Today...Smashing The Lie That Nazis Were Rightwing.

Over and over....the indoctrinated just can't overcome the propaganda...this: while Communists were Leftwing, the really, really doctrine, Nazism, was Rightwing.
No, it wasn't. It was brithed from the same sourece as communism...Karl Marx.
It authorized slaughter and Leftism does.
And dreamed of the very same end stage for society as all six Leftwing views do.

They weren't: both are is Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism and Fascism.

1. Where did they learn to fear truth? Liberals, indoctrinated in government schools, hearing nothing but propaganda, raised to worship Franklin Roosevelt, look at the truth as though it were toxic.

2. be a Liberal in good standing, this is the prescribed response when the facts run counter to their worldview: become irate, and attack, attack, attack

These were the retorts of the indoctrinated in a recent thread:

Fascists hate Liberals, and visa versa.

similarities between post 911 Evangelical/Tea Party Republicans and Fascists.

LW being communist (not capitalist), RW being fascist (allied with corporations, capitalist) like Naziism.

The Nazis may have had some quasi-socialist policies, but they were not socialists.

The Nazis simply didn't have a strong economic ideology, in some ways they weren't even true fascists

capitalism thrived under the Nazis.

Hitler and his gang took over a party with Socialist in its name. But when he took over Germany and turned it into a fascist dictatorship, it was anything but socialist.

Clearly Liberals all, and based on their comments, it is difficult to determine whether they are more incensed, or more ignorant.

3. Here's the bottom line...and then I'll prove it: Hitler and the Nazis were Leftwing.
Here's the reason for the propaganda assault by Liberals:
Pre-WWII, Progressives, Liberals, Democrats, were hot to embrace communism, fascism, and the Nazis. In fact, FDR was a pal of Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler. He used Mussolini as his model for the New Deal.

All six of these worldviews are based on the same, un-American view of individuals, individual rights and the final stage of social development.
All six are Leftwing...none are Rightwing.

4. "American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

When one 'sibling' attacked another, June 21, 1941, FDR had to choose one over the other.
"Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to the Soviet Union." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

As I promised.....I will prove the above in this thread.

Nazis were Right wing Socialists.

Unlike Conservatives, the Nazis correctly cracked down on Capitalism for promoting Liberalism.

Conservatives keep getting it wrong, over, and over again.
In other words the Nazis were social conservatives driven by populist hegemonic ideals. For some reason those characteristics seem eerily reminiscent of Trumpism....

Actually, they are directly similar to Liberals.


Hitler's Socialist programs:

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.
LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Get it, you dope?

Your entire worldview is based on lies they've taught you.

Nazis and Communists, Socialists and Fascists, Liberals and Progressives.....all six are Leftwing......
Here is what they taught me.

According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics, in liberal democracies, the political Right opposes socialism and social democracy. Right-wing parties include conservatives, Christian democrats, classical liberals, nationalists and, on the far Right, racists and fascists.
Right-wing politics - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Right-wing_politics

Left-wing politics - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Left-wing_politics
Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. ... The term left wing can also refer to "the radical, reforming, or socialist section of a political party or system".
Egalitarianism · ‎Social equality · ‎Prioritarianism

Looking at those two definitions I don't see how anyone,including you, would fit neatly into either political category.. Some of us, regardless of party affiliation, are fiscal conservatives on the one hand, and liberal on social issues..or vise versa. Just what " wing" do you place people like that on.
Left and right dichotomies don't really apply across the board anymore. Times have changed and so should those archaic terms.
Let's take an updated look at the heart of what was once the bastion of Soviet Communism: Putin, a former KGB agent, has become the darling of western rightwingers.
The reasons are as clear as Hitler's were when he too embraced socialism for Whites only. In a world where White males are becoming increasingly fearful over what they see as an encroachment on their turf, the term rightwing has become an unspoken euphemism for Whitness. The Republicans, under the leadership of Trump, have capitalzed on the same kind of hegemonic populism that spawed Hitler.
In other words the Nazis were social conservatives driven by populist hegemonic ideals. For some reason those characteristics seem eerily reminiscent of Trumpism....

