Tom Cotton And Mitch McConnell Secretly Plotted Against trump To Undermine His Election-Fraud claims, Book Says

No shit, Sherlock. Republicans don't march in lockstep, like you cultists.
Speaking of marching.I wonder just how long before our once proud and competent
military is forced into a new march.Think Hitler's infamous use of the :
Goose Step
Or maybe something less strict and hard on the body.
The Biden Wobble.Think older penguines that may be entering
their senile years.
Absolutely....just like most Republicans.

I like Cruz and Paul...and only a few more Rs in Congress.

99% of Pubs are pussy faggot swamp rats.

You like Cancun Cruz???? Why???
Is it just me, or did anyone else envision droplets of spittle emanating from the corners of your mouth, as you typed that hate-filled spew with furrowed brow?

Go back to your knitting, Granny. :laughing0301:

It's just YOU. You're projecting your own rabid hatred of Democrats onto others.

The people want sound governance. They want the lights and the heat to stay on. They want the bridges and levies to hold and not collapse, and they want the government to provide infrastructure, education, and programs to help all of the people succeed.

Republicans have become an anti-democratic, grievance fueled hate and propaganda machine. Republicans are now threatening violence if they don't get their own way.

YOU are in the minority and that minority is shrinking daily. Every day, the January 6th Commission is finding evidence of the lengths that Trump and his minions are willing to go to in order to ensure their next coup attempt is a success.

In most countries in the world, Trump would have been shot on January 7th. As he continues to spew his lies and his hate, I'm now understanding why insurrectionists are not allowed to continue to operate without constraint.
Tax policy
Healthcare policy
Immigration policy

GOP refused to work with Dems on any of these.

Not to mention obstructing SCOTUS appointment

Good for them GOP'ers. We dodged some bullets on those high taxes, socialized medicine, open borders, and that asshole Merrik Garland.
Well, that's a fuckin' understatement.

These people have stood by while their party follows and enables this sociopathic buffoon and turns our electoral system into a fucking joke. Every single fucking day. They know goddamn well what's happening here, and their fucking careers are more important.

These people are craven and a disgrace.

I can't agree more.

Thank you.
Tax policy
Healthcare policy
Immigration policy

GOP refused to work with Dems on any of these.

Not to mention obstructing SCOTUS appointment

I will add:

Voting Rights
Reproductive Rights
Climate Change and the Environment
Labor Laws and Rights
Weapon Safety and Mass Shootings
Minimum Wage
Equal Rights and Civil Rights

I know there are other issues but those are the ones I can think of right now.
Can you name an issue the GOP didn’t give ground on? At the federal level?

Supreme Court Judges.

Health care reform.

Immigration reform. Specifically, they refuse to increase fines or penalties for those who employ illegal immigrants. This, more than any other program, decreases illegal immigration because when employers fear prosecution, they stop hiring.

Tax reform.

Climate change.

Refusal to pass anything to help Americans in the pandemic.
Tax policy
Healthcare policy
Immigration policy

GOP refused to work with Dems on any of these.

Not to mention obstructing SCOTUS appointment
Lol. Their tax policy is nothing special or extreme. But fine, tax policy, even though the negotiate heavily on that. As for healthcare, during the Obama admin they voted to fully repeal, “root and branch”, ACA over 60 times. But it always failed because “gosh golly, darn it, we don’t have control of (insert political branch) so it didn’t work”. Then when they finally had control of the house, senate, and whitehouse, what did they do? They slightly tweaked ACA with the mandate, and took ownership of it. It’s political theater. Same thing with immigration “reform”. The GOP wants it. They drafted many bills. They are not the party of their voters, they are the party of the chamber of commerce. Those are the GOPs masters. They’re all about open boarders and cheap labor. The only thing that’s barely stopped them is backlash from their voters, of whom they hate. They’re drafting immigration legislation as we speak.

The gop is the party of “we’ll always be 2 steps right of the lefts ever evolving goal posts”. There’s no denying the left has moved drastically far from where it was 10 years ago, or 10 years before that. Bill Clinton would be seen as a pretty good republican (better than most currently in the party now) today.
Good for them GOP'ers. We dodged some bullets on those high taxes, socialized medicine, open borders, and that asshole Merrik Garland.

You've dodged NOTHING. Instead of high taxes, you have high health care costs and co-pays - something that the rest of us who live in first world countries know nothing about because we don't have those.

Trump opened your borders, not the Democrats. Trump took over the lowest level of illegal immigration in 50 years and within 2 years, he had to declare a National Emergency on the Southern Border, which is still the case there. Trump made a mess and Biden is cleaning it up. Yesterday's announcement that his Administration is going after those who employ illegals and not the workers they hire, will do far more to end illegal immigration than locking up 40,000 illegals, like Trump did.

Yes, because a radical right wing court chosen by the Federalist Society and their dark money, where 2 of the 9 judges have been credibly accused of sexual predation, is so much better than a liberal court.
This is interesting. If it's true.

Another Trump thread. Go figure, right? :lol: Shit stain Biden is driving the Country into the ground and you start a retarded thread about Trump and the election from last year?

Maybe point to the doll and tell us where Trump hurt you. :(
I envision Hillary, sitting there in her moo moo, with a cigarette in one hand and a glass of gin in the other. rollers in her hair. furry slippers.

you know the type im talking about.

You must be looking in the mirror and imagining Hillary as having no life - just like you.
Another Trump thread. Go figure, right? :lol: Shit stain Biden is driving the Country into the ground and you start a retarded thread about Trump and the election from last year?

Maybe point to the doll and tell us where Trump hurt you. :(

Biden isn't driving the country into the ground. He's trying to drag it out of the ditch that Trump drove it into after the Democrats saved the country from Bush's economic crash. Democrats are tired of getting the economy back on track and the nation prospering, only to have Republicans cut taxes and crash the economy the moment they get back into the White House.

And here you are blaming Democrats for the mess you're in. How stupid are you??? Of course you still believe Reagan's "welfare queen" lie, so clearly you're dumber than a sack of hammers.
I will add:

Voting Rights
Reproductive Rights
Climate Change and the Environment
Labor Laws and Rights
Weapon Safety and Mass Shootings
Minimum Wage
Equal Rights and Civil Rights

I know there are other issues but those are the ones I can think of right now.
Just give people real low tax rights. Low taxes. You need to become real slaves or dead.
You must be looking in the mirror and imagining Hillary as having no life - just like you.

Biden isn't driving the country into the ground. He's trying to drag it out of the ditch that Trump drove it into after the Democrats saved the country from Bush's economic crash. Democrats are tired of getting the economy back on track and the nation prospering, only to have Republicans cut taxes and crash the economy the moment they get back into the White House.

And here you are blaming Democrats for the mess you're in. How stupid are you??? Of course you still believe Reagan's "welfare queen" lie, so clearly you're dumber than a sack of hammers.

My favorite Canadian expert on American politics! :lol: How are things in your socialist police state with the cocksucker Trudeau in charge? I hear not so good. :(

Maybe stick to your own cesspool. Who knows, maybe Trudeau will go in blackface again. :thup:

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