Todd Friel: Atheists Know God Exists

Dude, there's like hundreds of passages that directly call for infidels, jews, christians killed. Don't be trying to push bull shit my way like that.

Muslims are commanded to defend the faith but direct calls to exterminate non-Muslims? Just not true. History is not on your side either. Jews and Christians as people of the 'book', were respected and treated well in Muslim countries. Often Jews were treated much better there than in Christian countries.

And I get it; you're the prototypical Christian hater to the point that you're willing to make excuses for the biggest murderers of them in the world.This is nothing new. You're really just proving my point that atheists are repugnant self righteous fucks (with some few exceptions).

You don't get it at all. I don't hate any group or religion. What I dislike are certain ignorant hypocrites that judge their friends by their best actions and their enemies by their worst actions.
The narrator said he has met many Christians who commit sins of murder, rape, and homosexuality on a daily basis. Has the narrator reported these murderers and rapists who are daily committing such heinous crimes?

I think the narrator has told at least a couple of lies in this video, don't you? If he can so easily tell a lie, what's to say he isn't lying to you? After all..... if he will tell bold faced lies such as he just did on you tube we should consider the possibility, right?
The problem Jerimiah is that the basis of your morality is FEAR. This motivates your LOYALTY to the concept of God rather than LOVE of the concept of God.

The reason why would not fairly consider Christianity a false religion is because you would FEAR Jesus would send you to HELL. The reason why you are trying to persuade others to join Christianity is because you FEAR Jesus will send them to hell if they don't become Christian. The reason why will not consider the POSSIBILITY that The Bible is false is fundamentally because you would FEAR HELL.

The basis of morality in your world view is motivated fundamentally by FEAR. It is contained in your arguments against Catholics and Muslims. Keep in mind HELL is the reason why these Muslims and Catholics defend their faith. Even the Catholics who read basically the same Bible you do, have a different view of salvation and are scared for your eternal well being. Muslims who believe the Koran is the uncorrupted word of God and expose the absurdity of The Trinity, FEAR you will go to HELL.

NOTE:A person who reads scripture will most likely become an atheist or completely disagree with your version of God. Did you ever consider that? Did you ever consider the FACT that you would find many of the sermons claiming to be Christian false? Why can't Protestants or other NON CATHOLICS(such as yourself) claim their church is the road to Christ and stop acting as if the Church plays no role in viewing scripture? BTW I am not a conflicted homosexual and I don't see how anyone can find Christianity (especially how you view) it TRUE.

One question, what ideas that are contained outside of The Bible demonstrate that you are horrible person that deserves your soul to be tortured forever in the LAKE OF FIRE?If you never read The Bible what idea in this world can you allude to that shows we deserve to have our souls tortured? Hopefully, these questions will show you that you believe in hell solely based on the claims of an anonymous person who claims to speak for "Matthew" describing verses that allegedly Jesus uttered.


Did you watch this video yet?

Notice the countenance of the God's people in this video and see if you find any trace of fear. I see joy! The joy of the Lord is our strength! We are a joyful people and serve our God out of love, not fear! We rejoice and praise Jesus Christ because He is Worthy of all our Praise! He is the Lord God Almighty! The Maker of heaven and earth!

Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD! O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph!!!

A musician doesn't have to be religious to have a religious type experience while performing.
Todd Friel likes to read minds and tell atheists (who were former Christians) they know God exists. Let him explain and watch me debunk his non-sense:

Hey Pastor Friel, what is with your fascination with the "sin" of atheism. Do atheists go to a different hell than Muslims, Mormons, Jews and other non-Chrisitans you believe will go to hell if they do not accept Jesus Christ before they die!! I thought the Protestant hell was the same for all "SINNERS!" It seems to me that you spend way to much time "saving" only 5-15% of the population. Just because you are concerned about non-Christians going to hell does not make HELL real or Christianity real. Sorry Pastor, your pure intentions do not erase the falsehood that your pure intentions are rooted in. Todd your love towards us may be true but it is DANGEROUS to the gullible.

i think someone who believes in G-d shouldn't tell atheists what they believe. that's kind of nuts

I agree but Todd believes he is just delivering the message of The Bible.
Todd Friel likes to read minds and tell atheists (who were former Christians) they know God exists. Let him explain and watch me debunk his non-sense:

Hey Pastor Friel, what is with your fascination with the "sin" of atheism. Do atheists go to a different hell than Muslims, Mormons, Jews and other non-Chrisitans you believe will go to hell if they do not accept Jesus Christ before they die!! I thought the Protestant hell was the same for all "SINNERS!" It seems to me that you spend way to much time "saving" only 5-15% of the population. Just because you are concerned about non-Christians going to hell does not make HELL real or Christianity real. Sorry Pastor, your pure intentions do not erase the falsehood that your pure intentions are rooted in. Todd your love towards us may be true but it is DANGEROUS to the gullible.

i think someone who believes in G-d shouldn't tell atheists what they believe. that's kind of nuts

I agree but Todd believes he is just delivering the message of The Bible.

Not my bible.

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