Todd Friel: Atheists Know God Exists

We can't agree to that, because I don't accept you as my judge and juror when it comes to what I believe and practice.
re: Atheists love the idea that that morals are of little consequence.
On that we can agree. And I don't accept you as someone who knows what I love and what I think of morality.
We can't agree to that, because I don't accept you as my judge and juror when it comes to what I believe and practice.
re: Atheists love the idea that that morals are of little consequence.
On that we can agree. And I don't accept you as someone who knows what I love and what I think of morality.

I'm not qualified to judge everything about you. But my view on atheists is not about judging you personally. I know that atheism is an excuse to avoid a certain morality. It's easier to justify without that accountability. And in many other cases it's simply about hating.
We can't agree to that, because I don't accept you as my judge and juror when it comes to what I believe and practice.
re: Atheists love the idea that that morals are of little consequence.
On that we can agree. And I don't accept you as someone who knows what I love and what I think of morality.

I'm not qualified to judge everything about you. But my view on atheists is not about judging you personally. I know that atheism is an excuse to avoid a certain morality. It's easier to justify without that accountability. And in many other cases it's simply about hating.
I have seen theist justify having fun by using God. A PERFECTexample isveating sentient creatures(MEAT). WHEN I hint that it meat eating may be ethically questionable, here comes the theist with God approving it in The Bible. Using God to excuse the lust for eating sentient beings is living how you want to live by saying God wants you to eat the flesh of a pig and chicken. YET where is the evidence the authors of scripture talked to God?
The narrator said he has met many Christians who commit sins of murder, rape, and homosexuality on a daily basis. Has the narrator reported these murderers and rapists who are daily committing such heinous crimes?

I think the narrator has told at least a couple of lies in this video, don't you? If he can so easily tell a lie, what's to say he isn't lying to you? After all..... if he will tell bold faced lies such as he just did on you tube we should consider the possibility, right?

But for the sake of argument, let's just say that he knows a Christian who is living in sin and has no intention of repenting. This Christian he has observed sinning espouses the Gospel of "grace" - that wide road sin your way to heaven message because hey... we don't want to offend anyone and after one is perfect. Right?

So Mr. Christian..... screams at his wife and children in their own home and slanders his brethren at church because they live a more righteous life than he does. Let's say that this Christian also teaches Sunday School and adds to the Word of God things that are not there. What he doesn't realize is that if he died in the middle of this life he is leading he'd be in hell.

Without holiness, no one will see the LORD. It need not be homosexuality or murder or rape. No, committing one sin is the same as committing ten thousand. Yes, Christians can and do go to hell. There are many there even as I write these words to you.

It is clear to me that you are thinking deeply about God, who He is and what He expects. That tells me that there is faith in you. So keep reading Scriptures, listening to sermons and lectures -even this one is alright - I suppose - and soon I believe you will begin to seek the Lord with your whole heart and then you will find him.
What does the Bible say about death?
The Bible compares death to sleep more than fifty times. After death we are asleep, we are unconscious; we are not aware of the passing of time or of what is going on around us. That is what death is like as well. The Bible says, “for the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing… their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, NKJV, see also Psalm 146:4; 115:17). It makes sense that after Lazarus was raised from the dead, he doesn’t share what he saw or experienced. He didn’t have anything to tell, except that once he was dead, and now he is alive! He didn’t experience hell or heaven. He was simply “sleeping” in his tomb. Peter on the Day of Pentecost said the same of King David. “Men and brethren, let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day…For David did not ascend into the heavens…(Acts 2:29, 34).
Atheists love the idea that that morals are of little consequence.
You can have morals and no God, just like those that have a God can have no morals...

You can have them; but they're still of little consequence ultimately if there isn't something higher.
There is no trip to Hell or heaven after you die, even the Bible states that..

:lol: Stick to your cartoons, old man.
I know that atheism is an excuse to avoid a certain morality.

How do you know that? And what morality do you refer to? Yours? The Bible's? If the latter which Bible?

