Today’s GOP - Censure Those Who Convicted Trump But Not Klan Leaders

You already got spanked for this bullshit. Want some more?
Why can the left never tell the truth? Because they would cease to exist if they did.

The truth is their party is based on lies and misconceptions.

"The left" doesn't have a "party" dumbass. Nor do I. Your head seems to be stuck in the Dichotomy bucket. It's probably that ridiculous air duct you're wearing on your head.
The Klan was founded by the democrat party [sic].

Why would we cross party lines to clean up your fucking filth.

Riddle me that skippy.

Unfortunately for the historically illiterate there's no such thing as "the democrat party", but the Klan wasn't founded by any political party at all, either time. The original Klan was founded Christmas 1865 in Pulaski Tennessee by six ex-soldiers 24 to 26 years old, specifically Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt John Booker Kennedy, Capt John Lester, Maj Frank O. McCord and Richard R. Reed. NONE of them had any known political affiliation, though one had a brother who ran a traditionally Whig newspaper, but in that time and place, political parties didn't even EXIST.

Prove any of that wrong, Skippy, and when you find out you can't do it c'mon back here and bite my ass.

The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s.

Eat Shit Skippy

I've got google too, dummy. You filthy fucking animals lie about everything else, but now you're credible? Doesn't work that way.

You can owe me a deep throat hummer.
The Klan was founded by the democrat party [sic].

Why would we cross party lines to clean up your fucking filth.

Riddle me that skippy.

Unfortunately for the historically illiterate there's no such thing as "the democrat party", but the Klan wasn't founded by any political party at all, either time. The original Klan was founded Christmas 1865 in Pulaski Tennessee by six ex-soldiers 24 to 26 years old, specifically Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt John Booker Kennedy, Capt John Lester, Maj Frank O. McCord and Richard R. Reed. NONE of them had any known political affiliation, though one had a brother who ran a traditionally Whig newspaper, but in that time and place, political parties didn't even EXIST.

Prove any of that wrong, Skippy, and when you find out you can't do it c'mon back here and bite my ass.

The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s.

Eat Shit Skippy

I've got google too, dummy. You filthy fucking animals lie about everything else, but now you're credible? Doesn't work that way.

You can owe me a deep throat hummer.


"Carol Swain" is a fucking "Pregger U" revisionist HACK and complete liar. And she's got no sources. You want my sources, I'll come back after my appointments and load your ass up. It'll take too long to do it now. What you've got here is the script that Dennis Prager, Dishonest Hack Supreme, fed her to read on one of his bullshit YouTube videos. And I can pick it to pieces, actually already did.

History is crucial to understanding where we are and how we got here, Nimrod. When you pervert history, you're standing in the way of that. Get the fuck off the road.

"Carol Swain".... SMGDFH
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Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.

I don't have a "party" nor am I familiar with whoever the reference is but umma give you some names for homework. You want Senators? We got 'em. Gubnors, Reps, Mayors etc. You want names? All you gotta do is ask. Or search, but that might not work out well, might it.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana​
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine​
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine​
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado​
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington​
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon​
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado​

And you'll notice once you get to Da Google that all of those were when the KKK actually officially existed.

Oh and don't leave out D.C. Stephenson.... here lemme introduce ya.

Wasn't that fun? I like how one wag put a 'funny' on it way before he would have had time to read/view all that.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.
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Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.

I don't have a "party" nor am I familiar with whoever the reference is but umma give you some names for homework. You want Senators? We got 'em. Gubnors, Reps, Mayors etc. You want names? All you gotta do is ask. Or search, but that might not work out well, might it.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana​
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine​
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine​
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado​
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington​
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon​
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado​

And you'll notice once you get to Da Google that all of those were when the KKK actually officially existed.

Oh and don't leave out D.C. Stephenson.... here lemme introduce ya.

Wasn't that fun? I like how one wag put a 'funny' on it way before he would have had time to read/view all that.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

This is all pre southern strategy (Lee Atwater), which caused the vast majority of racists to switch parties. The stage was set for this by the earlier dixiecrat movement, and then returned with 1964 civil rights act.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana: died in 1954
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine: died 1961
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine: died 1961
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado: died 1949
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington: died 1957
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon: died 1941
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado: died 1948
DC Stephenson: died 1966
Is anyone really surprised?

