Today’s GOP - Censure Those Who Convicted Trump But Not Klan Leaders

The GOP is a total joke.

We keep saying how can they get any lower, but they do.

Bush and Trump were totally failed presidents with failed results, the worst in US history.

These retards are going to double down on failure.

Bush was a failure. Trump was a bigger failure leaving office in shame and disgrace with the country in ruin and crisis...

God help us what the next idiot failed GOP president will do. America can't afford to ever elect a republican ever again.
And you think permanent far left one party rule is the answer?
The GOP is the party of complete failure.

Bush was a terrible president with failed results
Trump was a terrible president with failed results

Bush and Trump have destroyed America.

How come when a GOP presidents leaves office the country is in ruin and crisis??

There needs to be accountability in the GOP, they are the party of total failure, a total joke.

1. It is worth noting that Iraq is still a functioning democracy.

2. And Trump was doing very well, until covid hit. Your pretense of failure, is bullshit.
1. Barely.

2. Doing "very well"? He never broke 50% approval. That is also barely, not very.

1. I'm grading on a curve. It is an arabic muslim country after all.

2. Interesting. YOu define success by popularity. I was referring to his actual job performance. I thought my covid reference made that clear.
Nice to see you admit Donnie Covidseed fucked up the response. :lol:

You can't judge a President harshly when a random event fucks up the whole world.

Any serious attempt to judge Trump's administration has to look primarily at the effects of his policies and actions before covid.

And he was doing pretty good. I especially was excited to see lower end wages rising.

You can when the response was botched so incredibly badly.

Which provides a good motive for partisan lefties to generate numbers that make it look like that happened.

Ah, so now we have the root of your ridiculous conspiracy theory. :lol: Trump fucked up the COVID response all on his own. He didn't need any "help" from shadowy doctors you can't prove exist, COVID truther.

There is nothing ridiculous about it. You people have been hysterical since Trump was elected and have conspired in other ways to gin up bullshit ways of undermining Trump.

Hell, the Very Fine People lie, where Trump stated that some of the anti-confederates were "very fine people" and you people like and said that he said that about nazis, is huge example.

My point stand. Trump polices seemed to be working pretty good, before Covid.

Yes, Trump was coasting on his predecessors accomplishments...until he botched the COVID response.
The predecessor who said "There's no magic wand to bring back those manufacturing jobs."
And Trump did just 2 years later.

Well, he started. It was certainly encouraging, before covid. And if he had had 4 more years, AND/OR had time to deal with China...;

That could have changed teh world. Which is why the dems were so hysterical.
Trump's Tea Party (TTP) will end up like the Paul Ryan Tea Party seen here:

This is old news, I posted this yesterday as a reply in another thread on the topic. He is being censured because he had previously stated he thought the whole thing was unconstitutional and then voted to convict. Trump wasn't given a chance to defend himself in the House, a chance to call witnesses, nothing. He was snap impeached illegally without due process. The entire thing was unconstitutional as 45 out of 50 senators agreed.

Cassidy is a traitor and should be treated as such.

"Traitor" to --- what?

Who does he work for? His constituents in Louisiana.
What did he take an Oath to defend? The United States Constitution.

--- where's the traiting?
The democrat [sic] party, not the republican [sic] party, is the home of was founded by slave owners, started the Civil War to keep black human beings as slaves, after being defeated by the republican [sic] party and their slaves freed by the republican [sic] party they enacted the black codes, jim crow laws, it's members started the ku klux klan [sic] and they fought every single Civil Rights act except the last 2 when the racist lyndon [sic] baines [sic] johnson [sic], also a suspected member of the Texas kkk [sic], told them they couldn't murder enough blacks and republicans [sic] to keep blacks from being able to vote, so they had to suppor [sic] the very end of the Civil Rights legislation to have any hope of holding political power......


There IS NO FUCKING PARTY HOME OF RACISM, Dipweed. Racism is not a political issue; it's a social construct invented by MERCHANTS, specifically Spanish, Portuguese, French and British slave traders running across the Atlantic to exploit the "new world", and they did that SiX HUNDRED YEARS AGO.

