Tommy Robinson et. al winning the PR war


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
The fascist pc-multiculturalist left which aligns itself with Islamists, antifa and the like is losing the pr war in much of Europe now. The real people who built its nations are sick and damn tired of the leftist media and political establishment selling them out. Now Denmark, whose cultural establishment like those of Eastern Europe understand the threat from the far left, awarded Tommy Robinson the Sappho Award for free speech, an internationally prestigious and coveted prize given to those who persevere against the tide to report the truth and fight for free speech. The establishment of Eastern Europe is mostly with the people against the multiculturalists and its unsavory extremes. At least the bulk of the people of Western Europe, if not the establishment, are done with the far left and its radical bullies. The British people kicked the rabidly leftist Labor Party to the curb, and now Denmark's establishment has bitch slapped Britain's cultural establishment in the face.

A nine month sentence turned into nine weeks. The forces of suppression and conquest are on the run.
"an internationally prestigious and coveted prize given to"............. right wing trash.

Oh, look, more of the same demonizing left-wing trash talk intended to obscure the left''s hatred of the middle class and working poor..
1. Both the United States and Europe are facing challenges in their rapidly changing population profiles.

2. Some Americans and Europeans sincerely feel that multiculturalism is a good thing.

3. Some Americans and Europeans respectfully disagree.

4. In any case, many disinterested (impartial) observers feel that the multicultural trend cannot be stopped. It is the hallmark of the 21st century. (Even Japan seems to recognize that its famous homogeneity cannot last.)

5. I hope that everyone from the bigwigs to us ordinary people will do everything possible to make the transition a peaceful and harmonious one.
It's not surprising given what the "International Free Press Society" is: International Free Press Society - Wikipedia
Coyote, why do you liberals hate the idea of the Christian West staying Christian?
The rape of British children is all part of the Islamization process, true. It is an act of racist intimidation, and those who defend like they do are also part of that intimidation.

These individuals don't do it because they are liberal, though. They do it because they aren't.
It's not surprising given what the "International Free Press Society" is: International Free Press Society - Wikipedia
Coyote, why do you liberals hate the idea of the Christian West staying Christian?

Where did that come from? I had no idea we need to restrict religion to within certain boundaries. I don't care one way or another what religion it is as long as religion doesn't become part of the government. I'm for secular, not religion. Religion has a far too bloody history to be allowed to be in charge of us.
It's not surprising given what the "International Free Press Society" is: International Free Press Society - Wikipedia
Coyote, why do you liberals hate the idea of the Christian West staying Christian?
Where did that come from? I had no idea we need to restrict religion to within certain boundaries. I don't care one way or another what religion it is as long as religion doesn't become part of the government. I'm for secular, not religion. Religion has a far too bloody history to be allowed to be in charge of us.
Some places are being overwhelmed by Muslim immigration by design.

You are unfamiliar with this?
"an internationally prestigious and coveted prize given to"............. right wing trash.

Oh, look, more of the same demonizing left-wing trash talk intended to obscure the left''s hatred of the middle class and working poor..

There is a real sickness among today's leftists called virtue signaling. Those, like some we see in this thread, support the brutal gang rape of children because it is Muslims doing it and this gives them an opportunity to attack anybody who DOESN'T support the rapes as being racists. Calling somebody a racist, in turn, makes them feel good about themselves. The more children that are raped, the more opportunities they have to call people names, and the more they call people names for not supporting the rapes, the better they feel. It's just a really perverse way of serving their own ego needs, the plight of the poor children involved be damned.

That's why they call others trash or attack organizations supporting free speech. In doing so, they show they would rather support the rape of children than risk being called the sorts of names they call others.
It's not surprising given what the "International Free Press Society" is: International Free Press Society - Wikipedia
Coyote, why do you liberals hate the idea of the Christian West staying Christian?

Where did that come from? I had no idea we need to restrict religion to within certain boundaries. I don't care one way or another what religion it is as long as religion doesn't become part of the government. I'm for secular, not religion. Religion has a far too bloody history to be allowed to be in charge of us.

Ah -- so THAT'S why you have devoted yourself to promoting Islam and all actions by Muslims undertaken to spread it.

It's because you are all about secularism, don't ya know?!
It's not surprising given what the "International Free Press Society" is: International Free Press Society - Wikipedia
Coyote, why do you liberals hate the idea of the Christian West staying Christian?
Where did that come from? I had no idea we need to restrict religion to within certain boundaries. I don't care one way or another what religion it is as long as religion doesn't become part of the government. I'm for secular, not religion. Religion has a far too bloody history to be allowed to be in charge of us.
Some places are being overwhelmed by Muslim immigration by design.

You are unfamiliar with this?

Are they? There is a certain amount of disinformation there.

There IS an overwhelming amount of refugees fleeing conflict in Muslim areas, and yes, it's overwhelming immigration systems in some parts of Europe. But there is also a concerted scare tactic at work and the deliberate spread of anti-Muslim canards.

How well this immigration works depends on the countries involved more than the religion and ethnicities of the immigrants.

I no more want to see an Islamic religiously dominated governance than I do a Christian one, and I don't see that happening, not even remotely. Just consider for a moment this: Christians in America have long been trying for just that, they are by far the dominant religion here....yet they've never been able to accomplish that. Our Constitution is strong and we, as a nation are built on many waves of ethnic immigration. They all settle in and become American - including Muslims.
It's not surprising given what the "International Free Press Society" is: International Free Press Society - Wikipedia
Coyote, why do you liberals hate the idea of the Christian West staying Christian?

Where did that come from? I had no idea we need to restrict religion to within certain boundaries. I don't care one way or another what religion it is as long as religion doesn't become part of the government. I'm for secular, not religion. Religion has a far too bloody history to be allowed to be in charge of us.

Ah -- so THAT'S why you have devoted yourself to promoting Islam and all actions by Muslims undertaken to spread it.

It's because you are all about secularism, don't ya know?!

Well...unlike you, I believe in freedom of religion within a Constitutional construct. I strongly support a secular government that protects the rights of ALL faiths in this country. You can twist that as much as you wish but my record is consistent on this.

You? Not so much.

Here's a test question (wanna bet you dodge it and launch right into attack mode?):

Do you believe in freedom of religion in this country as a foundational right? Within the limits of the Constitution? (i.e. you can't sacrifice virgins and call it religious freedom)?

Or - do you QUALIFY this by insisting some faiths are not "religions"?

Once you go down that open Pandora's box. WHO decides what faiths are "acceptable"? AND...once you do so....which faith's are next in line for striking off? There ARE countries that only allow government authorized faiths to operate in their nation. Is that what you would seek?

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