both emotionally, and mentally.

Most of today's immigrants and refugees are not inferior people. Those from Asia. Africa and the middle east own their own businesses and
Usually are well educated. They certainly aren't inferior.

What about Hispanic immigrants, who keep in mind dwarf all those groups in numbers?

The Arab terrorist element, and Sharia element is enough reason to keep them out.
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
I don't judge inferiority by race, i judge that sort of thing on a case by case basis.....

Exactly. One particularly stupid, illogical, Polish Nazi making an ass of himself on the internet doesn't mean all people of Polish ancestry should be disgraced along with him.
I'll attempt to debate you.... If all races aren't equal... Why should superior races be overrun by inferior races?
Because there are no superior races. There are a few superior individuals in every race but lets face it...most people of any race are just followers living off the reputations of the gifted. American progressives realized that a long time ago and sought to tap into human genius around the world. Making America a place where bright people from everywhere
come to realize their dreams is the essence of our success. Not Whiteness alone.

If an Ethiopian collective, leads to an Ethiopia, then that's something that should be avoided.

You can't blame the sad state of Ethiopia on Colonization, because they weren't colonized.

Besides, while it's true that extremely gifted people who guide society the most are not even 0.1% of any society... However, about 90% are White, and Whitish, (Whitish includes Ashkenazi Jews, Armenians, Italians, and Greeks)
The other 10% are East Asian.
Virtually 0% comes from Africans, Hispanics, or Muslims.

Therefor there must be something about the White elite that's remarkable... To tamper with it by mixing, or replacing it... Could have catastrophic implicat
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
Who toppled the mighty Roman empire?
Was it a superior race or a consortium of barbaric tribes.

The Romans bought in Germanic tribes to do their dirty-work.... Those Germanic tribes resented Rome, and went onto sack Rome.... Sound familiar?

Sounds like what the U.S.A is doing with Hispanics.... Western Europe with Muslims.
So which of you "superior" Whites are willing to do the dirty work?

Japan's IQ, and PISA scores are higher than Whites... They remain a highly homogeneous society...

Who does the dirty work in Japan?

Besides, there's plenty of poor Whites in America..... The government should support those on welfare to be funneled into farming, restaurants, constructions, and so forth.... Keep them busy, keep the economy moving, and make them work for their wage.
Many poor Whites do work. Some have two or more jobs and still barely make ends meet.
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
I don't judge inferiority by race, i judge that sort of thing on a case by case basis.....

Exactly. One particularly stupid, illogical, Polish Nazi making an ass of himself on the internet doesn't mean all people of Polish ancestry should be disgraced along with him.

I'm clearly way too intelligent for you... .Which is why you refuse to debate me, and just mouth off like a Negro would.

Triggered, and yourself are the crown champions of idiocy on this forum.
I'll attempt to debate you.... If all races aren't equal... Why should superior races be overrun by inferior races?
Because there are no superior races. There are a few superior individuals in every race but lets face it...most people of any race are just followers living off the reputations of the gifted. American progressives realized that a long time ago and sought to tap into human genius around the world. Making America a place where bright people from everywhere
come to realize their dreams is the essence of our success. Not Whiteness alone.

If an Ethiopian collective, leads to an Ethiopia, then that's something that should be avoided.

You can't blame the sad state of Ethiopia on Colonization, because they weren't colonized.

Besides, while it's true that extremely gifted people who guide society the most are not even 0.1% of any society... However, about 90% are White, and Whitish, (Whitish includes Ashkenazi Jews, Armenians, Italians, and Greeks)
The other 10% are East Asian.
Virtually 0% comes from Africans, Hispanics, or Muslims.

Therefor there must be something about the White elite that's remarkable... To tamper with it by mixing, or replacing it... Could have catastrophic implicat
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
Who toppled the mighty Roman empire?
Was it a superior race or a consortium of barbaric tribes.

The Romans bought in Germanic tribes to do their dirty-work.... Those Germanic tribes resented Rome, and went onto sack Rome.... Sound familiar?

Sounds like what the U.S.A is doing with Hispanics.... Western Europe with Muslims.
So which of you "superior" Whites are willing to do the dirty work?

Japan's IQ, and PISA scores are higher than Whites... They remain a highly homogeneous society...

Who does the dirty work in Japan?

Besides, there's plenty of poor Whites in America..... The government should support those on welfare to be funneled into farming, restaurants, constructions, and so forth.... Keep them busy, keep the economy moving, and make them work for their wage.
Many poor Whites do work. Some have two or more jobs and still barely make ends meet.

There's millions of unemployed Whites, though.

But, why not answer why smarter Japan doesn't have to import riff-raff to do their dirty-work?
I'll attempt to debate you.... If all races aren't equal... Why should superior races be overrun by inferior races?
Because there are no superior races. There are a few superior individuals in every race but lets face it...most people of any race are just followers living off the reputations of the gifted. American progressives realized that a long time ago and sought to tap into human genius around the world. Making America a place where bright people from everywhere
come to realize their dreams is the essence of our success. Not Whiteness alone.

