Too much freedom

Somebody asked me why the USA is becoming a failure..
This is what I said about why the USA is a failure.

For one thing, just to put things into perspective, The 1970s wasn't America's golden days in space.. it was our infancy there.
The Apollo 11 mission was our first successful landing on the moon, beating the Russians to the moon.

The fact of the matter is, that the USA has much too much freedom, and nowhere near enough rules, laws, or discipline or oversight, nor are Americans subject to enough absolute and total authority... yes... Americans have too much freedom today... to go into space.

This means that Americans won't answer to somebody that has more knowledge and experience than themselves.

And so our schools can't teach what it takes to do anything amazing like that.

And the places where the schools are that sent people up to space, are in neighborhoods that you might not survive.. because the people that run those schools are too emotionally prepubescent to move to somewhere else.

To work in space, you need to follow ORDERS , do it NOW and do it the WAY they SAY do it, WHEN they say do it, and shut your mouth unless spoken to.

That's the discipline that it takes to be in space.

If something goes wrong on a spaceship today, what you have is a lack of loyalty, a lack of trust, and a brawl going on up there.
And they're all dead.

Too much freedom to choose their behavior at school.
Too much freedom to be religious, and therefore not affirm science, and therefore create a barrier against science.

Too many safety nets against the impact of failure, and therefore no incentive to bounce back up out of failure.

Too much freedom of speech and of the press, this makes them undisciplined in the area of organization and being organized.

PS.. Your rights wont operate a space craft and explore space, against all the thousands of elements against your ability to survive there... following orders from people who know does.

That's why other countries are doing so much better than the USA today, even though most countries don't have a space program, they are getting unimaginably ahead of the USA in other, more earthly technologies, and the USA's space program is receding.

Not sure what you are referring to, Innovation is written into our social Contract:

To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

Do you mind answering what grade you are in?
If something goes wrong on a spaceship today, what you have is a lack of loyalty, a lack of trust, and a brawl going on up there.
Do you have any particular reason to think this is true?

Or are you just making stuff up that you know nothing about, and then whining about it?

I know that when you don't obey orders, things go wrong.
When you hate science, you don't learn science.
When you are Undisciplined, you cut corners, and lack loyalty to a team, and procrastinate and therefore don't get the job done correctly, or at all.

When there is too much freedom, you never learn discipline, and you don't learn to follow orders, or rules.

When the schools are in neighborhoods that you might not survive in, they create a barrier against the right people attending them.

When the market is TOO free, things end up being mismanaged by the wrong people.

I'm 28 years old, and in college for my 3rd college degree.

Well .... if at first you don't succeed ...
and when he is 30 years old with 3 degrees, he will likely be selling Cannon copiers.
Somebody asked me why the USA is becoming a failure..
This is what I said about why the USA is a failure.

For one thing, just to put things into perspective, The 1970s wasn't America's golden days in space.. it was our infancy there.
The Apollo 11 mission was our first successful landing on the moon, beating the Russians to the moon.

The fact of the matter is, that the USA has much too much freedom, and nowhere near enough rules, laws, or discipline or oversight, nor are Americans subject to enough absolute and total authority... yes... Americans have too much freedom today... to go into space.

This means that Americans won't answer to somebody that has more knowledge and experience than themselves.

And so our schools can't teach what it takes to do anything amazing like that.

And the places where the schools are that sent people up to space, are in neighborhoods that you might not survive.. because the people that run those schools are too emotionally prepubescent to move to somewhere else.

To work in space, you need to follow ORDERS , do it NOW and do it the WAY they SAY do it, WHEN they say do it, and shut your mouth unless spoken to.

That's the discipline that it takes to be in space.

If something goes wrong on a spaceship today, what you have is a lack of loyalty, a lack of trust, and a brawl going on up there.
And they're all dead.

Too much freedom to choose their behavior at school.
Too much freedom to be religious, and therefore not affirm science, and therefore create a barrier against science.

Too many safety nets against the impact of failure, and therefore no incentive to bounce back up out of failure.

Too much freedom of speech and of the press, this makes them undisciplined in the area of organization and being organized.

PS.. Your rights wont operate a space craft and explore space, against all the thousands of elements against your ability to survive there... following orders from people who know does.

That's why other countries are doing so much better than the USA today, even though most countries don't have a space program, they are getting unimaginably ahead of the USA in other, more earthly technologies, and the USA's space program is receding.
Not sure what you are referring to,
Nobody is sure what he is referring to.

Probably because he made most of it up, and told a bunch of fibs about things that never happened.
The fact of the matter is, that the USA has much too much freedom, and nowhere near enough rules, laws, or discipline or oversight, nor are Americans subject to enough absolute and total authority... yes... Americans have too much freedom today... to go into space.

