Today’s GOP - Censure Those Who Convicted Trump But Not Klan Leaders

Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

1. They might have. People do change.

2. And besides, that was 1944 they disbanded. The vast majority of them are dead by now.

3. We have violent mobs rioting from the LEFT rioting almost non stop for the last two years. I would thinks THAT is hte number one domestic terror threat in the US. Teh FBI has been politicized and corrupted by dem partisans.

1. Oh, I’m sure some did...a drop in the proverbial bucket. Most of them just “went into the closet“ when their views were no longer popular in polite society.

2. The Klan isn’t disbanded, Pollyanna. They exist today and happily riot with other Trump supporters.

3. You’ve lost whatever marbles you had left.

1. My parents were FDR era democrats. By the time I knew them, they were in lockstep with the dem party on say, civil rights and teh vietnam war. Unless my understanding of the usa 1930s is way off, they changed during the course of their lives.

2. The Klan(s) that were significant disbanded. The new one is an insignificant fringe, who do very little, other than try to keep mailing lists going.

3. Non-stop riots that are killing people in the streets, are a smaller threat than some people that might do something someday? And I'M the one that has no marbles? LOL!!!! You and the FBI belong in padded rooms.

1. I’m sorry, are you trying to say your parents were racist and then they “grew” out of it?

2. Just because they don’t call themselves the KKK anymore doesn’t mean they ceased to exist.These extremists white supremacy groups are the number one domestic terrorist threat in the IS. Our very own, home grown, terrorists.

3.Yes, you’ve lost your marbles. You’re doing nothing but spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories based on zero evidence.

So you are saying Robert KKK Byrd was a silent member of the KKK while serving as DEMOCRAT Senate Majority Leader.

Got it.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.

They were a voting block for Dixiecrats until the Civil Rights era and Democrats embraced desegregation. The Klan wasn't destroyed, they just changed parties.
Hey Stupid, there are about 3000 members of the Klan nationwide. Nobody cares about them beyond you single digit IQ Dimwingers who only have "You are all racists".

You are a simpleton.
Yet the story remains on their website. No retraction.

The "updated " story.

UPDATE: New information has emerged regarding the death of the Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick that questions the initial cause of his death provided by officials close to the Capitol Police.
The paper continued to revise its story within the body of the original January 8 story:
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

1. They might have. People do change.

2. And besides, that was 1944 they disbanded. The vast majority of them are dead by now.

3. We have violent mobs rioting from the LEFT rioting almost non stop for the last two years. I would thinks THAT is hte number one domestic terror threat in the US. Teh FBI has been politicized and corrupted by dem partisans.

1. Oh, I’m sure some did...a drop in the proverbial bucket. Most of them just “went into the closet“ when their views were no longer popular in polite society.

2. The Klan isn’t disbanded, Pollyanna. They exist today and happily riot with other Trump supporters.

3. You’ve lost whatever marbles you had left.

1. My parents were FDR era democrats. By the time I knew them, they were in lockstep with the dem party on say, civil rights and teh vietnam war. Unless my understanding of the usa 1930s is way off, they changed during the course of their lives.

2. The Klan(s) that were significant disbanded. The new one is an insignificant fringe, who do very little, other than try to keep mailing lists going.

3. Non-stop riots that are killing people in the streets, are a smaller threat than some people that might do something someday? And I'M the one that has no marbles? LOL!!!! You and the FBI belong in padded rooms.

1. I’m sorry, are you trying to say your parents were racist and then they “grew” out of it?

2. Just because they don’t call themselves the KKK anymore doesn’t mean they ceased to exist.These extremists white supremacy groups are the number one domestic terrorist threat in the IS. Our very own, home grown, terrorists.

3.Yes, you’ve lost your marbles. You’re doing nothing but spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories based on zero evidence.

1. I'm saying people change. Your assumption that everyone who was racist in the past, held firm to those beliefs is wrong.

2. HOw many ws are there in America?

3. LOL!! Says the man calling my concern about mobs killing people in the streets right now, a conspiracy theory without evidence.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

1. They might have. People do change.

2. And besides, that was 1944 they disbanded. The vast majority of them are dead by now.

3. We have violent mobs rioting from the LEFT rioting almost non stop for the last two years. I would thinks THAT is hte number one domestic terror threat in the US. Teh FBI has been politicized and corrupted by dem partisans.

1. Oh, I’m sure some did...a drop in the proverbial bucket. Most of them just “went into the closet“ when their views were no longer popular in polite society.

2. The Klan isn’t disbanded, Pollyanna. They exist today and happily riot with other Trump supporters.

3. You’ve lost whatever marbles you had left.

1. My parents were FDR era democrats. By the time I knew them, they were in lockstep with the dem party on say, civil rights and teh vietnam war. Unless my understanding of the usa 1930s is way off, they changed during the course of their lives.

2. The Klan(s) that were significant disbanded. The new one is an insignificant fringe, who do very little, other than try to keep mailing lists going.