Number two, while there is STILL no such thing as "the democrat party", meanwhile the Democratic Party --learn to English-- was founded by Martin van Buren, who was not a slaveowner and abhorred the peculiar institution; number three, NO political party "started the Civil War", in fact the Democrat POTUS candidate in 1860 came in dead last in a field of four candidates, winning a total of one (1) state (Missouri), besides which you'll find it inconvenient that not only did that losing Democrat go on a media blitz to talk the South out of secession and when that didn't work advised Lincoln on how to defeat them, as well as the fact that Lincoln's VP was a Democrat; number four, NO POLITICAL PARTY FOUGHT THE CIVIL WAR, number five, "black codes" and "Jim Crow laws" were installed by local and municipal governments, not political parties, number six, NOBODY who started EITHER KKK (there were two, 1865-1869/1915-1944) had any known political party affiliation, in fact in the time and place of the original founding political parties didn't even exist, number seven, both Democrats AND Republicans both supported and opposed Civil Rights laws; number eight Lyndon Johnson (learn to spell) opposed and fought the Klan all his life as did his father, and in fact was the first POTUS since Ulysses Grant to prosecute the Klan, number nine, your quote at the end is bullshit.

Prove ANY SHRED of that wrong, dinkwad. Stop dumping BULLSHIT on these pages -- it WILL get flushed.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That goes all the way back to 1924 when the Klan endorsed Calvin Coolidge because he was the only major candidate who refused to denounce them. Plus ça change....
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.
Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
You've obviously missed the point.

But, you're a Trumpster, so we forgive you!


There is no point.

The O.P is asking why they are censuring the traitors today, but didn't (past tense) censure Duke over years ago.
It's like us asking why did Biden oppose Gay marriage. 10 years ago.
Things change and move on.

The funny thing is that they didn't censure Marjorie Greene but censured fully credentialed conservatives from their party for insufficiently supporting Trump.

Just goes to show, it's no longer the GoP but the MAGA.

Marjorie Greene said stupid things.....the moronic 7 violated their oaths of office......

How, specifically?

They voted to impeach a man who was no longer President and who did not commit any fact, he was exercising his legal Rights, and his 1st Amendment Right to free speech....

Wrong again, shitshoes. They impeached him January 13, while he was in office.
Is anyone really surprised?

View attachment 457050

Is David Duke an elected Republican?

Thanks for playing.

Exactly! When I saw David Duke, that gave me a good laugh!!! They have to go back to the 80's to find something even remotely connected, and even then it's not relevant in any way. Hey Op, when was Robert Byrd censored by the Dems for being a Grand Wizard?? He served until 2010 if my memory is correct??

That would have been impossible since Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.
That's where the GOP is right now.

I guess it has to hit rock bottom before it can turn around.
You'd think they'd know they hit rock bottom already.... :eusa_whistle:

They discovered quicksand....

The GOP has supported legal equality for blacks for generations.

Your pretense that they have not, is vile.
The republicans know they can't win with the Blacks against them so they engage in voter suppression. Here's one link. Maybe you have a link to prove your point?
Why is it that you racist Dimwingers think black people are too stupid to get an ID?
Why do you think they need a gvt issued photo ID to vote, when they were already registered to vote and vetted?

What purpose does it serve?
To make sure the person casting a vote is who is using the voter registration, Stupid.
This is old news, I posted this yesterday as a reply in another thread on the topic. He is being censured because he had previously stated he thought the whole thing was unconstitutional and then voted to convict. Trump wasn't given a chance to defend himself in the House, a chance to call witnesses, nothing. He was snap impeached illegally without due process. The entire thing was unconstitutional as 45 out of 50 senators agreed.

Cassidy is a traitor and should be treated as such.

"Traitor" to --- what?

Who does he work for? His constituents in Louisiana.
What did he take an Oath to defend? The United States Constitution.

--- where's the traiting?