View attachment 457050

Is David Duke an elected Republican?

Thanks for playing.

Exactly! When I saw David Duke, that gave me a good laugh!!! They have to go back to the 80's to find something even remotely connected, and even then it's not relevant in any way. Hey Op, when was Robert Byrd censored by the Dems for being a Grand Wizard?? He served until 2010 if my memory is correct??

May I point out that David Duke was a Democrat.

State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)[edit]
Threshold > 50%

First Ballot, November 1, 1975

Louisiana State Senate, 1975
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Kenneth Osterberger 22,287 66
Democratic David Duke 11,079 33
N/A Others 1
Total 100
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans)[edit]
Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979

Louisiana State Senate, 10th District, 1979
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Joseph Tiemann 21,329 57
Democratic David Duke 9,897 26
N/A Others 6,459 17
Total 37,685 100
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana results)[edit]
Threshold = Plurality

1988 Democratic Presidential primary in Louisiana
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Jesse Jackson 221,522 35
Democratic Al Gore 174,971 28
Democratic Michael Dukakis 95,661 15
Democratic Dick Gephardt 67,029 11
Democratic Gary Hart 26,437 4
Democratic David Duke 23,391 4
Democratic Others 16,008 3
Total 625,019 100
Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia

Duke left the KKK long before he became a Republican....

"In 1979, after his first, abortive run for president (as a Democrat) and a series of highly publicized violent Klan incidents, Duke quietly incorporated the nonprofit National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) in an attempt to leave the baggage of the Klan behind."
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

1. They might have. People do change.

2. And besides, that was 1944 they disbanded. The vast majority of them are dead by now.

3. We have violent mobs rioting from the LEFT rioting almost non stop for the last two years. I would thinks THAT is hte number one domestic terror threat in the US. Teh FBI has been politicized and corrupted by dem partisans.

1. Oh, I’m sure some did...a drop in the proverbial bucket. Most of them just “went into the closet“ when their views were no longer popular in polite society.

2. The Klan isn’t disbanded, Pollyanna. They exist today and happily riot with other Trump supporters.

3. You’ve lost whatever marbles you had left.

1. My parents were FDR era democrats. By the time I knew them, they were in lockstep with the dem party on say, civil rights and teh vietnam war. Unless my understanding of the usa 1930s is way off, they changed during the course of their lives.

2. The Klan(s) that were significant disbanded. The new one is an insignificant fringe, who do very little, other than try to keep mailing lists going.

3. Non-stop riots that are killing people in the streets, are a smaller threat than some people that might do something someday? And I'M the one that has no marbles? LOL!!!! You and the FBI belong in padded rooms.

1. I’m sorry, are you trying to say your parents were racist and then they “grew” out of it?

2. Just because they don’t call themselves the KKK anymore doesn’t mean they ceased to exist.These extremists white supremacy groups are the number one domestic terrorist threat in the IS. Our very own, home grown, terrorists.

3.Yes, you’ve lost your marbles. You’re doing nothing but spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories based on zero evidence.

1. I'm saying people change. Your assumption that everyone who was racist in the past, held firm to those beliefs is wrong.

2. HOw many ws are there in America?

3. LOL!! Says the man calling my concern about mobs killing people in the streets right now, a conspiracy theory without evidence.
1. Yes, people do, but it’s rare.

2. White supremacists don’t often self identify. (They get fired from their jobs)

3. Where are these mobs “killing people right now” exactly?
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.

I don't have a "party" nor am I familiar with whoever the reference is but umma give you some names for homework. You want Senators? We got 'em. Gubnors, Reps, Mayors etc. You want names? All you gotta do is ask. Or search, but that might not work out well, might it.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana​
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine​
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine​
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado​
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington​
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon​
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado​

And you'll notice once you get to Da Google that all of those were when the KKK actually officially existed.

Oh and don't leave out D.C. Stephenson.... here lemme introduce ya.

Wasn't that fun? I like how one wag put a 'funny' on it way before he would have had time to read/view all that.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

This is all pre southern strategy (Lee Atwater), which caused the vast majority of racists to switch parties. The stage was set for this by the earlier dixiecrat movement, and then returned with 1964 civil rights act.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana: died in 1954
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine: died 1961
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine: died 1961
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado: died 1949
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington: died 1957
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon: died 1941
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado: died 1948
DC Stephenson: died 1966

Died 1954? LOL!!!