3. Non-stop riots that are killing people in the streets, are a smaller threat than some people that might do something someday? And I'M the one that has no marbles? LOL!!!! You and the FBI belong in padded rooms.

1. I’m sorry, are you trying to say your parents were racist and then they “grew” out of it?

2. Just because they don’t call themselves the KKK anymore doesn’t mean they ceased to exist.These extremists white supremacy groups are the number one domestic terrorist threat in the IS. Our very own, home grown, terrorists.

3.Yes, you’ve lost your marbles. You’re doing nothing but spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories based on zero evidence.

So you are saying Robert KKK Byrd was a silent member of the KKK while serving as DEMOCRAT Senate Majority Leader.

Got it.

Once a member of the Klan, always a member of the klan, just with a name change. That seems to be his position.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.

They were a voting block for Dixiecrats until the Civil Rights era and Democrats embraced desegregation. The Klan wasn't destroyed, they just changed parties.
Hey Stupid, there are about 3000 members of the Klan nationwide. Nobody cares about them beyond you single digit IQ Dimwingers who only have "You are all racists".

You are a simpleton.
the Klan is tiny compared to all the other white nationalist groups here.
Today its the proud boys, oath keepers, boogaloo boys, and alot of qanon nuts.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.

They were a voting block for Dixiecrats until the Civil Rights era and Democrats embraced desegregation. The Klan wasn't destroyed, they just changed parties.
Hey Stupid, there are about 3000 members of the Klan nationwide. Nobody cares about them beyond you single digit IQ Dimwingers who only have "You are all racists".

You are a simpleton.
the Klan is tiny compared to all the other white nationalist groups here.
Today its the proud boys, oath keepers, boogaloo boys, and alot of qanon nuts.

So, what is the total count of ws? Or are you just talking shit?
This is the Democrat party of today. Demonizing some mythical ideology while doing absolutely nothing for the American people. Meanwhile, life on the plantations in Democrat run cities deteriorates into anarchy.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.

They were a voting block for Dixiecrats until the Civil Rights era and Democrats embraced desegregation. The Klan wasn't destroyed, they just changed parties.
Hey Stupid, there are about 3000 members of the Klan nationwide. Nobody cares about them beyond you single digit IQ Dimwingers who only have "You are all racists".

You are a simpleton.
the Klan is tiny compared to all the other white nationalist groups here.
Today its the proud boys, oath keepers, boogaloo boys, and alot of qanon nuts.
You seem to know a bunch about those groups. How do you make it to so many meetings?
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.

They were a voting block for Dixiecrats until the Civil Rights era and Democrats embraced desegregation. The Klan wasn't destroyed, they just changed parties.
Hey Stupid, there are about 3000 members of the Klan nationwide. Nobody cares about them beyond you single digit IQ Dimwingers who only have "You are all racists".

You are a simpleton.
the Klan is tiny compared to all the other white nationalist groups here.
Today its the proud boys, oath keepers, boogaloo boys, and alot of qanon nuts.
You seem to know a bunch about those groups. How do you make it to so many meetings?

I asked him how many there are. We won't see him for a while.
This is old news, I posted this yesterday as a reply in another thread on the topic. He is being censured because he had previously stated he thought the whole thing was unconstitutional and then voted to convict. Trump wasn't given a chance to defend himself in the House, a chance to call witnesses, nothing. He was snap impeached illegally without due process. The entire thing was unconstitutional as 45 out of 50 senators agreed.

Cassidy is a traitor and should be treated as such.

"Traitor" to --- what?

Who does he work for? His constituents in Louisiana.
What did he take an Oath to defend? The United States Constitution.

--- where's the traiting?

That is not even a fucking word, dumbass!

It is now, DUMBASS <--- which is also not a word, dumbass.

When I use a word, it means what I choose it to mean. No more, no less. See, when I do that I make the presumption that my reader can FUCKING FIGURE IT OUT. Perhaps I overestimate some of my audience. At the least, the dumbassery contingent.
That's where the GOP is right now.

I guess it has to hit rock bottom before it can turn around.
You'd think they'd know they hit rock bottom already.... :eusa_whistle:

Not yet...........

NAACP lawsuit will put Trump “out of business,” lawmaker says | WTRF


Thompson, represented by the NAACP, filed the lawsuit Tuesday alleging that Trump, Giuliani, and the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers conspired to incite the attack while lawmakers were gathered to reaffirm President Biden’s Electoral College victory.

The lawsuit accuses them of violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which prohibits two or more people from conspiring to “prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat,” any office-holder from performing their duties.

“The act was put in place to protect those members of Congress so that we can actually have a democracy that stands up to the promise of the Constitution, without individuals being in fear of their intimidation or threat to their lives,” Johnson said, adding that the Capitol riots “fit perfectly” into why the legislation was passed.

Thompson compared modern-day extremist groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to the Ku Klux Klan, claiming the groups “morphed out of the Klan connection.”

Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
That's where the GOP is right now.