Drivel. There was nothing 'populist' about Hitler in power.
You don't know your history. Besides..even the pope sees the populist similarities between Trump and Hitler.
Over and over....the indoctrinated just can't overcome the propaganda...this: while Communists were Leftwing, the really, really evil doctrine, Nazism, was Rightwing.
No, it wasn't. It was brithed from the same sourece as communism...Karl Marx.
It authorized slaughter and Leftism does.
And dreamed of the very same end stage for society as all six Leftwing views do.

They weren't: both are is Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism and Fascism.

1. Where did they learn to fear truth? Liberals, indoctrinated in government schools, hearing nothing but propaganda, raised to worship Franklin Roosevelt, look at the truth as though it were toxic.

2. be a Liberal in good standing, this is the prescribed response when the facts run counter to their worldview: become irate, and attack, attack, attack

These were the retorts of the indoctrinated in a recent thread:

Fascists hate Liberals, and visa versa.

similarities between post 911 Evangelical/Tea Party Republicans and Fascists.

LW being communist (not capitalist), RW being fascist (allied with corporations, capitalist) like Naziism.

The Nazis may have had some quasi-socialist policies, but they were not socialists.

The Nazis simply didn't have a strong economic ideology, in some ways they weren't even true fascists

capitalism thrived under the Nazis.

Hitler and his gang took over a party with Socialist in its name. But when he took over Germany and turned it into a fascist dictatorship, it was anything but socialist.

Clearly Liberals all, and based on their comments, it is difficult to determine whether they are more incensed, or more ignorant.

3. Here's the bottom line...and then I'll prove it: Hitler and the Nazis were Leftwing.
Here's the reason for the propaganda assault by Liberals:
Pre-WWII, Progressives, Liberals, Democrats, were hot to embrace communism, fascism, and the Nazis. In fact, FDR was a pal of Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler. He used Mussolini as his model for the New Deal.

All six of these worldviews are based on the same, un-American view of individuals, individual rights and the final stage of social development.
All six are Leftwing...none are Rightwing.

4. "American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

When one 'sibling' attacked another, June 21, 1941, FDR had to choose one over the other.
"Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to the Soviet Union." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

As I promised.....I will prove the above in this thread.
national socialism is to the right of liberal socialism.
... In a world where White males are becoming increasingly fearful over what they see as an encroachment on their turf,... .

False premise.

The Whites who make sense support their right to exist, the Whites who don't make sense support the complete opposite.

You'd have to be very, very senseless, just plain emotionally detached, and illogical to support the demise of your own people.
... In a world where White males are becoming increasingly fearful over what they see as an encroachment on their turf,... .

False premise.

The Whites who make sense support their right to exist, the Whites who don't make sense support the complete opposite.

You'd have to be very, very senseless, just plain emotionally detached, and illogical to support the demise of your own people.

Straw man and false premise - AGAIN

You must be the most illogical Polish Nazi buffoon in North America.
... In a world where White males are becoming increasingly fearful over what they see as an encroachment on their turf,... .

False premise.

The Whites who make sense support their right to exist, the Whites who don't make sense support the complete opposite.

You'd have to be very, very senseless, just plain emotionally detached, and illogical to support the demise of your own people.

Straw man and false premise - AGAIN

You must be the most illogical Polish Nazi buffoon in North America.

You're definitely way up there for the biggest of idiots, and obnoxious clowns I've ever seen on the internet.

You can't seem to bring up a single point to why Whites one of the most productive people, should replace themselves with some of the least productive people.

There's no logic behind your simpleton ideals, which explains why you just mouth off like a Negro would. (You're a high order of racial trash)
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... In a world where White males are becoming increasingly fearful over what they see as an encroachment on their turf,... .

False premise.

The Whites who make sense support their right to exist, the Whites who don't make sense support the complete opposite.

You'd have to be very, very senseless, just plain emotionally detached, and illogical to support the demise of your own people.

Straw man and false premise - AGAIN

You must be the most illogical Polish Nazi buffoon in North America.

I'll attempt to debate you.... If all races aren't equal... Why should superior races be overrun by inferior races?

No, there's really no evidence of racial equality, and I'd like to see you prove otherwise.... Rather than running your mouth, as usual.

Many Whites in Eastern Europe were colonized, oppressed, and abused much more, and much longer than non-Whites.

Look at Estonia, a little country colonized by the Soviet Union until 1992.

Yet, Estonia is now #1 in Europe for educational PISA scores.

