Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent

Will someone please point out what deregulation occurred under Bush?

of course thats idiotic. Fanny Freddie FHA CRA Fed all subverted the Republican free market more under Bush than anyone!!

Can anyone say with a straight face that Fanny Freddie didn't regulated the Republican free market so that it created $6 trillion in mortgages that only libturds wanted!!!
This is what conservatives want, because it reflects free market capitalism working the way it's supposed to.

When did we have "free market capitalism?" Not for at least 100 years or more. It's more like how the liberal welfare state is supposed to work.
There really isn't a thread here. It's based on garbage data...

Just as I suspected. Whenever libturds start throwing statistics around, they are almost always bogus because the facts just don't support their idiocies.
When did we have "free market capitalism?" Not for at least 100 years or more. It's more like how the liberal welfare state is supposed to work.

its a sad state of affairs indeed. The liberals lack the IQ to know what capitalism is, someone tells them capitalism is to blame for the current crisis, so they occupy Wall Street to protest capitalism!

We need voter qualification tests just the way we need qualification tests for brain surgery or driving a car. What other hope is there?
The typical right winger response to facts of this nature is something akin to support for feudalism.

If you point out that the elite rich own an extravagant amount of the nation's total wealth, they seem to assume that they earned it all by themselves without the help of any workers.

They aren't facts, dipstick.
they don't reach into your pockets, they make you reach into your pockets at the point of a gun! The liberal has no idea what democracy is. He thinks it is a way to steal from others

"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-- Benjamin Franklin

That's exactly what democracy is: a way to steal from others.
No, they won't. They will cut taxes for corporations and subsidize more jobs being moved to China. They will slash education and continue to do what they have been doing. To think they would do anything different is naive.

I only wish they would cut taxes for corporations, but I don't know what that has to do with "subsidizing jobs moving to China." How does a cur in corporate taxes motivate them to move jobs overseas? If anything, it would motivate them to keeps jobs here. High taxes are why corporations move jobs overseas, not low taxes.
No, they won't. They will cut taxes for corporations and subsidize more jobs being moved to China. They will slash education and continue to do what they have been doing. To think they would do anything different is naive.

I only wish they would cut taxes for corporations, but I don't know what that has to do with "subsidizing jobs moving to China." How does a cur in corporate taxes motivate them to move jobs overseas? If anything, it would motivate them to keeps jobs here. High taxes are why corporations move jobs overseas, not low taxes.

Low wages are the reason corporations move jobs overseas.

Stop repeating Republican talking points and do a little research.

It's my duty to this Chris... Sixth time you've reposted this garbage..

Aren't those leftists peddling this point the least bit interested in WHERE the source of the data came from? (NO!!)

I traced the "source" back to approx here..

Wealth holdings remain unequal in good and bad times | State of Working America

Wolff, Edward. 2010. Unpublished analysis of the Survey of Consumer Finances (2007) & Federal Reserve Flow of Funds (2009) data prepared in 2010 for the Economic Policy Institute.
NOTE ---> the SOURCE is an "UNPUBLISHED analysis of the Survey of Consumer Finances".

If that passes for the smell test for you --- you MUST be a class warrior, Daily Kos dwelling leftist.

You deny this? Or are you just stuck on parroting stuff that WORSE than Fox News?
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It's my duty to this Chris... Sixth time you've reposted this garbage..

Aren't those leftists peddling this point the least bit interested in WHERE the source of the data came from? (NO!!)

I traced the "source" back to approx here..

Wealth holdings remain unequal in good and bad times | State of Working America

Wolff, Edward. 2010. Unpublished analysis of the Survey of Consumer Finances (2007) & Federal Reserve Flow of Funds (2009) data prepared in 2010 for the Economic Policy Institute.
NOTE ---> the SOURCE is an "UNPUBLISHED analysis of the Survey of Consumer Finances".

If that passes for the smell test for you --- you MUST be a class warrior, Daily Kos dwelling leftist.

You deny this? Or are you just stuck on parroting stuff that WORSE than Fox News?

In which ever case, Chris' little chart puts a big hole in dean's claim
Actually Horty -- they both come from the same "UNPUBLISHED" source. The graph shows top 1% in control of about 34% of everything and the bottom 90% with 28.5%.. (you have to add the bottom 50 to the 50-->90 group).

I DON'T KNOW what the actual breakdown is.. CERTAINLY when you leave out the 90 -- 99 group which has MORE WEALTH than EITHER of the other 2 groups --- you get a sensational result from these questionable numbers.

But unless you're man enough to publish your assumptions, publish your methods, and show your data and work --- there's something phoney about your "analysis". This is a difficult case to make scientifically -- because unlike INCOME which is easily known -- wealth is not generally public knowledge. And you would have to make a lot of questionable inferences from data to reach real numbers.

My beef with this "lie" -- is that it appears EVERYWHERE. Even Jon Stuart seems to have used it without giving ANY consideration to what it actually means, how it was derived and whether the folks who paid for this UNPUBLISHED study had a conclusion BEFORE they created the numbers.. Evidently very few leftist class warriors even CARE about methods or accuracy EVEN AFTER it's been pointed out that the results are "secretly prepared"..

All I'm really asking for is for ONE of them to do some work (like I have) and go out and find a 2nd study or some study that is actually DOCUMENTED..
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That's all kinda reasonable. Especially the part about "the more it's systems depend on the wealth of the elite for taxes.".. That's just logic and reason.

THe biggest problem I have is evidently you believe that PROFIT is threatening to become the "sole motivator".. Here's some logic and reason.

You cannot make a profit unless you provide a good or service that people NEED and WANT.

