Today’s version of Joe Biden isn’t all there.

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for this one FuckBoi.

Tell me, has any musician told Biden not to use their music ever again, like everyone has done with Donald Trump? Even Dee Snider from Twisted Sister, who is a friend of Donald Trump, told him to stop using 'We're not going to take it".

Nobody wants to be associated with your fat liar. I've given you a link to ignore.

"January 17, 2017Twisted Sister guitarist and manager Jay Jay French claimed that singer Dee Snider, a one-time Celebrity Apprentice contestant and friend of Trump, quietly asked him to stop using ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ as his campaign anthem after its use sparked outcry from his fans–one of the few instances where Trump complied."

The problem is Biden has them all as supporters and he can use all of their music...

Trump proabaly knows them as he would want to fuck them as they are not his daughter... Trump has an obsession with young women and Biden obviously doesn't...

MAGA believe that you should be fucking women of your daughters age or younger... Lets remember that Trump is 3 years older than Melania's Dad..

Pretty happy Biden doesn't really care who Taylor and Brittney are...
Any person regardless of age should know who Taylor Swift is.

Some people are not into music...

Some might know her songs but haven't put a name to it...

Seriously I couldn't tell you a name of one of her albums...

I would be a lot more worried if Biden was a fan... Trump is the abnormal one the way he speaks about women and their looks, he is the freak here.. you believe in putin? Lol. But yes, our current buffoon is worthless, same as trudeau.

Talk about senility. Lets do a little test to see if you are sane:

Can a male, xy, have a baby? Y or N
Are you anti-vaccination if you've had most vaccines but not the mRNA technology? Y or N

No I don't "believe in Putin". I believe him when he says that Joe Biden isn't senile in the slightest. His moves in neutering Xi and bringing him back to the bargaining table have been masterful.

Xi has been acting like an arrogant asshole ever since the Biden Administration caught him flying spy balloons over the USA, and shot it down. Xi started threatening the USA, and acting all tough thinking Biden is senile and his government is strongly opposed at home.

These dictators believe right wing media campaigns to bring back Donald Trump, and that asshole like you really are half of the people, and they're wrong on all scores. It's really facile for the right to make false claims that Biden is corrupt, or senile on absolutely no evidence, because the rest of the world is watching, It weakens your entire nation in the eyes of the rest of the world, when the right keeps keep promoting these obvious lies, on no evidence.

Notice how Xi hasn't so much as commented on Biden reiterating that he considers Xi a dictator at the final press conference. Not one whisper.

As for me, I had my physical last week, and had a coognitive test as part of that physical. I scored 30/30. Not only am I not senile, I have a copy of my scored cognitive test as evidence.
He’s just wishing one of them would come to the WH and let Uncle Joe take a sniff and allow him to pinch a nipple or two.

I do wonder if the person signing uses the false information Joe says or if they try and cover for him so one segment of the population thinks Joe makes halfway coherent statements

They're too old
No I don't "believe in Putin". I believe him when he says that Joe Biden isn't senile in the slightest. His moves in neutering Xi and bringing him back to the bargaining table have been masterful.

Xi has been acting like an arrogant asshole ever since the Biden Administration caught him flying spy balloons over the USA, and shot it down. Xi started threatening the USA, and acting all tough thinking Biden is senile and his government is strongly opposed at home.

These dictators believe right wing media campaigns to bring back Donald Trump, and that asshole like you really are half of the people, and they're wrong on all scores. It's really facile to make false claims that Biden is corrupt, or senile because the rest of the world is watching, It weakens your entire nation in the eyes of the rest of the world, when the right keeps keep promoting these obvious lies, on no evidence.

Notice how Xi hasn't so much as commented on Biden reiterating that he considers Xi a dictator at the final press conference. Not one whisper.

As for me, I had my physical last week, and had a coognitive test as part of that physical. I scored 30/30. Not only am I not senile, I have a copy of my scored cognitive test as evidence.

Its easy and true that biden is corrupt, senile and xi is a dictator parading as loving leader.
Its easy and true that biden is corrupt, senile and xi is a dictator parading as loving leader.

There is no evidence that Biden is corrupt or senile, and if there was, Republicans would have already impeached him.

Of course Xi is a dictator. Donald Trump congratuated Xi on being elected "President for Life" and said he was going to see about doing the same, when he got home. Everyone laughed at this "joke" at the time. Turns out he really means it.
If you really believe that, you're even dumber than you seem. After his first meeting with Biden, Putin said that Biden is "very professional" and knows how to get what he wants. Putin also said that Biden isn't at all senile despite reports in American media saying that he is.

You clowns are encouraging dictators to move on the USA by claiming the President is weak and senile. Talk about treason!!!!
Lol, you think putin is going to insult the man that gave him the pipeline, thar gave him the money to invade Ukraine?
If an old guy knows who taylor swift is you need to be worried. As it is.. you can all sleep safe tonight under the raging economy of President Joe Biden.
And if he doesn't know, he shouldn't try to pretend he does, because he just looks stupid. But then we're talking about Quid Pro Joe.
There is no evidence that Biden is corrupt or senile, and if there was, Republicans would have already impeached him.

Of course Xi is a dictator. Donald Trump congratuated Xi on being elected "President for Life" and said he was going to see about doing the same, when he got home. Everyone laughed at this "joke" at the time. Turns out he really means it.
You're such a drama queen.
Well yeah, she keeps pulling publicity stunts like this football player crap.

Keeps her in the spotlight, ths time next year it'll be another dope
She has earned Billions of dollars so she is a shrewd businesswoman.
So lets recap...
Xi is a dictator...

There is no problem with Biden mixing up Brittney and Taylor...

Trump praises Xi and is afraid of Taylor..
Don't think Joe Biden is in the Beyonce or Taylor Swift demographics...

Who the fuck cares...

Trump doesn't know who he ran against... That is far more concerning...

Doesn't know where Orban comes from and he has met him numerous times..

You know... Things that you need to know for the job.
He REALLY IS THIS FUCKING STUPID, and a total piece of shit.

Bed wetting pieces of shit like cowturd Ted are the reason I do not oppose abortion. These filthy vermin should have been sucked out of whatever irresponsible whore they were deposited in and fed to the rats in the Planned Unparenthood dumpster.

Trump was King Midas compared to that corrupt, incompetent, jabbering potato.

Any person regardless of age should know who Taylor Swift is.

While I agree that Taylor Swift's transformation of the music business is nothing short of remarkable, and other than Dolly Parton, I cannot think of another female artist who has done more for women in music business, in terms of controlling her product, and how she is presented, few people my age are even aware of it.

Her outrage and response to her master recordings and being sold to a third party without her consent or so much as a "Hi, how are you" note from the new owners of her art, was outstanding!!! You go girl!!!

Swift has been re-recordinging and re-releasing her entire back catalogue that was sold, creating new versions of the material that SHE owns, and making the originals next to worthless at the same time.

The numbers for the new "Taylor's Versions" of these albums is off the charts.

Oh yeah, and Swift gave all of her roadies $100,000 each, at the end of her tour. Life changing money for people who make her tour possible and whose average annual earnings are around $35,000.

I'm not a huge fan of Swift's music. Catchy and all, but I've never really sat down and listened to it either. Pink has been bucking the pop princess system for a long time, and doing well with fans, but she doesn't generate the income that Swift does, and doesn't have the clout to effect permanent change that Swift does.

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