Then get the fuck out. Go live in ISIS land if you don't like living in a free country. Go. Just go. Don't bitch and complain about having too much freedom. Just go find another place to live that will oppress you as you like.
You are being generous. Probably a community organizer...
Do you mind answering what grade you are in?
Do you have any particular reason to think this is true?

Or are you just making stuff up that you know nothing about, and then whining about it?

I know that when you don't obey orders, things go wrong.
When you hate science, you don't learn science.
When you are Undisciplined, you cut corners, and lack loyalty to a team, and procrastinate and therefore don't get the job done correctly, or at all.

When there is too much freedom, you never learn discipline, and you don't learn to follow orders, or rules.

When the schools are in neighborhoods that you might not survive in, they create a barrier against the right people attending them.

When the market is TOO free, things end up being mismanaged by the wrong people.

I'm 28 years old, and in college for my 3rd college degree.

Well .... if at first you don't succeed ...
and when he is 30 years old with 3 degrees, he will likely be selling Cannon copiers.
Too much freedom of speech and of the press, this makes them undisciplined in the area of organization and being organized.
I think the biggest issue is that people don't understand what freedom of speech really means. The government can't arrest you for what you say. It doesn't mean anyone else has to listen to you.
We do not have freedom of speech here in the USA. The US government will arrest you for saying the wrong things.
John Adams said that our Constitution was written only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly unsuited for any other.

Understand what Adams meant and the question of whether we have too much freedom will be answered.
Rope sales have skyrocketed since the book 50 shades of grey was published. Fact is freedoms declining as bondage & slavery rise here in the USA.
Somebody asked me why the USA is becoming a failure..
This is what I said about why the USA is a failure.

For one thing, just to put things into perspective, The 1970s wasn't America's golden days in space.. it was our infancy there.
The Apollo 11 mission was our first successful landing on the moon, beating the Russians to the moon.

The fact of the matter is, that the USA has much too much freedom, and nowhere near enough rules, laws, or discipline or oversight, nor are Americans subject to enough absolute and total authority... yes... Americans have too much freedom today... to go into space.

This means that Americans won't answer to somebody that has more knowledge and experience than themselves.

And so our schools can't teach what it takes to do anything amazing like that.

And the places where the schools are that sent people up to space, are in neighborhoods that you might not survive.. because the people that run those schools are too emotionally prepubescent to move to somewhere else.

To work in space, you need to follow ORDERS , do it NOW and do it the WAY they SAY do it, WHEN they say do it, and shut your mouth unless spoken to.

That's the discipline that it takes to be in space.

If something goes wrong on a spaceship today, what you have is a lack of loyalty, a lack of trust, and a brawl going on up there.
And they're all dead.

Too much freedom to choose their behavior at school.
Too much freedom to be religious, and therefore not affirm science, and therefore create a barrier against science.

Too many safety nets against the impact of failure, and therefore no incentive to bounce back up out of failure.

Too much freedom of speech and of the press, this makes them undisciplined in the area of organization and being organized.

PS.. Your rights wont operate a space craft and explore space, against all the thousands of elements against your ability to survive there... following orders from people who know does.

That's why other countries are doing so much better than the USA today, even though most countries don't have a space program, they are getting unimaginably ahead of the USA in other, more earthly technologies, and the USA's space program is receding.

The USA is not a failure.

We do not have too much freedom, but we do have too many laws, rules and regulations.
It is a fact US citizens do not have to much freedom.

- With only 5% of the world’s population, the US has 25% of the world's prisoner population. This makes the US the world’s largest jailer.

- Since 1970, our prison population has risen 700%.

- One in 99 adults are living behind bars in the U.S. This marks the highest rate of imprisonment in the World & in American history. That is more than triple the rate next highest country.

- One in 31 adults are under some form of correctional control, counting prison, jail, parole and probation populations.
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It is a fact US citizens do not have to much freedom.

- With only 5% of the world’s population, the US has 25% of the world's prisoner population. This makes the US the world’s largest jailer.

- Since 1970, our prison population has risen 700%.

- One in 99 adults are living behind bars in the U.S. This marks the highest rate of imprisonment in the World & in American history. That is more than triple the rate next highest country.

- One in 31 adults are under some form of correctional control, counting prison, jail, parole and probation populations.

I don't create the statistics.
Its your job to obey the law.
Its not my job to care about America's prison population compared to other countries, when there are more criminals in the USA who can't behave, than there are in other countries.
John Adams said that our Constitution was written only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly unsuited for any other.

Understand what Adams meant and the question of whether we have too much freedom will be answered.

So, religious freedom can only happen if people choose to be god fearing, church going Christians. Gee, if John Adams said it, it must be true! Tell me more about Sedition Acts.

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