Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent

No, they won't. They will cut taxes for corporations and subsidize more jobs being moved to China. They will slash education and continue to do what they have been doing. To think they would do anything different is naive.

I only wish they would cut taxes for corporations, but I don't know what that has to do with "subsidizing jobs moving to China." How does a cur in corporate taxes motivate them to move jobs overseas? If anything, it would motivate them to keeps jobs here. High taxes are why corporations move jobs overseas, not low taxes.

Low wages are the reason corporations move jobs overseas.

Stop repeating Republican talking points and do a little research.
Chris you have been using the same talking points since May 2008.....
Tell me how does the fact that a person owns more than you stop you from owning more yourself?

I have a greater net worth than I ever did and my success has not been hampered by the fact that some people are richer than I.
I only wish they would cut taxes for corporations, but I don't know what that has to do with "subsidizing jobs moving to China." How does a cur in corporate taxes motivate them to move jobs overseas? If anything, it would motivate them to keeps jobs here. High taxes are why corporations move jobs overseas, not low taxes.

Low wages are the reason corporations move jobs overseas.

Stop repeating Republican talking points and do a little research.
Chris you have been using the same talking points since May 2008.....

You know the definition of insanity.
Tell me how does the fact that a person owns more than you stop you from owning more yourself?

I have a greater net worth than I ever did and my success has not been hampered by the fact that some people are richer than I.

And that becomes one of the key questions I have yet to see be answered.

Can the pie expand or is there a reason people see the gap as being so problematic.

I know a lot of people who are not "rich" or "richer" for one simple reason. It is not important to them. They value other things and are happy with what they have. As near as I can tell, they don't give a fig about how rich some CEO is.
life's unfair.

keep it under your hat.


Unless you are able to buy Republican politicians. Then, it's "VERY" fair.

The richest people in the USA are DEMOCRATS.

The richest Congressmen are DEMOCRATS.

DEMOCRAT Obama raked in the most money of any president ever from Wallstreet Bankers.

The DEMOCRATS always have their hands in others pockets enriching themselves.

Case in point: The richest US senator & ex-presidential candidate is John Kerry. Kerry & his wife are the richest because their wealth comes from their Heinz foods company. Heinz foods company makes them rich by overcharging for the food they sell to people on government food programs such as school lunch, food-stamps, SNAP, EBT, etc. John Kerry & his cronies always make sure these government food programs are well funded with your tax dollars under the guise of "helping to feed the poor". If he wanted to help the poor he would lower their food prices instead of "fleecing the poor" & the tax payers to amass his record profits with his high price Heinz foods.

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NOBODY in politics is talking about ANYTHING useful for salvaging American jobs. They are all hung up in voodoo tricks to get short term results. Our leadership OUT of this problem is gonna come from bright minds not clouded by partisian crappola. JOBS will not improve until capital is directed to NEW industries that don't exist today. And the skill set of American workers needs to be priority #1.. No political voodoo is gonna overcome a 32% unemployment rate among high school dropouts. There will be NO FUTURE improvement for a country that can't fill it's Colleges of Engineering and Science with AMERICAN kids.

This is really sad.

I applaud your post (and if I misspell something I apologize....spelling has always plauged me......always) for the connections it makes.

We have all kinds of 800# gorillas roaming the room and nobody willing to address them.

Excellend post.
Low wages are the reason corporations move jobs overseas.

Stop repeating Republican talking points and do a little research.

If you want to earn $0.50/hr sewing underwear, be my guest. Those kinds of jobs aren't the path to financial success.
Low wages are the reason corporations move jobs overseas.

Stop repeating Republican talking points and do a little research.

If you want to earn $0.50/hr sewing underwear, be my guest. Those kinds of jobs aren't the path to financial success.

Rats....underqualified for yet another job.

I am so depressed.

That alone would qualify you as a PERFECT candidate for a pharmaceutical drug trial.. I hear they pay well....
I don't know if it was pointed out in the 10 pages, but the statistics on the first page come from 1997 and only use one calculation of wealth. It excludes home values. If you include home values, then the bottom 90% own more wealth than the top 1%.

I've also seen some other statistics that are similar (and probably use different calculations of wealth). The top 1% own more wealth than the bottom 95%. They also pay more taxes than the bottom 95%.

If you think people should pay tax on how much wealth they own rather than how much money they make, the super rich are not paying more than their fair share of taxes. I think it would be hard to argue that they are paying less than their fair share, though.

Why do you libbies keep quoting this as if it's a point and it's government's job to do something about it? You and everyone else is free to make whatever you can of yourself in this country. You should be grateful you have that opportunity rather then envious someone else made more of it then you did...
"The 400 wealthiest Americans have a greater combined net worth than the bottom 150 million Americans.