Now, what about Ethiopia which wasn't even colonized, and is poor, and backwards by African standards?

Now, what about Turkey, which wasn't colonized, but was in fact a huge imperial power.

Now, what about Mexico which hasn't been colonized for almost 200 years.

Why did Estonia surpass these countries in terms of wealth , and by a wide margin in intellectual factors?

There's truly nothing, nada, squat that supports your foolish notions of racial equality.
China's situation was obviously much worse than Mexico's, or Turkey's in the 20th century..... In fact even today China's still slightly behind these nations in income.

But, China's IQ, and PISA scores are way, way higher than Mexico, or Turkey's.

Could it have something to do with Chinese having huge, brachycephalic brains? As opposed to Primates which have small, dolichocephalic brains.
Chinese were discriminated against in Malaysia like in the May 13th riots..... Which happened because Chinese were richer than ethnic Malays.... The Malaysian government's answer was to create Affirmative Action for ethnic Malays..... Yet, Chinese as a minority who are often resented, and have a quota against them... still are richer than ethnic Malays today.

Could it have something to do with Chinese having much larger brains than Malays?
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
... In a world where White males are becoming increasingly fearful over what they see as an encroachment on their turf,... .

False premise.

The Whites who make sense support their right to exist, the Whites who don't make sense support the complete opposite.

You'd have to be very, very senseless, just plain emotionally detached, and illogical to support the demise of your own people.
Who is threarening White's right to exist? That is a dangerous fallacy.
... In a world where White males are becoming increasingly fearful over what they see as an encroachment on their turf,... .

False premise.

The Whites who make sense support their right to exist, the Whites who don't make sense support the complete opposite.

You'd have to be very, very senseless, just plain emotionally detached, and illogical to support the demise of your own people.
Who is threarening White's right to exist? That is a dangerous fallacy.

Mostly Capitalists, Liberals, and Jews..... The three stooges.

Whether it's intentional destruction of Whites... or just reckless stupidity.... Whites are declining.

Whites make up less percentage of the World... and also less percentages in their own country.

Take the U.S.A.... Which went from nearly 90% White in the 1960's to just over 60% White by the 2010's.

That's nearly a third of the proportion of White America cut down.
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
I don't judge inferiority by race, i judge that sort of thing on a case by case basis. I have friends of all kinds because of that.
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
I don't judge inferiority by race, i judge that sort of thing on a case by case basis. I have friends of all kinds because of that.

If Neanderthals had existed... I'm sure you'd also say judge them as individuals too.... Yes.. some Neanderthals were bright... Like the ones who first binded tar to a pole to create a spearhead..... Really whichever Neanderthal did that probably had a high IQ.... Even if most Neanderthals did not.
... In a world where White males are becoming increasingly fearful over what they see as an encroachment on their turf,... .

False premise.

The Whites who make sense support their right to exist, the Whites who don't make sense support the complete opposite.

You'd have to be very, very senseless, just plain emotionally detached, and illogical to support the demise of your own people.
Who is threarening White's right to exist? That is a dangerous fallacy.

Mostly Capitalists, Liberals, and Jews..... The three stooges.

Whether it's intentional destruction of Whites... or just reckless stupidity.... Whites are declining.

Whites make up less percentage of the World... and also less percentages in their own country.

Take the U.S.A.... Which went from nearly 90% White in the 1960's to just over 60% White by the 2010's.

That's nearly a third of the proportion of White America cut down.
Details please. i am desperate to know how White capitalists and Ashkenazi Jews are destroying people who look just like them.
Even if a superior race, erases an inferior race... It's wrong.

I think it's sad when a people can't showcase their unique customs, facial features, or tell their stories.

Which is obviously a natural reaction.... Only a heartless cold blooded monster would support anyone's heritage to be erased.
I don't judge inferiority by race, i judge that sort of thing on a case by case basis. I have friends of all kinds because of that.

If Neanderthals had existed... I'm sure you'd also say judge them as individuals too.... Yes.. some Neanderthals were bright... Like the ones who first binded tar to a pole to create a spearhead..... Really whichever Neanderthal did that probably had a high IQ.... Even if most Neanderthals did not.

Look chum if every one looked alike people would still find something to hate in each other. Consider the civil wars of the world including our own.

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