And the Southern Strategy is a debunked myth.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.

I don't have a "party" nor am I familiar with whoever the reference is but umma give you some names for homework. You want Senators? We got 'em. Gubnors, Reps, Mayors etc. You want names? All you gotta do is ask. Or search, but that might not work out well, might it.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana​
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine​
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine​
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado​
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington​
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon​
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado​

And you'll notice once you get to Da Google that all of those were when the KKK actually officially existed.

Oh and don't leave out D.C. Stephenson.... here lemme introduce ya.

Wasn't that fun? I like how one wag put a 'funny' on it way before he would have had time to read/view all that.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

This is all pre southern strategy (Lee Atwater), which caused the vast majority of racists to switch parties. The stage was set for this by the earlier dixiecrat movement, and then returned with 1964 civil rights act.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana: died in 1954
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine: died 1961
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine: died 1961
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado: died 1949
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington: died 1957
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon: died 1941
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado: died 1948
DC Stephenson: died 1966

Died 1954? LOL!!!

And the Southern Strategy is a debunked myth.

Southern Strategy keeps being brought back to life, Trump kept using it, also such as in georgia.

Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

1. They might have. People do change.

2. And besides, that was 1944 they disbanded. The vast majority of them are dead by now.

3. We have violent mobs rioting from the LEFT rioting almost non stop for the last two years. I would thinks THAT is hte number one domestic terror threat in the US. Teh FBI has been politicized and corrupted by dem partisans.

1. Oh, I’m sure some did...a drop in the proverbial bucket. Most of them just “went into the closet“ when their views were no longer popular in polite society.

2. The Klan isn’t disbanded, Pollyanna. They exist today and happily riot with other Trump supporters.

3. You’ve lost whatever marbles you had left.

1. My parents were FDR era democrats. By the time I knew them, they were in lockstep with the dem party on say, civil rights and teh vietnam war. Unless my understanding of the usa 1930s is way off, they changed during the course of their lives.

2. The Klan(s) that were significant disbanded. The new one is an insignificant fringe, who do very little, other than try to keep mailing lists going.

3. Non-stop riots that are killing people in the streets, are a smaller threat than some people that might do something someday? And I'M the one that has no marbles? LOL!!!! You and the FBI belong in padded rooms.

1. I’m sorry, are you trying to say your parents were racist and then they “grew” out of it?

2. Just because they don’t call themselves the KKK anymore doesn’t mean they ceased to exist.These extremists white supremacy groups are the number one domestic terrorist threat in the IS. Our very own, home grown, terrorists.

3.Yes, you’ve lost your marbles. You’re doing nothing but spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories based on zero evidence.

1. I'm saying people change. Your assumption that everyone who was racist in the past, held firm to those beliefs is wrong.

2. HOw many ws are there in America?

3. LOL!! Says the man calling my concern about mobs killing people in the streets right now, a conspiracy theory without evidence.
1. Yes, people do, but it’s rare.

2. White supremacists don’t often self identify. (They get fired from their jobs)

3. Where are these mobs “killing people right now” exactly?

1. Is it? What makes you think that?

2. I've seen that. A rise in number of organizations could just be how easy it is to organize online. An increase in incidents could be COMPLETELY from a rise in false reports. Do you not find it odd that the left has not compiled a big scary number of how many ws there are in the country?

3. The mobs move around. The deaths are random. I don't know where teh most recent death was, but I know that it was not the last.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.

I don't have a "party" nor am I familiar with whoever the reference is but umma give you some names for homework. You want Senators? We got 'em. Gubnors, Reps, Mayors etc. You want names? All you gotta do is ask. Or search, but that might not work out well, might it.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana​
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine​
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine​
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado​
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington​
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon​
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado​

And you'll notice once you get to Da Google that all of those were when the KKK actually officially existed.

Oh and don't leave out D.C. Stephenson.... here lemme introduce ya.

