Tom Cotton And Mitch McConnell Secretly Plotted Against trump To Undermine His Election-Fraud claims, Book Says

im absolutely crushed. I don't think I can go on living knowing that you think I don't have a life. Im truly devastated. You fucking bitch!!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

I have a low tolerance level for liars, conspiracy theorists or idiots. Trump Cultists qualify on all three scores. When you post hate and garbage, you get it thrown back in your face. Don't like it, try making fact based posts.
My favorite Canadian expert on American politics! :lol: How are things in your socialist police state with the cocksucker Trudeau in charge? I hear not so good. :(

Maybe stick to your own cesspool. Who knows, maybe Trudeau will go in blackface again. :thup:

Nothing but weak insults? That's all you Cultists every have. First you repeat lies Republicans tell you, and then you attack people who tell you the truth. Republicans have convinced you that Democrats are the ones destroying the working and middle class. They've already achieved a banana republic level of profiteering by the big corporations and the wealthy.

Your wealth and wage gap are the worst in the first world. You're life expectancy is going down - the only nation in the first world where's that's happening. You have the highest rate of maternal death in childbirth, and infant mortality in the first year of life, but you Cultists are busy trying to save the unborn. Would that you cared as much for living children as you do for those in utero.

Not once ever you tried to refute what I've posted.
Lol. Their tax policy is nothing special or extreme. But fine, tax policy, even though the negotiate heavily on that. As for healthcare, during the Obama admin they voted to fully repeal, “root and branch”, ACA over 60 times. But it always failed because “gosh golly, darn it, we don’t have control of (insert political branch) so it didn’t work”. Then when they finally had control of the house, senate, and whitehouse, what did they do? They slightly tweaked ACA with the mandate, and took ownership of it. It’s political theater. Same thing with immigration “reform”. The GOP wants it. They drafted many bills. They are not the party of their voters, they are the party of the chamber of commerce. Those are the GOPs masters. They’re all about open boarders and cheap labor. The only thing that’s barely stopped them is backlash from their voters, of whom they hate. They’re drafting immigration legislation as we speak.

The gop is the party of “we’ll always be 2 steps right of the lefts ever evolving goal posts”. There’s no denying the left has moved drastically far from where it was 10 years ago, or 10 years before that. Bill Clinton would be seen as a pretty good republican (better than most currently in the party now) today.

You have the MOST extreme tax policies in the first world. Your tax policies have transferred the wealth of the nation from the working and middle class to the top 10% of the corporations and individuals,

Your conservatives are 50 paces to the right of Attila the Hun. You are a complete outlier to the rest of the first world in terms of your tax and labour policies, and they're pushing you into banana republic status.
You're life expectancy is going down - the only nation in the first world where's that's happening.
Yea no shit, because we are being invaded by third world trash like no other civilized countries are. Third world trash = low life expectancy.
You have the MOST extreme tax policies in the first world. Your tax policies have transferred the wealth of the nation from the working and middle class to the top 10% of the corporations and individuals
Is that why everyone is clamoring to get into our country?
Would that you cared as much for living children as you do for those in utero.
We do, that’s why we oppose radical leftwing ideology which is dangerous to children. Especially the pro-tranny and homosexual Agenda. The left are the ones always pushing these sicko groups that molest children in great numbers.
Yea no shit, because we are being invaded by third world trash like no other civilized countries are. Third world trash = low life expectancy.

It's not the "Third World trash" that are reducing your life expectancy. It's lack of affordable access to health care and a lack of universal, government funded, single payer insurance. The Medical Industrial Complex is too busy profiteering off the sick with insurance, and selling their best treatments to the world's wealthiest people, to be bothered with poor sick Americans.
They're trying to save their party and our very democracy from this madness.

Another example of how calculating and two-faced McConnell is. He knows the damage this lie is doing.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: You do not save democracy by scheming in back rooms, idiot.
It's not the "Third World trash" that are reducing your life expectancy. It's lack of affordable access to health care and a lack of universal, government funded, single payer insurance. The Medical Industrial Complex is too busy profiteering off the sick with insurance, and selling their best treatments to the world's wealthiest people, to be bothered with poor sick Americans.
Yea sure, your government run health care systems in Europe are shit. Most people buy private insurance as soon as they can. Foreigners travel to America for medical treatment a lot because we have the best medical research and clinics here. Everyone has access to healthcare here, you are lying your ass off by claiming some people don’t have access. Hospitals literally cannot turn people away. That’s why when you visit a hospital here it is usually full of Spanish speaking illegals.
The Election Was Stolen, the press is the "enemy of the people", Deep State, and the 30,000 other lies he told you throughout his Presidency.
It was stolen, the numbers and audits have proven it. The press is the enemy of the people because they are nearly all radical leftwing propagandists.

So as usual, another lefty can’t name an actual “lie”.

The Marxist left in America.

The Fascist Trumpublican right in America

Hey, Lesh and Love.

Give us any opinion of yours that is not exactly the same opinion of your puppet masters.

Just list them.

I disagree with Biden on these particular issues:

Is that why everyone is clamoring to get into our country?

Define "everyone". Trump and the rest of the Klown Car keep complaining the not enough white people are emigrating to America. The only people trying to get in are people from Third World countries.

That's because those of us living in First World countries have little to no interest in living in a country when a cancer diagnosis can wipe you out financially. Or you there are more guns than people. Or the cost of a post secondary education can leave you in debt for a generation.

You have the longest undefended border in the world with Canada. You're not building a wall to keep Canadians out because we're not sneaking across the border. Canadians are happier, healthier, and we have more money than working Americans because our wages are higher, our health care is cheaper and better, we live longer, healthier lives and we have far more personal freedom than Americans.
Yea sure, your government run health care systems in Europe are shit. Most people buy private insurance as soon as they can. Foreigners travel to America for medical treatment a lot because we have the best medical research and clinics here. Everyone has access to healthcare here, you are lying your ass off by claiming some people don’t have access. Hospitals literally cannot turn people away. That’s why when you visit a hospital here it is usually full of Spanish speaking illegals.

No they do not. That's just the bullshit that Big Medicine tells you. Foreigners travel to the USA for care because the rest of the first world refuses to treat people who don't pay taxes in those countries. You can't come to Canada for treatment because our medical services aren't for sale. Only in America are treatments developed with taxpayer dollars sold to foreigners rather than given to the people who paid for them.

I'm well aware of for profit hospitals "dumping" low income people near public hospitals, despite your laws.

We don't have problems like this in the rest of the first world. Only in America.

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