If an Ethiopian collective, leads to an Ethiopia, then that's something that should be avoided.

You can't blame the sad state of Ethiopia on Colonization, because they weren't colonized.

Besides, while it's true that extremely gifted people who guide society the most are not even 0.1% of any society... However, about 90% are White, and Whitish, (Whitish includes Ashkenazi Jews, Armenians, Italians, and Greeks)
The other 10% are East Asian.
Virtually 0% comes from Africans, Hispanics, or Muslims.

Therefor there must be something about the White elite that's remarkable... To tamper with it by mixing, or replacing it... Could have catastrophic implicat
Who toppled the mighty Roman empire?
Was it a superior race or a consortium of barbaric tribes.

The Romans bought in Germanic tribes to do their dirty-work.... Those Germanic tribes resented Rome, and went onto sack Rome.... Sound familiar?

Sounds like what the U.S.A is doing with Hispanics.... Western Europe with Muslims.
So which of you "superior" Whites are willing to do the dirty work?

Japan's IQ, and PISA scores are higher than Whites... They remain a highly homogeneous society...

Who does the dirty work in Japan?

Besides, there's plenty of poor Whites in America..... The government should support those on welfare to be funneled into farming, restaurants, constructions, and so forth.... Keep them busy, keep the economy moving, and make them work for their wage.
Many poor Whites do work. Some have two or more jobs and still barely make ends meet.

There's millions of unemployed Whites, though.

But, why not answer why smarter Japan doesn't have to import riff-raff to do their dirty-work?

More ignorance.
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
I don't judge inferiority by race, i judge that sort of thing on a case by case basis.....

Exactly. One particularly stupid, illogical, Polish Nazi making an ass of himself on the internet doesn't mean all people of Polish ancestry should be disgraced along with him.

I'm clearly way too intelligent for you... ...


I assure you, Adolphski, that every normal person reading this can see what an illogical buffoon you are.
I'll attempt to debate you.... If all races aren't equal... Why should superior races be overrun by inferior races?
Because there are no superior races. There are a few superior individuals in every race but lets face it...most people of any race are just followers living off the reputations of the gifted. American progressives realized that a long time ago and sought to tap into human genius around the world. Making America a place where bright people from everywhere
come to realize their dreams is the essence of our success. Not Whiteness alone.

If an Ethiopian collective, leads to an Ethiopia, then that's something that should be avoided.

You can't blame the sad state of Ethiopia on Colonization, because they weren't colonized.

Besides, while it's true that extremely gifted people who guide society the most are not even 0.1% of any society... However, about 90% are White, and Whitish, (Whitish includes Ashkenazi Jews, Armenians, Italians, and Greeks)
The other 10% are East Asian.
Virtually 0% comes from Africans, Hispanics, or Muslims.

Therefor there must be something about the White elite that's remarkable... To tamper with it by mixing, or replacing it... Could have catastrophic implicat
Who toppled the mighty Roman empire?
Was it a superior race or a consortium of barbaric tribes.

The Romans bought in Germanic tribes to do their dirty-work.... Those Germanic tribes resented Rome, and went onto sack Rome.... Sound familiar?

Sounds like what the U.S.A is doing with Hispanics.... Western Europe with Muslims.
So which of you "superior" Whites are willing to do the dirty work?

Japan's IQ, and PISA scores are higher than Whites... They remain a highly homogeneous society...

Who does the dirty work in Japan?

Besides, there's plenty of poor Whites in America..... The government should support those on welfare to be funneled into farming, restaurants, constructions, and so forth.... Keep them busy, keep the economy moving, and make them work for their wage.
Many poor Whites do work. Some have two or more jobs and still barely make ends meet.

There's millions of unemployed Whites, though.

But, why not answer why smarter Japan doesn't have to import riff-raff to do their dirty-work?
Because of your distateful demeanor I was tempted to leave you to your own devices. You must have noticed that all the other posters have abandoned the thread. However, I do detect a sincere hunger for the truth in you. Let me help.

Between 1976 and 1986 I spent five of that ten year spread in the far east; three in Japan and two in South Korea. Speaking from experience, coupled with a historical review of the symbiotic relationships between Japan, Korea and China, I can tell you that
Chinese and Koreans were the"wetbacks" of Japan. They did the dirty work. That might have changed in recent times to some degree but when I was there that is the way it was.

Japan emerged as the economic power house in that part of the world after WW2.
Even the devastating effects of two nuclear blasts barely slowed them down.. So what social phenomena spurred their economic success far beyond the struggling economies of the other Asian countries?
Hint: it couldn't have been race. I see the rejection of Communism as a key to the origins of prosperity in Japanese. Nevertheless, socialized healthcare and
Institutions remained as tenets of the social fabric.

But a shift in the economic paradigm occured when workers swore loyalty to the corporations that employed them. Conversely, the corporations reciprocated. I was astonished to see a hundreds of employees standing in a parking lot saluting a corporate flag while singing a corporate anthem.

The Japanese homogeneity you speak of is an illusion since all Asians are really just extended genetic families of the
Chinese. Language cultural and physical differences aren't all that stark.

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