Wasn't that fun? I like how one wag put a 'funny' on it way before he would have had time to read/view all that.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

This is all pre southern strategy (Lee Atwater), which caused the vast majority of racists to switch parties. The stage was set for this by the earlier dixiecrat movement, and then returned with 1964 civil rights act.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana: died in 1954
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine: died 1961
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine: died 1961
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado: died 1949
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington: died 1957
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon: died 1941
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado: died 1948
DC Stephenson: died 1966

That list was in power WAY before the Dixiecrats, which was two people running in the 1948 election. It would be oversimplification to suggest the infamous Southern Strategy "caused" the majority of racists to switch parties --- those cracks were breaking long before that so it's more accurate to say the Southern Strategy took advantage of those fissures. The last significant wound to the infamous bipolar Democrat "Solid South" was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when Strom Thurmond did what had been unthinkable and switched parties (aprés lui, le deluge). Before that and the more minor strains with the Kennedy Administration, Thurmond had endorsed Eisenhower in 1952, which I believe is why the Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot as he was running for the Senate (he then won that seat as a write-in).

Prior to that was the aforementioned Dixiecrats of 1948, which consisted of Thurmond and Mississippi Governor Fielding Wright, which was generated when Thurmond and fellow travellers heard too much about civil rights at the Democratic convention from the likes of Harry Truman and the young mayor of Minneapolis Hubert Humphrey and walked out to run their own candidate (shades of 1860 when the same thing happened). But the original crack, as far as historical events IMHO dates to 1936, when Franklin Roosevelt, at the height of his influence and about to win a landslide, got the party's Presidential nomination rules changed from a two-thirds majority of the vote to a simple (50% plus one) majority, which cut the knees off the Southern bloc's ability to hold out for its hyperconservative agenda, as it had most dramatically in 1924 when it held up that convention trying to stop the party platform from denouncing the Klan. It became the longest convention in history and required a hundred ballots before it settled on dark horse John W. Davis (who immediately denounced the Klan on his own). The intervening World War II put the regional differences on the back burner until the Dixiecrats erupted.

And then a generation prior to that, at the turn of the century, the Democratic and Republican Parties were essentially swapping constituencies, with the Democrats taking on the interests of minorities, immigrants and labor, while the Republicans cozied up to big business, the wealthy, corporations and Wall Street. That's arguably where the schism really starts, or at least where the seeds are sown.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.

I don't have a "party" nor am I familiar with whoever the reference is but umma give you some names for homework. You want Senators? We got 'em. Gubnors, Reps, Mayors etc. You want names? All you gotta do is ask. Or search, but that might not work out well, might it.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana​
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine​
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine​
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado​
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington​
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon​
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado​

And you'll notice once you get to Da Google that all of those were when the KKK actually officially existed.

Oh and don't leave out D.C. Stephenson.... here lemme introduce ya.

Wasn't that fun? I like how one wag put a 'funny' on it way before he would have had time to read/view all that.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

This is all pre southern strategy (Lee Atwater), which caused the vast majority of racists to switch parties. The stage was set for this by the earlier dixiecrat movement, and then returned with 1964 civil rights act.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana: died in 1954
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine: died 1961
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine: died 1961
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado: died 1949
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington: died 1957
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon: died 1941
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado: died 1948
DC Stephenson: died 1966

That list was in power WAY before the Dixiecrats, which was two people running in the 1948 election. It would be oversimplification to suggest the infamous Southern Strategy "caused" the majority of racists to switch parties --- those cracks were breaking long before that so it's more accurate to say the Southern Strategy took advantage of those fissures. The last significant wound to the infamous bipolar Democrat "Solid South" was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when Strom Thurmond did what had been unthinkable and switched parties (aprés lui, le deluge). Before that and the more minor strains with the Kennedy Administration, Thurmond had endorsed Eisenhower in 1952, which I believe is why the Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot as he was running for the Senate (he then won that seat as a write-in).

Prior to that was the aforementioned Dixiecrats of 1948, which consisted of Thurmond and Mississippi Governor Fielding Wright, which was generated when Thurmond and fellow travellers heard too much about civil rights at the Democratic convention from the likes of Harry Truman and the young mayor of Minneapolis Hubert Humphrey and walked out to run their own candidate (shades of 1860 when the same thing happened). But the original crack, as far as historical events IMHO dates to 1936, when Franklin Roosevelt, at the height of his influence and about to win a landslide, got the party's Presidential nomination rules changed from a two-thirds majority of the vote to a simple (50% plus one) majority, which cut the knees off the Southern bloc's ability to hold out for its hyperconservative agenda, as it had most dramatically in 1924 when it held up that convention trying to stop the party platform from denouncing the Klan. It became the longest convention in history and required a hundred ballots before it settled on dark horse John W. Davis (who immediately denounced the Klan on his own). The intervening World War II put the regional differences on the back burner until the Dixiecrats erupted.

