Todd Friel: Atheists Know God Exists

[Look at Muslims. They claim a god and are the face of evil.
Sorry but I don't see Islam as evil although there is plenty of evil being done in its name.

Yes, self righteousness comes in all forms; but denying a higher power is a means to self righteousness. You have no need to do it and no proof for your conclusion and yet you do it. That couldn't be more self fucking righteous.
While it is impossible to prove a negative, it is the theist that believes something without any proof (and plenty of evidence to the contrary). The atheist refuses to believe without some kind of evidence and as Carl Sagan once said, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Can you prove Zeus or Odin doesn't exist? They would both be higher powers. Are you being self righteous by not believing in them?
[Look at Muslims. They claim a god and are the face of evil.
Sorry but I don't see Islam as evil although there is plenty of evil being done in its name.

Yes, self righteousness comes in all forms; but denying a higher power is a means to self righteousness. You have no need to do it and no proof for your conclusion and yet you do it. That couldn't be more self fucking righteous.
While it is impossible to prove a negative, it is the theist that believes something without any proof (and plenty of evidence to the contrary). The atheist refuses to believe without some kind of evidence and as Carl Sagan once said, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Can you prove Zeus or Odin doesn't exist? They would both be higher powers. Are you being self righteous by not believing in them?

How the fuck can you not see Islam as evil. Read the fucking book; it states it wants you dead. Dumb fuck.

It doesn't matter what you think I can prove. An atheist is making a statement that there is no God when he has no proof. That's the ultimate arrogance.
How the fuck can you not see Islam as evil. Read the fucking book; it states it wants you dead. Dumb fuck.
I read the book, that's how I know it doesn't want me dead. What is in the Quran that is not in the Bible?

You may wish to judge a 1500 year old religion on what is done in its name in the last few decades, that is your choice. Just as it is my choice to judge a 2000 year old religion by what was done in its name over that whole span of time.

It doesn't matter what you think I can prove. An atheist is making a statement that there is no God when he has no proof. That's the ultimate arrogance.
Is it any more arrogant the someone saying there is a God when he has no proof?
Can you do me a favor, @MaskedDissident? I would like for you to listen to this song from beginning to end. Just listen and do not think about anything. Just soak in the beauty of this music and let it minister to your spirit. Thank you, MD.

Written by a mortal human, Jeri. I don't know that I ever even toyed much with the idea that any god is real but that didn't stop me from singing this in my high school choir. For those who do believe, it likely means something else but it proves nothing except that human beings are capable of producing great beauty in a number of ways.

As to the OP - no, atheists do not know that god exists. Hell, so-called christians don't even know that. They choose to believe it but they don't know it.

Another version ...

Look anyone that says I am morally superior and there is no higher power is full of sh**. Maybe, you should come to terms with your bull sh**. Attacking 'theists' doesn't change that. And boo hoo that you claim Christians don't love you and that you think that's an excuse. It's not.

You're the one who said "Atheists love the idea that morals are of little consequence." To me that implies you are a theist, if not a Christian and that your morals are somehow superior because you believe in a higher power. Did I misunderstand you or are you someone who loves the idea that morals are of little consequence?

I think you're twisting things. A person can have a belief in a higher power and have bad morals. However, denying the existence of a higher power outright reeks of self righteousness. That's how it is, dude. I actually have respect for agnostics. There's a reason why so many uppity millennials are calling themselves atheists. They're deuche bags who don't like the feeling of being beholden to any sort of morality. Of course, that's just one common example. In other examples, atheist love the idea of creating a morality of the highest order as they want to see it; this is often something done in more academic circles.

A person can have a belief in a higher power and have bad morals.

Yabut, if you jist git saved ever-day, you can go back out and do it all again tomorrow and still get a front row seat for That Great Harp Concert In The Sky.

denying the existence of a higher power outright reeks of self righteousness.

No, it just means the person chose to use their brain and think for themselves.

deuche bags

Is that a German jerk?

In other examples, atheist love the idea of creating a morality of the highest order as they want to see it; this is often something done in more academic circles.

Damn shame "christians" aren't more interested in true morality and less in stoning those with whom they disagree.

Drumpf voter, aren'tcha.
There's no proof for a god. Science has done everything to advance humanity and make our lives better! Where is this god????

Right, science has led to the development of WMD's and global warming and a nanny state that can track our every move and thought.

Well done.
There's no proof for a god. Science has done everything to advance humanity and make our lives better! Where is this god????

Right, science has led to the development of WMD's and global warming and a nanny state that can track our every move and thought.

Well done.

Actually, its hate and fear that has led to weapons (and religion) and greed that will kill the planet.
There's no proof for a god. Science has done everything to advance humanity and make our lives better! Where is this god????