The top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent."

It has always been this way. America is NOT a republic. It is not a democracy. Its a PLUTOCRACY. But you know what? This has been going on for a long long time. Now I am not even close to being wealthy. Nor will I ever be. But am one who have accepted the so called "american dream" as barely making ends meet by working hard. Thats the american dream. Those who believe it is more than that are LIARS and COWARDS and afraid to tell the truth. This rah rah american dream crapola is nothing more than that. The average person could work 10 jobs at once and not get rich. Its the system and its the best that is out there right now so might as well just accept it. The odds are stacked against you. Deal with it.
Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent

Kind of gives fresh meaning to "suckin us dry".
"The 400 wealthiest Americans have a greater combined net worth than the bottom 150 million Americans.

that of course means nothing since most Americans elect to spent rather than save and so are not even trying to accumulte wealth. For example, the saving rate in America was higher 50 years ago when everyone was much poorer!! Get it??

It has always been this way. America is NOT a republic. It is not a democracy. Its a PLUTOCRACY.

too stupid!! it is far more of a democracy now than ever given that everyone can now vote regardless of how stupid they are. If it was a plutocracy the plutocrats would not need need to raise $100's of millions to buy 30 second TV to attract the brainless democratic majorities in America.

The average person could work 10 jobs at once and not get rich. Its the system and its the best that is out there right now so might as well just accept it. The odds are stacked against you. Deal with it.[/QUOTE]

at $10/hour you'd have a million in 4 years with ten jobs. Do the math, liberal!!!

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were not college graduates. All you've got to do is make a big contribution to society,( now you know the real nature of capitalism) not brainlessly take any drone minimum wage job that comes along.
"The 400 wealthiest Americans have a greater combined net worth than the bottom 150 million Americans.

that of course means nothing since most Americans elect to spent rather than save and so are not even trying to accumulte wealth. For example, the saving rate in America was higher 50 years ago when everyone was much poorer!! Get it??

It has always been this way. America is NOT a republic. It is not a democracy. Its a PLUTOCRACY.

too stupid!! it is far more of a democracy now than ever given that everyone can now vote regardless of how stupid they are. If it was a plutocracy the plutocrats would not need need to raise $100's of millions to buy 30 second TV to attract the brainless democratic majorities in America.

The average person could work 10 jobs at once and not get rich. Its the system and its the best that is out there right now so might as well just accept it. The odds are stacked against you. Deal with it.

at $10/hour you'd have a million in 4 years with ten jobs. Do the math, liberal!!!

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were not college graduates. All you've got to do is make a big contribution to society,( now you know the real nature of capitalism) not brainlessly take any drone minimum wage job that comes along.[/QUOTE]

Pluto is a faraway planet. Removed from any pragmatic sense of reality. Let me know when you want to talk franks and beans.
Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent

Kind of gives fresh meaning to "suckin us dry".

I guess you missed the part where this faked factoid comes from an UNPUBLISHED study paid for by an extreme Left-Wing farttank.. Might want to read the thread next time.

There probably is an increasing wealth gap.. It's really problematic to accurately measure. And it's NOT a primary problem with the current economy. The problems are MOSTLY due to lack of leadership to RE-MAKE the American Manufacturing sector into a real Internationally competitive engine..
Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent

Kind of gives fresh meaning to "suckin us dry".

Tell me what have you been denied owning, or investing in because of a rich person?

It's like this SkullPilot -- the leftists are all pissed that entreprenuers and corporations get to make an outrageous 5 to 6% profit on their goods and services. And that those same rich Capitalist pigs have the cajones to whine about the GOVT taking a measly 40 or 60% cut of those profits...

Better than a NAME of ANY rich person that has rolled that dog lately -- perhaps he can find one that made more 5 or 6% margin on their business whilst they were robbing him.
Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent

Kind of gives fresh meaning to "suckin us dry".

Tell me what have you been denied owning, or investing in because of a rich person?

A liberal won't understand that question. That they have less then a rich person is proof in itself the system is rigged. It's about equality of results, not equality of effort.

As a biz owner I put all my time and money into my two businesses and if they fail I go under and I'm broke. The people who work for me get a steady paycheck and just have to worry about their jobs. I have to worry about my company, the economy and everything else.

But hey, if I end up with more then it's only proof in itself that the system was rigged.
"Top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent"

Thank God for the rich. Their efforts are rewarded two-fold; they make a good living and they feed the poor by providing jobs if they will take them...

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