And then a generation prior to that, at the turn of the century, the Democratic and Republican Parties were essentially swapping constituencies, with the Democrats taking on the interests of minorities, immigrants and labor, while the Republicans cozied up to big business, the wealthy, corporations and Wall Street. That's arguably where the schism really starts, or at least where the seeds are sown.

awesome, much more detailed than I could have ever come up with.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.

I don't have a "party" nor am I familiar with whoever the reference is but umma give you some names for homework. You want Senators? We got 'em. Gubnors, Reps, Mayors etc. You want names? All you gotta do is ask. Or search, but that might not work out well, might it.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana​
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine​
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine​
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado​
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington​
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon​
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado​

And you'll notice once you get to Da Google that all of those were when the KKK actually officially existed.

Oh and don't leave out D.C. Stephenson.... here lemme introduce ya.

Wasn't that fun? I like how one wag put a 'funny' on it way before he would have had time to read/view all that.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

The Klan and White Supremacists endorsed Hitlery and Pedo Joe. And I didn't have to go back a century like you, Loser. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

1. They might have. People do change.

2. And besides, that was 1944 they disbanded. The vast majority of them are dead by now.

3. We have violent mobs rioting from the LEFT rioting almost non stop for the last two years. I would thinks THAT is hte number one domestic terror threat in the US. Teh FBI has been politicized and corrupted by dem partisans.

1. Oh, I’m sure some did...a drop in the proverbial bucket. Most of them just “went into the closet“ when their views were no longer popular in polite society.

2. The Klan isn’t disbanded, Pollyanna. They exist today and happily riot with other Trump supporters.

3. You’ve lost whatever marbles you had left.

1. My parents were FDR era democrats. By the time I knew them, they were in lockstep with the dem party on say, civil rights and teh vietnam war. Unless my understanding of the usa 1930s is way off, they changed during the course of their lives.

2. The Klan(s) that were significant disbanded. The new one is an insignificant fringe, who do very little, other than try to keep mailing lists going.

3. Non-stop riots that are killing people in the streets, are a smaller threat than some people that might do something someday? And I'M the one that has no marbles? LOL!!!! You and the FBI belong in padded rooms.

1. I’m sorry, are you trying to say your parents were racist and then they “grew” out of it?

2. Just because they don’t call themselves the KKK anymore doesn’t mean they ceased to exist.These extremists white supremacy groups are the number one domestic terrorist threat in the IS. Our very own, home grown, terrorists.

3.Yes, you’ve lost your marbles. You’re doing nothing but spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories based on zero evidence.

1. I'm saying people change. Your assumption that everyone who was racist in the past, held firm to those beliefs is wrong.

2. HOw many ws are there in America?

3. LOL!! Says the man calling my concern about mobs killing people in the streets right now, a conspiracy theory without evidence.
1. Yes, people do, but it’s rare.

2. White supremacists don’t often self identify. (They get fired from their jobs)

3. Where are these mobs “killing people right now” exactly?

1. Is it? What makes you think that?

2. I've seen that. A rise in number of organizations could just be how easy it is to organize online. An increase in incidents could be COMPLETELY from a rise in false reports. Do you not find it odd that the left has not compiled a big scary number of how many ws there are in the country?

3. The mobs move around. The deaths are random. I don't know where teh most recent death was, but I know that it was not the last.
1. The fact that very few former racists "come out" as former racists. Change is hard, especially of ingrained beliefs.

Attitudes, particularly racial prejudice, which serves a number of psychological and material functions, often have a basic core that is resistant to change—
2. The rise in incidents "could be" from space aliens, but it's not. The rise in these white supremacist and nationalist groups mirrors what is being observed in other countries as well. They are a bigger threat than the Islamic terrorists that have us undressing at airports.

3. Surprise, surprise, making yet another bullshit claim you can't back up. Becoming quite a bad habit with you. Just stop with your ridiculous false equivalency.

Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.

I don't have a "party" nor am I familiar with whoever the reference is but umma give you some names for homework. You want Senators? We got 'em. Gubnors, Reps, Mayors etc. You want names? All you gotta do is ask. Or search, but that might not work out well, might it.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana​
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine​
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine​
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado​
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington​
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon​
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado​

And you'll notice once you get to Da Google that all of those were when the KKK actually officially existed.

Oh and don't leave out D.C. Stephenson.... here lemme introduce ya.

Wasn't that fun? I like how one wag put a 'funny' on it way before he would have had time to read/view all that.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

The Klan and White Supremacists endorsed Hitlery and Pedo Joe. And I didn't have to go back a century like you, Loser. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

As noted upthread, there is no "the KKK" as a unit, and there hasn't been since 1944. So basically you're salivating over your own Composition Fallacy, like a toddler pointing proudly to his turd.

BEFORE that date however, in the aforementioned 1924 and 1928 elections the KKK was indeed an organization, a coordinated and powerful one spread coast-to-coast. It endorsed Coolidge because he was the only POTUS candidate who would not denounce them, and it endorsed Hoover because the Democrat, Al Smith, was a Catholic. In fact KKK ran a national smear campaign against Smith exactly for that reason.

Catholics, you see, like immigrants, like labor and unions, like minorities in general, were Klan targets. They were also constituents of the Democratic Party. And you can review --- or in your case read for the first time ever ---- the end part of post 194 to see why that was.
Last edited:
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.

I don't have a "party" nor am I familiar with whoever the reference is but umma give you some names for homework. You want Senators? We got 'em. Gubnors, Reps, Mayors etc. You want names? All you gotta do is ask. Or search, but that might not work out well, might it.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana​
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine​
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine​
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado​
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington​
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon​
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado​

And you'll notice once you get to Da Google that all of those were when the KKK actually officially existed.

Oh and don't leave out D.C. Stephenson.... here lemme introduce ya.

Wasn't that fun? I like how one wag put a 'funny' on it way before he would have had time to read/view all that.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

The Klan and White Supremacists endorsed Hitlery and Pedo Joe. And I didn't have to go back a century like you, Loser. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

As noted upthread, there is no "the KKK" as a unit, and there hasn't been since 1944. So basically you're salivating over your own Composition Fallacy, like a toddler pointing proudly to his turd.

BEFORE that date however, in the aforementioned 1924 and 1928 elections the KKK was indeed an organization, a coordinated and powerful one spread coast-to-coast. It endorsed Coolidge because he was the only POTUS candidate who would not denounce them, and it endorsed Hoover because the Democrat, Al Smith, was a Catholic. In fact KKK ran a national smear campaign against Smith exactly for that reason.

Catholics, you see, like immigrants, like labor and unions, like minorities in general, were Klan targets. They were also constituents of the Democratic Party. And you can review --- or in your case read for the first time ever ---- the end part of post 194 to see why that was.

You keep going back 80 years..................I showed you the KKK & White Supremacists endorsed YOUR PAST TWO PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES, Moron.

You keep losing.
Thread title. "GOP today"
O.P subject: A newspaper article from 1989.

Just like the fake impeachment evidence.
The Klan have long been an important voting block for the GOP, the Party would never do anything to alienate that constituency.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

This new incarnation of them, is an irrelevant fringe.

You pretend otherwise, to give you an excuse to dehumanize your enemies.

Why do you want to dehumanize your enemies? Historically, that is not something people of good intent do.
republicans want to keep confederate monuments and everything, "my heritage!".
Democrats say losers dont get participation trophies.
Its the Klan who wants the confederate everywhere.
This is why southern strategy happened.

Yes, that is a good example of how you are dehumanizing your enemies.

More and more liberals are admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps.

Are you ready to be honest, or are you still lying?
Please link to these alleged liberals that are "admitting that the end game is mass murder or concentration camps." ...this ought to be good.

No. You know it is true and I can't be bothered. Address the facts.

Actually I don't know that is true and since you, a COVID truther, is the one making the claim, I'm gonna need links, liar.

I'm not a liar. I think by now, you have a sense of how I am a deeply honest person.

I know you don't like that fact. But on some level you know it.