Right, science has led to the development of WMD's and global warming and a nanny state that can track our every move and thought.

Well done.

Actually, its hate and fear that has led to weapons (and religion) and greed that will kill the planet.

What leads to wars is collectivism. Without the state, wars on a large scale would be impossible.

Religion is but one tool for them, but that does not mean that religion is a bad thing. It only means that those using it are bad.

Take Constantine, for example. He was not even a Christian, although it was rumored he converted on his death bed, but he used it for his political and military advantage.

Knowledge without wisdom is deadly, which is why science can and probably will mean or demise.
A person can have a belief in a higher power and have bad morals.

E.G. Muslims. But this has been covered.

Yes, its true there are bad, evil Muslims. And the same is true of "christians" and other religions/beliefs.

(As I've written before, I have respect for real Christians and for the good they do.)

I read your posts, your foul language, your hatred for everything and everyone, your desire to cause hurt and harm -

Not just you either.

So many of you thumper types are just ugly and sad and unhappy and you want everyone else to be like you.

You're welcome to your lies about what you believe but no thanks.
There's no proof for a god. Science has done everything to advance humanity and make our lives better! Where is this god????

Right, science has led to the development of WMD's and global warming and a nanny state that can track our every move and thought.

Well done.

Actually, its hate and fear that has led to weapons (and religion) and greed that will kill the planet.

What leads to wars is collectivism. Without the state, wars on a large scale would be impossible.

Religion is but one tool for them, but that does not mean that religion is a bad thing. It only means that those using it are bad.

Take Constantine, for example. He was not even a Christian, although it was rumored he converted on his death bed, but he used it for his political and military advantage.

That's my point. Science has been used as a tool as well. It did not cause weapons or wars. It did not "lead" to weapons or wars.
Todd Friel likes to read minds and tell atheists (who were former Christians) they know God exists. Let him explain and watch me debunk his non-sense:

Hey Pastor Friel, what is with your fascination with the "sin" of atheism. Do atheists go to a different hell than Muslims, Mormons, Jews and other non-Chrisitans you believe will go to hell if they do not accept Jesus Christ before they die!! I thought the Protestant hell was the same for all "SINNERS!" It seems to me that you spend way to much time "saving" only 5-15% of the population. Just because you are concerned about non-Christians going to hell does not make HELL real or Christianity real. Sorry Pastor, your pure intentions do not erase the falsehood that your pure intentions are rooted in. Todd your love towards us may be true but it is DANGEROUS to the gullible.

i think someone who believes in G-d shouldn't tell atheists what they believe. that's kind of nuts
How the fuck can you not see Islam as evil. Read the fucking book; it states it wants you dead. Dumb fuck.
I read the book, that's how I know it doesn't want me dead. What is in the Quran that is not in the Bible?

You may wish to judge a 1500 year old religion on what is done in its name in the last few decades, that is your choice. Just as it is my choice to judge a 2000 year old religion by what was done in its name over that whole span of time.

It doesn't matter what you think I can prove. An atheist is making a statement that there is no God when he has no proof. That's the ultimate arrogance.
Is it any more arrogant the someone saying there is a God when he has no proof?

Dude, there's like hundreds of passages that directly call for infidels, jews, christians killed. Don't be trying to push bull shit my way like that. And I get it; you're the prototypical Christian hater to the point that you're willing to make excuses for the biggest murderers of them in the world.This is nothing new. You're really just proving my point that atheists are repugnant self righteous fucks (with some few exceptions).

And you can find dirt on any religion, nation, race, sex, whatever. I don't give a fuck about your moral relativism though. I'm not going to go tit for tat on alleged atrocities. I know what the fuck is going on in this world and so do you. I'm not going down that self indulgent rabbit hole with you.
A person can have a belief in a higher power and have bad morals.

E.G. Muslims. But this has been covered.
that would be e.g., not E.G., but in any event...muslims? or christians like the ones that kill abortion doctors, shoot up planned parenthood offices, bomb federal buildings and discriminate against their fellow humans.

thanks for playing.
There's no proof for a god. Science has done everything to advance humanity and make our lives better! Where is this god????
Or science has enslaved people. For every one "advance" science offers, it enslaves a thousand. What is better, hunting for your food then dying of catching cold, or living forever enslaved to a network of information technology?
A person can have a belief in a higher power and have bad morals.

E.G. Muslims. But this has been covered.
that would be e.g., not E.G., but in any event...muslims? or christians like the ones that kill abortion doctors, shoot up planned parenthood offices, bomb federal buildings and discriminate against their fellow humans.

thanks for playing.

How many world wide Christian terrorist groups do you know of?

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