Today’s version of Joe Biden isn’t all there.

Sponge Brains Shits Pants has not been 'all there' since he was anointed president.

Here's what happened -- The scumbags Nazi Pelousy and Jim Clyburn approached Sponge Brains Shits Pants and told him, "We've got this thing in the bag. It's all set, we own it. We got all the Union boys at the Ballot Counting Election Centers on our side. You won't have to campaign, you won't have to do much of anything. We got it. You just gotta do what we tell you to do, when we tell you to do it."

Now, they want to get rid of him but he don't wanna go. And since he is the Pres, even if it's by criminal means, they can't touch him.

So they have to deal with it. Unless they (criminal dimocrap FILTH) can arrange an 'accident' he's their bouy for '24.

And they are so fucked. So, so, so FUCKED it isn't even funny. We could end up with super-majorities in both Houses of Congress along with the presidency.

But the RINO's will prolly screw it up. They usually do. They don't realize that you can't deal with scum, you have to eradicate them. Either that, or they're dimocraps themselves, wolf-in-sheep's-clothing sort of thing

Do what?


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