So, knock off the shit. The truth is that you already have a rationalization in place to dismiss the links if I were to waste the time finding the examples.

So, let's just skip to your rationalization and I will address it.
I have no need to rationalize something you made up, liar. Link to all these liberals you claim want to kill you or put you in a concentration camp.

Why? YOu are not going to admit anything. You will just rationalize a reason to dismiss it.

I don't have to since you can't prove it happened.

Whatever. We can go back to my original point then.

That is moronic and not true. The Klan was always an important voting bloc for the DEMs, until they were destroyed.

Nnnno, not really. First off they were not "destroyed". They were officially disbanded, in 1869, and then revived in 1915 which became the much bigger one that spread coast-to-coast, the one that burned the crosses, the one we have all the pictures of. But that Klan, when it dabbled in politics at all (and most of what it did was apolitical), supported or opposed either Democrats or Republicans (or No Party candidates) according to whatever worked in that time and place. It got Republicans elected to high state office in Maine, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and it got Democrats elected in the South. In Oregon it got a Democrat Governor and a Republican Mayor of Portland. In Colorado it was the reverse. This latter-day revisionism that it was somehow a political party machine is so much malarkey.

Oh and just to complete the history that second Klan was officially disbanded in 1944. The IRS slapped a 2/3 of a million dollar back tax bill on it and at the same time the Governor of Georgia revoked its charter.

And despite the official organization membership dwindling, the racists didn't stop being racist. They joined militias and other white supremacy groups. We are talking about the number one domestic terrorists threat in the United States.

Indeed. Everything Klannish since 1944 has been knuckledragger yahoos playing dress-up and going HEY LOOKA ME IMMA KLAN. None had to coordinate with or get licence from any national network.

That's exactly what David Dookey was doing when he dressed up in bedsheets. Playing dress-up. Local dress-up groups didn't coordinate and even fought with each other.

There was another guy, one Samuel Green, who made noises about restarting a THIRD Klan just after World War II. IRS told him "Okay, then you'll assume this 2/3 of a million dollar tax liability", That gave Green pause, but happily he took a heart attack and keeled over in 1949 and that never happened.
The fact the only person you clowns can bring up on the Republican side is a State Representative from LA in the 80s who has been ostracized by the Republican party since then tells everyone you have nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your party elected a KKK Leader to the US Senate until he went toes up in 2010, Dumbass.

I don't have a "party" nor am I familiar with whoever the reference is but umma give you some names for homework. You want Senators? We got 'em. Gubnors, Reps, Mayors etc. You want names? All you gotta do is ask. Or search, but that might not work out well, might it.

Ed Jackson -- Governor, Indiana​
Owen Brewster -- Governor/Senator, Maine​
Ben Paulen -- Governor, Maine​
Rice Means - Senator, Colorado​
Albert Johnston -- Rep, Washington​
George Luis Baker -- Mayor, Portland Oregon​
Clarence Morley -- Governor, Colorado​

And you'll notice once you get to Da Google that all of those were when the KKK actually officially existed.

Oh and don't leave out D.C. Stephenson.... here lemme introduce ya.

Wasn't that fun? I like how one wag put a 'funny' on it way before he would have had time to read/view all that.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

When I get back we'll talk about Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. Both of whom the Klan endorsed.

The Klan and White Supremacists endorsed Hitlery and Pedo Joe. And I didn't have to go back a century like you, Loser. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

As noted upthread, there is no "the KKK" as a unit, and there hasn't been since 1944. So basically you're salivating over your own Composition Fallacy, like a toddler pointing proudly to his turd.

BEFORE that date however, in the aforementioned 1924 and 1928 elections the KKK was indeed an organization, a coordinated and powerful one spread coast-to-coast. It endorsed Coolidge because he was the only POTUS candidate who would not denounce them, and it endorsed Hoover because the Democrat, Al Smith, was a Catholic. In fact KKK ran a national smear campaign against Smith exactly for that reason.

Catholics, you see, like immigrants, like labor and unions, like minorities in general, were Klan targets. They were also constituents of the Democratic Party. And you can review --- or in your case read for the first time ever ---- the end part of post 194 to see why that was.

You keep going back 80 years..................I showed you the KKK & White Supremacists endorsed YOUR PAST TWO PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES, Moron.

You keep losing.

Those are satirical endorsements.

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