I guess it has to hit rock bottom before it can turn around.
You'd think they'd know they hit rock bottom already.... :eusa_whistle:

Not yet...........

NAACP lawsuit will put Trump “out of business,” lawmaker says | WTRF


Thompson, represented by the NAACP, filed the lawsuit Tuesday alleging that Trump, Giuliani, and the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers conspired to incite the attack while lawmakers were gathered to reaffirm President Biden’s Electoral College victory.

The lawsuit accuses them of violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which prohibits two or more people from conspiring to “prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat,” any office-holder from performing their duties.

“The act was put in place to protect those members of Congress so that we can actually have a democracy that stands up to the promise of the Constitution, without individuals being in fear of their intimidation or threat to their lives,” Johnson said, adding that the Capitol riots “fit perfectly” into why the legislation was passed.

Thompson compared modern-day extremist groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to the Ku Klux Klan, claiming the groups “morphed out of the Klan connection.”

"morphed out of the klan connection"?

WTF does that mean? The Klan has nothing to do with Trump, or the Proud Boys.

Thompson is a lying whore.
That's where the GOP is right now.

I guess it has to hit rock bottom before it can turn around.
You'd think they'd know they hit rock bottom already.... :eusa_whistle:

Not yet...........

NAACP lawsuit will put Trump “out of business,” lawmaker says | WTRF


Thompson, represented by the NAACP, filed the lawsuit Tuesday alleging that Trump, Giuliani, and the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers conspired to incite the attack while lawmakers were gathered to reaffirm President Biden’s Electoral College victory.

The lawsuit accuses them of violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which prohibits two or more people from conspiring to “prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat,” any office-holder from performing their duties.

“The act was put in place to protect those members of Congress so that we can actually have a democracy that stands up to the promise of the Constitution, without individuals being in fear of their intimidation or threat to their lives,” Johnson said, adding that the Capitol riots “fit perfectly” into why the legislation was passed.

Thompson compared modern-day extremist groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to the Ku Klux Klan, claiming the groups “morphed out of the Klan connection.”

"morphed out of the klan connection"?

WTF does that mean? The Klan has nothing to do with Trump, or the Proud Boys.

Thompson is a lying whore.

I think they probably got Trump with the Klan Act. Do you understand we have laws in this country?

How the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act is being used in this latest ...
Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and the NAACP are using the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 in a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump and others.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.

They were a voting block for Dixiecrats until the Civil Rights era and Democrats embraced desegregation. The Klan wasn't destroyed, they just changed parties.
Hey Stupid, there are about 3000 members of the Klan nationwide. Nobody cares about them beyond you single digit IQ Dimwingers who only have "You are all racists".

You are a simpleton.
the Klan is tiny compared to all the other white nationalist groups here.
Today its the proud boys, oath keepers, boogaloo boys, and alot of qanon nuts.
Most of them believe in the supremacy of western culture, rather than skin colour.
Their membership is open to all races.
The Klan was founded by the democrat party [sic].

Why would we cross party lines to clean up your fucking filth.

Riddle me that skippy.

Unfortunately for the historically illiterate there's no such thing as "the democrat party", but the Klan wasn't founded by any political party at all, either time. The original Klan was founded Christmas 1865 in Pulaski Tennessee by six ex-soldiers 24 to 26 years old, specifically Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt John Booker Kennedy, Capt John Lester, Maj Frank O. McCord and Richard R. Reed. NONE of them had any known political affiliation, though one had a brother who ran a traditionally Whig newspaper, but in that time and place, political parties didn't even EXIST.

Prove any of that wrong, Skippy, and when you find out you can't do it c'mon back here and bite my ass.
That's where the GOP is right now.

I guess it has to hit rock bottom before it can turn around.
You'd think they'd know they hit rock bottom already.... :eusa_whistle:

Not yet...........

NAACP lawsuit will put Trump “out of business,” lawmaker says | WTRF


Thompson, represented by the NAACP, filed the lawsuit Tuesday alleging that Trump, Giuliani, and the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers conspired to incite the attack while lawmakers were gathered to reaffirm President Biden’s Electoral College victory.

The lawsuit accuses them of violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which prohibits two or more people from conspiring to “prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat,” any office-holder from performing their duties.

“The act was put in place to protect those members of Congress so that we can actually have a democracy that stands up to the promise of the Constitution, without individuals being in fear of their intimidation or threat to their lives,” Johnson said, adding that the Capitol riots “fit perfectly” into why the legislation was passed.

Thompson compared modern-day extremist groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to the Ku Klux Klan, claiming the groups “morphed out of the Klan connection.”

"morphed out of the klan connection"?

WTF does that mean? The Klan has nothing to do with Trump, or the Proud Boys.

Thompson is a lying whore.

I think they probably got Trump with the Klan Act. Do you understand we have laws in this country?

How the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act is being used in this latest ...
Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and the NAACP are using the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 in a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump and others.

Thompson claimed a Klan connection. He was lying.

That was my point. Do you want to address it, or are you just here to troll?

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