It's easier to justify without that accountability. And in many other cases it's simply about hating.
Many theists have this idealized view of religion: that it makes people somehow better since they have to answer to a higher power that knows and sees all. A fine theory but I've seen very little evidence of it in my lifetime (and the history of most religions is even worse). As I understand Christianity, they are supposed to hate the sin but love the sinner. I have seen plenty of hate but way too little love being dispensed here.
I have seen theist justify having fun by using God. A PERFECTexample isveating sentient creatures(MEAT). WHEN I hint that it meat eating may be ethically questionable, here comes the theist with God approving it in The Bible. Using God to excuse the lust for eating sentient beings is living how you want to live by saying God wants you to eat the flesh of a pig and chicken. YET where is the evidence the authors of scripture talked to God?
I see nothing "ethically questionable" about eating meat. Where does that come from? Animals eat each other and we are animals aren't we?
Humans evolved as omnivores. It is likely we never would have become what we are without the calories from meat in our diet.
I am not disputing your last sentence. However, i question it and may research that likelihood myself ... We could have become "better", perhaps.
I know that atheism is an excuse to avoid a certain morality.

How do you know that? And what morality do you refer to? Yours? The Bible's? If the latter which Bible?

It's easier to justify without that accountability. And in many other cases it's simply about hating.
Many theists have this idealized view of religion: that it makes people somehow better since they have to answer to a higher power that knows and sees all. A fine theory but I've seen very little evidence of it in my lifetime (and the history of most religions is even worse). As I understand Christianity, they are supposed to hate the sin but love the sinner. I have seen plenty of hate but way too little love being dispensed here.

You keep bringing up The Bible and Christianity; not me. Look anyone that says I am morally superior and there is no higher power is full of sh**. Maybe, you should come to terms with your bull sh**. Attacking 'theists' doesn't change that. And boo hoo that you claim Christians don't love you and that you think that's an excuse. It's not.
Look anyone that says I am morally superior and there is no higher power is full of sh**. Maybe, you should come to terms with your bull sh**. Attacking 'theists' doesn't change that. And boo hoo that you claim Christians don't love you and that you think that's an excuse. It's not.

You're the one who said "Atheists love the idea that morals are of little consequence." To me that implies you are a theist, if not a Christian and that your morals are somehow superior because you believe in a higher power. Did I misunderstand you or are you someone who loves the idea that morals are of little consequence?
Look anyone that says I am morally superior and there is no higher power is full of sh**. Maybe, you should come to terms with your bull sh**. Attacking 'theists' doesn't change that. And boo hoo that you claim Christians don't love you and that you think that's an excuse. It's not.

You're the one who said "Atheists love the idea that morals are of little consequence." To me that implies you are a theist, if not a Christian and that your morals are somehow superior because you believe in a higher power. Did I misunderstand you or are you someone who loves the idea that morals are of little consequence?

I think you're twisting things. A person can have a belief in a higher power and have bad morals. However, denying the existence of a higher power outright reeks of self righteousness. That's how it is, dude. I actually have respect for agnostics. There's a reason why so many uppity millennials are calling themselves atheists. They're deuche bags who don't like the feeling of being beholden to any sort of morality. Of course, that's just one common example. In other examples, atheist love the idea of creating a morality of the highest order as they want to see it; this is often something done in more academic circles.
A person can have a belief in a higher power and have bad morals.

I think we can agree that both atheists and theists can have "bad" morals. I just don't see atheists' morals being any worse than anyone else's.

However, denying the existence of a higher power outright reeks of self righteousness. That's how it is, dude.
That's not how it is, in fact it is just the opposite. Self righteousness comes from a feeling of some superior knowledge and the theists I know usually reek of it.
I think we can agree that both atheists and theists can have "bad" morals. I just don't see atheists' morals being any worse than anyone else's.

Sure. Look at Muslims. They claim a god and are the face of evil.

That's not how it is, in fact it is just the opposite. Self righteousness comes from a feeling of some superior knowledge and the theists I know usually reek of it.

No, it's not the opposite. Yes, self righteousness comes in all forms; but denying a higher power is a means to self righteousness. You have no need to do it and no proof for your conclusion and yet you do it. That couldn't be more self fucking righteous.

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