Therefore businesses and corporations strive to find NEEDS and WANTS to fill gaps.
Thus profit is always a secondary consideration to defining a business. I've been involved in many start-ups and the desire to fill societal need comes first -- even if we have to work REAL HARD to figure out how to serve that need and balance that with satisfying the stockholders, the banks, and paying our employees.

THAT's the primary motivator. You can find some NEEDS and WANTS that might NOT be profitable. Those need to get addressed some other way. But I dare you to find a societal need that it is not being addressed by corporations if they eek a profit out of it.

Sure, that's how it starts. Once a business establishes itself, however, priorities shift to weeding out competition.

Over time, many markets dwindle in competition partially because of oligarchic tactics. It's easy enough to buy out your competition in many cases.

In other cases, corporations use anti-competitive measures that either are illegal (but often hard to prosecute) or are legal but clearly unethical.

And then there are cases where they use government to block competition.

In modern capitalism all of these things play a part, so it's not just a matter of filling a need. A lot of profits are ill-gained.
The typical right winger response to facts of this nature is something akin to support for feudalism.

If you point out that the elite rich own an extravagant amount of the nation's total wealth, they seem to assume that they earned it all by themselves without the help of any workers.

They aren't facts, dipstick.

they seem to assume that they earned it all by themselves without the help of any workers.

they seem to??????? Any basis for that or did somone tell you to say it?? Are you a liberal parrot?

My, my... Such compelling responses. You're both MENSA members, I assume?
That's all kinda reasonable. Especially the part about "the more it's systems depend on the wealth of the elite for taxes.".. That's just logic and reason.

THe biggest problem I have is evidently you believe that PROFIT is threatening to become the "sole motivator".. Here's some logic and reason.

You cannot make a profit unless you provide a good or service that people NEED and WANT.

Therefore businesses and corporations strive to find NEEDS and WANTS to fill gaps.
Thus profit is always a secondary consideration to defining a business. I've been involved in many start-ups and the desire to fill societal need comes first -- even if we have to work REAL HARD to figure out how to serve that need and balance that with satisfying the stockholders, the banks, and paying our employees.

THAT's the primary motivator. You can find some NEEDS and WANTS that might NOT be profitable. Those need to get addressed some other way. But I dare you to find a societal need that it is not being addressed by corporations if they eek a profit out of it.

Sure, that's how it starts. Once a business establishes itself, however, priorities shift to weeding out competition.

Over time, many markets dwindle in competition partially because of oligarchic tactics. It's easy enough to buy out your competition in many cases.

In other cases, corporations use anti-competitive measures that either are illegal (but often hard to prosecute) or are legal but clearly unethical.

And then there are cases where they use government to block competition.

In modern capitalism all of these things play a part, so it's not just a matter of filling a need. A lot of profits are ill-gained.

Well dayammm. You turned out to be reasonable.. We sure should do everything we can to ENCOURAGE little capitalists to attack and humble the BIG capitalists. Used to be the case that biz creation exceeded the rate that large corporations could gooble them up.. Not true anymore since most every restrictive restriction on biz acts IN FAVOR of the older less "user friendly" corporations. Real capitalists LOVE to run rogue rebel attacks on big corporate interests. But as an example of how the GOVT SCREWS the newer little guys -- just look at the banner below my signature. An ENTIRE cottage industry supplying custom crafted kids products THREATENED by govt regulation --- while the SAME regulation EXEMPTS the major toy manufacturers that CAUSED the problem.
Well dayammm. You turned out to be reasonable.. We sure should do everything we can to ENCOURAGE little capitalists to attack and humble the BIG capitalists. Used to be the case that biz creation exceeded the rate that large corporations could gooble them up.. Not true anymore since most every restrictive restriction on biz acts IN FAVOR of the older less "user friendly" corporations. Real capitalists LOVE to run rogue rebel attacks on big corporate interests. But as an example of how the GOVT SCREWS the newer little guys -- just look at the banner below my signature. An ENTIRE cottage industry supplying custom crafted kids products THREATENED by govt regulation --- while the SAME regulation EXEMPTS the major toy manufacturers that CAUSED the problem.

Well, regulation is like a gun. It can be used for good or evil.

I don't believe the answer to more job creation is ending regulations, but I believe we need to change some of them.
Well dayammm. You turned out to be reasonable.. We sure should do everything we can to ENCOURAGE little capitalists to attack and humble the BIG capitalists. Used to be the case that biz creation exceeded the rate that large corporations could gooble them up.. Not true anymore since most every restrictive restriction on biz acts IN FAVOR of the older less "user friendly" corporations. Real capitalists LOVE to run rogue rebel attacks on big corporate interests. But as an example of how the GOVT SCREWS the newer little guys -- just look at the banner below my signature. An ENTIRE cottage industry supplying custom crafted kids products THREATENED by govt regulation --- while the SAME regulation EXEMPTS the major toy manufacturers that CAUSED the problem.

Well, regulation is like a gun. It can be used for good or evil.

I don't believe the answer to more job creation is ending regulations, but I believe we need to change some of them.

NOBODY in politics is talking about ANYTHING useful for salvaging American jobs. They are all hung up in voodoo tricks to get short term results. Our leadership OUT of this problem is gonna come from bright minds not clouded by partisian crappola. JOBS will not improve until capital is directed to NEW industries that don't exist today. And the skill set of American workers needs to be priority #1.. No political voodoo is gonna overcome a 32% unemployment rate among high school dropouts. There will be NO FUTURE improvement for a country that can't fill it's Colleges of Engineering and Science with AMERICAN kids.

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