Too Late to Shake that Etch A Sketch

Aug 7, 2012

Romney told The Wall Street Journal that he won’t indulge those who want him to “lie down and let it all out”; he won’t be personalized “like I’m a piece of meat”; he won’t do a version of “This Is Your Life”; and he won’t “take everybody to my childhood home and say, ‘Here’s where I rode my bicycle.’ ”

Even if he wanted to, Mitt couldn’t reveal himself. He has recast his positions so many times, he doesn’t seem to know who he is.


He presents himself as a uniter who disdains negative campaigning, and then in the next breath, in his home state of Michigan on Friday, he makes a cheesy birther crack about the president — a bat’s squeak calling to the basest emotions — especially bizarre given that his own father was born out of the country, in Mexico, with a questionable right to run for president. Being a merchant of doubt, spreading canards under the guise of humor, is a nasty business.

Romney seems to be forever on a journey out of vagueness, an endless search for identityl.


Precisely why I don't trust him. No telling what he will do if he becomes president.
I know exactly what he'll do when he becomes President... Prevent twisted ideologies from taking precedence over our Constitution.
The right was force feed this turd & they will die trying to shine it, it's funny as hell . Mitt

Romney stands for nothing & bends which ever way the wind blows .
The right was force feed this turd & they will die trying to shine it, it's funny as hell . Mitt

Romney stands for nothing & bends which ever way the wind blows .

You support Obama and you have the nerve to say this?

How many campaign lite promises did Obama make? Promises he knew he wouldn't carry out. Close Gitmo? LIE. End tax cuts on the rich? LIE. Allow a bill to be up for review online before it is signed into law? LIE! Most transparent presidency in history? LIE!

It is tough to tell when Obama is serious about anything or not, he lies to much.
But I NEED to know where he rode his bike as a will make ALL the difference.:lmao:
The right was force feed this turd & they will die trying to shine it, it's funny as hell . Mitt

Romney stands for nothing & bends which ever way the wind blows .

Indeed. ;) The very last person they wanted nominated :clap2: :lol:
Right, but you trust Obama?

Now there's an open book, NOT!


Romney told The Wall Street Journal that he won’t indulge those who want him to “lie down and let it all out”; he won’t be personalized “like I’m a piece of meat”; he won’t do a version of “This Is Your Life”; and he won’t “take everybody to my childhood home and say, ‘Here’s where I rode my bicycle.’ ”

Even if he wanted to, Mitt couldn’t reveal himself. He has recast his positions so many times, he doesn’t seem to know who he is.


He presents himself as a uniter who disdains negative campaigning, and then in the next breath, in his home state of Michigan on Friday, he makes a cheesy birther crack about the president — a bat’s squeak calling to the basest emotions — especially bizarre given that his own father was born out of the country, in Mexico, with a questionable right to run for president. Being a merchant of doubt, spreading canards under the guise of humor, is a nasty business.
The right was force feed this turd & they will die trying to shine it, it's funny as hell . Mitt

Romney stands for nothing & bends which ever way the wind blows .

You support Obama and you have the nerve to say this?

How many campaign lite promises did Obama make? Promises he knew he wouldn't carry out. Close Gitmo? LIE. End tax cuts on the rich? LIE. Allow a bill to be up for review online before it is signed into law? LIE! Most transparent presidency in history? LIE!

It is tough to tell when Obama is serious about anything or not, he lies to much.

You're a gd brainwashed moron. Those are promises your mindless heroes obstructed, all laws are on the internet if there's TIME, and he IS the most transparent Pres.. Makes Cheney and Bush look like Hitler. Fool.

Here's a LIE- "Obama gutted Medicare and Workfare." TOTAL BULLSHYTTTE, shyttehead. Change the channel. See sig pp3 for more.

NOW. ONE OBAMA LIE, you stupid brainwashed DOUCHEBAG. tyvm.
The right was force feed this turd & they will die trying to shine it, it's funny as hell . Mitt

Romney stands for nothing & bends which ever way the wind blows .

You support Obama and you have the nerve to say this?

How many campaign lite promises did Obama make? Promises he knew he wouldn't carry out. Close Gitmo? LIE. End tax cuts on the rich? LIE. Allow a bill to be up for review online before it is signed into law? LIE! Most transparent presidency in history? LIE!

It is tough to tell when Obama is serious about anything or not, he lies to much.

You're a gd brainwashed moron. Those are promises your mindless heroes obstructed, all laws are on the internet if there's TIME, and he IS the most transparent Pres.. Makes Cheney and Bush look like Hitler. Fool.

Here's a LIE- "Obama gutted Medicare and Workfare." TOTAL BULLSHYTTTE, shyttehead. Change the channel. See sig pp3 for more.

NOW. ONE OBAMA LIE, you stupid brainwashed DOUCHEBAG. tyvm.

They are not on the Internet 72 hours prior to his signing.
He had 60 votes in the Senate and control of the House dumbass, he chose not to repeal the tax cut, that was his decision.
He did not close Gitmo, it was an executive decision, it was HIS decision alone.
Many independent groups will argue about his transparency not being there. Ever hear of FAST and FURIOUS, the President and his administration will not release the documents needed.

So, STFU, you little bitch.
You're a fegging moron dupe.


B)He didn't try to pass a tax hike while he was filibusterproof, DUPE.(Before 2/2010, after 7/7/2009...ANOTHER PUB lie repeated a million times- Dems in control less than 6 months- 24 DAYS in session ASSHOLE DUPE LOL. Never has asked for a tax rise on the rich until 2013, it's a dumb idea in a PUB ECONOMIC MELTDOWN, jackass dupe.And he will get it.

c) BULLSHYTTE- had to get a vote to close gitmo

D) Fast and Furious is total BS. The head of the ATF in AZ said Holder AND Booosh were never told about it. Another great incompetent Boooosh era legacy. Change the channel tool. Your bumper sticker BS is pure Pubcrappe.

NO Dem lies yet. Just more Pub ones as always. Dumbazz. LOL
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