That is not even a fucking word, dumbass!
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

Yeah, it was the second one I was thinking of. "disbanding" after a huge irs bill and losing your charter, sounds like "destroyed" to me.

I guess you could believe that the time was a coincidence.

Adn the dem solid south was built on segregation and an alliance with racists and the klan.

That the klan was not completely partisan in it's operation, is interesting.

Are you hinting that it was pretty equally BI-partisan, or where those republicans exceptions?
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

1. They might have. People do change.

2. And besides, that was 1944 they disbanded. The vast majority of them are dead by now.

3. We have violent mobs rioting from the LEFT rioting almost non stop for the last two years. I would thinks THAT is hte number one domestic terror threat in the US. Teh FBI has been politicized and corrupted by dem partisans.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

1. They might have. People do change.

2. And besides, that was 1944 they disbanded. The vast majority of them are dead by now.

3. We have violent mobs rioting from the LEFT rioting almost non stop for the last two years. I would thinks THAT is hte number one domestic terror threat in the US. Teh FBI has been politicized and corrupted by dem partisans.

1. Oh, I’m sure some did...a drop in the proverbial bucket. Most of them just “went into the closet“ when their views were no longer popular in polite society.

2. The Klan isn’t disbanded, Pollyanna. They exist today and happily riot with other Trump supporters.

3. You’ve lost whatever marbles you had left.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

1. They might have. People do change.

2. And besides, that was 1944 they disbanded. The vast majority of them are dead by now.

3. We have violent mobs rioting from the LEFT rioting almost non stop for the last two years. I would thinks THAT is hte number one domestic terror threat in the US. Teh FBI has been politicized and corrupted by dem partisans.

1. Oh, I’m sure some did...a drop in the proverbial bucket. Most of them just “went into the closet“ when their views were no longer popular in polite society.

2. The Klan isn’t disbanded, Pollyanna. They exist today and happily riot with other Trump supporters.

3. You’ve lost whatever marbles you had left.

1. My parents were FDR era democrats. By the time I knew them, they were in lockstep with the dem party on say, civil rights and teh vietnam war. Unless my understanding of the usa 1930s is way off, they changed during the course of their lives.

2. The Klan(s) that were significant disbanded. The new one is an insignificant fringe, who do very little, other than try to keep mailing lists going.

3. Non-stop riots that are killing people in the streets, are a smaller threat than some people that might do something someday? And I'M the one that has no marbles? LOL!!!! You and the FBI belong in padded rooms.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

1. They might have. People do change.

2. And besides, that was 1944 they disbanded. The vast majority of them are dead by now.

3. We have violent mobs rioting from the LEFT rioting almost non stop for the last two years. I would thinks THAT is hte number one domestic terror threat in the US. Teh FBI has been politicized and corrupted by dem partisans.

1. Oh, I’m sure some did...a drop in the proverbial bucket. Most of them just “went into the closet“ when their views were no longer popular in polite society.

2. The Klan isn’t disbanded, Pollyanna. They exist today and happily riot with other Trump supporters.

3. You’ve lost whatever marbles you had left.

1. My parents were FDR era democrats. By the time I knew them, they were in lockstep with the dem party on say, civil rights and teh vietnam war. Unless my understanding of the usa 1930s is way off, they changed during the course of their lives.

2. The Klan(s) that were significant disbanded. The new one is an insignificant fringe, who do very little, other than try to keep mailing lists going.

3. Non-stop riots that are killing people in the streets, are a smaller threat than some people that might do something someday? And I'M the one that has no marbles? LOL!!!! You and the FBI belong in padded rooms.

1. I’m sorry, are you trying to say your parents were racist and then they “grew” out of it?

2. Just because they don’t call themselves the KKK anymore doesn’t mean they ceased to exist.These extremists white supremacy groups are the number one domestic terrorist threat in the IS. Our very own, home grown, terrorists.

3.Yes, you’ve lost your marbles. You’re doing nothing but spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories based on zero evidence.

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